I own nothing and I am not getting paid to write, I just do it for fun. Enjoy if you like my stories, I do set a fast pace. But I can't help it, I also don't claim to be a professional writer for the errors are mine. So, enjoy!

Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Anthony Jasper Whitlock. I have been a vampire for over one hundred twenty years, but I look 18 to 20 depending on how I dress. I am 18 or was when I got bit by some random vampire one day, I was on a trip to secure a few horses for our family farm. My father was listed as missing in action he was the youngest Major in the Texas cavalry his name Jasper Whitlock. That is where I got my middle name from, we are proud of my father wherever he may have ended up. With the fact that vampires exist I am hoping to meet him one day, but I am not holding my breath.

I have met lots of odd nomads and I have even worked for the Volturi for fifty years. Aro was sad to see me go but understood I had to see the world and get out of the castle more. I did tell him if he ever needed my assistance to call me. I have been on a few missions after that when the need arose, mostly it was in Mexico and southern Texas for the southern wars. I have heard about the fabled Major that was Maria's top right-hand man. They say he escaped and is only one of three to have ever escaped her grasp. I hope to meet him I have met the other two Peter and Charlotte; they were quite the couple.

There are vampires that wake with gifts and I woke with a unique gift. I am what you would call a sponge, I absorb any gifts I encounter. Therefore, Aro was sad to see me go, with over a hundred years I have picked up many gifts. Not all are worth mentioning but I came across a couple of shields before I met the Volturi. So, it was a memorable first meeting because not one of the guards could affect me.

Well enough about me, I got a call to go see Peter he said it was very important I go straight to their ranch in Colorado. So, I find myself pulling up to their house and the cheeky fucker is grinning.

"Hey Peter, Charlotte as beautiful as ever. Still putting up with this know it all cryptic asshole?"

"Hey! I am only allowed to tell so much at a time! Or you know it could screw things up for everybody." Peter was pretending to pout.

"Hey Tony, it's good to see you again, and yes I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. He is mine and you will find yours soon." She had that shit eating grin then walked over and gave me a hug.

"Hey! No feeling up my woman now Tony! You will get your own soon I guarantee it!" Peter said with a know it all grin.

"Okay, I give. What and when and who are you two talking about? If it's my mate? Are you positive she will be ready for my baggage?"

"Naw, she will accept you for who you are. Trust me! You might even meet the Major soon." Now Peter was grinning again.

"Well, come in and sit and tell us about your latest adventure Tony!"

"Yeah, Anthony come in and sit a spell." Peter said and took off; I of course gave chase and we ended up sparring. We always end up fighting to see who can beat who in a match. I win about half of the time.

We finally give up after we tie in several rounds of sparring, plus Charlotte was getting mad at Peter for taking all my time for a visit. I did say I would stay with them soon just to have some place to hang my hat. We go to the house and clean up and meet in the living room, Peter was scowling because he can't always get the better of me. We visit and catch up then Peter gets all serious on me and I know he is about to be cryptic as shit.

"Okay, Tony your mate is in a town called Forks Washington, and you will have to get there quick and you will need our help."

"What? Why would I need your help? What kind of mess am I about to walk into Peter?"

"First off, your mate is still human and was just dumped by a veggie vamp named Edward. Now before you get all riled up hear me out."

"I make no promises Peter. Why was she seeing one of those weirdos anyway?" I say scratching my head, bad nervous tic I brought with me from being human.

"I haven't got all of the story but what I can gather is he claimed she was his mate. Then for some reason he up and dumps her and not in a nice way either. Long story short she has a vengeful vampire after her and we will have to take care of a newborn army." Peter was jumpy at the thought of a good fight.

"Why does she have a vampire after her? And what else aren't you telling me Peter?" I squint my eyes at him, and he gets a little nervous because I like to use Janes gift when I get angry.

"Okay, she has been in a depressed state since the asshole dumped her. So, you might have to pick up the pieces of her heart and put them back together. But it's mostly he has saturated her room with his scent so it's making it even harder for her to get over the bastard." Peter said clenching his fists.

"Alright when do we need to go and help to piece my mate back together? That sounds so wrong given that she is still human. Wait! This coven walked away from her with the knowledge of what they are. Are they stupid?" I jump up and start to pace.

"Yeah, that isn't all that there is to tell…um…well…it's like this…um…well your daddy is part of that coven or "family" as they like to call themselves." Peter is now hiding behind Char! The chicken shit!

"What is the name of this "family" that my father has got caught up in? and why am I just now hearing about him?"

"Well, it wasn't time to tell you! Plus, I hate to say this, but we have been kept away from him and he is like our brother and our coven leader." Peter was still hiding behind Char!

"What? How could he be kept away from you?" I am suspicious now

"Here is the thing, this and I don't even want to call her a woman has got her claws into him and he is wrapped around her finger. She claims he is her mate and she has a gift of, well, it's a type of foresight. Its choice base and it changes with everyone's choices. If we had told you about your daddy before now, she would have done everything to keep you away from him." Char speaks up for the first time.

"What kind of fuckery has he got himself mixed up in? and what about my mate? How the hell did she get involved in this mess?"

"Uh, we aren't sure how or why she got mixed up in this. The one time we surprised them with a visit while the emo dweeb was dating your mate. Which her name is uh, Isabella Marie Swan yeah that's it. We never met her, but we did see a picture of her, and she sure is PURTY!"

Char turned and slapped him upside his head for yelling in her ear. I laugh at him until she turns her glare to me, I may be able to cause the illusion of pain, but I wouldn't dream of using it on Char. Plus she is one scary woman when she gets angry. We sit back down, and we plan to go to Forks in a couple of hours and scope out the situation. Char jumps up to pack and we head out to my car when they have a bag each.

The trip didn't take no time at all with my gifts at detecting cops we drove at a hundred and thirty to one hundred fifty miles an hour and only stopped for gas. Once we hit Seattle, we stopped to hunt that was when we picked up the scents of many vampires. Too many to be in one area to leave scent trails. So, we grab a quick bite and track them down and find about fifteen newborns.

We knew this was for my mate, so we jump in and take out half before they realize what was going on. Once we had them all burning, we scout around for any we might have missed. We come across a red head and she almost got away from us and she would have if it wasn't for my gifts. I brought her down and we questioned her and was getting nowhere so I used Aro's gift on her and ended her quickly! I relay what I found out from her and we head to Forks and I now know where Bella lives. So, we head straight to her house and she isn't home, so I track her down to a clearing and she is in danger from one of Victoria's coven mates.

I don't even bother to listen in I flash forward and rip the guy apart and have him burning in moments. I turn to see my mate is standing there in shock and I can't help but to admire her beauty. I approach her slowly, well to me anyway and catch her as she faints. I smell something awful and pick her up and speed away to her truck. Or at least it has her smell all over it. I put her in the passenger's seat and pull the keys out of her pocket and start the beast, WOW! This thing is loud and extremely slow! I think I would have been better off to have run!

Once I get her back home, I open the front door to her house and carry her to her room. When I see this Edward, I will kill him her room wreaks of him! I begin cleaning everything that has his scent on it. Some of it will have to be burnt, like her bed and pillows! I send Peter out to get a new bed and bedding while I was cleaning. I found a bunch of pictures under a loose floorboard and pull them out. Well I now know what they look like and there is even one picture of Jasper my father.

When she starts to stir, we have switched out her bedding and have cleaned every bit of Edward out of the room. She looks around confused as to why she is in her bed and not dead I would imagine. She spots us and looks directly at our eyes to verify what we are. She cocks her head to the side when she comes to looking me over.

"You know you look a lot like someone I know? I thought you were him at first when you killed Laurent. Thank you, by the way why am I still alive? And why does my room smell like it was cleaned and I have a new bed?" Bella asked us and we snicker at her for that was not the reaction I was expecting.

"Well, to answer your first question it is because he is my father, if you were referring to Jasper Whitlock? And your second question is you are now part of our little "family" as the Cullen's call themselves. But we are a coven, and finally we cleaned your room because your former ass wipe of a boyfriend scented your room so it would be impossible for you to get over him. When I brought you home your room was saturated in his scent."

"I don't understand, why would he do something like that to me?"

"Because little bit he would keep you meek and easy to control this way, you would literally become addicted to him like a drug. Oh, I am Peter and this stunning woman is my mate Charlotte."

"And who are you? You said you were the son of Jasper, but he said nothing about having any children."

"Well, my name is Anthony Jasper Whitlock. But everyone calls me Tony or AJ, and the reason he might not know about me is because he visited my momma just before he disappeared and I was born, well we were born I had a twin sister, but she passed on several years ago."

"So, why am I now a part of your coven? I also come with baggage I have a red head vampire out for vengeance because of well it's a long story."

"You don't need to worry about Victoria or her newborn army. We took care of them sugar, so to answer your question of why you are now part of our coven. Well, I am sure you won't believe me, but Tony is your mate, and you can call me Char." Char said carefully.

"Your right I don't believe you but since you have saved me twice now, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. So, does this mean you will turn me when I ask you to?"

"Yes. I would have already turned you, but I am not forcing this life on anyone until they are ready. So, if you want to finish high school go to college for a couple of years, I will be right there with you."

"Um, how old are you?" we chuckle at the question

"I am a little over 18 but I have been a vampire for over a hundred and twenty years."

"Well then, I will finish high school then and we can pretend to go off to college and you can change me. When you said you wouldn't force it on me? I got the feeling that there was more to it than you were saying."

"It's a law that we have to keep the secret. So, with where you know? It comes down to either change or die then the ones to have let you in on the secret would also be punished." I say knowing it wouldn't go over to well.

"So, you were going to change me anyway?" we all nod "What did you mean when the ones that let it slip get punished?"

"Most of the time it means death for the vampire, unless they have a gift that the Volturi find useful. If they do, then they are required to serve at least one hundred years in the guard. I know this because I have served in the guard, it was voluntary, but I saw a lot while there for fifty years."

"Fifty? Wow, so not only are you protecting me but also the…Cullen's? what would happen if the Volturi find out about me before you change me?"

"We would have to go before the three kings and give our side of the story. With where you were already in the know and we plan to change you they may let us continue with our plan. But and this is a really big but. The Cullen's will have to answer for a human knowing the secret and them letting you live."

"Wow, so the sooner I am changed the better. I am ready when ever then. I begged him to turn me, but he always turned me down and called me a child and I didn't know what I was asking for." Bella said and the longer she talked the angrier she got.

"You have what? Three months of high school? If you like we can stay, and you can finish. Or if you prefer, I will take you back to the ranch and change you now. You will have to leave a note saying you run away or something to that effect." I say sitting on the bed and holding her warm hand in my cold one. What surprised us both was the shock that run through our hands when we touched. Now I know she is my mate.

"If it's not too much trouble I would like to finish out high school and be able to say goodbye to my dad. I have put him thru hell the last few months, hell I don't recall much over the last few months either. And what was with that shock and the current that run up my arm to my heart? Does that mean we are mates?"

"It sure does sugar, but the longer you get to know each other the stronger it will grow. If you were a vampire, it would be instantaneous you would know he is your mate and you are his." Char said grinning.

"Wow, well I need to go cook dinner for Charlie and he will be home in an hour. Could we talk again after we eat?"

"Sure, thing darlin, we will just hang around till you are ready."

We go out to the woods and talk while we wait and then that stench comes back while we are waiting. We jump up into the tree and watch as four horse sized wolves come sniffing around. Then one transforms into a native boy and pulls on some shorts. He then runs up and peeks thru the windows at Bella and he runs back strips and transforms back into his wolf form and they stand around sniffing the area. Then just as suddenly as they arrive, they leave. We are sitting there scratching our heads, well I was.

"Oh yeah, they said they had a treaty with the local tribe that could shift into giant dogs. If they don't bite a human or kill anyone they wouldn't attack." Peter said wrinkling his nose

"So, let me guess if we don't want any problems with these giant puppies? We have to drink animal blood?" they nod and we all shiver. I tried it on several occasions and it never got any better. Its bitter or bland and disgusting.

We see Bella is back in her room and we fly into her window freaking her out momentarily causing us to grin. She goes to take care of her routine and comes back in some night clothes. We talk and we ask her for her side of the story, and it takes over an hour for her to get thru it. I am still going to kill that boy when I see him! And this mystic meg that claims to be my dads' mate, she is on a short list to get ripped and burnt.

I end up next to her and she curls up against me and is asleep shortly after. I try to move but she has a death grip on me, so I settle in for the night. This causes Peter to chuckle I just flip him off but grin at the same time. Char grins but still cuffs Peter upside his head softly, we talk softly as the night continues.

"Maybe you should wear some brown contacts and enroll in high school Tony? That way you can be with her more throughout the day." Char asks me and I am uneasy with being surrounded by hormonal teenagers for eight hours a day.

"I will think about it Char. But seriously do you see me sitting among teenagers for eight hours a day for over the next three months?"

Peter had to leave before he woke up both Bella and her father with his laughter, the ass hole. Bella begins to talk in her sleep, and I begin to whisper in her ear that I was there, and things would be better now. She settled down and curled further into me until she was pretty much laying on top of me. Peter comes back but must leave again when he notices how Bella has moved. I must admit I am getting hard with her rubbing up against me like she is.

Thankfully her alarm goes off and she reaches over to hit it causing me to chuckle. This then causes her to freeze and look me in the eyes and gasp. Then relaxes when she remembers who she is laying on top of. She turned a delightful shade of red and scurried off to the bathroom, making us chuckle. I don't move and Peter and Char jump out the window to allow us a few minutes alone.

Apparently, she forgot her clothes and came back in an almost too small of a towel wrapped around her. I was definitely hard now seeing her creamy legs that seemed to go on forever. She turns red to her toes and I wink at her I swear she will pass out with all the blood rushing to her face.

"I have to say you are beautiful and I don't know if I can wait until you're a vampire to worship your beautiful body." I growl and purr at the same time, so it sounded like a growly purr.

"Are you? I mean you would make love to me before I am turned?"

"Yes, but it comes with dangers like you could become pregnant. And from what I have learned it is very rough on your body. But you have nothing to worry about me turning you down, it's just the whole pregnancy thing that we would have to worry about."

"What about if you lose control and breaking me or draining me?"

"None of those will happen because I couldn't hurt you and you do smell divine but not in, I want to drain you kind of way. Sure, I would like to eat you but in a different way." She turned red again causing me to grin.

"We will visit this talk again, but I got to get ready for school." She grabs her clothes and I reluctantly jump out the window to give her privacy. When she comes out the front door, I have my front door open and she stumbles but recovers and walks over to me and gets in.

"So, am I to have my personal chauffeur from now on?"

"Only if it makes you happy. Peter suggested I enroll with you, but I don't think I could put up with all the hormonal teenagers for eight hours. I may have to drain a few before the end of the year."

She chuckles and names off a few she wished would get drained, but I can tell she was kidding. We pull up and I get out and walk around and open her door and give her a hand. She blushes and takes my hand and I wrap my arm around her and grin as we stand there for a few minutes. But she must go to class, so I let her go reluctantly she looks back a few times before she disappears into the building. I then get back in my charger and go look for a place to rent for the next few months.


I thought I was going to die when Laurent found me in the meadow, but then I was saved by a double for Jasper. I have to say his son is sex on legs especially when he lets his southern accent come out more. I thought Edward smelled good? He has nothing on Anthony, or Tony I think I will call him AJ it sounds better. When they told me about what Edward had done to my room, I was pissed for the first time. Well, not the first time but the first time since I met them.

Last night was the first night I had a well-rested sleep since I moved here. I have to say I really like Peter and Charlotte; I could like being in a coven with them. I have a feeling there is more to their story, but I will get it later when they are ready to share. AJ has blonder hair than Jasper does, and his hair only comes to his ears where Jasper's comes down to his shoulders. There are some subtle differences in their face though. Like AJ has a softer smile and doesn't look like he is in pain all the time. I wonder what Jasper will say when he learns about his son. It would be a reunion I would like to witness myself.

My morning was spent avoiding certain gossip mongers like Jessica trying to find out who the hot blonde guy was. It will be hell if I must be away from AJ now that I know what we are to each other. But I would not make him suffer the hell that is high school. All I can think about is his very kissable lips and his gorgeous red eyes. Huh, I thought they would bother me more, but they don't, they look right and natural. Maybe the Cullen way or diet isn't as humane as they have been claiming. Last night they said they hunt the dregs of society like drug dealers, gangs, molesters, and people who are already dying.

I shocked Angela by talking to her today, I must have really been out of it the last few months! If I find out he did this to me on purpose I will rip his dick off and burn it in front of his family! I am finding that I am getting angry at stuff they had put me thru like Bella Barbie! The only ones to treat me like I was a person were Jasper, Rose, and Emmett but he is questionable on the teasing the human. I manage to get thru the day without answering any questions about my mate. Hmm, my mate yes, I can see us being together for eternity. He isn't demanding and lets me decide and asks my opinion unlike some other family did.

I walk out of the school and find AJ sitting on the hood of his Dodge Charger with some cool looking shades on. I know it's to hide his red eyes from the nosey teens, like Jessica and Lauren who went right to him. But he just ignores them and hugs me, and we share our first kiss and I see fireworks! Edward had nothing on this man and from the bulge in his pants this morning? I am one lucky girl! We break apart to two bitches well bitching. We ignore them and get in the car leaving them standing there still bitching. I crack up when we get out away from the school, hey I might become a possessive bitch! Maybe I am and it feels good too.

"How was your day darlin? Did they give you much grief?"

"Nope, none but tomorrow will be a different story since I bagged the hot blonde guy before they had a chance to get you."

"Darlin, they never had a chance to begin with. Now how about I take you to see our house?" he said with a grin that made me want him now

"OUR house? How far away will you be from me?" I know I sound whiney but damnit I just got him, and I want to be with him all the time!

"Yes, it's yours too darlin. You can come over anytime you like." He said with that panty melting grin. "And I will be at your house as much as you want me there darlin." I am going to have to change my underwear soon if he keeps going with the charm.

"I have concluded that I can't be away from you for very long. But I would never ask you to endure the hell that is high school for me."

"I thank you for that one darlin but I may have to just so I can be close to you myself." He said and again with that panty melting grin, that's when I catch him sniffing and realize he is doing it on purpose! That's fine I seen the effect I have on him this morning and I felt it before I got out of bed!

We aren't that far from my house when we pull up to a small house, then we go in and Char is arranging some furniture. I smile and she comes over and hugs me then goes back to putting stuff away. He shows us to a bedroom with a nice queen-sized bed and a private bathroom. Then we go see a mess that is being made in another bedroom by Peter.

"We have to make our own master suite since you two commandeered the only one in the house. But this way we can build it the way we like it right sweet cheeks?" Char came up about that time

"That's right and we are no strangers to remodeling, you won't either once you have been changed sugar." She said grinning

"What she means is you will break several houses in the first few decades that your mated." Peter said ducking Chars hand.

I can just blush and nod okay. Then we will be sex freaks then? I am fine with that one! We go back to the living room and he shows me to the kitchen that he has already stocked with some food. How did he know I liked all that he bought? Then I realize he must be gifted; great another knows it all to deal with.

"Hey, I am not a know it all I just know shit. And I am nothing like the magic eight ball in the Cullen "family" that you can shake and get several answers out of her." Peter said like I insulted him

"Sorry, we haven't talked about what gifts you guys might have. And how did you know to buy the right stuff at the grocery store? It's been how long since you had to eat food?"

"Well, it's like this little bit I haven't had to deal with food for a century. And as for me knowing I just know shit when I need to, I don't call it a gift because your mate can't take it away from me."

"Before you ask, I can take and copy someone else's gift and make it my own, and with where I have been around for over a century? I have picked up quite a few, some not worth mentioning. Like I could go to school and change my eye color and prevent myself from sparkling."

"Can you prevent others from sparkling too?"

"Yes, but they must stay within ten miles, or it wears off. It's just an illusion that humans can't see around, well except maybe you with you being at least a mental shield." AJ said while putting his arm around me and I lean into him.

We chat for an hour and a half then I must get home to fix dinner for Charlie, when we pull up, I see Jake is sitting on the steps and he has changed! He looks like he could pass for twenty or older, and he is buff like steroids buff. AJ wrinkles his nose and warned me to not get to close to Jake at first. I just nod and we get out and walk up to the steps Jake growls out the next few words shocking me.

"Another fucking leach Bella? What didn't the last one not screw you up enough? Why do you attract them to you like flies to shit? Fucking vampires! You make me sick!"

"First off mutt we took care of your problem that has been plaguing you for the last few months. That problem also was going to become an even bigger problem soon had we not stepped in." Peter said appearing out of nowhere.

"We could have taken care of the red head like you took care of the one yesterday! Your all not that tough! So, leave red eyes you're not welcome here! We kill your kind." Then Sam stepped out of the woods and glared at Jake.

"Jake, I ordered you not to contact Bella again. If she is involved with leaches, it's her funeral but you better stay off our land you are not welcome. Come on Jake let's go!" they get a few feet away and Jake turns into a horse sized wolf right before my eyes!

"My god is Forks supernatural central or what?" AJ and Peter chuckle at me and lead me into the house. Peter takes off to finish his little construction project, AJ told him to take his car, so he didn't have to hide it later.

"You want to talk about your friend that also explodes into a giant puppy?" AJ said trying to hide the grin, which he failed to do so.

"Nope! If that is the way he plans on treating me from now on, then I don't want to think about him anymore. True he was my best friend, but I have a feeling he was just getting started when Sam interrupted him."

"Okay, I won't mention the puppy again. Want me to help you cook?"

We had fun cooking dinner he operated the knife for chopping veggies and I worked the wok and made seafood stir fry. It's the only kind Charlie will eat except for maybe steak. When Charlie pulled up AJ went up to my room until I could join him.

My days went like this for a couple of weeks we got closer and kissing went on to touching to my first orgasm brought on by someone other than me. He has gentle but calloused hands you could tell by his build he was a hard-working farm boy. You had to be back then, but I finally got to see him in all his glory, and he is packing thank you very much! His muscled chest and six pack abs are well defined. His arms and legs are corded muscle stretched tight and he has scars from fights with vampires. Though he said he has nothing on Peter in the scar department. The V that points down to his well-endowed cock with the happy trail of blonde hair that leads to his manhood! He has hardly any chest hair and that is fine with me.

I don't think I can wait till I am changed to have sex with this man, I am wet just thinking about him. I had to endure his ogling me though and he knows how to treat a woman! This led to a conversation about I didn't care about how many he has been with I just want to know I will be his last. After my insecurities were put to rest, we now pleasure each other as much as we can without doing the actual deed. Like I said I don't think I can wait that long!

Like I said we had a wonderful couple of weeks until spring break, and we went all the way and several more times that week. We tried using condoms to prevent the pregnancy, but we didn't count on the strength of his venom spunk. Well it turns out I am now pregnant, and we will need to leave to hide this fact from everyone. But before we can leave? We have a visitor. Alice! Just because my future disappeared, she came looking! No not when I was miserable and depressed! Did she offer a shoulder to cry on? NO! that is when we know she and Edward are up to something.