Disclaimer: Good Omens, along with its characters, locations, etc. are the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet. If I owned the rights to it, I wouldn't still be desperate to meet the man that I absolutely ADORE: David Tennant.

Chapter Summary: After Aziraphale uses his wing to protect Crowley from the rain, he has a sudden urge to dance with the angel.


May I Have This Dance?

Chapter 1: The Garden


Crowley was a demon. He was the original Tempter, not that he necessarily knew that at the time. He was a snake, an animal that would be associated with evil for the rest of time, because he had caused Eve to eat the apple.

He knew he was supposed to be evil, that was in his nature. He was a demon; it was in the job description. But, despite this, he hadn't wanted to cause Adam and Eve to leave the Garden. He had just been doing his job.

He had always felt a little… different. As if the Fall hadn't taken every ounce of goodness from his being.

And that made his job a lot harder, because he had to struggle against his morality in order to do the tasks that he was assigned. Like Tempting Eve.

He just wished that there was another being out there, somewhere, that felt the same way that he did. As if he didn't quite fit into his realm. He was different, and that was a horrible thing to be when everyone else that you're around is exactly the same.

And if you're sure to be severely punished, possibly killed, if any one of those being found out about how different you really were.

So, Crowley allowed himself to forget, just for a little while, about how alone he was. He left Hell and made his way to the surface of the Earth.

Just as Crowley was breaking through the ground of the Garden, intent on eating some fruit from the bushes, he caught a glimpse of a blond-hair angel standing on the wall that surrounded the lush greenery, the wall that protected it from the harsh desert elements outside.

He didn't know who the angel was, or what he was doing, but he felt a sudden urge to take on a human form and talk to the little man watching over the corrupted humans. Maybe, just maybe, he could have a moment of peace, where he didn't feel quite so alone.

Even if the white-clad, barefoot being on the wall was an angel.

He slithered up the wall with practiced ease, taking on his human form as he reached the top. This consisted of a thin – almost too thin – body wrapped in a dark gray tunic, with long, curly red hair, yellow snake eyes (something he couldn't change no matter what form he was in), and wings as black as night stretching out behind him.

Okay, so maybe his human form wasn't entirely human. But he had the ability to hide his wings, so it was close enough to pass, as long as people didn't look too closely at his eyes.

As he started talking to the angel, he had the sudden, unexpected thought that he actually liked this being.

Crowley knew angels. He knew that they were cold and cruel, and they didn't give a damn about anything unless it benefitted them.

So why, in the name of Satan himself, did this one decide to give his flaming sword to the fallen humans? They had sinned – had rebelled, in a sense – angels didn't go for that sort of thing. That was one thing that Crowley could never forget.

But this angel – Aziraphale, apparently – had chosen to help the humans, despite the fact that he was going against God Herself. If she had wanted the humans to have a flaming sword, wouldn't she have given them one?

Thoughts like these made Crowley's head spin. He hated thinking about the Almighty and her plans for the world. Thinking about those things when he was still an angel had caused him to get a nice good smacking – right over the edge, so he would Fall for millions of lightyears into a pit of boiling sulfur.

That was the only thing that Crowley remembered of Heaven. He remembered asking questions, and promptly Falling.

He didn't even remember his name.

So, when he heard this… innocent, kind angel telling him that he had given away his flaming sword, Crowley had to fight back a little smile at the audacity of this silly little blond entity.

"You what?" he had exclaimed, a small smile curling the edges of his mouth.

"I gave it away!" Aziraphale cried out, looking unsure of everything he had ever done in his life.

Crowley had smiled then, allowing himself to bathe in the unbelievable goodness of Aziraphale. He had never met an angel who was so kindhearted, so loyal and loving, as the one that was standing next to him.

Crowley allowed himself the thought that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't alone. Maybe there was another being like him after all, one that didn't quite fit into Heaven, just like Crowley didn't fit in with Hell.

Crowley cracked a joke as this thought came to him, saying something like "It would be funny, wouldn't it, if you did the bad thing and I did the good." He wasn't sure exactly what he had said, he was too busy staring in awe at the ridiculous angel that was staring out at the desert, a look of apprehension on his face.

Right then, Crowley knew that he wanted to be friends with Aziraphale. No matter what it took, what they were risking, he wanted to spend more than one night in conversation with the incredible being that was standing next to him, who was muttering something like "No, that wouldn't be funny at all!"

Yes, this angel was different. And he liked that a lot.

As thunder boomed and the First Rain started to fall, Crowley inched a millimeter closer to Aziraphale, smiling as the angel lifted his wing to shield him from the rain.

"And what about you, angel?" Crowley asked as rain flattened Aziraphale's fluffy blond curls.

"I'll be fine. If the Almighty intended to do harm with this falling water, the harm would have already been done, yes?" he muttered, looking unsure of himself.

"But you're getting all wet." Crowley lifter his wing as he said this, allowing it to hover a few feet above Aziraphale's head, shielding him from the downpour.

"Oh, thank you." Aziraphale said with a small smile.

When Aziraphale smiled, Crowley had the sudden urge to pull the angel against his chest and move along to the soft pitter patter of the rain hitting the stone wall they were standing on. He resisted the urge, due to his enormous willpower (which was necessary when you had to follow orders you didn't like, or risk destruction by holy water) and the sad look on Aziraphale's face.

"What's wrong, angel?" He muttered, balling his hands into fists so he didn't reach out and touch his shoulder, or his soft, damp hair.

"Oh, I suppose I'm just worried about Adam and Eve. And I'm worried about Heaven, and how they plan to deal with this… development." Aziraphale answered, wringing his hands together.

"I'm sure they'll figure something out. Heaven is made up of the good guys, and the good guys always win." Crowley said sarcastically.

Aziraphale, completely missing the sarcasm in Crowley's voice, muttered "I suppose you're right." He looked up from where he had been staring at his feet, looking out toward the horizon.

Crowley could just barely make out the light from the sword that Aziraphale had given Adam, flaming despite the torrential downpour. He thought he could spend eternity trying to figure out the enigma that was the silly angel standing next to him.

"I should probably be getting back actually. Gabriel will want an update." Aziraphale turned and gave Crowley a small smile before disappearing with a small pop.

Crowley stood in the rain for a long time, staring at the spot where Aziraphale had been standing, and hoping that he would see him again.