Chronicles of the King: The Nightblade Legacy "Alpha Identity" written by Shayne Thames Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica © and SEGA Shalita Ranay, Shaetore Valcena and Kitti Karnage is © 2003 S.R. Thames Before we begin: Yata! I'm back again! I been workin on a new fic for a while and I think I got it. It came in a dream, literally! I seen Sonic vamp stories, but none were either "serious" or "epic" in anyway. Mine IS. I also used Shalita Ranay from my book, "Crystal Star", so you COULD say that this is a semi-crossover. So here we go. Enjoy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: From Another World Perhaps is was ironic that it was night when it all started. Tonight was heated up with a tag battle. The blue hedgehog known as Sonic was relaxing in a field, while in the nearby woods, Tails, the two-tailed, was playing with Amy Rose the hedgehog, Cream the Rabbit, and Cheese the Chao. It was a game of flashlight tag in the woods, and Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese were having fun in the dark, tagging each other with their flashlights. Sonic was watching the stars while the kids were playing, keeping an ear out for any sign of trouble. "IS THAT MACHINE WORKING YET?!" The screams of the woman echoed through the halls of the palace. A squirrel glared down at the kitten that was on the floor. "Yea yea," the kitten grumbled, its high octive voice making its sour attitude sound humourous. It pointed to the huge machine. "I used the data you gave me from the orginal subject and started experimenting to duplicate the energy. Once I had perfected the signiture pattern, I created the machine made specificly to harness the energy and use it." "Perfect, Kitti, you done it again," the woman grinned, touching the side of the machine with a long fingernail. "Soon I shall have a fresh supply of unsuspecting victims in my grasp!" "Will this mean a reward, Mistress?" Kitti asked. "Ah yes, a reward indeed," she said thoughtfully. "I suppose you want me to change you into your real form?" Kitti nodded excitedly. She laughed. "Kitti, you think you can take me for a fool? If I change you back, you'll just betray me again. I'm not STUPID." Kitti glowered at her. "However, you have the week off for your good work." "Oh gee, thanks Mistress," Kitti grumbled. "Quit your bellyaching and turn on the machine!" she bellowed at the grey kitten. Above them in the rafters, two figures layed silent, watching. One figure looked at the other and pointed down. Kitti hopped up a few stools, leeped up, and pulled down a lever. The machine started to warm up. The two figures leaped off the rafters and into the room below, behind the two. A female white hedgehog and a male black hedgehog. "Hold it right there, Shaetore!" the female yelled. Shaetore tsked. "Shalita, its rude to yell." "We're not about to let you carry out your plan," the male told her. "Shadow, I'm suprised at you. You know me. I'm an opprotunitest. And I couldn't have done it without you." Shaetore grinned. "You kidnapped and tortured me for that data!" Shadow glared. "And I'm back to destroy your work." Shadow stepped closer, unafraid of her. "You should of taken me when you had the chance." "Why have a snack when I can have the whole buffet? Face it, Shadow. You should have NEVER come to this world." "And I'm not about to let you ruin mine!" Shadow growled, dashing forward. Shaetore backhanded him, sending him flying against the wall. She pointed at Kitti. "Start it up! I want to have a FEAST tonight!" Kitti saluted her mockingly. "Yes Mistress!" He scampered around to push more buttons, but Shalita grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. "Not so fast, Kitti." "Shal, doll, don't you know?" Kitti asked, and clawed her face. She yelped and dropped Kitti, covering her face. "Don't mess with things with claws." Shaetore looked at the dazed Shadow. "I think I'll have that snack now," she said, and two large fangs dropped from her mouth. "NO!" Shalita yelled, and and threw herself at Shaetore, knocking her over. Kitti looked at a console and saw that the power was charged. "We have full power!" Shaetore threw Shalita off of her. "Do it!" Cream looked around a tree. Cheese was hovering over her shoulder. "Tee hee! Amy'll never find us, huh Cheese?" Cheese dissappeared. "Huh? Cheese?" Cream called. Cream was the next to dissappear. Amy peered around a corner. "Huh, thought I heard Cream nearby." Amy dissappeared as well. Tails, who was hovering above everyone, had seen the whole thing, and gasped. "SONIC-" Tails dissappeared. Nearby in the field, Sonioc perked up, having heard Tails. "Huh? Tails?" He too dissappeared. "NO!" The shout rang in Sonic's ears. He found himself in some sore of gothic styled room with machinery. Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese was there. He also saw a white hedgehog attacking a squirrel, and a black blur spin-dashing into the machinery, destroying it. "You IDIOT!!!" the squirrel screamed. "You destroyed my machine!" "Duh," the white hedgehog said, rolling her eyes. The black blur stopped. It was.... The two hedgehogs locked eyes. "Shadow?" Sonic asked quietly. "Oh crap," Shadow muttered and looked back at Shalita. "Shal, we got civilians! We gotta get them out of here!" "Right!" Shalita called back. She stopped for a moment and grabbed Kitti. "You're coming with us!" "OW! hey, put me down, you big oaf!" Kitti yelled. Shadow looked at his old aquatances. "Sonic, Tails, Amy! Get your friend and follow us out! It's not safe here!" "Shadow?! What's going on?!" Sonic yelled as he picked up Amy. Tails grabbed Cream. "Now's not the time to explain, Sonic! Let's go!" Shadow yelled, throwing Shaetore one last punch before leading the others through a window into the night.