Title taken from the Imagine Dragons song of the same name. Infinity War takes place in 2019, making Percy and Annabeth 25, Estelle is 8.

The door bounced back at her, catching her on the arm, but Annabeth hardly noticed. "Sally! Paul!" She cried, sprinting from the hall into the living room. Black dust erupted from the carpet and swirled around her in a cloud as she moved.

"No." Annabeth rasped, breathing hard. "No! Sally! Paul!"

A wail came the hallway leading to the bedrooms, and Annabeth froze, then bolted down the hall, sobbing "Estelle!" as she went. Her tiny sister-in-law was curled in on herself at the foot of her bed, clutching her stuffed hippocampus to her chest, crying.

"Estelle!" Annabeth gasped, then said, louder, "Estelle!" as she dropped to her knees in front of her. Annabeth reached out a shaking hand and hesitated just before she touched the child's hand.

"Annabeth?' Estelle asked, looking up, red eyes wide. Tear tracks ran down her face, and trails of snot ran from her nose. "Annabeth!" She cried, launching herself from the floor and into Annabeth's arms.

"-it's worldwide." Nico was saying. "Mortals, half-bloods, monsters," he sighed, and suddenly looked far older than twenty-one. "The gods were not spared either."

They were in the Big House at Camp Half-Blood, gathered around the old ping pong table in mismatched chairs. For lack of anywhere better to go, Annabeth had taken Estelle to camp, where they would hopefully be safe. It seemed like every demigod that had survived had had the same idea. Chris Rodriguez had come with his and Clarisse's daughter, Piper McLean-Grace had been one of the first there besides Annabeth and Estelle, Nyssa and several other Hephaestus children were already there. Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner arrived together. Dozens of young half-bloods, all understandably confused and terrified, were being managed by Butch and Clovis. Chairs around the table were conspicuously empty, and the place at the head was empty as well. Nico had stepped out of the shadows only ten minutes before and had grimly called the meeting of senior half-bloods.

"I'm sorry. I thought I heard you say that the gods were affected." Nyssa said.

Nico looked up at her, then around the table, his gaze lingering on the empty spaces. "You heard me correctly. I was in the Underworld when it happened. I watched my father, Persephone, and two of the Furies disintegrate in front of me."

Thalia Grace, Artemis's lieutenant of the Hunt, nodded. They had been somewhere in Europe, Annabeth thought, and were calling through Iris Message. At least Fleecy had survived. Thalia looked exhausted. "Artemis as well. She had wanted the Hunters to go to Wakanda, to help with the fighting there. She said she needed to seek permission from the goddess before we could enter. She had just come back when it happened."

"Diana and Pluto are gone. Do we know of any others?" Frank Zhang, Praetor of Camp Jupiter, asked over Iris Message.

"Lupa and Terminus are gone!" The shout was faint through the connection, but Annabeth saw the way Frank's shoulders slumped. The line between his eyebrows deepened.

Nico visibly shook himself, then said, "Ares and Aphrodite are gone. Hephaestus and Poseidon as well. A handful of minor deities, Nike and Nemesis among them. Alecto is still seeking others out."

"Chiron and Dionysus are gone as well. I saw them-" Lou Ellen mimed an explosion with her hands. No one needed further explanation.

"How did this happen? What happened?" Travis Stoll asked. He looked lost, without Connor there next to him. "Aren't the gods immortal? They can't die like we can, or we wouldn't have had to fight a war with the Titans again."

Nico looked so tired. As tired as Annabeth felt. He pinched the bridge of his nose, then said, "They didn't die. Not as we understand it. They simply…" he paused, searching for words. "ceased to exist."

Shouts erupted around the table as everyone spoke at once, then tried to yell over each other to be heard. Hands were waved above their heads to be heard first.

"QUIET!" Piper shouted. "I swear to whatever gods are left, if the children wake up, I will personally send you to the Underworld!"

Silence fell, and apologetic looks were thrown at Annabeth, who had only managed to convince Estelle to sleep by swearing to her that she was coming back, and Chris Rodriguez, who had just gotten his daughter to sleep. He was clutching the little girl close to his chest, his eyes were bloodshot, and had dark bags under them. They had all lost people, but he was taking Clarisse's loss hard.

"Who else have we lost?" Frank asked softly.

"Jason." Piper said, resting her hand on the small swell of her stomach. "Mitchell. Drew and Lacey."

"Will Solace." Nico said.

"Clarisse." Chris rasped. "Our son."

"Percy Jackson. Sally and Paul Blofis." Annabeth said. Her father, stepmother, her mortal brothers.

"Connor." Travis said, voice wavering.

"Reyna, my fellow Praetor is gone." Frank said. "Hazel Levesque, Dakota, Matt, Julia… so many. Not Just the centuries either, New Rome is decimated. We still don't have a full accounting of the… dead."

"They're not dead." Nico said loudly. "I've walked through the gates to Judgement. With what happened, so many gone at once, Asphodel, Punishment, and Elysium should all be flooded! But they're not. They're gone," he snapped his fingers. "Like that. Where the hell did they go?" he demanded.

Lou Ellen, the only remaining child of Hecate, stood, her chair scraping across the floor like a gunshot in the somber room. "We all need to rest," she said loudly. "it's been a long day, we're all tired and need a break."

Nico stood before anyone else did, turning to bolt, but Lou jabbed a finger at him. "You especially. Stay for a night. You can keep searching the Underworld tomorrow. We've got plenty of room."

There was a dry chuckle, but the joke fell flat. It had the intended effect, though. Cots and sleeping bags were pulled out and arranged in all available spaces. It was almost like when they were all younger, after surviving another apocalyptic battle. But Percy wasn't there to put his back against hers. Not this time.

"Annabeth?" Estelle was awake, curled up on the couch. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm here." Annabeth said. She opened her arms in invitation and Estelle erupted off the couch and into her arms with a quiet sob.

"Mom and Dad aren't coming back, are they? And Percy?"

Annabeth blinked hard, feeling the tears run down her cheeks and into Estelle's hair. "No, they're not."

"Why? What happened to them?" The question was plaintive, and Estelle shook in Annabeth's arms.

"We don't know why. Not yet." Annabeth said. "We'll find out though."

Annabeth drifted off to sleep with Estelle curled in her arms. She just missed the shadows curl and flex, and Nico slip out of the Big House.