Boomed the sound of a huge gun going off, making the wasteland having one less Slaver in the world.

Cycling and chambering a new round into the weapon. The owner of the weapon sight into the next Slaver of the group.

There laying on the ground, wearing a unique set of Remnant Enclave power armor wielding a heavily modified Anti-Material rifle, was the Courier. Bane of the Legion, the hero of the to the New Vegas and the N.C.R.

She had been hunting the stranded remnants of Legion in a sense she crossed over Colorado and into Arizona last month. After the second battle of Hoover Dam securing it for the N.C.R. a couple months back and putting in the effort of securing New Vegas from any that would bring harm. While performing many deeds.

The Courier had helped the Brotherhood, and N.C.R. declared a truce despite hostilities between the two. Killed the leaders of the Fiends. Provide prosperity, hope, and a future for the Boomers. Aided the Followers of apocalypse into expanding, helping them grow to solve many problems. Bringing hope to many refugees. When the Great Khans migrate north towards Wyoming to re-establish themselves, she had closed the paths and deterred the N.C.R. from following them. Ensured the truce between the N.C.R. and the Kings bolstered between the two, allowing them to work together to rebuild Freeside in hopes of bringing it new life for all.

A month ago, the Courier had heard from the N.C.R. of a man out in northern Arizona that was gathering multiple elements of the scattered Caesar's Legion, bent on gathering strength to fight again. Despite protests from the few companions that still traveled with her, she couldn't settle on waiting for them to return to the Mojave.

The Courier had left the Lucky 38 with her friends. To use as a base for their needs, also left Cass in charge and in control of the securitorns. With Rex by her side as her guard dog and Yes Man at her demand. She was about to restart the Cassino under her management with the help of Arcade and Veronica for advice and technical support, and the Kings and Mr. Houses robots as the muscle for looking out over the strip. Raul took up his guns and left for his own journey. Becoming a wandering vigilante against those that prey on the weak. Lilly returned to Jacobstown to wait for the cure to the Nightkins skitsofrenia. Boone went back to his old unit within the N.C.R. and was going up through the ranks.

They all agreed to her decision as they all knew very little could stop the women. Having to pack for the long journey east, packed like her first trip up to Zion, gathering only her signature weapons and supplies. Her only companion that kept her company was ED-E, the little Enclave Eyebot that she fixed so long ago.

Seven more shots later she had taken down six more Legion slavers and there one dog that they had with them.

The Courier sighted as she calmly reloaded her AT rifle before setting it on her back. She let loose a sharp whistle to signal ED-E over and went together towards the dead patrol.

This had almost become routine for the two. For the last week, nearly twice a day they had been tracking and ambushing Legion parties in the region. Arizona didn't have roving raider gangs like the Mojave does. The Legion had either wiped them all out or assimilate them into the Legion.

Upon reaching the dead patrol. The Courier searched the dead for anything of use. After searching each guy, she came up with the usual of what a single patrol would carry. Throwing spears and machetes, along with healing powder and desert fruits were the norm with what a single patrol would bring. She'd sometimes find one would carry a cowboy repeater, hunting rifle or 12.7 SMG that were in poor condition. Legion didn't know how to care for their weapons unless it was a melee weapon, they didn't know crap about firearms.

Finding the leader of the patrol and searched his belongs, and a marked patrol map and documents concerning the region.

The Courier found it odd.

Each patrol that she had taken down before did not have any paper documents of any type except now. So why were these important? Looking them over the maps carefully and started cross-referencing the marks with her pipboy. She saw that they matched the patrols to the ones that she ambushed for the past week. Was this patrol hunting her? If so, they came massively unprepared if they were coming after her. She had taken many of Caesar's assassins in the past, and all of them were far more dangerous and prepared than these poor saps.

So why were they out here looking for me? Other than the obvious, of course, seeing her reputation the way it is. But that only increased her anxiety about the situation, or maybe she was just overthinking it.

Learning from Arcade that Caesar used to be a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse. He was educated and charismatic thanks to them, and when she met Joshua Gram over in Zion all those months ago, a first-hand account on how ruthless he really was. Beating over 87 tribes would mount for a testament to that.

Maybe whoever is in charge now is some cocky upstart and doesn't take her seriously just because she is a woman. The Legion already treats their women like trash, why expect such resistance from one themselves? Self-centered fools.

After gathering what ammo and food the dead patrol had on them, I went over to ED-E to put in his storage compartment. For such a small robot, he could carry quite a few things. Such as my food, spare parts, weapon repair kits, and the extra ammo for weapons I don't regularly use and often sell-off. Plus with all the significant upgrades I got for him during my one an only trip through the Divide, she'd say that he is the most useful robot anywhere and she loved it.

When she was finished stuffing ED-E with her things, she caught multiple red dots IFS. They were a ways away thanks to ED-E enhanced sensors but the way they were spread out and with how many they were made the Courier pause.

Trailing up a nearby hill, the Courier pulled out her AT rifle and looked through its scoop. What she saw made her eyes go slightly wide.

Roughly two hundred meters ahead of her were at least a hundred Legion troops sprinting her way, half of them with machetes held up in the sky heading her way. Warning Beep's from ED-E drew her attention to her left where she saw more red Legion coming from her in the same number as the first.

More beep's from bot drover her to look to her right. There she saw a third Legion company, this one with Legion Mongols leading in front.

The realization had sunk in, the Legion had laid a trap for her. They had pulled back all but one of their patrols to lure her out of hiding and expose her to the light. So when the shots were fired would signal the rest of the forces would come out of hiding that was outside of view come in to finally put her down in one fell swoop with overwhelming force in a three-prong attack.

The Courier was worried but also flattered.

Commanding ED-E not to engage she turned and ran. Despite all her experience from her many battles and firefights, this was not something she could win by herself in such an open area. She needed to fall back to a better position to stave off their attack, she had brought the ammo and the ordinance but not the means to use them against so many at once.

As they ran the Courier lay in the command for ED-E to start tossing its ordnance stockpile while zig-zagging. A recent command protocol that she had Veronica set in before leaving Vegas. Whenever before she went to bed she had robot companion lay out a minefield of satchel charges in areas around where she slept at night and collect them when she woke up.

The Courier's companions were always hesitant when she carried so many explosives. She was a bit of a mad bomber with the creations she could make at a workbench.

As the former delivery women and robot ran, they left behind a healthy selection of satchel charges, frag mines, plasma mines, and her personal favorite, fat miens. After a solid minute of scattering and existing their ordnance, came the satisfying booms of Legion slavers hitting her presents to them.

Looking at her surroundings, she spotted a slop that ran up that gave her multiple advantage points that she could exploit. Running up and setting her AT rifle, she began to get to work on thinning out her pursuers.

The explosives she had left behind already taken care of a few them out and made some of them wary of advancing. Making them easy targets for her shots. She was nearly firing non-stop with her rifle, only slowing down to briefly aim to make sure her shots connected.

Three faster and luckier ones came and reached her first. Drawing Lucky she fires off all three, a Hollow point round in each other their head with the help of V.A.T.S. They each fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings were cut. By then the ones with guns started to use then laid a hail of bullets at the two, peppering the area with all kinds of calibers.

Not wanting to get bogged down, the Courier threw a few incendiary grenades before retreating further up the slope. Reaching the advantage point, she pulled out her Red Glare, loaded it with High Explosive rockets and unleashed all13 of them on the groups below. The results were nearly spectacular as body parts and blood were lifted through the air. Yet only doing so much as making another small dent in the hoard that came for her. She reloaded Red Glare another tube of rockets, this one full of incendiaries.

What came next would bring a horrifying image to anyone who wasn't accustomed to death. Rockets impacted the area in front of the still charging slavers, spewing flames of white phosphorus over them. Burning any exposed skin that it touched, those with uncovered heads or exposed faces had it worse as it entered their eyes, permanently blinding them for life.

By then they were close enough for ED-E to effectively use its improved Zapper, burning and sometimes disintegrating the burning Legion recruits. The Courier saw that the Legion were spreading out and getting smart as they tried to flank her from the sides. Seeing that her cover was going to be exposed. She raced upwards more with ED-E by her side.

When the two reach the next point, the Courier saw that they were now at the top there laid a wooden bridge to a small mountain pass. Before she could decide on crossing the bridge, a bullet deflected off her shoulder pad.

Twisting back while drawing Ranger Sequoia, she shoots into a Legion soldier with a cowboy repeater. Seeing little choice in the situation she was in, they crossed the bridge all the while the Courier reloads her weapons.

When they reached the other side, she opens ED-E's storage compartment and pulls out her assault carbine, All-American, and gives her AT rifle in return. Crouching down behind a nearby rock she sighted in on the first group Legion troops.

She unleashed full mags of .223 rounds into the following groups as many tried to cross the bridge to get to her with their machetes. The Courier wished Boone was with her at this moment. He would love to be given the opportunity of ending so many of the slavers that took his wife from him in one sitting.

The Courier's thoughts were brought to a halt when the unmistakable whooshing sound of an inbound missile. She shot it arced up and hits the rocks above her cause a few big ones to fall towards her. Taking hold of ED-E, she pushed them out of the way as the rocks fell where they stood moments ago. Getting back she saw more Legion soldiers crossing the bridge to get to them. Not wanting to have her skull split open, the Courier started to fall back while she fired the All-American.

The situation was starting to look bad in her eyes as she felt a few low caliber rounds being blocked by her armor. Nothing too bad yet, but she didn't know the lay of the land yet and didn't know where this pass led to. For all she knew it could be a dead-end or worse another legion party waiting to ambush her on the other side.

Not wanting to think about that now, nor was it the time, she focused on killing the Legion Recruit that decided that throwing spears were the thing that was going to kill her.

Taking him out, she targeted the next Slaver, and the next and so on. Making it a routine.

Feeling her back against a wall, she turned to a passage and followed it out. She needed to get out of this mess. She was starting to feel a little cornered.

Following the narrow corridor revealed a ridge that opened up to the right to a cliff. Down below, I saw there were Legion soldiers with guns ready to open fire at her.

Cursing her luck, she ran across in the open as bullets hit the area around her as she douched, sidestep and roll out of the assortment of incoming rounds. ED-E sending out panicked beeps along the way. When they were out of sight of the shooters, she turned to face her pursuers and ended a few more slavers.

Sweat was starting to roll and matted under her mask as the fighting began to drag on in her. They were literally throwing themselves at her at this point with the intent to kill. The only times this had happened were when she fought off this many enemies at once was during the second battle of Hoover Dam and cleaning out Vault 3 of the Fiends.

Falling back and running through the area she was in revealed another bridge to her lead to a clearing that showed a visible but clearly deserted town.

The Courier couldn't help but think this might have once been a slowly prosperous town before the Legion happened if anything like the sunbaked skulls on pikes at the front of the bridge were to any indication. Reaching the front of the town, she was greeted with a few burnt out self-made buildings and deserted streets. But it was only when the Courier reached the town was when she finally noticed something critical about the town itself.

As all the buildings and shacks looked like they were self-made with scraps of wood and metal clobbered together. It was built around a circle outcropping of natural rock walls that circled three-fourths of the town, giving it both a natural defense from the harsh elements and deter most enemies from attacking. But this was also a double-edged sword as they left little to no room to escape if the defenses were overwhelmed, dooming the town. What's more, the area under the bridge was too far for her to jump without risking series pain when reaching the bottom.

Cursing her luck, she wondered if this was their plan all along to trap her here and finish her off. If so, then she had to give them some props for finally using their heads. Especially after she personally blew apart so many of them.

Looking around, she saw an intact guard tower and went to take residence in. Climbing up to survey her surroundings, she had a good kill zone of any that tried to cross the bridge.

It was then the first group of Legion troops appeared on the other side of the bridge. So she got to work.

Lifting Red Glare, she sent them the first salvo of rockets at them.

The explosions tore through the Legions ranks as many went to cross only to be met with either a rocket to the face from the Courier or laser from ED-E.

After nearly full ten minutes of the constant firing of rockets did the Courier realized that they weren't coming anymore. When the smoke cleared, all that could be described, the area was a warzone. Scorched earth littered the pass that they came through. Bloody chunks of body parts, wreaked armor and weapons littered the area. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Looking through her I.F.S., she saw there was still a big glob of red in front of her. They had fallen back within the pass. Feeling that she was given a moment of reprieve, she lowered Red Glare and sat it next to her as she pulled out a discarded chair. The Courier knew the fighting was just starting, and already she was feeling a bit winded.

Not taking a chance she raised her pipboy and did an ammo check. The Courier was thankful that Doc Mitchel had given her this little piece of technology when Victor dug her out of the ground. Before having so much ammunition would have already weighed her down to the point she wouldn't be able to move. Now it doesn't weigh anything to her and could hold an army's worth of ammo if she wanted to. She had used up more than a fair amount of her rockets in this fight, she had barely touched her .357 and 40-70 ammo for Lucky and Ranger. There was a noticeable dent in her supply of .223 from the continued use earlier on the slope. Her ammo was still as massive as ever. Ever since she went through the Divide and walked the Courier's Mile, she came back with a huge stockpile of the heavy ammunition. Since then she has yet to make a noticeable dent in it considering how much she uses it.

For her explosives, she dropped every mine and charge they had when they ran for it in the beginning. She had a few frag and plasma grenades that she didn't use along with some makeshift explosives' that she hasn't tossed yet.

Overall things weren't so bad. The Courier had still had plenty of water and food to last a few weeks, and if need be, she still had that handheld transport gun to teleport her to the Sink in Big Mountain. Spending a few days there out of sight of the Legion would allow them to think she had escaped and they've wasted their time and resources.

That brought a small grin of irony to the Couriers face under her mask.

Taking one last look over her shoulder at the bridge to make sure no Legion was crossing, she got down from her tower to investigate the town she had just trapped herself in.

It was a one-lane road town with buildings on both sides leading to a bigger one at the end. It was almost like a pre-war neighborhood with the way it was all set up. Homes on one side with what must have been an inn, general store, and bar at the other. Reaching the end of the road, revealed the town hall. Entering the big building the Courier hoped to find any documents portraying the region she was in. Any info she had were biased from Legion documents or from back before the war.

Walking into the first office, she deduced it to be for what the law was around here, a Sheriff maybe. That wall of old police badges sure seemed to reinforce that idea.

Going through the place, she found a working computer terminal, the entries written by its past residents. Reading on the last few entries revealed that the town was being invaded by the Legion. It talked about how neighboring settlements were falling one by one to this new trip that was conquering everything in its path without a trace of remorse and been heading their way. Many fled from other villages to this before they hit the town, and with the extra defenders and supplies that people brought with them made defense's that held for two straight days with little problem.

That was the last message.

Looking around, the Courier found little else of value other than a few discarded bottle caps that she pocketed. Exiting the building, she felt a chill run over her. Similar to when one feels like when their being watched.

Brining her All-American up, she scanned the area looking for who was looking at them. Figuring it to be Legion, she hurried back to the bridge. Reaching it, she saw that it remained empty save for the dead that littered the other end. The feeling was still present, which didn't bring her any comfort what so ever.

A flicker of light caught in the corner of her eye. Looking up at the cliffs that loomed over her, a feeling of dread crept up. Reaching back behind her, the Courier grabbed her spare binoculars and scanned the cliffs that overlooked the village. There she saw Legionnaires armed with grenade rifles and Incinerators' pointing over the abended village.

Before she could formulate a plan, they rained literal fire on the town. The Courier ran and ducked under the nearest cover she could find, which turned out to be a wall of old sandbags.

Heat and dirt washed over her. The cooking smell of fuel and powdered residue filled the air around her. A metallic thumb landed in front, looking up to it; she saw ED-E dropped down to the ground to avoid getting hit by the incoming fire. Looking around her, she was pinned from all sides from enemy fire. Making a run for new cover that allowed her to fight back would be the ideal action to do but in doing so will have put her and ED-E in harm's way and more than likely with series injuries.

Seeing no further option, she reached to ED-E and turned her companion off and fall to the ground. She then reached into her sack and pulled what looked like a blue laser pistol.

The Big Mountain Transportalponder!

The Courier didn't use it often because whenever she did made her puke out whatever she had in her system. She also hadn't used it to get out of combat before because she was able to hand it. With things as they are now, now would be a good time to test its reliability.

Taking ED-E in hand, she placed his heavy dura-steel frame under her arm and held him tight. She learned later that if his power was turned off, she could take him with her Big MT. As she raises the Transporter gun to send her off.

A 40mm grenade lands in front of her just as she pulls the trigger.


"Where are you, Sidonis?" Muttered a tall blue armor Turian. This is the vigilante known to criminals everywhere in the space station Omega as Archangel.

Archangel had been waiting nearly half an hour for his friend to come out of hiding. He had been contacted by one of his team, having intel on a supposed Blood Pack gun-running operation in the Kenzo District. After a no show on his friend and communication by Omi-tool wasn't working he did an investigation himself and found no evidence of such operation.

Sidonis would never give him false intel. The two of them had been able to go far since they started combating drug runners, merc gangs, and other criminal elements on Omega. For him to do, this was not like him.

After looking around one more time, he was about to call it quits head back to the hideout when he heard a strange noise. Looking around, he was in an open area in the district that was currently devoid of life. Looking across the open area, the Turian's eyes widen in surprise before closing them when a blue flash blinded his vision.

Blinking out the spot in his eyes. He turned back to where the flash accrued and was shocked by what he sees.

There lying on the ground was a person strangest heavy set of armor he'd ever seen. He couldn't figure out how it ended up here. From the shape of the hands, he could tell it was either an Asari or human. On its back were a pair of very heavy weapons, a rocket launcher of some sort and a long-barreled sniper rifle. In its right hand held another weapon, an assault rifle that reminded him of a human rifle before their discovery of Element Zero.

He then saw a strange object next to it. A big round metal ball with multiple antennas sticking out of it. For what purpose he did not know.

Before his thoughts could continue, the thing moved its metal hands under it and pushed itself off the round and unto a knee and then two both legs. It stood at around the same height as a Krogen weight if the creek in the metal floor indicated anything. It then turned its head towards me and felt a bead of sweat roll off my forehead.

The helmet face looked at me with its big yellow eyes and surprised me when a female voice spoke from within it.

"What the fuck are you?"




Rapid Reload

Mad Bomber

Ranger takedown


Trigger Discipline

Intense Training: Strength +1



Strength Implant



Four Eyes


Strong Back


ED-D enhance sensors


Pack Rat

Commander E Rank 5

Long Haul

Subdermal implant

Grim Reapers Spirit

Jury Rigging

Implant Y-3

Bug Stomper Rank Three

Camel of the Mojave

Lord Death

Tough Guy

Free Radical

Endurance Implant


Big Brain

Reinforced Spine

Burden to Bear

Divide Savior



DNAvenger Rank 3

Khan Trick

Power Armor Training


Elijah's Ramblings


Animal Control

Hand Loader

Courier weapons & Mods:

Red Glare + "Alpha Strike," "Auto Launcher," "Far Sighting."


War Club + "War Club Casings," "War Club Honors."

Anti-Material Rifle + "AT rifle custom bolt, ""AT rifle suppressor," "AT rifle carbon fiber parts."

Ranger Sequoia


Cosmic Knife-clean



Codac R9000

Big Mountain Transportalponder! "Broken."

Elijah's advanced LAER + "Prismatic lens," "Auxiliary recharge chip


Remnant Power Armor (Body & Helmet)

Elite Riot Gear (Body & Helmet)

First Recon Berit

Rebreather mask

Authority Shades