When Tony burst into the tower carrying a teenage boy who was bleeding badly, Steve immediately thought that Tony had done something stupid again, but then reprimaded himself for thinking that way. Ever since the Accords, neither of them trusted each other the way they had once.

Steve hurried towards them, and helped Tony carry the boy to med bay, where he demanded answers about the teen. "Who is he? Why is he bleeding? How did he get hurt?" he demanded.

Tony gave no answer, but rather grabbed bandages and held them to the side of the kid's body, where he could see an obvious bullet wound. Natasha burst in and shooed them off, quickly taking care of the injured boy by way of some anesthetic and gauze.

"Tony, who is he? How did a teenage boy get shot?" Steve asked.

Tony sighed and looked up from the chair where he was slumped. "Yeah, about that. Remember the Spider-guy-person who fought on my side in Berlin?"

"And was clearly new in fighting? Super energetic and optimistic, but stronger than Bucky?" remembered Steve. "Yeah, . . . so what?" Then Steve groaned. "Spiderman is a teenage boy with a gushing gunshot wound."

"Okay, he was actually in school when people started shooting other people, so the gunshot isn't his fault. But . . . yeah."