Alchemy: Tiny Steps


D/C: I own nothing.


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, foreign languages, or to add emphasis."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made Fullmetal."


Edward Elric stared out into the window of the train compartment he had claimed for the trip. Sitting across of him are Alphonse and Mei, both snoozing away throughout the duration of the trip. Xiao-Mei tucked tightly in Mei's arms, the tiny softly snoring the trip away. The Eldest Elric couldn't help but smile every time he turns his sight on his brother and his future sister-in-law.

Loud tutting sounded off from the back of the compartment, signifying the four of them weren't entirely alone. Sitting at the back of the compartment are several of Xing's Advisors and ambassadors, half of which are giving Alphonse and Mei either looks of wariness or dislike. Edward could recognize some of the advisors do not like Alphonse for whatever reason or another. Or maybe for the fact he isn't someone they would have preferred to marry the Xing Princess… Eh… whatever the reason, they don't like the younger Elric Brother.

Looking back out the window to see the moon shining high in the sky, Edward is wondering if Winry is looking up at the night sky. With the thought of his fiancé, the Elric wonder just what exactly waits for him back home. Just what exactly is waiting for him when he gets back home? The Wrench of Doom? Maiming? Fresh Apple Pie? The possibilities are endless at this point. If he ends up in the hospital, he'll blame Colonel Bas… Excuse him… General Bastard for it. He still has no clue what exactly the man had told Winry.

It is for that unknown reason, Edward sent Xerxes off to the Rockbell Residence and with a clear order to wait for him to return. The last thing he wanted is that feeling of the temptation of wanting to write a letter asking Winry just what was informed to her.

For Edward, he would rather confront whatever Winry will throw at him, face to face, than behind a letter. This way he won't know of his future demise ahead of time. For now, the Colonel needs to keep his mind onto what waits for him at Central. He could already sense the massive piles of paperwork that are waiting for him once he gets back.


Edward fixed himself a cup of tea during the negotiations between Amestris and Xing. He was invited by the Fuhrer Grumman to join him for the meeting. It was a simple invite, one of which he could not refuse. Even if he wasn't invited to the meeting, the Colonel would have found a way to get in. Alphonse is part of the meeting as a sort of ambassador. Ended up brother dearest has dual citizenship, well that was new. Should he be surprised? Nope. Considering what he has been told and saw, not surprising.

So far, the meeting is going well, a couple of arguments here and there, nothing out of the norm. If anything, the meeting is going on schedule all considering. The only part that seems to be the giant elephant in the room is to see which side will bring up the topic of magic. Now if someone would mention it, then it would be truth-tastic.


" How much longer do you believe this will take?" Alphonse asked his brother once everyone was excused of the meeting for a lunch break.

"Normally…weeks… months… depends on both sides likes or hate each other's guts." Edward replied with a shrug, he will never get used to being in full uniform for long periods of time. At least this one isn't loose, and he isn't tripping over the pants sleeves. "Considering that old guy that's been giving you the stink eye once you spoke up about the Magical Alliance."

"In his defense, several of his grandchildren are magically gifted and is looking out for them… he wanted me to mention this Alliance, he's never been much of a talker." Alphonse stated defensively, he elbowed his brother in the stomach and speed-walked away from any possible form of retaliation from him. As he moved away, his traditional Xingese golden and emerald garment swished behind himself that highlighted the golden threads sewn into the outfit. Ling had given the garment to Alphonse to signify further his status to the Emperor.

"Dammit Al!" Edward cursed his brother and promptly chased after his younger brother.

"Hahaha!" Alphonse laughed at his brother's attempts to trying to catch him. "Having a little trouble over there, Ed?"

"Grrr…." Of course, Alphonse will go for a short joke. It didn't help that Alphonse is still taller than Edward, even in his mortal form. "That's low, Little Brother."


"Colonel Elric, you have a call."

Edward came to a complete stop at the mention of his name and the fact he had a call. A shiver ran down his spine when a thought came to mind, he could already sense his death is near. That sense only grew stronger with every step he took to the private room he was being escorted to. He didn't see his brother giving him a sympathetic look before he walked off towards a seemingly random direction.


"Edward, Roy told me about your new role in the Military…" Winry Rockbell sat in a wooden chair, talking to Edward through the phone. She kept fiddling with the cable as she listened to what was being said to her. "Ed…Ed…. ED! Listen to me!... Do I have your attention?... Good. Edward, we are going to talk about this once you get back… WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?"

Winry slammed the phone without another word back onto the receiver with a loud huff, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the phone. Seconds ticked by and it seemed more like hours for the Mechanic.


Winry looked over to see Xerxes looking up at her with curious eyes. "Hello, Xerxes…"

"Hoot. Hoot."

"You do know I don't understand you?" Winry stated in a monotone voice, with a grumble, she reached down and picked up the tiny owl. Xerxes furrowed into Winry's arms and hooted happily at the attention. The Blonde looked down at the owl with resigned eyes, with a sigh she reached over to pick up the phone and dialed a familiar number. "Hello…? Could you connect me to Colonel Edward Elric?... Thank you."


Edward slammed his head against the wall repeatedly, mentally berating himself. Of course, it was Winry that had called him, and they got into an 'argument'. Well, if that's what most would want to call it. There was shouting, curses were exchanged, and it didn't appear the typical relationship. What happened is Winry waiting from a phone call or even a letter from him, himself telling her what is occurring in his life; especially how it is connected to hers. What caused this little… episode… is the fact someone else informed her. General Useless just must open his giant mouth. This wouldn't be happening if he was the one that told Winry of his new promotion and the job requirements in general.




Not even bothering life his head from against the wall, Edward picked up the phone and raised it up to his ear. "Colonel Elric speaking…Winry?... Hi… I miss you too… Yeah… I don't know how long this meeting will take… The moment I could leave, I'll take the next train back to Resembool… Have an apple pie ready for me?... I'll see you soon."

Edward waited for the click to signify Winry had ended the call before placed the phone back on the receiver. He couldn't help but smile, with a chuckle he pushed away from the wall and headed out the room. Now to go back to the meeting and hope he will be excused to get back home… home. Heh, what a funny word to use…


It took the fact that Edward is tightly gripping the arms of his chair to prevent himself from speaking out or making a complete fool out of himself. He couldn't take his eyes off his younger brother as said sibling argued, protested, and… is he bluffing? Who the hell is this guy? This wasn't his brother what so ever! Earlier, Alphonse had mostly kept quiet, whispered out a few words to the Xing's ambassadors or advisors, and well… nothing like this. The youngest of the Elric Brothers are taking a complete lead. The topic that has him acting in such a manner as the… Magical Alliance.

Unlike before, Roy Mustang is now part of the meeting and is the only one that is more than willing to go up ahead against Alphonse. Too bad for him, Alphonse studied well and had excellent teachers to teach him the art of diplomacy and tranquil smiles. If anything, Alphonse is making the older man look like an idiot in his own right. If he could, Edward would be laughing at the look of Roy's astonishment or rendering speechless. Here is a young man he had more or less grow right in front of his eyes. Well, mostly. Considering in majority of those years Alphonse's soul was in a suit of armor but that's not the point. He knows the young man and this… is just who he expected of an Elric. Now if he could get a word in without having the other spun his words around and make him look like an idiot. He shouldn't be surprised, Al has always been the more diplomatic one of the two brothers but to this extent? Heh… It has the General wondering on the what if's but there's no point on wondering. He has to focus on winning this argument on food. How they went from politics to foods, Roy has no clue.

The only person that seemed to be enjoying this argument is Fuhrer Grumman, the man is taking down notes of the types of foods the two males are arguing about.

'When will this meeting ever end?'




Everyone in the meeting room turned their attention to the main entrance of the room, all of them wanting to know just who is interrupting the meeting. Everyone who is needed to be in the meeting is there and none of them are expecting anyone else. One of the guards that were standing by the door opened it and peeked his head out. There were loud whispers from the guard and whoever was on the other side.

A couple of minutes later, the guard returned into the meeting room with an armful of letters. Everyone, minus Alphonse, Edward, and Roy, did not recognize the waxed red seal on the envelopes. If anything, the fact that the eldest Elric brother started to curse under his breath. If he does not like this, then this is a bad thing.

"Colonel Elric? These just arrived for you." The guard said skeptically, he handed the armful of letters to the younger man before he quickly went back to his spot.

Edward glanced over at Grumman to see if the man is going to give him any sort of order. The only thing he got is that the Fuhrer looking at the letters curiously. The Golden Blonde opened the top letter of the stack and he couldn't help but pull a face at seeing who wrote it. "Cornelius Fudge… The bumbling pure-blood loving…. Ugh… the horrid pink thing…. Crap, crap, more crap. Let's see here… New Minister of Magic? Oooooh… this is bad."

"Colonel Elric?"

"Big brother?"


"We might have a tiny…huge… we have a problem. A very problematic problem."

"How problematic?"

"I give it a 6 or 7 on a scale to 10."

"Knowing you, that's actually a 20 or maybe a 30 to a scale of 5." Alphonse deadpanned. Everyone in the room had to agree to Alphonse statement.

"The current Minister is looking for someone to replace her next year, apparently, something about her health and mental stress. The one that everyone wants to put in…is not suitable to run this society in my opinion…"

"Will this rise a complication for all of us?" One of the Xing's advisors asked in a serious tone.

"Severely. So… how about we finalize this Magical Alliance?"

To be continued…

Part 2 of a 9-part series of Alchemy.