Brian & Ellie 5: Family Life

Based on the TV Series "Family Guy"

Sequel to "Return of The Labrador"


Skyping the Griffins

In the aftermath of 'Brian Gets Dognapped', the New Griffins are using Skype on Brian's laptop to telecommunicate with the Griffins in the New Griffin's house.

"You are not gonna believe, what we have, Peter." said Brian. "Ellie and I have six puppies."

"Wow, very impressive, Brian." said Peter from the laptop.

"Well, what are their names?" asked Lois from the laptop.

"Brian and I have settled the names of our six." said Ellie. "Their names are as follows: Harry, Tammy, Richard, Jenny, Lottie and Brian-John."

"Wow, you have three brothers and three sisters, Brian Jr.." said Chris from the laptop.

"Yeah, Chris." said Brian Jr.. "Looks like we're not the only litter in this family."

"We're like the eldests of them." said Dean.

"How does it make you feel when you have more little brothers and sisters, Sally?" asked Meg from the laptop.

"We're ecstatic, Meg." said Sally.

"That means we're happy to meet them there." said Mitzi.

"Brian, it must be exciting to have more puppies into the world," said Peter from the laptop. "But one question though. I know this upsets you and your family, but, when do you two plan to get fixed?" Brian and Ellie froze, as they have a shock in drama. The Griffin family looked at Peter. "What? somebody asked me it."

"Brian, don't get upset, but there might be someone to talk to you." said Stewie from the laptop.

"Who is it, Stewie?" asked Brian.

"See for yourself, Brian." said Stewie from the laptop.

"Hello, Brian." said Seabreeze from the laptop.

"S...S... Seabreeze?" said Brian.

"What are you doing in his laptop?" asked Ellie.

"I thought I'd stop by and let you all know how you're doing." said Seabreeze from the laptop.

"Umm… Okay?" he said.

"How did you know that Peter wants us to get fixed?" asked Ellie.

"I've talked to Peter about your population in your family, Ellie." said Seabreeze. "And he said that you'll be okay without your tools for love, as long as you'll be there for your pups." Seabreeze giggled.

The dog couple looked at each other in their horror. They are really worried about getting themselves fixed.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: When do you think that Brian and Ellie get fixed? Find out as this story develops. This story will have a little more chapters than the first four stories.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from Family Guy, which is a registered trademark of FOX and The Walt Disney Company. I do NOT own any of these Family Guy related characters, they belong to Seth MacFarlane, FOX and The Walt Disney Company. The story I tell here focuses on my fantasy of Brian X Ellie is my own invention and is not purported or believed to be part of Seth MacFarlane's story canon. This story is for entertainment purposes only and is not part of an official plot. I am not making any money of this fan fiction using any Family Guy characters. I am truly grateful for Seth MacFarlane for his awesome show taking place in Quahog, Rhode Island, for without his show, my story wouldn't exist.