Kamon smiled as he walked through the main floor of the former gym, checking on every single plant and object, making sure that every plant was watered, every single chair was set up correctly, and that of the Pokémon had enough food. As he was doing this, however, his attention was drawn away from his task by a beeping from his wrist. Sighing, he lifted his sleeve, revealing a bright red watch-like device, with a rather large screen. Flashing on the screen, in bright red color were the words 'Father'. Sighing, he pressed the big button beneath the screen, an image of a man wearing what seemed to be a black and magenta military uniform, and a short, buzz cut. Laying at the man's feet was a large, cat-like Pokémon, which was purring loudly as the man ran his fingers through its fur.

"Hello son," the man said, his voice deep and carrying an unspoken threat.

"Hello, father," Kamon said, giving the man a smile, despite the threatening demeanor he was receiving.

"I need an update on the status of the project," the man said, lifting his hand off the Pokémon "How is the cover working?"

"Good" the young operative reported "The last shipment of Pokémon that you sent arrived yesterday. Combined with the Pokémon from subject A, we ready to open the Zoo to the public"

"Perfect," his father said, crossing his legs as he got comfy "What about the project itself?"

"Working as intended" Kamon said with a huge grin. "Subject A hasn't broken the hypnosis at all. All traces of the trainer are completely gone, and all that remains is the obedient PokéBoy"

"Very good," his father said, the tone of his voice rising slightly, which made a small smile form on the redhead's lips. He knew his father was not a man to show a lot of emotion, but he had learned a long time ago to see small inflections like that representing his happiness or his anger. The man in the meantime pressed a few buttons on his chair's armrest "The reports from both from you and other operatives, prove that the zoo is working. I sent you an updated list of people of attention"

"Yes sir," Kamon said, nodding "I hope they're just male though, sir. The process doesn't seem to work on women for some reason. The scientists haven't been able to figure it out"

"I see," the man said, crossing his arms "Luckily, that shouldn't affect this list since all of them are male. Now, I want you to open the zoo as soon as possible. We're in need of more funding, and the grand opening will boost our income quite considerably."

"Yes sir," the redhead said, giving the man a quick salute. The signal cut off without another word, leaving the boy staring at a blank screen. Kamon sighed, running his hands through his scarlet locks. "Sweet Arceus… That was an awkward conversation…" he shook his head and turned around, walking down the dirt path, smirking as he saw many Pokémon dashing from tree to tree, including a small yellow rodent that made the smirk turns into a full-on smile as he exited the artificial jungle and walked to the large wall at the back. The boy walked to a blank looking wall, and felt around it, stopping when he felt the wall dip slightly. He brought hands and pushed the area, the stone dipping into the wall. As soon as he did so, a large chunk of the wall suddenly dipped down to the floor, revealing a metal staircase, with a bright red R stamped on the walls. "Alright then, let's go take a look at this list…" he muttered, walking down the metallic stairs. The further he went down, the natural light of the zoo disappeared, replaced by the cold, surgical light of the secret facility. Soon, he reached the bottom of the stairs, walking into an enormous round room, with glass cases, all of them the size of a rather large bedroom, lining the walls of the chamber.

He walked in front of the cases to his left, though almost all of them were completely bare. But that wasn't the case for all of them, as he soon reached the final case of the line, one that was set right next to a very large console. He smiled and looked inside of a room.

The small enclosed space was completely green. Fake grass, leaves, and moss-covered the floor, with a couple of fake trees hanging near the back and a rather large one right in the center, with its branches completely covered in leaves

"Pasi!" came a squeal from inside the enclosure. Suddenly, the leaves of the center tree began shaking violently, and suddenly someone popped out from it, hanging upside down from a branch. It was Kamon's last subject. The boy was formerly known as Ash Ketchum. The PokéBoy's face was split by a huge smile as he saw Kamon walk close, and he jumped off the tree, landing on his bare feet without issue, before dashing over to the glass, giving his master a look of complete adoration.

"Hello, Pasimian," Kamon said, looking at the PokéBoy's eyes "Happy to see me?"

"Simian!" the PokéBoy exclaimed, nodding rapidly. Kamon chuckled as his eyes traveled downwards, seeing the snow-white rod sticking out and twitching from between the PokéBoy's legs

"Hehe, I can see that" Kamon giggled. Pasiamian smiled and rubbed his crotch against the glass. The smile on the redhead's face grew even bigger as he cooed at the boy "Oh, alright. I'll let you out" he reached the wall over to the left, pressing a large blue button. The glass separating Kamon and Passimian began to lower, clearing the way. The PokéBoy didn't wait for a second, he jumped out and began nuzzling Kamon's legs. "Hehe, I love you too boy," he said, reaching down and rubbing Pasimian's twitching erection, making the rubber-coated boy moan loudly, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as pleasure ran through his body. "Who's a good boy?"

"P-Pasi!" Pasimian chirped through the arousal, giving his master a toothy smile.

"That's right! You are!" Kamon exclaimed, taking his hand off the twitching erection and running it through the white hair of the PokéBoy. Pasimian smiled and leaned into the hand, a dopey smile on his face. "Now, we can't play for too long, Pasimian"

"Simi?" the PokéBoy asked, pouting slightly in disappointment

"I know" Kamon cooed, running his hands over the PokéBoy's rubbery body, making him moan loudly "But I have to work today, but if it all works out, you'll have a new friend to play with!"

"Pasi!" the rubber-coated boy cheered, before his eyes locked onto Kamon's crotch. Giggling, the redhead boy patted his pet's head

"Not right now, Passimian," he said. He led the boy back to his room and closed the glass by tapping on the red button "Hmm, maybe I should get you some toys to play with while you're alone" he muttered as he walked away, the PokéBoy turning around and climbing the tree. Kamon smiled as began typing on the console, the monitor lighting up and showing that he had just received files. He opened it and whistled at the size "Damn… Looks like we're going preemptive this time around…" he typed away as more and more files were transferred. After around a minute, he had the complete list of his persons of interest. "Alright, let's see who we've got… Gary, Ritchie, Paul… Quite a good few boys in here" he muttered as he opened up another window, showing his inventory of suits. All of the vats, except for the one currently being worn by his pet, were flashing green "Well, looks like this might be a big job" he smiled as he minimized the window and turned around, heading back to the zoo proper. "I'll see you tonight, Passimian!" he called as he left. The PokéBoy wasn't really paying attention, as he was sucking on his toes as he jerked off. The lights outside the small enclosure turned off, leaving the small glass box to be the only source of light. Kamon smiled as the large stone wall covered the entrance back up, and he looked over the whole area.

"Welp," he said, beginning to walk through the plants "Guess it's time for the grand opening"

/=======Two Days Later======\

"Wow!" the green-haired boy exclaimed as he leaned window of the train, a huge smile on his face as he saw the trees fly past his face, and a few bird Pokémon he had never seen fly past.

"Excuse me sir," one of the crew members said behind him, "But you're not allowed to that"

"Oh right," the boy said, smiling as he pulled back and looked at the man "Sorry, I got a bit over-excited"

"Oh? Have you ever been to Veridian?"

"Nope," the boy said, shaking his head. This was Hau's first time ever outside of Alola, actually. His grandfather recommend Kanto since it was the closest and cheapest to reach by boat. After Hau beat the island challenge, he tried to convince his grandad to let him become the new Kahuna. However, he told him that he wasn't ready to do it and that he hadn't seen enough of the world to truly achieve the position. He suggested he go and compete in a Pokémon league of another region and see more of the world.

The dark-skinned boy was more than happy to accept and he hopped on the first boat to Kanto, landing in a port city called Vermillion, where he battled his first gym. After that, he had hopped onto the train and sped down here, ready to battle for his new badge.

"I'm from Alola" he explained to the man "I came here to compete in the season's Indigo league"

"I see," the employee said with a smile "So, have you beaten any gyms yet?"

"Yep," Hau said as he rested his hands on the back of his head "Just beat that Surge guy back in Vermillion"

"Nice, Surge can be kinda tough for first-timers to the gym circuits"

"Yeah, that garbage can puzzle was a pain" the green-haired boy muttered, shaking his head "But now, I'm ready to deal with the next gym in Viridian!"

"Oh, you don't know?" the employee asked

"Know what?" the dark-skinned boy asked, looking up at the man in confusion

"There isn't a gym in Viridian City anymore" the man admitted

"W-What? Why not!?" Hau asked

"The gym leader turned out to be a crime boss and they never managed to get someone else to become the leader, so they decided to sell the building and be done with it"

"Aw man, that sucks!" Hau groaned, throwing himself against the chair "I got on the train for nothing then!"

"Not necessarily," the man told him with a smile "Viridian is really close to Pewter, so you can head over there to continue the gym. Plus there's the zoo"

"Zoo?" Hau asked, perking up a bit "What zoo?"

"Well, they decided that tearing the old gym down was too expensive, so they sold it to a guy who turned it into a Pokémon zoo. They were having a grand opening for these past few days, actually" the man pulled out a small paper from his coat "Here, they gave us a bunch of these to hand out"

"Oh, thanks," Hau said as he took the paper and quickly skimmed over it. "Grand opening…" he read "All are welcome…. Trainers enter free… Wow, that's really nice of them!"

"It is" the employee said with a nod "Since its the first-ever zoo opened here in Kanto, they really want to make sure that they get a lot of good business" before either of them could say another word, the train's wheel's screeched as a deep voice rang through the train's PA

"Attention passengers," the conductor said "We have arrived at the Viridian City station. Please keep the halls clear so that people may leave without issues"

"Oh! Guess I'm getting off" Hau said with a big smile on his face as he hopped onto his feet and gave the man a quick smile as he ran out of the cabin "Thanks for the info, man!"

"No problem," the man said, waving him goodbye. As soon as the boy had left his sight, the man stepped into the cabin and shut the door behind him. He pulled out a small walkie talkie and held it up to his face. "Target has arrived in Viridian. Bait has been planted, waiting for a response, over"

"Understood, Gatekeeper" the young voice of Kamon rang through the speaker "Awaiting contact. Maintain your post. You will be informed when a new target is on approach"

"Understood," the man said, pocketing the Walkie Talkie and walking outside the cabin, smirking as he saw Hau running down the street from the window.


Hau's face was split into two by an enormous smile as he walked in between the large buildings of Viridian City.

"Woah" he muttered as he weaved from one to the other, crossing the streets and every once in awhile bumping into people. But after walking around for a while, he came to a stop in a big stone plaza with a big fountain in the center. He took a seat on the rim of the thing and looked around, seeing a rather large building close by, where a group of people was walking away, a couple of kids holding balloons

"That was a ton of fun, mom!" one of the kids said, skipping next to his mother "Can we go back to the zoo tomorrow?"

"I don't think we can tomorrow, Joey," the woman said with a smile, "We do have to go shopping tomorrow. And I'm gonna get you a new pair of shorts"

"Yay!" the boy squealed as the pair walked away, making Hau giggle a little

"No matter what region you go to, there's a kid obsessed with shorts" he muttered as he looked at the building where the two had come from. It was a tall, brick building with a large white staircase in front of it. The Alolan boy pulled out the flyer he had been given and skimmed over it, seeing a picture of that very building printed on it. "Guess that's the zoo…" he muttered as he looked at it before a big smile broke on his face "Welp, I did come over, might as well see it!" he hopped to his feet and jogged over to it. As he approached, he saw small groups of people moving back and heading away from the building, chartering and smiling between them, a lot of kids happily skipping with their parents, big balloons in tow. "Man, this place must be doing really well," he said as he approached the stairs. As he reached the top, he saw a boy around his age standing there, with a mop of bright red hair and a pair of overalls, which were completely caked in mud

"Thank you for coming!" he called to the people leaving, waving happily "Come again! I hope you enjoyed your time here!"

"Wow, you're running the place?" Hau asked as he approached the boy

"Pretty much," the redhead said with a smile, "I'm Kamon, nice to meet you"

"I'm Hau," the alolan said, "Nice to meet you too."

"Anyways, yeah. My dad technically owns the place, but he's away so often, I'm pretty much the owner of the place"

"Wow, that's a lot of work for you alone…" Hau muttered as he walked to the door

"It can be a bit much sometimes, yeah" Kamon admitted "But most days, I really enjoy it. So I really don't mind too much" he looked at Hau "Hey, are you a trainer?"

"Yeah" Hau said with a nod "I though the gym here was still open"

"Hehehe, you're the second one I've gotten recently" Kamon admitted as he went inside "Come on, trainers get in free, after all"

"Oh right! I forgot!" Hau exclaimed as he walked inside. His eyes went wide as he saw the place. Trees completely covered the area, with hundreds of Pokémon moving from one tree to the other. He even heard the telltale sound of splashing water he was extremely familiar with.

"Impressive, right?" Kamon asked, a proud smile on his face

"Yeah" the dark-skinned boy muttered, his mouth hanging open "This place used to be a gym?"

"Yeah," Kamon said as he led the green-haired boy through the wooded area. Pikachu, Toucannons and hundreds of other Pokémon that Hau didn't recognize skirted around above them. As they walked Kamon walked to a rock and tapped the top of it, with the side cracking open with a hiss

"Woah! That's awesome!" Hau exclaimed as he saw the other boy pull out a big bag of what seemed to be food

"Yeah," the young zoo-keeper said as he tipped the bag on the ground, releasing a pile of poke-kibble onto the floor "Dad wanted the place to look as realistic as possible, so almost everything in here is disguised as either a rock or a plant or something like that"

"That's so awesome!" Hau said, turning around and walking a little ways from the other boy, into a small thicket. As he approached, he heard the ruffling as a small yellow Pokémon poked its head out. "Aww, hey there little guy" he cooed as he petted the Pikachu's head. The Pokémon chirped and leaned into the hand, enjoying the sensation of a human's hand running through its fur. "This guy is really nice. Most wild Pokémon are skittish around humans"

"Yeah, he's a bit special," Kamon said as he poured food right next to Hau "the first visitor to the zoo wasn't able to take care of him anymore, so he left him here to live happily"

"I see" Hau muttered as the Pikachu jumped to the food and began chowing down happily.

"Hey, could you do me a favor?" Kamon asked. The alolan boy happily nodded "Thanks, man. Could you go leave this bag over on the disposal area?" he handed the empty burlap sack to Hau, who stood back up and looked around

"Where is that?"

"Oh right, sorry," Kamon said with a blush. He pointed at one of the trees on the other side "That tree there isn't real. The lowest branch is a lever that opens up the chute for garbage."

"Ah, got it," the green-haired boy said with a smile. He walked over to the tree and tightly wrapped his hand around the branch. He pulled on it, hard. The branch moved downwards with a loud click.

Hau looked down, expecting a hole to open up on the ground, but instead, something else happened. He didn't see as two nozzles popped out of the tree and sprayed a shiny dust into his face

"GAH!" he exclaimed, as he stumbled on his feet as the dust flew into his mouth and nose. As it entered, a strange sense of drowsiness began to flow over him. "S-Sleep…. P-Powder…." he muttred as he fell back on his but.

"Yep," Kamon said as he walked closer. Looking at the boy, Hau's eyes went wide as he saw that his mouth was covered with a facemask. The redhead didn't say anything as he pulled the branch back into position "Sleep Powder works great for making people fall asleep"

"W-Why are you…." the Alolan boy muttered as his eyebrows became heavier and heavier. It was starting to become a challenge to keep them that way.

"Shh, that doesn't matter right now, Hau" Kamon whispered, "Right now, sleep." Hau wasn't able to say another word, as his eyebrows slammed shut and he fell backward onto the grass, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep instantly.


"GAH!" Hau gasped as he sat up, his eyes going around wildly as he panted. He wasn't in the zoo anymore, instead, he was in what seemed to be a completely metal room, with the walls a deep shade of purple, nearly pitch black. The only break in that was that to his left was a large, scarlet-colored R.

"Oh good, you're awake!" a familiar voice said. Looking ahead, Hau frowned as he saw Kamon walking closer to him, but he was wearing something completely different. Gone where the overalls and boots, instead the boy was almost completely naked, wearing nothing more than a shiny black speedo with a red R, like the one on the wall, plastered right on top of the boy's crotch. Despite his anger at the situation, Hau's cheeks lit up scarlet as the boy approached him.

"W-Where are your clothes?" Hau asked, trying his hardest to not stare at the only bit of clothing his captor was wearing

"Really?" Kamon asked with a nasty chuckle "You wake up in a metal room tied to the wall after you get drugged and your first question is why I'm wearing a speedo?"

"Hey!" Hau shouted, jumping to his feet and charing to the boy "Shut u- GAAAH!" he cried as he tumbled back onto the floor, coughing violently as he felt something stop him by the throat. He spat a little as he got to his knees and looked to the wall, seeing a thin, black cable winding from it and towards him. Reaching up, he felt a thing metal clamp wrapped around his neck and tethering him to the wall.

"I did say you were tied to the wall, Hau," Kamon said with a smile as he walked around the boy "Guess you aren't the best listener, now are you?"

"W-Why are you doing this?" Hau shouted, tugging at his leash as the boy walked closer to him "I-I haven't done anything!"

"Oh, I know," Kamon said, giving Hau a smile that sent shivers down the alolan boy's spine
"Thing is, this has more to do with who you are, rather than what you've done"

"W-What are you talking bout?" Hau stammered, looking at the boy standing over him

"You're the grandchild of the Kahuna of Melemele Island" the redhead explained "And my father's agents in Alola have confirmed that he's grooming you to become his replacement." he turned around and smiled at Hau "So, he determined that you were too much of a threat, as all the effort of planting agents and spies around Hala would have gone right out the window, the moment you took charge. So, he decided it would be faster to just get rid of you and keep whispering into your grandpa's ear"

"S-Spies? Agents?" Hau gaped, his eyes going wide at the implications of what the other boy was telling him "A-Are you going to kill me?"

"Kill you?" Kamon repeated, a look of disgust coming over his face "Of course not! My father is a lot of things, but he doesn't assassinate people!"

"W-Who is he?" Hau stammered out, his eyes going around wildly as he tried to see a way to escape his bonds

"You really don't know?" Kamon asked, shaking his head, "You really didn't do a lot of reading about Kanto before you came over, did you? My father is the leader of Team Rocket" Kamon smirked as he pointed at the giant R on the wall

"T-Team Rocket?"

"Yes. And before you compare them, they are nothing like that gang of losers that like to bum around Alola" Kamon said with a glare "Team Skull is a bunch of morons with no future. Team Rocket, on the other hand, is an actual organization preparing to go international. We have a tight grip over Kanto, and we're making good progress into Johto. Sure, there were a few…. Setbacks in Unova recently, but that doesn't matter" he crouched down, looking at Hau right in the eyes "And your grandpa is unknowingly the perfect pawn for us to get into Alola. And with you out of the way, we can convince him to have a new, more agreeable protege to make Kahuna"

"Y-You-" Hau tried to say as tears began to form in his eyes "You won't get away with this! M-My grandpa will come looking for me!"

"Oh, he won't," Kamon said, patting the boy's head before standing up and walking a little further back "You see, we managed to get a sample of your handwriting from your bag. It shouldn't take too long for a few of our people to master your writing style, and then we just need to send a few letters explaining how you decided to stay in Kanto, working at a gym. He'll never suspect a thing, just thinking you grew up and went your own way."

"N-No…" Hau whispered as what his captor said sunk in. It was a perfect plot, as long as they managed to keep him from escaping his grandpa would never know it wasn't him sending letters. Tears began to flow out of his eyes as reality sank in

"Oh, don't cry," Kamon said as he walked back, a bucket in one hand, while the other was clad in a weird-looking, skin-tight glove

"Why shouldn't I!?" the boy cried, his eyes red from tears "I can't go back home, you took all of my Pokémon, and you're going to do Solgaleo know what to me!"

"Well, I'm gonna make sure that you're not sad anymore," his captor said with a smile as he reached over to the wall. Looking over, Hau's eyes went wide as he saw what seemed to be a control panel of some kind. "I think you should get back on your feet for this one"

Before Hau could respond, his captor slammed his hand on the biggest button. Hau gasped as he felt the cable attached to his collar begin to quickly recede back into the wall, and tugging roughly at the collar as it went

"GAGH!" he choked as he dashed back to the wall, trying to make sure the collar didn't choke him too much. He ended up flat against the wall, the collar not letting him move an inch from that position

"There we go! That's perfect!" Kamon said with a nasty smile as he set the bucket down and slipped on another latex glove. "Now, let's see if these things work…"

"S-See if what works?" Hau coughed, as he looked at his captor reach into the bucket. Kamon smirked as he pulled something out, a rather disgusting squelching sound ringing through the whole room as he did so


As his hand left the bucket, Hau could see what it was. It was a ball, around the size of a malasada, and colored a weird, pale red. The thing was dripping rubber as Kamon lifted it up and smiled at Hau

"Batter up!" he exclaimed, before throwing the ball at Hau.

"AAAH!" the boy screamed as he felt the thing splat right onto his arm. He shuddered as the goo wrapped itself around his arm, and seemed to bond with his flesh, sending waves of strange sensations through his body. They coursed through his whole body and went right to his crotch, forming a small tent in his bright yellow short "Gyah!" he gasped, looking over to were the goo hit him. It was completely solid and shiny, which seems to be a piece of larger latex suit. It was the same soft shade of red as the ball. Before he could react, another glob smacked into him, this time, in the chest. "Gyah!" he moaned loudly as he felt more sparks of arousal flowing through. He glanced down, his eyes widening as he saw the thing eating away at his T-Shirt. It completely dissolved the black cloth, leaving only the latex clinging to his skin

"Wow, these things do eat through clothing" Kamon exclaimed with a nasty smirk as he looked at the bucked, before reaching in with both hands "Let's speed this up a bit, shall we Hau?"

"Guaah" the bound boy moaned, unable to make a coherent response. Kamon simply shrugged and kept on throwing globs at him. The Alolan boy's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He had never, in his entire life, felt this much arousal and pleasure. As more and more globs hit his body, dissolving his clothes and sending more and more heat to his twitching member, he began to pant.

As more latex stuck to his body, his clothes were slowly completely destroyed. After a few minutes, his black t-shirt was completely gone, replaced by a shiny, light red coat of latex with his chest and stomach being covered by a light cream shade, which began to creep downwards towards his pants, which were tensing under the strain of his ever hardening dick, which twitched more and more as heat coursed down to it, the latex making the pleasure centers of his body go into overload. The tent on what remained of his pants was extremely strained, especially as more of the bright yellow cloth around it was eaten away by the shiny rubber, which hugged his legs perfectly. Soon, the only piece of cloth left was the small patch of yellow that was holding back his penis.

"Wow, you're really pent up, aren't you?" Kamon asked, a nasty smirk on his face as he looked at the collared boy.

"Gah… gah…" Hau panted, shivering as more pleasure coursed through his body.

"Yeah, I can tell" Kamon giggled, pointing at the huge tent on the small patch of clothes that remained on the boy. Hau's face went even more red, shame flooding through his whole body "Don't worry. I'll fix it" the redhead boy said with a nasty smile as he lifted another glob of latex. The bound alolan's eyes went wide as his captor threw the latex


"GYAAAAAAAH!" Hau both screamed and moaned as the latex dissolved the cloth. His erect member bounced out, twitching and with a small bit of liquid already beginning to form on the head. The rubber didn't stop there though, as it began to quickly wrap itself around the twitching rod, gently squeezing and massaging it as the goo began to stick to his skin. "G-Gyah!" he panted as he looked down at his cock. It was still twitching and dripping, only it was now the coloration of his torso. The top of his shaft was pale red, and the bottom area, along with his now latex coated balls, where the light cream color of his chest. He groaned as he felt the rubber move to his ass as well, entering it and completely coating his hole.

"There we go!" Kamon chirped, dropping the now-empty bucket and slapping the button on the wall again.

"Gah...Gah... Gyah!" the Alolan boy exclaimed as the wire of the collar loosened instantly, making him collapse to the ground like a crumpled piece of paper, his latex coated ass sticking upwards, exposing his twitching latexy hole to his captor.

"And now, for the final touches," Kamon said with a big smile on his face as he looked at the panting alolan boy. Like his last victim, the suit didn't cover the whole of Hau's body. His arms were uncovered from his elbows and below, the same with his legs, the latex stopping right before the knees, and leaving the boy's tanned skin and feet exposed to the world.

"F-Final… gah… touches?" Hau managed to pant out. Kamon didn't answer, instead simply smirking as he walked to the same spot where he got the bucket and pulled out more things.

"Of course," he said as he walked back to Hau, who was still too overwhelmed by the arousal and pleasure that was coursing through him to try and move. Kamon smiled and held up what he had grabbed. A silvery spray can, and a huge, puffy latex Vulpix tails. Six bright orange curled up shiny tails with a huge dildo sticking out at the base of it. His captor didn't say another word, instead of crouching right next to Hau's butt. Without another word, he shoved the tail-plug into the other boy's exposed hole

"Gaaaaah!" the boy moaned loudly as the dildo slid inside of his latex coated hole. The phallic object sent even more waves of arousal and pleasure through his entire body as it slowly moved downwards. It stopped right before his prostate, the very tip a few centimeters from touching it. "Gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah" the boy panted, his tongue hanging out. Kamon didn't stop for a second, quickly getting back to his feet and walking to the head of the boy. He pointed the can at the boy and pressed the button on top of the can. A spray of bright orange mist flew out from it, as Kamon waved it over Hau's hair. Whatever was in the can, it completely recolored his hair in a few seconds. His locks went from the dark green to bright orange, the same shade as his new tail.

"There we go!" Kamon exclaimed with a huge smile as he stepped back and took off his latex gloves. "You look a lot better like this!"

"U-Up yours!" the boy panted, glaring at his captor.

"Oh dear," Kamon said, in sickly sweet tone "Looks like you need a little attitude adjustment" he walked back to the panel on the wall and pressed a few buttons. Hau gasped as he felt the collar around his neck heat up slightly and, despite the fact he couldn't see it, a bunch of lights turned on it.

"W-What are you doing?" Hau stammered, stumbling to his feet, moaning as he did so

"Oh, nothing," Kamon said with a smirk "Just making sure that you're a good little Vulpix" with a huge smile on his face, he smacked a button on the control panel. The lights on the collar turned bright red as a strong vibration went through all of Hau's body. His eyes went wide as the vibrations and a few shocks went through him.

"Perfect" Kamon said as he looked at the panel. On the small screen on it, a small visual of Hau's brain, along with a bunch of files "Perfect. Let's get started on reprogramming!" he pressed another button, and an even stronger shock went through Hau's body. His pupils dilated as his body became rigid. He stood straight as an arrow, lights now shining on both the collar and the cable connecting him to the wall. "Alright. Open folder"

"Folder open," the latex bound boy said in a dead monotone "One file located. "

"Good," Kamon said, tapping a few buttons on the console. The lights changed to bright green as new info was uploaded into Hau's brain

"New file detected. ."

"Overwrite all of with " Kamon ordered. There wasn't a visual response from Hau, but the flashes and beeps from the console in front of him made the young Rocket member smile.

"Understood" the boy droned "Names has been overwritten, Hau has been replaced with Vulpix. Movement has been overwritten, movement is now dependent on four legs. Memory has been deleted. Species has been overwritten, human has been replaced with PokéBoy. Obedience has been added. New master has been accepted, Kamon is now master. Master is to be obeyed. Sexuality has been overwritten, bisexuality has been replaced with gay. Love has been overwritten, family, Pokémon and malasadas have been replaced with cock, cum, master, and PokéBoys. Emotions have been overwritten. All emotions except happiness, neediness, and arousal have been deleted. Language has been overwritten, English has been replaced with- pix. Vul Vulpix pix vul" he stopped speaking understandable language halfway through his sentence, any trace of speaking the English language being wiped from his brain.

"There we go" Kamon said with a big smile. A bright green 100% flashed on the screen on the console. He tapped a few more and the collar snapped in half and fell to the metal floor with a loud clunk.

The newly made PokéBoy blinked rapidly as consciousness returned to him. He fell down to the ground, getting on all fours and smiling. His eyes locked onto the figure in front of him and a huge grin formed "Vul! Pix pix!" he exclaimed, dashing over to his master.

"Hehehe, good boy, Vulpix!" Kamon cooed as he ran his hands through the PokéBoy's orange hair "You want to play?"

"Vulpix!" the PokéBoy yipped happily, quickly turning around and presenting his ass to his master.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Kamon said with a giggled. He grabbed the large tail from Vulpix's ass and pulled it out.

"Pix!" the PokéBoy moaned, a big dumb smile on his face as the dildo of its tail was pulled free of his butt. His master didn't waste a second, throwing off his speedo and slipping his cock into the rubbery hole

"Gah! Oh yeah!" Kamon moaned as he thrust into the PokéBoy "This is amazing!"

"Vuuuuuuul!" Vulpix moaned loudly as he felt his master slap against his rubbery ass. This was everything the PokéBoy could ever want.

"Hell yes!" Kamon screamed as he kept thrusting "Man, if all of the targets on the list are like this, I'm gonna really like this job!" he buckled and came, filling the other PokéBoy's but with cum. He smiled and pulled his dick out, still dripping with semen and patted Vulpix on the head "Well, let's get ya to your room, Vulpix. I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you" he smiled as he saw the white liquid spilling out of the PokéBoy's asshole "Hehe, guess I'll have to mop up after I lock you up"

Big thanks to my Patrons! You guys are the best!