Author's Note: Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The following characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and this story derives from her original works, storylines, and world. Please do not sue me, I can barely pay tuition.

Warnings: NA

Stacked with: MC4A; Not Commonwealth; Shipping War; Hogwarts

Individual Challenge(s): Gryffindor MC; Hufflepuff MC; Seeds; Golden Times; Old Shoes; True Colours; Rian-Russo Inversion; Yellow Ribbon; Yellow Ribbon Redux; In a Flash

Representation(s): Metamorphmagus Tonks; werewolf Remus

Bonus challenge(s): Surprise!

Tertiary bonus challenge: NA

Word Count: 394

Shipping Wars

Ship (Team): Nymphadora Tonks/Remus Lupin (Technicolour Moon)

List (Prompt): Summer Big List (Bathing)

At Least There's Bubbles

At least with all these bubbles around, it was impossible to hurt.

Remus had somehow hurt himself last night, during the last full moon—he had no idea how, but he'd dislocated his shoulder again and irritated an old injury that reared its ugly head every now and then. This, added onto his usual post-full moon fatigue and fevers and aches, had made for a difficult day.

She, on the other hand, had been an idiot at work and had gotten herself hit by a Muggle car while chasing down some masked Death Eaters. Nothing too serious had come of it. She'd walked away with bruised ribs and an ankle she was a bit wobbly on which, as Kingsley had reminded her by oh-so-lovingly chewing her out for her aforementioned stupidity, was a right miracle. A kink in her neck had kept her up all night and she was rather black and blue.

Overall though, today had been a waste of that rare cosmic luck that had to be enacted for both of them to have coinciding days off. They'd both been in the flat, but they'd been too tired and achy and grumpy and in pain to properly interact like human beings, much less spend the day together and enjoy each other's company.

"Your muscles are so stiff," Remus had noticed when he'd put a hand on her shoulder after supper. It was one of the first things he'd said all day, and his eyebrows scrunched in that worry wart way of his as he did."You should try to relax them; take a bath or something."

"You should come with me," she had replied.

And so now they were sitting in the bathtub opposite one another, bubbles everywhere, letting the warm water wash over them and sink into their aches and pains, and soothe their muscles.

"You know what I like about us?" Dora said, reclining her head back so it rested on the edge of the tub.

"Tell me," Remus said, also seemingly half-asleep and content.

"We're just so exciting."

He burst out laughing and splashed water in her direction. She managed to turn her head to avoid it in the very nick of time.

"That's a dangerous game that you're playing, Mr Lupin," she said.

"I know," he said, arching an eyebrow.

And bathtime got a little bit more exciting, then.