Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OCS.

Avery had always prided herself on being a quick thinking, independent, modern woman. She'd checked and double checked her harnesses. All her ropes, buckles and ties. Admittedly she may have been a bit distracted on the last few things, but they'd been brand new. She'd bought them yesterday morning before she'd headed up to the camp site she'd scouted the week before. Avery had had to beg for months before she'd been grated permission to explore the caves hidden inside the nature preserve her mother's tribe owned. Shaking her hair out she tied the dark burgundy tresses into a tight bun before slipping her helmet on. Peaking over the lip of the cavern below the green eyed female nearly screamed when something slammed into her back. Pitching forward a bit she scowled feeling tiny claws scurry up to her shoulder. Ruffling it's feather's a brightly colored conure cooed . Rolling her eyes the female sighed. Avery could see the head lines now, Native Halfling killed by surprise bird attack. Reaching up she let the yellow, orange, blue and green bird step up onto her finger. Pecking the pet on the beak she motioned for it to take off again. Clipping into her safety line she swung over the ledge. Half way down the rope snapped, the sudden jerk yanked her other line out of her hands and she was falling. She screamed as the darkness of the cave swallowed her, closing her eyes she waited for impact. When it came it was a lot softer than she would've expected and was followed by a soft grunt. Deep emerald eyes snapping open she rolled off of what she had landed on. From the looks he was giving her, she'd scared the shit out of him. Rolling to his feet effortlessly the platinum blond male drew an arrow and notched his bow that she'd just realized he had. Gulping she held her hands up.

"Whoa, dude. I swear, I have permission to be here." His dark eyebrows wrinkled over luminescent icy blue eyes. "Lets just put the weapon down and talk, okay?" The arrow tip gleamed in the low light of the cave they were in. "I'm unarmed here." That seemed to do it. The tension on the bow slackened but he didn't completely let up.

"What are you doing here?" Icy orbs racked over her form. "What manner of creature are you?" Leaning back she felt her back pop, the tips of elven ears twitched without her notice. Feeing the cracks she winced, she must've landed harder than she thought. Which was fine, she'd thought she was going to die, honestly. Pushing to her feet the burgundy haired female glanced around. If she had fallen from above why was there a ceiling now? Something creepy was going on. Feeling her vision swim, the girl sank back against the wall behind her, a sticky web like thread stuck to her clothes.

"Well obviously I'm human. I've been given special permission from the council of elders to study and explore this cave. What you're doing here is what I want to know. I was supposed to be alone." A sudden hiss sounded from behind her and the blond male leapt over her leaving her to stare stupidly after him. Raising an eyebrow at his quickly disappearing backside she set off after him. Slipping on the white thread covering the floor she barely missed an arrow as it lodged just above her head. Rolling over she opened her mouth to yell at him but a scream came out instead. Scrambling backwards, Avery really wished she could just pass out and wake up from this horrible dream. The male yelled something she didn't understand a second before a GIANT SPIDER dropped from a tunnel over head, sinking its fangs into his arm. He cursed, even if she didn't understand it, and shoved a long white knife through its head. Avery gagged, breakfast raising back up her throat. In a flurry of movements the other insects met the same fate. Rounding on her he stomped forward only for his eyes to roll back and fall in a heap at her feet. Avery leaned to the side and puked. Smacking her cheeks she leaned forward to check the icy eyed male. He was breathing at least. Given it seemed like the perfect time she sunk against the wall and hugged her knees to her chest. What the hell was going on? Where was she? Feeling her breathing start to change into panicked gasped she focused. Now was not the time to have a panic attack. Giant horse sized spiders? A tourist lost in the caves? She needed time to think.

Another hiss came from further in. Jumping up she started back the way she'd come. Slowing to a stop the green eyed female sighed. She couldn't just leave him here. Even if he did appear to be a dick. But if she brought him along she wouldn't have a way to fend off the spiders. She couldn't use a bow if her hands were full, not that she would be able to hit anything anyway. She hadn't shot a bow since high school. Remembering her bag across her back she dug inside, pulling a can of bug spray out and a lighter. She doubted that the spray would have any effect on horse sized spiders but fire probably would. Hefting the guy up on her back she marched forward spraying a burst of flame every few feet to ward off the spiders that followed closely behind them. She hated spiders. Insects at all really. Spying light just ahead she nearly breathed a sigh of relief, she would have had she not seen the dark, fog filled forest before her. Great. They were up a cliff too. Shrugging the guy off her back she scanned the tree tops for any sign of a location. She was definitely not at home anymore. There had been no cliffs anywhere near where she had fallen. Spotting a tower in the distance she bit her lip. Why couldn't it be closer? Looking over her shoulder she shook her head. The poor guys eyes were wide open. And he was dressed like he was going to a renaissance fair. Pulling extra rope out of her bag she looked for an anchor to tie it too. If it was just her she wouldn't need to safety line but with him unable to move... she'd really hate for such a pretty boy to go splat. Crouching down next to him after scaring away the spiders again she sighed.

"Listen, if you're even conscious, I'm gonna have to tie your hands together and loop them around my neck. I can't hold onto you and climb down at the same time. I'm heading for that tower in the distance. Blink once if you understood any of that." Nothing flickered or twitched. "Stare blankly if you realize you're completely at my mercy and leaving you here would be far easier on me." Something shimmered to life in his gaze. Oh he was pissed now. Smirking she hefted him back up and looped his arms over her neck. He was surprisingly light for someone his size. "Relax. I wouldn't do that to anyone. I'll get you to safety in no time." Starting down the rocks she wrinkled her nose. He smelled like a freaking meadow. Flowers and pine and a little dirt. A horn sounded in the direction away from the tower. As soon as her feet fit the ground she was sprinting. Scrambling over an over turned tree she braced against it a second. The white spider webs were even out here too. The woods seemed sick to her. Dead trees and leaves littered the floor and an ominous feeling had been pressing down on her since she'd popped into wherever here actually was. More sunlight filtered through the golden leaves over head the closer she got to the tower. Stumbling through the last of the underbrush that tore at her clothes she nearly missed the bridge that crossed the valley that separated the great hall from the woods. Digging her heels in she stopped short of falling over and taking her passenger with her. Movement across the gap drew her attention, two guards where shouting something down the long hallway behind the door. Making her way across the bridge she was met in the middle with a spear pointed at her throat. Holding her hands up in surrender she gulped. "Oh yeah, I brought you to the right place." One of the guards lifted the blond male off of her neck and she resisted the urge to rub her throat. She had noticed the rope had started to bite in once her adrenaline had started to fade. Words flew in one ear and out the other in a language she didn't understand. "Does no one but him speak English?" A red haired female appeared in the doorway leading inside. She uttered a quick command, just as fast the guards hoisted the blond up and carted him away. Dark brown eyes locked with her own deep green. The red headed female looked completely normal except for the large pointed ears sticking out of her hair just under a set of braids.

"What is a mortal doing this far inside the Elf King's realm?" Thank God. Someone how she could understand. Wincing when her fingers came away from her neck bloodied the burgundy haired female blushed.

"I'm lost. I ran into him inside the caves. Honestly, I think I'm having a bad shroom trip. Do your ears normally look like that?" Tauriel frowned reaching up to touch the tip of one of her ears. True they were a bit big but no one had ever said anything about them before. "Oh wow, that was rude of me. I think I'm going into shock. He nearly shot me in the face then the giant ass spiders." Her vision swam and her legs buckled. Tauriel watched her fall, barely catching her head before it bounced off of the stone underneath them. Sighing the elf lifted her into her arms. Thranduil would want to know of this.

When Avery woke up she was in a dungeon cell. She only figured that out because of the bars across her doorway and the fact that the only other prisoner was also a human. After getting the bare minimum out of him, he clammed up and refused to talk. Gesturing to the armor clad guard at the end of the hall. She'd learned she was in Mirkwood and the elf king was known as Thranduil. Someone was playing a prank on her. A Hobbit character. They could've at least thought of an original name and place. Avery had always been a pretty big geek growing up. The Lord of the Rings was her first introduction to elves and other fantasy creatures. First the books in elementary school, then the movies when they were made. It was a Thanksgiving tradition to watch the marathon they played on TV every year. Hell most of her tattoos were nerd culture. Searching for her bag she made the horrible realization that she was not in the same clothes she'd shown up in. They'd stripped her and given her a dull green dress to wear. Save someone's life and this is how they repay you. Shifting against the hard stone under her she pressed her lips. She hoped that pretty boy from earlier was okay now. The venom should've begun wearing off by now. He should at least be able to move his fingers and toes. Settling back against the wall she drew her knees up to wrap her arms around them with a little difficulty. Truthfully she'd never been a skinny girl. She wasn't fat either, she was stout. She'd always been active, hiking, mountain climbing, cave exploring. It tended to pack the muscle on without notice.

She was sure it was the next day when someone did actually stop by to talk to her. She thought it was the next day at least. She'd been given food. Which either meant it was morning or it was night. Elves apparently didn't eat meat. Avery was hungry enough to not complain. The red haired she-elf from before had stopped in front of her cell long enough to gaze in, say 'get ready', then walk away again. Avery really didn't know how to get ready. She didn't have her bag or anything else with her. She didn't have time to dwell on it long. The red head pulled the door open far sooner than Avery would've liked. Standing straight the burgundy haired female smoothed her dress down. "Come." Practically jogging after her the green eyed female leveled off with Tauriel.

"Is that guy okay now?" Thin eye brows twitched. "No more venom than the spider injected he should've been talking yesterday." Ticking off her fingers she nodded double checking. "Given his heart didn't stop right away and the fact his pupils were still dilating when I checked them he should've regained mobility yesterday evening." Following the brown eyed elleth up the stairs from the dungeon Avery frowned.

"Prince Legolas woke before sun down yesterday. He's back to full strength." The emerald eyed girl's mouth went dry.

"Did you say, Legolas?" Shaking her head she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Naturally I would have to save the frickin' prince. No wonder they threw me in the dungeon. I would've thrown me in the dungeon too."Tauriel hid a smile. Humans were such strange things. Pausing before a set of double doors the two females eyed each other. Up until that point Avery had just been trying not to fall off the winding paths. What did they have against rails? She was sure to fall to her death from not paying attention.

"Enter!" Avery jumped, clearly not having expected the elf king's voice to carry so well. The guards on either side of the doors pulled them open. The throne room was a spiral held up with stone pillars with an elevated seat. Thranduil stood in the center of the room looking ever bit the immortal elf that he was. Long flowing platinum blond hair. Brilliant glowing blue eyes widened a fraction before narrowing again. A crown of thrones and berries set, nestled on his head. A silver robe of shimmering scales covered his body. If Legolas could be considered pretty, his father was beautiful. High cheek bones, straight nose, bold eyebrows. Lee Pace being his actor was nearly spot on for a mortal. When the double doors opened fully, two sets of ice blue eyes swept over them. One with curiosity, the other deadly intent. The she-elf stepped farther into the room, Avery close on her heels. Thranduil met them halfway. "Legolas has told me of your deeds." He cocked his head to the side, golden silver tumbling over his shoulder. "What do you wish to gain, mortal?" The human blinked.

"Gain?" She snorted drawing a puzzled look from the princeling. "I don't want to gain anything. He needed help and I could give it. There are still some decent humans in the world. You just have to find them." An eyebrow lifted.

"Forgive me if I do not believe you." A smart ass comment was right on the tip of her tongue. Thinking better she bit her lip. She very well could be beheaded. Not only did all three elves in the room have weapons when she had none but there had been armed guards at every door they'd passed on the way from her cell. He turned gilding back towards his throne. The silver robe glistened in the lamps lining the pillars around the room. Now she understood why everyone thought elves were mesmerizing. Blinking she sighed.

"Truthfully, I have no home here..." She trailed off having no clue how she was supposed to address him. "In these lands, I have no one left." Damn that was good, almost right out of a fanfic. She could play nice if she had to. Once she got back to her cell she was so pinching the shit out of her arm to wake herself up. There was no way this was real, she had to be dreaming. Thranduil paused at the foot of the stairs leading to his seat.

"As you have saved my only son, I will offer you a place to seek rest for however long you wish it. After that consider his debt to you paid." The king had turned away in clear dismissal. Dark brows wrinkling over her eyes Avery mouth 'debt' before the red head was steering her out of the room by her elbow. Legolas cast a look after them before the door shut but both females were focused elsewhere. Avery noticed that they hadn't headed back for the steps leading to the dungeon this time but further down the hall. Seeming like the best time the burgundy haired girl reached up and pinched her arm as hard as she could. She hissed and the brown eyed elf gave her a look. Avery felt the bruise forming under her skin, but mostly she noticed she hadn't woken up. Shit now she was going to freak out. That had always worked in dreams before. Tauriel lead her through a maze of hallways that she had no hope of remembering where she was. Finally after what seemed like forever the she-elf stop in front of a heavy wooden door. Pushing it open the elleth gestured inside.

"This is to be your room until the end of your stay here. Your personal things will be brought to you shortly." Then she was gone in a flurry of fiery red hair and battle armor. Avery thought it best to wait to cry until after her bag was brought, but as soon as it was and the attending maid had been politely shooed from the room she wept. Because she had clearly gone crazy or died when she'd fallen in the cave on Earth. She needed to get home. She had pets to take care of. Her sun conure had been with her. What had happened to Ever? Would she be able to survive in the woods until someone came to look for her? Would anyone even try to look for her? Avery shook her head. Of course someone would, her dad loved her and her mom and even her annoying younger brother. What they would find she didn't know. She did know they wouldn't be looking yet. She'd planned on staying in the middle of no where for a few weeks before college stated back. She was in her last year before she'd have her RN license she was going to crack down this year and study hard since she had no distractions. Pulling her legs up on to the bed she fell into a restless sleep.

Avery mopped inside her room for nearly a solid week before venturing out and promptly getting lost. Wondering the halls the sounds of swords clashing drew her into the barracks training yard, or what she assumed were the barracks. Soldiers were sparing and practicing their archery. Not that they needed to practice, they hit the center every time. She'd only seen the one elf for the past 6 days, who knew only enough broken common tongue to barely get by. Spotting red hair from the entry way the emerald eyed girl slowly made her way over. Tauriel turned to regard her before she'd even made a sound. Spying the tips of her ears sticking out of her hair the human slowed a bit. Right, elves were super human here, Tolkien had made them that way. A small smile lifted the corners of the elf's mouth. "I was beginning to wonder if we would ever see you again." The shorter female winced.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I needed to sort my mind out. I'm going stir crazy now." At her blank look Avery tried again. "I uh, I have to much restless energy." Tauriel nodded in an understanding way.

"I am sure my king could find a use for you somewhere." Avery grimaced. The elleth laughed. "Or you may join the soldiers in practice, if you wish. We have more than enough room." The burgundy haired female was a little offended that they thought her useless enough to actually give her weapons. Eyeing the medieval bows she shuffled over. Many of the ellons stopped to watch her fumble around with the bows. Tauriel, bless her, snapped an order in elvish and they all went back to work. Avery could still feel their eyes on her though. It really had been years since she'd even touched something to do with archery. Testing the draw strength she wrinkled her brows. It would be hard but she'd been able to pull it back. Notching an arrow she drew the string and aimed. Three fingers on the line to help with power and accuracy, keeping both eyes open she aimed and fired. The arrow flew past the target and bounced off a stone pillar to the right of it. But she barely noticed, the string had snapped forward right into her forearm with a painful grazing blow. She would have a bruise there in the morning. Scowling she propped the weapon back up on the stand. Well that was shit. If she had all the proper equipment she would've done much better. Tauriel crossed her arms beside her. "Tis to be expected on your first try." Avery knew that but it still hurt her pride. She was alone in a world she wasn't familiar with. She needed to be able to defend herself. There was no telling how long she'd be here or even if she could go back home. Rubbing her arm she set up for another shot. It missed the target on the other side, nearly impaling a passing elleth. Avery quickly hide the bow behind her back. The dark haired elf muttered under her breath in elvish before stomping away. A few soldiers near by snickered. Cheeks flaming red she stuck her tongue out. They gave her weary looks in return.

After three weeks Avery was starting to have a bit of a routine. In the morning she'd practice archery and a bit of swords play with Tauriel before exploring the castle and surrounding town in the evening. It was safe as long as it was inside the stone walls that surrounded the city. She was improving slowly in her aim, she could almost hit the target every time now and her arms had stopped throbbing after the first week and a half. She'd had to request pants from the castle seamstress. They kept sending her dresses and while Avery could rock a dress it was impractical with what she was doing everyday. The green eyed female had never been one to just set around and twiddle her thumbs. She was almost always moving. So the female guard captain was doing her a big favor in letting her train. Tying her hair up into a bun at the base of her skull the female slowed not seeing the familiar head of red hair she'd come to expect to be there. Instead a platinum blond ellon stood next to her practice spot. Oh no, this was bad. Surely Tauriel hadn't asked Legolas to watch over her. Or was it the other way around since she'd saved the prince's ass in the first place? The elven prince turned with a smile that didn't quiet met his eyes. "Mae g'ovannen." (Well met) The burgundy haired female returned the greeting as it was the only thing she'd picked up so far in the elven language. Glancing around the female wrinkled her brow.

"Where's Tauriel?" A dark eyebrow shot up. He took a moment to stare at the many silver studs and hoops decorating her ears. They lined nearly the whole side, 5 on the left and 4 on the right.

"She had to return to her place on the boarder for her rotation. Three weeks on, three weeks off. Your friend will be back before you know it." Avery nodded, moving to take up her regular spot. Lining up the shot she growled when it barely hooked the outside of the target.

"I take it that means you only just returned, then? I had wondered where you disappeared to." Leaning her bow back up she stepped back. "I'm sure you don't want to watch me practice all day. I understand I'm under observation because I can't be trusted. I can go back to my room so you can do whatever you want today. Tauriel showed me the library yesterday and I found quiet a few books that I actually understood. Not many where in Eng- common tongue but I did manage to dig up a few." He gave her a funny look.

"You are educated?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Are you?" The tips of his ears burned red. He hadn't meant to ask her that.

"Forgive me, that was rude." She gave him a look that seemed to make him blush harder. "Not many Men I've met have been educated. It is surprising that you are." A pointed ear twitched. "My adar is calling for me, allow me to escort you back to your room?" She waved him off. Now that he wasn't going to be watching her she would probably practice more. It wasn't like any of the armed soldiers couldn't take her out if she started firing at people. Or maybe she would just read today.

"Nah that's okay. I can find my way back." He frowned clearly struggling to translate. "Best not keep him waiting, my prince." Snickering at the look he'd given her she slowly made her way back to her rooms. She admired the way the castle was built and the painting hung in the halls. All the stone walls were carefully crafted and the pillars supporting them had decorative designs craved along the length. By the time she did make it back to her rooms she was quiet ready to enjoy a long book.

The next day Legolas was waiting outside her room. Turning when she shut the door she jumped. Grasping the material in front of her heart the burgundy haired female huffed. "Jesus! You scared the shit outta me. Make some noise or something, please." He frowned at her language but managed to look apologetic.

"Amin hiraetha. It was not my intention to scare you." (I'm sorry) She grinned, rolling her eyes. Everyone was so polite here. Shifting his weight she realized he had his bow and quiver today. "My adar has granted permission for you to go outside." She blinked. Hadn't she been going outside? Wait outside the city? Darting forward she grabbed his hand. Legolas froze, but she wouldn't be deterred. If she would have looked back she would've seen an expression of slight horror mixed with wonder as a jolt traveled up his arm all the way to his heart where his Fea surged forward to meet hers. It gently brush the light glow surrounding her that only Elves could see, her soul reacted instantly shifting to wrap around his. He nearly jerked his hand away from the action. Surely not, surely his-

"What are we waiting for? Let's go already!" Admittedly Avery had bugged Tauriel at least once a day to take her outside the city. All it was, was stone. Sure the citizens were nice and the architecture was beautiful, with masterfully crafted archways and winding streets, but Avery had always been a more wildernousy kinda girl. Tugging the ellon along behind her she was across the bridge before she knew it. Stopping at the edge of the woods she inhaled. Ah, that was much better even if the forest was dying off slowly. A sudden squawk had her spinning around, just in time for a rainbow blur to slam into her chest. Clawing its way up the bird nuzzled her cheek before shuffling around to hide in her hair. "Oh, Ever, honey. I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried."The conure gave a screech making their ears ring. Legolas tilted his head watching the light comeback into the human's eyes. She had been depressed as of the last few days. Even his Adar had commented on it. The melancholy emotion was darkening the halls of an already shadowy kingdom. Normally she greeted everyone with a smile but that smile had been growing smaller and smaller since she'd arrived until now. They may not have known where she came from or why but it looked like she was here to stay for whatever reason.

Avery was many things Legolas would soon realize. Thoughtful, kind, head strong, creative, adventurous, destructive, prideful, and much more. Lounging in a tree just inside the boarder to the forest, where a nice view of the river rushing by below could be seen for miles the ellon wondered for the first of many times if she was indeed crazy too. She'd been muttering to herself for hours stringing saplings and wicker together, to what end he didn't know yet, but he hoped it was worth it. Gently swatting the bright orange and yellow bird out of her hair again the woman huffed. Legolas grinned watching their antics. It was endearing how much the bird loved her. The thing screeched and yelled anytime she was out of her view for longer than she liked. Even if it was only around a corner. Truthfully he had almost stepped on it a number of times already. The feathered thing seemed to enjoy waddling after it's master almost as much as flying to the top of her head. With a cry of triumph the burgundy haired female stepped back from her creation. Tilting his head slightly the elf wondered at it. Dropping down beside her he pressed his lips. "What is it?" Planting her hands on her wide hips the girl half turned towards him. She was getting better at figuring out when he was there. He'd only spooked her once today and it was almost noon. Two more days and he would rotate back into the patrol. He didn't want to say anything yet, she was having such a good time. Truthfully he was too. He never knew what she was going to think of next.

"It's a swing. I'll have to find some vines to hang it from tomorrow but it's done." He raised an eyebrow in question. She smirked, patting his forearm in a way that made him what to believe her. Looking up through the leaves for a moment she leaned back popping her back. His ear twitched at the sound. It sounded painful but she always relaxed after she did it. "Now I can finally listen to my music without disturbing anyone." She'd been playing with a strange 'Eye Phone' as she called it. The way she explained it, it could do a lot of things, further proving she was not from this world like he originally thought. His father knew too, but he could care less about the affairs of humans. They were dead and gone before most elf's could blink, as he said. Legolas had always been curious about them himself. Following her back towards the great hall he let his mask melt back into place. He was a Prince here, he had a certain image to uphold. Watching the green eyed female run a finger down her feathery companions back he fought off a smile. Avery was a one of a kind human he was sure. Perhaps tomorrow he would show her the stables. Yes, she would enjoy that he imagined.

The morning he was to leave was the morning he told Avery he was going. She'd frozen with a grape half way to her mouth. Setting it back on her plate she gave him a searching look. "Has it already been three weeks?" He nodded shifting a bit in his chair. She swallowed suddenly not at all hungry. "When do you leave?" He frowned not liking the inner turmoil he saw in her eyes. Her fea was darkening rapidly and it should never do that, it made his own want to wrap around hers and comfort her. Being human he had no clue as to weather or not she would even notice his efforts.

"Soon. Before midday." He wanted more than anything to make her happy again. He'd come to think of her as a friend in the weeks he'd known her. "Tauriel will return." She seemed to not hear him.

"You'll be careful?" He grinned reaching over to tug her hair without thought.

"Of course, who else is to keep you out of trouble?" She gave a small smile in return, nibbling on her breakfast. He'd parted soon afterwards to receive his orders from his father and to prepare. He wasn't expecting her to be waiting with the crowd seeing them off and he certainly wasn't expecting her to rush forward and wrap his middle in a tight hug. The first of many to come. His heart sputtered like never before and a warm feeling took root there.

"Please, please be careful." It felt like she was trying to bury her face in his chest, reaching up he patted her head, running his fingers through her hair quickly. The men he commanded wouldn't say it, but their captain was a bit more thoughtful when rushing into battle from then on. Many of them were thankful for the little humans words, they cared deeply for their Prince.

Thought I'd try my hand at a LotR's fanfic.