new chapter alert. apologies for the delay.

Love Story

By: Xhibit B

Chapter Two

.i do not own the lion king.

"You know I saw that, right," Ni asked the golden Prince as they walked through the savanna under the night sky. "You made it extremely obvious, my friend."

It had been a few hours since Sarabi, and her family had been accepted into the Pride Lands by Queen Uru and King Ahadi. Ni had returned shortly after the decision was made to inform the King that there had been hyena sightings in the Pride Lands. That's when he'd found both Mufasa and Taka staring longingly at the beautiful, tawny lioness. He decided, when they were alone, he would talk to the eldest son of the King and Queen about it. But, that could wait until after he relayed his message to the King about the danger that lurked around the corner.

"Saw what," Mufasa asked innocently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Ni chuckled. "Someone has a crush on the new girl. Two someone's do, actually. I saw the way you and Taka were staring at her. You know, if you don't make your move quickly, your brother is going to ask her first and then there goes your chance. That's if she says yes, however. You might still have a chance though if she rejects him."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Ni," Mufasa maintained, his nose up in the air. He hated how easily his best friend was able to read him; especially when it came to things like that. "I do not have a crush on Sarabi. I feel sympathy for herself and her family. Knowing what I know about the Northern Mountain Pride and how the Kings treat their mates, I am impressed by the family's willingness to uproot their lives even though her mother is so close to giving birth to cubs."

"Mhm, tell me anything and expect me to believe it," Ni chuckled again. He didn't understand why his best friend wouldn't just admit that he had a crush on the lioness. It wasn't like he was going to make fun of him or anything. Besides, it wasn't like there was a period of time you'd have to know someone before you found yourself falling for them. "You have a crush on Sarabi, and you know it. Not that I blame you, she's very beautiful and perfectly fit to be a Queen. Besides, you're going to need to find a mate sooner than later. Your mother and father are going to want to step down from the throne at some point, and when that time comes, you're the one that's going to be King. And, you can't be an effective King without the right Queen by your side, Mufasa."

"You are definitely delusional," Mufasa said rolling his eyes at the white lion. Deep down, however, he knew that his best friend was right. He'd developed a thing for the lioness within moments of seeing her. However, he'd tried to brush it off as lust. As an adolescent male, raging hormones were a normal thing to deal with. He'd really not thought much of it until Ni said something. "I'm not sure what you thought you saw, but I do not have a crush on Sarabi. Nor do I have to start thinking about finding a mate at the moment. I have plenty of time before I have to do so. Besides, I'm sure mother and father will keep the tradition of betrothal. I probably already have a Queen lined up for me that I have yet to meet. If Taka wishes to have her paw, then that is his right."

"Yeah right," Ni chuckled again. "Queen Uru and King Ahadi were not betrothed. And I'm pretty sure that they were not originally to be together. But, they fell in love and King Mohatu allowed them to be joined as one. Perhaps the same will happen for you with Sarabi… you never know."

"We're not talking about this," Mufasa grumbled.

Ni merely laughed as he continued to follow his best friend. Maybe one day he could finally get Mufasa to understand what he meant. And hopefully by then it wasn't too late for himself and Sarabi to be happy with one another. But for now, he'd leave it alone. He didn't want to aggravate his friend and he knew that was where this conversation would lead if he continued to press the issue. He'd let it be for now, but eventually, they would have to talk about it once Mufasa finally came to his senses.

Sarabi yawned, rubbing her face with the pad of her paw; an attempt to brush away her sleepiness. Shortly after the King and Queen had gone over the rules of the Pride Lands with herself and her family, her mother had gone into labor. The cubs had, thankfully, held out until they'd confirmed that they could stay in the land before making their debut in the world. Naanda and the Queen had quickly rushed her mother away, demanding that she and her father stay behind no matter how much they wanted to be present for the birth. Sarabi had taken it well, she understood that it was more a precaution than anything that she and her father did not venture into her mother's range while giving birth and thereafter. But her father, he wanted to be present despite the risks. And Sarabi had, had a time trying to keep him at bay. If it hadn't been for the help of a handful of lionesses, the King and Ni, he would have gotten away from her and tried to go after her mother.

Her head turned, glancing at her father who slept at her side; Naanda not far away. Several hours after their mother had been taken away, Naanda had returned with news that their mother had birthed two beautiful, healthy female cubs. Their father had been so filled with joy that, once more, he tried to escape and go after his mate. The King had advised him not to do so for fear of being attacked by their mother. Sarabi had visibly seen Erevu shiver. She figured he'd had a flashback to why he got that scratch beneath his eye. Her mother had told her how he'd rushed in to see herself and Naanda after she'd given birth and had come into contact with her claws as a result. The scar had healed well afterwards, thankfully, but was still noticeable if one looked hard enough.

"You should probably try getting some sleep, Sarabi," she heard her sister say, a single eye peeking over at the tawny lioness. "We are going to be going out hunting with the hunting party in the morning. You'll need your rest, little sister."

Sarabi nodded. When the Queen returned shortly after Naanda did, she'd informed both girls that they would be joining herself and other members of the hunting party on the morning hunt. Sarabi was quite looking forward to it as she had been one of the best huntresses in the Northern Mountain pride. And it would be nice to return to active duty. She also really wanted to see how this Pride differed in hunting tactics from her birth pride.

"We've also been tasked with bringing Mom food and water afterward," Naanda murmured, slowly returning to sleep. "You'll get to meet our little sisters, Dwala and Diku."

Sarabi's muzzle curled upward at the thought. She couldn't believe she was a big sister now. With that thought, she quickly succumbed to a peaceful, comfortable sleep. The first she'd experienced in a long time.

chapter complete. a little short but, i left it in a good place. i hope to have another chapter out sooner or later. i can't make any guarantees when, but i'm working on it. i do also want to mention that i've started planning my holiday crack and mistletoe 2020 updating event already and i'm dividing my free time between writing chapters for that and trying to update my ongoing stories that are in desperate need of an update now. so, at best, for the next few months, updates will be scarce. but, i'll more than make up for that come mid-december, i promise. anyways, that's enough rambling. leave reviews and tell me what you think. until the next update, ciao~!