Alchemy: Little Brother's Turn
D/C: I own nothing.
"English and Edward's accented voice."
"Amestrian, Xingese, foreign languages, or to add emphasis."
Written notes or to add extra emphasize
"I've gotta picture myself… as a single mass of energy. Use the energy… just like the Stone. That's it! I'm a Philosopher's Stone that's powered by a single soul! Remember… what it felt like… at that moment! Remember! How it felt to use souls… TO HARNESS LIFE!"
"For the longest time, I would have never thought this would have been possible…" Edward stared at his reflection, dressed in his wedding attire. It was made up of a three-piece tweed dark gray ensemble, that has red buttons and a black buttoned-up shirt. He stood still as Roy fixed the white tie and pin to it is a pen of Teacher's symbol pinned to the tie. The shoes he is wearing are like the ones he would always wear, but the difference is that these appear to cost more than a half months' worth of salary and a matching belt.
"Marriage? Or living this long to even get married in the first place?" Roy asked, he took a step away once he was down pinning the pin on the tie and to see his work. He felt his throat tighten at the sight before him. It felt like he was helping his own son prepare for his wedding. In a way, this is what is happening before his very eyes. He, himself, the Flame Alchemist along with all the groomsmen are wearing a similar them to what Edward is wearing, the only difference is that they are not wearing the jacket or vest and opted for suspenders. "I'm still having trouble comprehending the fact you are getting married before me."
"Didn't Grumman get rid of the anti-fraternization laws?"
"He did, we are also dealing with the fact it became known that Riza is his granddaughter. Many are attempting to seek her hand of marriage to get ahead in their career. We do plan to marry in the spring. Heh… if we are lucky, our kids might grow up being friends."
"No. Just no."
Winry could not help but marvel at herself at her mother's old wedding dress, cream silk and lace with a high neckline, crochet lace trim and a golden sash tied below her chest to create a dramatic bow on the back. The sleeves were folded up above her elbows to reveal more lace underneath. The first dress of the day, her second dress hung on her dresser on a hanger, a light gold silk net tiered dress with ribbon trimmings. The dress that Sid picked. It simple compared to her mother's dress, but it stays true to herself. "Today is the day. I'm getting married."
"One more hour, and you will be married. You still have time to run."
"What? It's true."
To say that this day is a surprise or something like that, that would be the biggest understatement of the sanctuary. Everyone that knew the couple, knew they would end up together in one way or another. An event that many wish they could attend but attendance is limited and heavily guarded. Edward Elric made many enemies in his past and is taking every precaution to ensure no one interrupted the wedding.
The guest who was invited are a wide variety of individuals and many wondered how the bride and groom could possibly know all of them.
The Emperor of Xing.
The future Empress of Xing.
Princess of Xing.
Fuhrer of Amestris
The former lady of Amestris and her son.
Many high personals in the Military.
And… is that the former alchemist serial killer, officiating the wedding? Yes, yes, it is…
Then there was a group that looked completely out of their comfort zone. All of them dressed weirdly, spoke a different language, and are just… off. More off than Major Armstrong wanting to hug everyone without a shirt.
Susan Bones and Draco Malfoy hung around the same area, waiting for the wedding to start. It ended being that Mr. Elric invited the Bones and Malfoy's to his wedding, and now both kids told by their respected family members to get along as they talk. It was not that they have never spoken or seen each other before. Both having relatives dealing in the world of politics and old blood.
"Have you heard of Mr. Elric's prerequisites to learn Alchemy?"
"I have. My god-father had informed me and give me the necessary material to not get caught off guard."
"Auntie Amelia is helping me too. General Armstrong said that she'll make sure I get in to learn Alchemy, so I am able to counteract it."
"…What?" Draco could not hold back a squeak. "The same Armstrong that nearly decapitated more than half of the Ministry Officials?"
"Why am I here again?"
"We are going to introduce Ms. Hammond to you. We have to start your secessions with her and figure out if you are even capable of taking care of yourself…" Severus resisted the urge to strangle Sirius with his tie. He and everyone from the Magical World that were invited to the wedding was given, by the looks of it very expensive, formal apparel that is typical of Amestris but still appears to be not so formal enough to clash against the simplicity of the wedding. Severus is wearing a mint colored three-piece suit, with the coat hung on the back of his chair, along with a matching tie. Sirius is wearing a similar suit, only that he is blue and is opting out of wearing the tie. "Along with handing the case off to Alphonse Elric, Edward's younger brother. Now go to the refreshment table."
"A what?" Sirius asked bluntly.
Severus resisted the urge the pinch the bridge of his nose. He pointed over at a table where the Mother and Father of the groom are handing out appetizers for the hungry guest. From what the Potion's Master had heard, the meat and produce are all locally grown and raised, and that the couple had taken over the food portion of the wedding. Some of the foods may look or sound off, but Severus could honestly say it's better than a lot of the more… traditional he's tasted before. "Go there. They should have something for you to munch on…while you wait."
"Everything they are serving looks… weird." Sirius pulled a face at seeing other guest eating their appetizers.
"Taste this, Severus!"
Severus blinked several times when he suddenly saw what appears to be a tart, and by the smells of it, onion and some other spices he could not think at the top of his head. He reached up to move the hand away from his face but kept it close enough so that he could still observe the tart. "It looks like a mini tart, Charity."
Dressed in a short-sleeved embellished empire-waist gown, Charity Burbage attempted to get her date to eat the tart. "Eat it. I want to know what it tastes like."
"Why don't you eat it first then?"
"…Just eat the tart."
"Blah… this makes me sick to my stomach." Sirius muttered under his breath at the sight before him. Never in a thousand years would he ever see Severus Snape so… romantic? Never thought he would think of that ever, let alone seeing it in front of him.
"Sounds like you're jealous."
Sirius looked over and nearly cringed at the sight of a man whose face is heavily scarred. The man paid no mind to his behavior as he just continued to stare at him. "Bloody hell don't sneak up on me."
"And? It is not like you can do anything towards me here. Edward will have your head."
"How do you know the bride and groom?"
"I only came for the free food."
"Elicia is best friends with Selim?" Edward questioned through his teeth at the sight of Elicia and Selim walking down the aisle, one dropping flower petals while the other is holding a pillow that held the rings.
"Gracia asked if Elicia could invite her friend, and we needed a ring boy." Roy whispered back; he nudged the groom to pay attention. "The bridesmaids are coming…"
True to his words, one by one, the bridesmaids are walking down the aisle. All of them wearing gold sequin tops with long silvery chiffons skirts, all the tops are different to each woman's preferences. Then here came the bride…
Edward swore he felt that the moment he made eye contact with Winry, nothing else mattered.
By the time it was time to say the 'I do's', the sunset just at the same moment the bride and groom kissed giving the entire wedding a whimsical atmosphere. Many cried, shown pride, or simply happy for the couple that finally tied the knot. It was a long time coming.
"Should we inform the Elric's?"
"…Not the eldest… Perhaps the youngest?"
"This is a horrible idea…"
"In order to protect the stone, we must do everyone in our power to ensure its safety."
To be continued…
Part 3 of a 9-part series of the Alchemy Series.