The Great Hall hushed as Harry stepped forward, wand at the ready, and faced Voldemort. Tension flowed through the air like electricity, urging all within the hall to be prepared for what would soon happen.

Voldemort sneered. "You dareā€¦"

"Yes, I dare," Harry said, "because I know many things that you don't know, Riddle. I know of a magic far more powerful than anything you could ever dream of."

Harry stepped forward as he spoke, determination growing as he thought of all the people that had been lost in the battle and the events leading up to it. Voldemort had stolen too much from this world, and Harry was determined to put an end to the damage here.

"I know love is more powerful than hate."

He took another step forward, as Voldemort grew more enraged.

"I know life can triumph in the face of death."

Voldemort snarled, raising his wand and casting a powerful curse.

"And I know that you can be defeated!" Harry shouted, casting a counter curse.

Their spells collided, ricocheting off each other and smashing into the walls. Again, and again, the two cast powerful spells, lighting the Great Hall in a series of reds, greens, blues, and even golden light. Finally, their spells connected, tying the duo in a red and green tether which showered them in golden sparks. Harry strained to maintain the connection as Voldemort laughed.

The man known as Argus Filch watched the dual from the sidelines. Having finally made his way through the densely packed crowd of combatants, he eagerly watched the duel which would decide the fate of the wizarding world. When it appeared that Harry would lose, Filch sighed and stepped forward.

Standing behind Harry he gave an elegant wave of his hand, turning Voldemort into dust.

"I had so hoped it would not come to this." He muttered as he stepped back.

The hall, deathly silent, tried to figure out how a squib had been able to pull off such an incredible magical feat. Suddenly, a beautiful woman with raven black hair, gracefully bound her way through the hall.

"There you are, Merlin!" She said, stepping before Filch and smiling. "We've been looking for you for centuries!"

Filch smiled and, with a gentle motion, stood as his features changed; his features softened, his hair became full and a vivid white, his stooped figure became regal as he drew himself up to his full height.

"Ah, Morganna, I had wondered who would be the first to find me."

Merlin laughed as he looked around the Great Hall.

"It appears I have made a rather dramatic entrance once again." He said.

"Don't you always?" Morganna laughed.

"It has become a terrible habit, now that you mention it." He said. "Now, dear Morganna, you must tell me where the others have wandered off to. I should shudder to think they have managed to find marvelous adventures without me!"

He wordlessly offered his arm, which she gladly accepted, and the pair walked out of the hall as the remaining witches and wizards stared on in stunned silence.