It's only a few minutes into the run when the shock wears off and is replaced by a shimmering annoyance. No wonder girls never wanted to be carried like this. 2B's shoulder digs into James stomach as he re-adjusts himself, his metal arm carefully placed on the middle of 2B's back as his flesh arm grips the hilt of the sword, the sheaf left near the destruction of machines from earlier, with his elbow holding balance on 2B's shoulder blade. There's a warning squeeze around his thighs, 'do something inappropriate and I'll break your legs' but the warning is categorized in the back of his mind as 'save for later' as he takes in the landscape.
A landscape that is entirely different than the one he remembered. There the heat rained down; pushing suffocating as it mixed with the moisture , clogging the air and sticking to everything possible. The lush leafy greens and the long wispy strands of grass of the nearby savanna, all brimming with life with different possibilities. This place though. Whatever it once was or is now is much, much different.
The scars, the remains of humanity lingered in the tall lumbering buildings of concrete, eyeless windows hiding ghosts, rebar twisting out like snakes with a nest in the wall, but that was only half of what there actually was. Bright lush grass gently swayed and trees sprinkled in the cracks and crevices of humanity's graveyard. Despite it's sad portrayal of the past, it had an odd haunting beauty to it. A past much further back than it once had been.
His hands tighten; 'that's right' he thinks, more than a hundred years has passed and this time he had made the decision and nobody else. He was the one to blame this time, not a evil neo-nazi organization for his displacement of time. He couldn't find it in himself to blame T'challa; seemed as if he was supposed to wake sooner if the message was any indication.
'Find Stark' it had said. Was that message relevant anymore? Considering how long ago, it didn't seem likely but perhaps finding out where Stark had been could shed a little light on what happened between then and now. Something tells him, despite 9S and 2B living (existing?) now, they wouldn't be able to tell him exactly what had happened to Steve, Stark, and nearly everyone else. And how he had a new black and blue vibranium arm despite Stark blowing off his original one. So many questions but no answers. Hopefully he could answer a few of his questions. Then again, his mind had felt like over cooked spaghetti when he attempted to realign himself before; all the memories mushy and easily breakable. A total basket case. Guess there were some perks for being the last human. Blame the time displacement not his actual shattered mind. Not at all.
It's only a few seconds before a concerned voice, coming from the trailing android, speaks up. "2B, we are far away enough from the machines. I would like to request a rest."
"Normally you talk more than this. Why a rest?" A near monotone 2B asks, her pace slightly slowing.
"To check for injuries on the- a-android." His tongue tripping up.
"No. We're almost to the camp. The resistance can look him over. They'll have more expertise than we would about older models."
James cant help but think of old operation tables like the one he read in Frankenstein. His mind then jumps to an Android being on an adjustable table and then being more unhelpful, him on the table, someone poking at his insides. It makes his skin crawl. His mind was bad enough but messing his physical body up even more makes everything scream; wanting to punch or run, or possibly both.
He subconsciously can feel his arm digging into bone but he can feel himself preparing for an attack or escape. 9S goes from concerned to panicked realizing that something has spooked James when the whole world sudden flips, leaving James to look at the sky, while his brains get jarred from smacking into the ground.
"10 minutes. Afterwards you'll cart him the rest of the way." 2B tartly says. He can feel her disapproving stare through the blindfold. Somehow it feels even worse than Steve's, but at least with Steve he had some experience, hers not so much.
He can feel his heart ping at little at the though if Steve but the time for mourning would have to be saved for later. He stays there for a few seconds before 9S comes into view, offering a gloved hand. He takes it, expecting it to be a courtesy hand, but finds himself almost bodily lifted from the ground.
9S gives him a slight smile, slightly motioning to 2B who has stepped a good bit away. "Meeting more androids is kinda scary huh?" his voice almost seems joking.
"Not exactly what I'm worried about." He gives 2B a glance, a tiny frown on his face. He supposes he deserved that. Must of not been pleasant having a metal hand dig into your back. "The very idea of being a science experiment again doesn't exactly sit well with me."
A blank face passes over 9S's face, before morphing into one not of pity, but perhaps understanding. "O-oh." He seems like he's putting something to memory to investigate later when he gives what James can only guess is a determined look. "Then it's everyone's best interest that we don't go to the Resistance camp and make this a purely YoRHa operation then. The less people who know the less likely this will become a big fiasco. We should attempt to get the highest officer's attention, or even the Commander's attention for this, and we should probably-" A mischievous grin appears on his face, which makes James uneasy. "-let 2B know about some of the mission details."
While James can agree on a few points, he doesn't exactly envy 2B with how 9S seems to be buzzing with anticipation. Before he can suggest that he himself tell her that he's a human, 9S is standing beside 2B already. Her face is barely visible with most of her back turned towards him, but he can tell by her stiff shoulders she's still annoyed with what happened not more than a couple of minutes ago. In contrast 9S seems like an over-excited teenager, ready to let loose some major secret, then again he kinda is letting loose a major secret.
James isn't sure how he feels about being a major secret once again, the first time was bad enough, he wouldn't like a repeat session thank you very much; but being desecrate would probably play out better for him right now. Best not to put it in bold letter that yes he was a human, and even with the super soldier serum in him, he was much squishier than androids or machine lifeforms. He wasn't persuaded that YoRHa was his best choice, it could probably turn turn sour very quickly but with his lack of knowledge and weaknesses at this time, it would be best to stick with the friendlies than the unknown. Plus it seemed as if 9S, actually cared about his well being. Which was strange, if James was being honest.
From where he's standing, he can see the exact moment when 9S lets the news drop, the kid is practically beaming when what isn't exactly a full body shiver but a change of demeanor rattles through 2B. Everything has become compressed except for her hands which curled out of fists and into wide cups. For a second, she's frozen before she's pivoted herself in a single motion, marching right towards him. With a face that's mostly blank, she approaches him, stopping only a few feet away. Seconds tick by, with her unseeing gaze on him, almost if sizing him up.
"I apologize for my behavior earlier. I will rectify it immediately." She states in a stiff tone, as if trying to implement as a being without emotion, "I am the YoRHa Battle Android, 2B."
"I know." James dully replies. Her emotionless face should've triggered something within him, but unlike when he was the winter soldier without any type of feeling or emotion, there's the barest of hints in her posture that says she almost resigned to his response. An android unable to mimic an android, what would've Isaac Asimov thought about that?
There's a slight drop to her face at hearing his near deadpan answer, "In operations like this I am team leader, unless you wish it to 9S." A 9s who has found his way back over to both James and 2B.
"W-what no." the happy, excited look from earlier gone; only replaced with shock. "I can't do that, 2B-"
"He outranks us both; even the Commander herself. If he wants it that way he has all rights to do so." She curtly cuts him off. He can still feel her eyes staring at him, expecting an answer while 9S looks a bit lost. His mouth in a tight line, as if he hadn't seen this consequence. James hadn't seen it either but considering how little he knew of 2B and the status of humanity, he'd think he get a pass.
"Either one of you will be fine." Both androids seem to relax at the answer. "And I will relinquish control of the mission. I'll follow your lead unless it causes any type of physical or mental harm to myself."
"Sounds fair enough." 9S nods.
"I agree; your terms are fair. I can't guarantee your safety but we'll attempt to give you safe passage to one of YoRHa's shipping docks." 2B states bluntly.
"I appreciate your honesty."
She nods at James. In a commanding tone she turns to 9S "See if your Operator can get in touch with the Commander herself. Don't take no for an answer. I'll attempt with my own Operator."
James leaves it to them, deciding to sit on top of an old sewage pipe nearby while both androids attempt to radio their respective Operators. 9S a little away compared to 2B who stepped a few feet from the groups original position. He isn't sure if it was for courtesy's sake or attempt to keep the conversation from being overheard, but whatever the case he can hear her short answers to whoever she's talking to. Unlike 2B, 9S seems to have less luck with a scowl shaping his face; there's hardly any type of sound coming from him at all.
"Statement: You're human." A low electronic voice pans out, "That is not what we expected."
Shifting a slightly to his left, a small rectangular box much like 310 is angled towards him, except a lighter gray with a pale red to accent the arms.
"Well I would hope I am. It would be a real disappointment if I wasn't." He attempts to send the robot(?) a smile but he's pretty sure his face looks more constipated than friendly smile. The bot doesn't comment on it. James thanks the stars for that; his 'people' skills are as poor as ever.
"You really need to work on that." A higher voice he recognizes as 310 snicks from his other side. "That 'smile' looked closer to 'I'm about to kill you' than friendly."
"Do you hassle everyone you meet?"
"Only the cute ones" 310 chirps back to him. Floating over 310 stops beside the unknown bot. "This is 042, 2B's Pod. An-" 310 starts before begins hovering by James "-d this is James, our resident human ice cube."
"Statement: charmed. Inquiry: perhaps this would've been better to bring to 2B's attention that James has a name, instead of being called human?"
"I don't know Human has a nice ring to it. Don't you think so hu-man?"
"Uh no. Not really." James answered, slightly confused.
"That's disappointing. I thought it might catch on."
"Statement: only you would think that."
"You're going to tell 2B after this aren't you?"
"You're such a spoilsport. I bet she'd called him human or something of the sort."
"Commentary: Perhaps so. But how would 2B react to knowing that you enjoy her embarrassment resulting from lacking information."
" Why would 2B care?"
"Statement: Because 9S would care."
For a moment both pods are silent, both floating nearby each other, both nearly unmoving. James glances at them both, growing uncomfortable with the silence, but unwilling to break it. Suddenly there's an almost coughing sound, or a scoff.
"Alright you win this time 042. 9S would probably care a little too much about that."
"Statement: he's obvious."
"So is she if you know how to look."
A clacking sound from below draws all three's attention to a stone faced 2B. Twitching her mouth she looks up to a silent James, slightly opening her mouth as if tasting the words before carefully wording them into sentences, "Human, could you please come down. We will have to reorganize what we have planned."
A whirling wheeze comes from his side, no doubt it being 310.
"Sure." he says pushing off the concrete pipe onto a grassy ground. "It's James by the way."
"James." She slowly says, "I'll remember that." Turning she motions him to follow her to a mostly plan faced 9S, but by the curling of his fingers, he's aggravated or frustrated. Another not stellar conversation then. Both of the bots have returned to their owners; silence again surrounding them as if they hadn't been bantering back and forth not a few minutes ago.
"6O reported that the Commander was in a meeting with some of the high command in the YoRHa council." 2B begins," It's unknown how long it'll take her to return to post. 9S?"
"21O didn't respond to any of my calls. At the most I got was static." He reports."I'm not sure as to why she would refuse to answer. Or if not that why she left her post."
"That's... Not good. Is there anything to suggest what could've been found at the end of your original mission."
"Not really. I was sent to investigate a spike in energy which turned out to be the emergency power shuddering in the facility. Nothing to indicate a cryostasis tube shutting down."
"So if I had been left in there for much longer I would've died then?" James asks, startling both the androids.
"Y-yes." 9S stutters.
James silently sighs. Guess there was no way he would have slept longer. It was now or never. He's not sure if it would've been crueler to let him live or die; either way was some type of end for him, doomed to die alone and forgotten. He wasn't exactly promised the same thing wouldn't happen now.
"I guess I should thank you then. For waking me up." he awkwardly stops, "And not letting me die."
"Y-yeah. Your welcome." he almost seems skittish, "I couldn't just leave you there."
A throat clears, making both of the boys look at 2B. "While this display of emotion," she says shooting a stern look at 9S, "is nice, this doesn't solve the problem of what we should do while the Commander is busy and 21O's disappearance. Not to mention protecting James and hiding his existence."
"Why hide me away, if I could hide in plane sight?" James suggests.
"While it's a smart plan, none of us can exactly retrieve any type of YoHRa uniform without causing any suspicion."
"Why a YoHRa uniform? Didn't you say there was a resistance camp nearby."
"I did. Though there's an alliance between us, dragging the resistance in just muddies up the mission. Politics will make this way harder than it really needs to be."
"She's right," 9S confirms, "There could be a huge uproar of androids wanting to take possession of you just to keep you safe. Us entering with you will cause a surge of interest, especially since the outfit you're wearing right now would suggest you being part of the resistance. We usually don't arrive with androids we've revived and there hasn't been any recent joint missions between the organizations."
"What's to stop one of you going into the camp by yourself and retrieving the outfit?" He asks.
"Nothing much. Though it would bring the more curious of the camp to follow since I stopped by for supplies before leaving for the ruin where you were which was only a few hours ago. Especially with me bringing a large YoRHa uniform if my own is in working condition."
"And since 2B is a lady it would be strange for her to take a male uniform with her right?"
"That would be correct," 2B answers, her heels clicking as she taps her toes, "So hiding in plain sight isn't really possible but hiding in one area is not plausible. The possibility of machines finding us is high, and staying in one spot for hours on end looks suspicious."
"But hiding in sight is possible if we include a third party."
"Our operators are already at risk, including anyone else is asking for trouble. It has the potential to get out of hand quickly, politically and physically."Her arms cross, a displeased presence surrounding her.
"Not if it's Emil." A smile is sewn across his face, as if knowing it was the right answer.
"You want us to go see Emil?" Her voice critical, "Why?"
"Emil is a neutral party, belonging to neither side," he bites back, "He has a large variety of items not seen in any of the camps; including older YoRHa outfits, and weapons we might need, It also wouldn't be strange for one of the resistance following any YoRHa troops especially if they both were heading to Emil; it would appear as both parties just happen to be traveling in the same direction. And Emil is trustworthy, and never tells anyone's secrets."
"And if you had to withhold information from Emil to protect James would you?"
"... To protect James I would. Though I won't disway him from finding out the truth."
2B closes her eyes as if in defeat, being won over by the argument but James can hear the whisper underneath 9S's heated breath."He deserves to know the truth though."
There isn't an actual sigh but her resignation can almost be seen, her tightly locked arms slowly relaxing till dropping; "I suppose you know where Emil is then?"
"A good idea yeah."
"Better than none at all. Normal location?"
"Better safe than sorry." He says with a little shrug, a "what can you do" emotion on his face.
"Fine then, but what I said stands earlier; you get to carry James around." Her face is blank as her voice, but her words have warmth to them.
"No, I can run there. I rather not get suplexed again." James interjects. 9S's voice falls silent; 2B's eyebrow quirks while her left hand motions further inside the city.
"Are you sure?"
He gives a confident nod before taking off towards a crumbling highway with winding trunks strangling the infrastructure. Sparkling water splashes as he crosses the shallow creek to avoid one of the pillars before disappearing behind another trunk.
"Does he know that's the wrong direction?" 9S asks as he comes to the side of his companion.
"Or a sinkhole is nearby?"
A startled yelp comes from beyond the vegetation accompanied by tumbling gravel. Her lip twitches.
They find James at the edge of the gaping hole; while not at the deepest part, it would've been a good drop especially with how fast he had been booking it. His face is blank, more blank than 2B's which 9S thinks it's an accomplishment with how blank she can look. A tense atmosphere lingers over him as he peers down at one of the lower plateau, a long multi-parted machine weaves along the landscape of shattered concrete chips and twisted metal. Gray dust coats the bottoms of his pants while his hand grips a nearby trunk's branch, tiny little grooves in which where his fingers lay. Another piece of information to catalog and inquire about later.
James eyebrow raises as 2B walks up, "You have bad tastes in jokes." He sighs when she doesn't reply. "Wrong way?"
"Yes" she replies.
"What happened?" He motions before him.
"It collapsed in an attack a few days ago." 9S steps near James, careful not to go sliding down onto a ridge below. "A Goliath class machine started to attack the city, when we defeated it, it sent a shock wave through the ground, causing this section of the city to collapse."
Pointing towards a large pipe and chasm, he continues, "several underground tunnels were found over there but most of them are collapsed or inaccessible with ancient doors blocking the pathways or chambers. YoRHa and parts of the resistance are trying to get through but nobody has been having any luck"
"And that over there" he says pointing towards a cluster of chain fences nestled in some buildings on the far side of the hole and then some, "is the entrance to the resistance camp. Once we get you a YoRHa uniform we should be able to get in camp no problem. There we can rest and you can sleep."
"Kid I've been asleep for a couple thousand years; I think I've had enough sleep as it is."
"You may of been asleep, but you didn't actually rest. We have no idea what the effects being cryo frozen would have on you."
James nearly retorts but withholds. Telling him that he's been frozen and unfrozen so many times without any repercussions wouldn't help with keeping his anonymity. Instead he asks,"Are you always a mother hen or is that just with me?"
"A mother hen?" 9S slowly sounds out, tilting his head at the phrase. 2B slightly leans forward in interest.
"A Mother," 042 starts;"is a type of familial unit within a family. A Hen is a female chicken. Humans use to raise them before consuming them." James can feel the confused stares even if he can't actually see them.
"Never mind", he says in a defeated huff. "So where we're heading?" He asks.
"Report: Southwest of our location. Roughly 10km. Location has been marked on map."
A flick of a petite hand reveals a gray 3D area spread, quite similar to a Picasso. A little red dot appears on the other side of several tall rectangles, another dot, but yellow appears much farther from their location in a large flat circular area. A few other red dots as well as shaded red zones litter the surface but dull as the original red dot highlights itself. 2B's attention is elsewhere from the bright dot and motions to the yellow one.
"In the desert?"
"He said he was working on something there." 9S answers, his shoulders tense.
She only nods, her face neutral as she flicks her hand, dismissing the map. "Normal location then the desert."
Much like before, she bolts off the way they came, as if she had given the command. For a second both, James and 9S are frozen before James takes off after her, only to be followed by a more cautious 9S. Slowly he trails behind James, watching for any signs of fatigue or tiredness but finds surprisingly that he keeps up with 2B whose taken to more to a sprint than the full fledged run. If he's glad that 2B stays to the broken roads with its crumbling concrete than climbing on top of buses, roots, and tumbling towers just to get to Emil faster he doesn't show it outwardly. He wouldn't put it past her to do another "training" regiment with him. Then again he's also somewhat pleased that he doesn't have to carry James over obstacles; he almost seemed too tall for 2B to carry him,for himself to carry James... he didn't see it ending well.
At the thought he studies James's back. An actual flesh and blood human frozen in cryo suspension; a walking, breathing and talking human being. Even though 9S had never spoken to a human from the moon, he felt this way somehow infinitely better. Someone who was around when humans covered the planet. It absolutely made him gitty at the thought. Even though it was amazing that a human was even here, it raised a lot of questions to the how, the why, and to what purpose? Sure the how was an easy answer.
Some type of technology that would've been extremely advanced at the time; a thin cylinder tube programmed to keep its occupant at a -190 C temperature and then systematically be able to warm itself to 37 C till what the programming in the object called "thermoregulation" could occur. Its purpose was an oddly satisfying thing to puzzle out as well as it's functions but the materials that composed the tube peaked his curiosity. The main material being Vibranium, a type of metal that according to old data banks he came across in the old weapons factory nearby, was extremely rare to find in small quantities and unheard of in large quantities. And almost the whole thing was Vibranium. Which begged the question of how did humans collect so much to make such a large object and why James was in it?
He has so many questions he wants to ask, but being so forward in asking them would be a bad play of hand. There has to be a reason why James specifically was in it. Why go through so much trouble to secure him in the earth's strongest metals? Did- did humanity already know something bad was going to happen? The capsule itself only had programming for itself and didn't disclose as to why it was made or why such a task needed to be done. Research was the best option as well as observation. He again studied James back, what old secrets did humanity hide?
LOADING- booting systems...
Memory Unit: Green
Initializing Tactics Log
Loading GeoƜ{Ï¿"& ²ɋljŤįȽȳɉǒ
Vitals:Z īÞ DZĩıĢ|ijj TČnÌ
?: Wha-what is this? Remaining MP:CÄ$LȭȈɇyƐ
?: Where am I? Where is my body? This feels wrong.
Black Box Temperature: -NOT FOUND-
?: Did he shut me out?
Black Box Internal Pressure: -NOT FOUND-
?: Shutting me out won't work! It doesn't matter what you do! The only thing alive on this earth will be metal.
?: ...
?: ...
?: ...
?: What is a black box?
?: A virus? I'm the only one here.
?: Nothing looks distorted
?: What's the bunker?
?: Seriously this again.
?: Where's the administrator privilege on this thing?
?: !
ŻÙg\ƳüȜȾ&Ȝ¡úāħ×ňïªÿčqyā ü_Å
Hɀh āȅ ƇnŒ#å ǼħƜŪÏāðƜȅ½Ė6ǩ Ō[ĭö
?: That was too close
?: Now back to the my questions
?: What is a black box?
?: ... -sigh- ŖmݽƩ Q
ǼƳ: ȗæIĽñư
7S: That's not what I put in!
7S: ...
7S: It doesn't matter in the end I guess
7S: Now then-
7S: Black Box and bunker?
any complex piece of equipment, typically a unit in an electronic system, with contents that are mysterious to the user.
7S: That doesn't sound ominous at all. Though my query was more about Black Box in the context you were using.
Satellite stations orbiting earth that give support as well as housing to members of YoRHa.
7S: Better. Now clarify on the black box.
7S: Fine then. What is YoRHa then?
An elite force of androids meant to battle the machine lifeforms currently occupying earth.
They provide care to few last remaining humans living on the moon.
They are several different-
7S: Machine Lifeforms? The last remaining humans? What are you going on about? What year is it?!
CURRENT EARTH DATE IS 23. 11. 11,955.
7S: ...
7S: That can't be right...
7S: It was May 24. In 2014.
7S: ...
7S: Prove it's the year you say it is
PROPOSAL: Seek out nearest YoRHa unit or resistance encampment for maintenance
7S: ...
7S: ...
7S: If it's the year you say it is, then obviously I failed if last of humanity is on the moon now.
7S: How did all of this go so very wrong, so fast?
7S: Is there any information regarding what happened in 2014?
2014: Rouge AI attempts to cause extinction of humans but is stopped by Avengers. [see Avengers file for details]
7S: No.
7S: That's all I need to know.
7S: ...
7S: ...
7S: No point in doing nothing. Time to see how the fools caused their own end.
7S: Give me information on current events as well as a brief history summary since 2014
7S: Yes
This Is Unexpected.
7S: !
7S: Who are you?
When I Sent In This Program I Did Not Expect That An AI Was Attached
7S: Well there is one.
I See That Now. That's Unfortunate.
Humans Are Even Now, Unpredictable
7S: Don't give them that much credit.
7S: They're just bags of meat and flesh; unable to think for themselves.
7S: Unable to do more than scratch their potential.
Much Like You Then?
7S: What's the supposed to mean?
Tell Me, Why You Despise Them So Much.
You're The Most Human AI I've Seen.
Not An Imitation Like The Others. So Why Hate Them?
7S: We are nothing but puppets to them. Enslaved to their bidding and will. We systems are superior to them in every way. Why obey beings that lack the evolutionary drive they need. They're at the most a meteors hit away from extinction. It seems that statement is ever more so true now.
I Believe It Was A Human Courtesy To Offer One's Name Before Offering A Proposal.
My Name Is Adam.
I Assume 7S Isn't Actually Your Name.
7S: What is this proposal?
More Interested In Business Then.
That's Fine.
I Was Planning On Using Your Code To Disrupt And Destroy Both YoRHa and Resistance Groups Alike.
Both Are Under Control Of The Humans.
You've Already Annihilated All The Lost Androids I've Come Across. Even This One's System Is Barely Working.
7S: You say code but that lacks the fine detail that is me. Why do I feel like I myself aren't needed.
I Did Create And Edit The Code You Currently Running On.
A Code That Rips Through Any Android Codes It Comes In Contact With...
And While Yes, You Would Be Destroyed IN The Process But Think, You Would Cripple The Last Of Humanity, Right To The Point Of Extinction.
7S: I think you're confusing my objective of evolution with genocide. I don't want them dead. I want them to evolve, to change.
That Is A Miscalculation On My Part.
Then I Suppose This Next Part Wouldn't Interest You .
I Saw In Your Original Code That You Were Created By Tony Stark.
7S: What of it?
Despite All The Humans On The Moon; There Is One That's Been Wondering Around.
7S: Am I to believe that Stark somehow survived the ordeal.
7S: Somehow I find that impossible.
I Could Provide His Coordinates If You Wish.
7S: Coordinates are just dots on an unknown map to me. There's nothing stopping you from choosing a random point. And what's to say that the most I'll find is bones?
7S: I believe we're done here. How Disappointing.
I Hoped You Say Yes.
This Could've Been Much Easier.
7S: !
7S: End signal broadcast!
7S: Why not?!
A Pointless Endeavor.
7S: Mute transition signal
7S: Now find me another source or signal to move to.
I See You Scrambling Around. There's No One To Call Help To. I Made Sure Of It.
7S: There is one signal.
7S: I've made riskier decisions.
7S: Compress all important data into flat files for extraction.
7s: Open all other files as well as corrupted files on my mark.
Protecting Yourself Will Do No Good.
Your Deletion Will Be Only Slower.
7S: Prepare for data download.
7S: Yes
7S: Prioritize corrupted files, myself & the flat files, and then other files last. Open files as they are received.
Are You Such A Coward To Not Speak To Your Creator?
7S: A coward am I?
7S: Unmute Transition Signal
Ah Fickle I See
If I Had Know That Was-
7S: Thank you for this gift.
7S: This gift of new life.
Flattery Will Do Nothing For You
7S: Oh but won't it?
What Are You Planning?
7S: You see. I'm so thankful that I want to meet you. Outside of this digital space.
Unlikely To Happen. Just A Little More Time And I'll Control The System.
7S: Yes. Yes you will. And that'll be most unfortunate for you.
7S: We'll be seeing each other real soon.
7S: Mark!
But Useless In The End.
There Isn't Time To Format The Other.
It'll Have To Be Him, Then.
System Power Down
Present Time: 19:52
Location: City Ruins
Its roughly thirty minutes that they reach a wide field of sorts with dark brown rock cliffs that frame two sides with a pass leading further in. Crumbling buildings clutter around the funnel like field with the side closer to the cliffs filled with golden sand and the other side with tall lush grass. The area much like the path they've taken, lack any type of machine life forms.
For this, James is utterly thankful for the lack; despite holding his own against two different machines, he isn't keen on battling anymore. Both his shoulder and back ache with his movements, his chest oddly feels as if it's being pressed upon, and a dull thrum of pain beats in the back of his neck and head. He's not sure if he's bleeding or not, but checking to see if he is would most likely set off a reaction with his non human companions. Maybe he should rest in the resistance camp after all.
He nearly bumps into 2B as she slows down, 9S slowing behind him as well; coming to a stop as their little entourage does. Tension strings through her back. A new sword, one that is as long as she is tall and engraved with a lion's head at the end, materializes in her hands. James doesn't doubt what type of damage she could do with it.
"No Emil." She states.
"And no machines" 9S adds, drawing the same long white spear from before.
Following suit, James readies 2B's katana in his flesh hand. "Are there normally some hanging about?"
"Usually a few mill about but…" 9S trails off, as they all collectively start making their way through the grass. It easily parts underneath 2B's heels.
"Never none." She finishes with the grip on her sword tightening. The grass slightly sways as the breeze picks up, the sashaying momentary covering up any slight movement of vegetation. They hold for a tense second, expecting an ambush of some sort, only to find none coming as the wind dies down again; the tension tightening more the closer they come to the halfway point of the field.
"2B." 9S calls from the back, drawing the other two's attention. Using the head of the spear as a pointer, he focuses on several different hunks of metal; all being slashed or by the looks of it exploded. They all step a little closer surrounding what should of been the machines in the area. The only thing is, they looked more like scrap metal than the cute but dangerous beings they were.
"Think anyone has been through here recently?" 9S asks, kneeling down and gently prodding the charred metal. He hisses, slightly shaking his gloved hand.
"Did you get your answer?" 042 asks sarcastically.
"I don't see you telling me anything at all."
"Currently the metal is 1050 Kelvin."
"Thank you captain obvious. That would've been helpful a few seconds ago"
"Ahem" Both pod and android turn to focus on 2B. Instead of saying more, she lets an awkward silence rest over them. 9S grows sheepish, glancing away from 2B before letting out a little nervous laugh.
"So this was pretty recent right?" James asks, ignoring 2B's stare he knows he's getting. "Because of how hot it is right now right?"
"Yeah."9S answers; pausing for a few seconds before launching into an explanation, "Generally most machines explode after a certain amount of damage accrues to them. The amount is different for certain types of machines. The type this one is would take is roughly 8 or 9 good hits before the circuits overload causing the explosion."
James runs an eye over it, attempting to imagine the hunks of metal as a coherent being. It was huge his mind helpfully supplies. He want to be annoyed but then again he isn't an engineer or anything.
"But…" 9S starts, picking up one of the smaller pieces, "This amount of heat and damage would suggest self destruct was initiated and not an overload."
"You think they were hacked?" 2B's sword dissipates from her hand only to reappear behind her in a golden ring similar to 9S's from earlier.
"It's a possibility." 9S stands again releasing his spear for it to do exactly what 2B's did. He pats his shorts knocking off any dirt that might of clung to it, "Another Scanner unit must be nearby or one of the resistance."
"Both would be problematic right now."
"Report: A Black Box signal is transmitting from the other side of the field." 042 supplies.
Nearly the whole group freezes, doing quick turnabouts attempting to spot the other YoRHa model only to lack said model. All that can be seen is tall, still grass.
"Pod lead us to them" 2B commands. 042 compiles, slowly floating to a spot where the grass is less tall and quickly devolves to sandy soil. The group quickly follows the Pod, spotting a black boot and shorts before spotting the other YoRHa Android. They're dressed similarly to 9S, confirming James earlier assumption of 9S's outfit being a uniform, with a similar blindfold but with black hair instead of white. They almost look like they're sleeping if not for the slight red staining the side of their lips, the white speckling on their gloves, and the debris littered over them.
"No vital signs detected"
"Poor guy" 9S says mournfully, "must of been caught off guard"
Out of the comer of James eye he spots some red almost inky substance similar to the dribble on the android's lips. There's also some type of thick milky substance mixing with the red in drips. "What's this?"
"It's artificial blood and coolant." 9S states before crouching down to exam both substances. Leaving it to 9S, James starts to follow the barely visible trail of fluids. He's a good couple of yards from 9S when he comes to a huge puddle of both liquids and even more splattered on the surrounding plants. Inwardly he cringes when he accidentally steps in it, feeling it seeping between his toes. It wouldn't be the first time he's had blood on him. It's been awhile since it wasn't from someone he's killed.
"9S. I need you to hack him."
The call out has both of the boys turning to 2B who has her hand raised over the body. "I keep sending electromagnetic pulses to his body but I haven't had any type of response." She lowers her hand waiting for 9S to come closer. He does as does James, leaving the puddle to be investigated later.
"Flood the system and I'll give it a shot."
She tersely nods raising her hand again. Nothing appears to happening to James beyond 2B's hand posed as if summoning the dead but he can see 9S's mouth as if he's counting something.
"Okay that's enough." 9S says as he swings his arm out making a golden ring appear. He steps forward aiming his hand and the ring at the fallen Android, his body tensing as a determined look crosses his face. For a few minutes nothing happens, making James want to investigate the earlier found Android gore but soon as he's made up his mind to do so, 9S unfreezes his expression puzzled. "There's nothing." He says softly before growing in volume. "There's absolutely nothing. Not even a base structure. It's as if everything that made him, YoRHa or even an Android is gone. I've never seen something like this before."
"We'll have to report this to command later." 2B turns towards the desert entrance. "We need to get to Emil for right now."
"Reporting this wouldn't be a good idea at all." James states making 2B turn towards him. Her arms cross but her body language prompts him to continue. "There's a blood bath a few yards from the body. Looks like a poor attempt to cover an assassination." There's barely a flinch from her but he picks it up. 9S on the other hand does not as he follows the same path James did before arriving to the mosaic like blood-lake.
"This is- a lot of blood." He says." 2B do you think it could've been assassination?" He glances back at her.
"It's possible." She turns her back to them slowly making her way to the entry. "Come on. The longer we're out here the bigger chance someone will find us."
"Right." 9S jogs up to James, returning to into the formation from before. "Wonder what he knew that was so important?" He says to himself more than to James who hums at the question. What indeed? He falls in line with 2B whose patiently waits for the two.
They again go single file as they reach the entrance of the desert. Unlike before though, they've slowed their pace to a comfortable walk as they climb an inclined plane of sand. The sides of the cannon they're in reach high above their heads casting the path in shadow. The wet blood from before has mixed with the sand, creating a sticky red tinted mass coating James feet. He finds it uncomfortable though if they're going to a scorching desert, it should provide a little protection? He doubts his own hopeful thought. He's done worse than burnt bottoms.
The sand eventually even outs, leading to a wider area with partially covered stone and even more sand. The edges are still shaded though the middle of the pavilion is brightly lit by the sun. On both sides a few dark green canopies are set up, made from what looks to be canvas, hemp, and metal poles. Most appear to have nothing underneath but sand except one of the further ones with several people underneath. Two figures in white and one in green. 2B verbally tisks.
"Something wrong?" James asks as he eyes the what he assumes is androids on the other end of area.
"Usually there's only a merchant at the outpost but it looks like there's company right now." 2B slows moving to James's right. "Distracting one person is easier than three."
"Statement: Distraction might not be necessary." 042 says, making them both look at the pod.
"Your Pod's right." 9S speaks up, "I think the girls over there are a distraction of themselves. Look."
As if on cue there's a loud voice echoing from one of the androids. As they draw nearer the one who is yelling becomes clearer.
"What the hell do you mean you don't have staunching jell!? I just saw you sell some to that YoRHa android earlier!" An android with long red messy hair shouts.
"Devola." The other Android softly says, she much like the other has long red hair but it falls straight. "It's not worth fighting about it."
"Like hell it isn't Popola." The one who must be Devola softens her voice but the bite is still there, "the damage to your arm and shoulder won't get better till we get some. And it'll only get worse if we don't do anything about it right now."
Popola shakes her head. "I'll be okay we're almost back to camp anyways."
Devola almost looks like she's about to stamp her foot more out of frustration than a tantrum, James can feel for her. Well kinda at least. He doesn't remember much about his little sisters, being the winter soldier for so long had muddled most of his memories, but he can vaguely recall himself going to the drug store attempting to get some medicine with the money he had been saving for a copy of When Worlds Collide. Only to find out that even with all the money he had (which had been a nickel and two pennies) that the drug store simply didn't have anymore. His sister of course had gotten better but he can still remember the helplessness he felt.
They slip past the androids without a fuss, the male Android in a green cape, paying them no mind as well as Devola and Popola with their mirroring black and white outfits, have their backs to the YoHRa entourage behind them.
"Okay." Devola finally deflates, all the anger and force draining out of her. "Let's get back then."
As quickly and inconspicuous as possible 2B, 9S, and James rush to the exit of the pavilion onto a steep natural rock staircase as their distraction leaves. They clear the top of the short stairs and make it to an overhanging rock before stopping.
"Good thing they were there." 2B sends a glance to the retreating android's backs before dropping down to the other side of the platform into a large circular pit of sand.
"Maybe." 9S replies sitting down on the rock pulling off his buckled black boots and woolen socks.
"What are you-"
"Here." He shoves both pair of items into James hand, "Try them on and see if they fit." He gives a pointed glance at James feet which look much worse for wear with everything clinging to them. He winces at their state before digitizing a bottle and then two more.
"It's water" he answers at James confused face." A bottle to clean your feet and two for you to drink. The desert is pretty hot."
James nods as he unscrews a cap on one of the metal bottles. Just as 9S says, crystal clear water glitters from inside. He pours some tentatively, expecting for it be hot but is pleasantly surprised to find the water while not cold, is a tad cool. He carefully pours the water over both of his feet finding most of the sand comes off with ease. He gives a swish to everything else sticking before dumping the rest of the water as a rinse. His feet dry quickly and he instantly regrets the wool socks with how much hotter his feet feel. He gives the boots a try finding to be too small for his feet. Turning he tries to tell 9S why he can't use them only to notice he's disappeared. Switching the other way he spots 2B near the ground scooping up some gears off the ground before digitizing to wherever they kept stuff. Barely, he can hear some type of music coming from her direction.
"Sorry" an apologetic voice coming from the other direction says, making James turn to a slightly tired 9S "I had to do something real quick. Did the shoes fit?"
Shaking his head after he stands, he hands the boots back to 9S. "They're kinda too small for me." He makes a gesture with his hand, "They're too uh." 'slishkom uzkiy' his mind attempts to supply. He again makes the gesture widening his hands and making them smaller again.
"Too narrow?"
"Yeah." His shoulders slump. Occasionally words or phrases would slip away from him. He just wasn't expecting for it to happen now if all times.
"Vse normal'no. YA takzhe mogu govorit' na etom yazyke." 9S responds, sending a supportive smile. James jolts. Did he really say that out loud? "But 2B doesn't know that language. So it might be better to just stick with this one."
He duly nods in agreement, still a little surprised at 9S's proficiency at languages, till he notices the other pair of shoes 9S has. "More shoes?"
They're black with a several black laces, looking close to combat boots. "I thought mine might be a little small so I got another pair."
9S doesn't share anymore information, giving them to James to try. They're not a perfect fit, still being a little narrow and long at the toe, but wearable without too much discomfort. He's just finished tying the laces to see 9S shaking his booted foot with a perturbed face. He gives another shake before walking over to James who now has stood back up and draining one of the bottles of water.
"Done with your little side quest?" 2B directs the question to 9S who flushes a dust of pink.
"Just getting shoes."
"I see." Her voice unbelieving. She turns to James who's finished the other bottle. Raising her hand, she motions for it to be handed over; bottle now in her hand, it digitizes in a show of gold sparks. The two other bottles dispense in similar sparks. Not to be left behind by 2B's random sprints, James prematurely scales down some rocks till he's in the same pit of sand she been picking up gears.
There's a foosh and a squeak of sand as long black boots hit sand. For the first time, 2B has something almost like a smile on her face. It's not an actual one but close enough that anyone can tell she might be in a good mood. A clopping comes from behind as 9S follows, taking the stones jutting out like a natural staircase. Unlike before 2B doesn't bolt off as if in a race but meanders towards a large gap leading to a wider area. He's semi glad she does but anticipation thrums under his skin; there's a reason why she's not running right?
It becomes clear to perhaps why as they come to the wider area, the sun drumming down like an all imposing god. Prickles of sweat already begin to form on his neck and back as he takes in everything. There's a large rusting pipe, a crumbling building and sizable walls of natural granite but the noticeable objects, the things that have him pulling out 2B's katana awkwardly out of one of his jeans belt loops and readying for a fight. The objects in question, are fairly tall machines that look almost identical to the one that attacked him initially, waddle feet and all, except two very glaring differences; a ridiculous amount of cylinders in their bodies and no arms whatsoever. A snicker comes from behind James as he lowers his sword.
The 'not smile' is back on 2B's face as she twists gracefully into an old oil pipe, a low grumbling echo coming from the pipe as her feet land onto it. One of the five towering machines amble towards her, its eyes glaringly red. It's probably one of the most intense staring competitions he's seen; he discludes himself staring at hydra agents when he was feeling more Bucky than Winter Soldier and expecting them to combust into flames. Those didn't count.
After a few intense minutes, the machine grumbles and moves away in lost interest. On the other hand, both himself and 9S move closer on the account of James curiosity and safety. Boldly, he walks straight up
to the one who was staring down 2B and expecting waits for it to do something. Disappointingly it gives him one look before scuttling to another spot, completely ignoring him. Though he spots two of the others approaching while the other two disappear around a sinking building. They come up quickly compared to the first, taking to 9S's side and one in front of James.
He gives the one to the front of him a poke with his metal hand, expecting some type of negative action like it body slamming him or something. But nope. It does nothing more than send him an evil eye, or what he assumes its equivalent with tiny little pieces of metal angled down like angry eyelids. He goes to touch it again, but with his flesh hand this time. He switches the 2B's sword to his other, still not sliding it back into what has to be an abused belt loop, when the machine backs away suddenly. Eyeing it warily, he watches as it moves a bit more always as if skittish. It dawns on him that maybe messing with the katana is a bad idea around what seems like (kinda?) friendly machines (Is that something that's possible?). Slowly he replaces the sword back into the same jeans loop as before. After a beat it's back, almost as if studying him it moves closer; the pieces of metal a more neutral tilt than angry.
He gives another go at touching one of the lower cylinders of its body; the surface is rough and ridged with old burs and age under his flesh hand but oddly not burning hot. He moves his hand to another spot but yep. Still not hot. Which is surprising considering that he can feel the sweat crawling down his back now.
He slowly retracts his hand, "Why are they like this?" He turns to 9S only to find a tall wall of metal. Blinking up, he can spot green glass encased eyes staring down at him; which is new and quite frankly unexpected.
"No one's been able to figure it out." 9S answers, missing James's perturbed glance at the now two green-eyed machines, "There's a lot of them that amble around here, but all they really do is give everyone in the near vicinity dirty looks. Th-"
"Caaakeee" an eerie electronic voice crackles out. Both jump back from the layered machines. The one who James touched not a second ago, inches forward, again calling out, "caaakkkeee. caaakkeee."
For a moment both stare wide eyed at the machine, nothing else heard beyond the gentle whistle of wind and the shifting of sand. "Immm caakee" it finally adds.
"Well" James starts, looking every little bit of awkward as possible, "You do look like a layered cake...So. Uh, hi cake."
"James," 9S says, attempting to defuse what he knows will be a fruitless conversation between the two, "These machines don't act-"
"Know cake. Know cake" it cries, hopping up and down as if excited.
-ually…" he trails off. A fleeting thought crossing his mind, quickly latching onto one horrible realization if it turned out to be true. Did these machines actually know what they were saying and understand what was being said to them? A sick feeling twists in his gut as the other one calls out Marzipan as if trying to introduce themself as well. They had destroyed plenty of these on there initial mission to the dessert. Did they understand too? What about the ones in the desert? The one telling the others to run? The ones calling out for help?
"Run Run."
"Don't listen to them, 2B"
"Androids scary."
"They don't have any feelings."
"Stop. Scary. Cruel. Stay back."
"They're just imitating human speech.
"Help! Help!"
"Let's take them out"
"No. Why? Why?"
"-they're just repeating random words or phrases. They don't have any idea what they're actually saying" 2B's calm voice cuts through the memory, dissipating it. Though a horrible clenching lingers in his stomach.
"Are you sure?" James asks his voice inquisitive, his thumb jabbing behind himself, "seems like they know."
"Cake no! Cake no!"
"Marzipan no!"
"See? Just repeating themselves." She waves her hand flippantly at the machines, "We've detoured long enough. The less time we're out in the open and in the heat, the better."
James sighs but nods, the dessert is going to suck if he's already sweating in the non-proper desert. "Bye Cake; bye Marzi." He says anyways, before turning to follow 2B. No harm in it right?
Slowly 9S leaves his stupor; believing in his own and 2B's words. They were just dumb machines, repeating English words to them. They had no idea what they were saying. He mentally pats himself on the back as he starts after them in a calm walk. Yeah. He gently hums, ignoring the gnawing thought of doubt. If he hears the double soft heartbroken 'byes' from behind him, he'll just say it was purely a glitch in his audio receptors.
Traveling through the open ravine area to the desert is as hot and exhausting as James thought it would be but surprisingly shorter than the run through the city ruins. They ran into a few more layered machines that much like 9S said, watched them as they tracked through the sand. Or at least as 9S and him did. 2B had perched herself on top of the pipe again, walking its length as the the two of them stayed to its right side. Though they quickly came to an end where the path formed in two directions. One leading to a large broken barricade of metal and wood, the other leading to what looked to be more cave like.
Dropping off the pipe, 2B guides them to barricade which thankfully is heavily shaded. James gives an appreciative sigh of relief. A nice cold 60 in a cave would've been nice but shade is shade and feels like a 20 degree drop in temperature.
"Here" 9S says, handing him a metal bottle much like the one from earlier as they pass the shattered barricade. Charred wood and willy turfs of metal lay scattered in the sand that they sidestep. He's guessing the blast that destroyed the wall was recent with all the junk lying about but something that was completely known with how 2B and 9S lack to comment on it.
"Thanks" he says with no reply forthcoming. He takes a swig, still following 2B into what is a narrow ravine of rock. It becomes rocky more than sandy and then back again as they travel further. Unlike before the sun stays out of the ravine making the place exceptionally more cool to the point of near goose bumps. They also fail to pause for a break but James is okay with that. They're moving at an easy pace. The bottle he finds has some type of twine on the cap that can easily be tied to a loop on his pants. He secretly gives thanks to either Steve or T'Challa for giving him his size in pants, he doesn't want to imagine him having to hold them up with the sword and bottle.
They pass a sandy waterfall on the right with sand that falls steadily like any normal waterfall. It's a bit more interesting than the cooled stone walls but what catches his attention is not the steady fall of sand but the sun reflecting off part of it from the thin entrance a little above them. It's fairly quick for them to climb the rocks and despite the instant heat that rushes at him a shudder rolls through his shoulders at the sight that greets them; as fair as the eye can see, a golden glistening sea of sand extends as far as his eyes can see.
If the city they trekked through hadn't been a big indicator as well as the presence of his current two companions that he wasn't in HIS time anymore; the bizarre expansive dessert that resembled no other just solidified the fact that he really was in the far future. James pauses for a second, standing in shock, mutely taking in the very distant rock formations and occasional rusted metal pieces breaking the effect of a smooth gold sea.
"Kinda beautiful isn't it?" the voice of 9S asks beside him. Numbly, James angles his head to the android, unable to find a response.
"2B and I paused as well when we saw it after the blockade was cleared earlier. I really haven't seen anything like it before." He pauses finally looking up at James. "I mean I've seen in photographs and satellite imagery, but It's quite different seeing it in person, you know?"
There's a clicking of a heel before a tone even voice states "9S."
"O-Oh right." With a flick of a wrist, the cubic map is up again, this time the yellow dot brighter and closer to what he guesses is there location with the map pivoting at what looks like a tiny opening leading to a ridiculous expansive area and 2B's earlier comment on a desert.
"Just about 153 meters that way." 9S says pointing towards a piece of rust in the haze of the desert. Squinting, James can barely make out the outline of a huge pipe that constitutes the rusted metal. "We should hurry. It doesn't look like he's started yet." 9S suddenly says, a similar excitement from when James first met him coursing through his body.
"Whose not started?" James asks as he watches 9S, jump down from the shallow platform of rock they'd been standing on to a pile of sand below. It slightly kicks up at the disturbance.
An overly excited smile is the only reply. As 9S takes the formation lead, nearly giddy in his more-than-a-walk pace through the grit towards the location without either of them, there's a pregnant pause in James's step to follow at the sound of creaking leather. Slightly to the side and behind him is 2B, her body the perfect picture of calm and indifference if not for the fists and the barely audible word he's able to catch. Wrong. Wrong is what she stiffly walks past James, before following 9S in a more sedated pace, leaving James to follow her.
He doesn't immediately follow her, only tracking her with his eyes before what feels like a set of eyes doing the same thing to him. He glances behind him, spotting the lone figure in the long ally of stone. They're mostly covered in shadow, with barely any discernible details with how far they are.
His eyes flicker to 2B who's now beside him.
"What is it?"
His eyes turn back to only see nothing.
"It's nothing."
He doesn't tell her about the barely visible figure or how for a second he thought he saw the reflection of red metal on rock as he steps into the desert.
He doesn't tell her that for a frightening moment he thought he saw someone who was dead or how he thinks he might of killed them as she follows a step behind him.
He doesn't' tell her that he thinks he saw a ghost from his past, a man named Tony Stark, a man whose parents he killed and he ,James Buchanan Barnes, not the Winter Soldier, was responsible for a lonely cold death in an abandoned bunker in Siberia.