A/N. Okay, here's my first fanfic that really got into the fantasy elements. My previous ones weren't as outrageous in their settings as this, sticking to more realistic what-if scenarios. Hope you enjoy, and leave some comments. I enjoy reading those.

It all happened one study afternoon. Fuutarou and the five sisters he was tutoring were leisurely spending their time reviewing for a test. It was a non-working holiday, so none of them had any jobs to got to. They had just finished the week's material when suddenly the underside of the kotatsu glowing. They were all curious and decided to take a peek. Hidden underneath the kotatsu was the legs of the quints, but more importantly there was a small glowing circle. It started spreading out, until it reached the edges of the room. An intense light flashed, and before anyone could have moved, they all felt a mysterious force pulling them.

"Ahhhhh!" Fuutarou crashed into what seemed to be grasslands. "Girls?" He looked up to see the five sisters about to fall on him.

"Ahhhhh!" Five indistinguishable voices screamed out as the sisters all fell on top of Fuutarou.

"Oww..." Fuutarou was nearly crushed by the combined weight of the Nakanos. "You girls are heavy..."

The sisters quickly got off of the boy. He sat and scanned his surroundings.

"What happened?" Ichika recovered first from the shock of what just happened.

"Also, where are we?" Nino looked around, and saw that there was a settlement in the distance.

"This looks so weird..." Miku looked up at the sky, noticing it was an unusual shade of blue and white.

"Is this a dream? Are we all dreaming together?" Yotsuba looked around, checking the flora from her surroundings.

Itsuki's stomach grumbled. "If it's a dream then why am I so hungry? I want some food, stat!"

"It looks like there's some right there." Fuutarou was shivering. He saw a boar the size of a bear, and it was heading straight for them. "Everyone, run!"

Fuutarou helped the girls stand up, and made sure that they all started running. He then picked up a rock and stood his ground. "Just keep running, I'll distract it."

"No way, that thing's so big! You'll get ripped to shreds!" Nino protested.

"Better the five of you making it out alive than us all winding up dead!" Fuutarou readied his rock.

"That's not happening! We'll all make it out of here, together!" Yotsuba took his hand and prepared to drag him.

"If I don't do this none of us will survive!" Fuutarou was determined. The boar was closing in, and the group was arguing.

"No!" The boar's charge almost reached Miku, so she held out her arms in protection. She then suddenly noticed the boar was held in place, almost by magic.

"What happened?" Itsuki was curious as to why the boar stopped moving.

"Dunno but let's run while we have the chance." Ichika suggested.

The party started running again when they encountered three more boars. "No way..." Fuutarou almost collapsed from shock.

"Let's get going Fuu-kun. Maybe we can still outrun those things." Nino pointed at the boars. Suddenly fire shot out of her finger into the center boar, burning it alive. "Huh?"

"Nino, what did you do? It's burning!" Itsuki smelled the burnt pork.

"I-I-I don't know!" Nino waved her arms around.

"Oooh! Let me try!" Yotsuba held out her hand against one of the boars. It suddenly tripped on its feet.

"Yotsuba! Was that you?" Ichika held the sides of her head in surprise. Also to her surprise is that a ball of water formed in front of her face and shot towards the last boar.

"Ichika! You just shot water to that boar!" Itsuki was confused as to what was happening. She had no time to recollect herself when the first boar came back. "Ahhh! There's one more!" Itsuki pointed to the boar, and to her surprise it sunk to the ground.

The boars all died from the attacks. Fuutarou looked at the corpses, and noticed some pretty weird things. The first boar had its legs stuck in some kind of black puddle, and its face was pale. The next ones died from burning, the impact of the water, and impalement from rocks. "Weird." When he came back, he saw the quints holding out their hands.

Ichika had a ball of water floating on top of her palm. Nino had fire on hers. Miku's hand had gusts of air sweeping around it. Yotsuba's hand was covered with vines that sprouted from the ground, and Itsuki was holding something akin to black jelly.

"Check this out Uesugi-san! It's so cool!" Yotsuba held out her hand, and the vines started waving around as if to say hello.

"How are you girls doing that?" Fuutarou eyed each of the sister's hands, whose elements were moving dynamically.

"We don't know. We just feel it, and then this happens." Miku crushed the ball of air, and then Fuutarou felt strong winds pull him towards Miku.

"Yeah. I don't know either." Yotsuba gestured towards the boars, and her vines pulled the dead pigs towards the group. "I feel bad for these guys."

"They scared the heck out of us!" Ichika responded against Yotsuba's carefree attitude.

"At least they won't bother us anymore." Itsuki's stomach grumbled. "You think these are safe to eat?"

Nino smelled the burnt boar. "Should be, they smell like the ones back home. Wonder why they're so big."

"This day is killing me." Fuutarou sat down.

"Why don't we eat then to calm our nerves. Girls, help me cook this stuff." Nino smiled at him.

Yotsuba made a spit out of some vines, reinforcing them at Fuutarou's suggestion. Itsuki cut up the boar's parts. Itsuki's ability allowed her to cut up parts of the boar away from the main body. Miku took charge of draining the blood out of the body. Miku's ability gave her control of the air around the boar, so she made a vacuum that caused the blood to flow out. Ichika washed the body as they were about to cook. Finally Nino placed a flame underneath the spit to let the boar cook.

As they ate, Fuutarou tried to ask the sisters how they managed their magical feats. He tried to mimic what they said they did and what they felt, but no visible effect occurred. After eating two boars, Fuutarou took away the tusks and hooves. He planned on making weapons out of them since he apparently had no magic capabilities. The meat they didn't cook was carried in a makeshift plant bag made by Yotsuba. They set out to the nearby settlement and arrived after two hours.

"Man, my feet are killing me!" Fuutarou bent down, only to get picked up by his collar. He noticed a muscular man behind him.

"You're wearing some strange clothes fella. Where did you come from? Are you planning to go to the guild?"

"Huh? Wait, let go of me!"

"And I see you're traveling with five beautiful girls! Are you supposed to be guarding them or something?"

"I said let me go!"

"Can't see you guarding them though. Not with a body like that! Ahahahaha!"

"Please just let him go." Ichika smiled at the muscular man.

"Ahaha, sorry, my bad!" Fuutarou was let down on his feet.

"If you plan to sell those materials the guild's that way." He pointed towards a tall building surrounded by posters. "See you."

The party headed over to the guild. It was filled with many people wearing armors and robes, as well as holding weapons such as swords, shields, and staves. They headed to the receptionist situated in a cutout of the wall.

"Good afternoon. You people seem new around here. Are you here to register as adventurers?"

"Adventurers?" Miku asked the receptionist.

"Yes. In order to receive jobs or sell material you must be an adventurer of this guild."

"That's right, we need jobs. No way am I eating Katsudon everyday." Nino talked with Fuutarou.

"Yeah, where can we sign up?" Fuutarou asked the receptionist.

"Right here." The girl brought out six metal sheets as well as a glass ball. "Hold the status plate with one hand and touch the crystal ball with the other."

"Ladies first." Fuutarou was nervous, since it didn't seem like he had any magical aptitude.

The party proceeded to do as they were told. Ichika was up first, and when she touched the crystal ball it glowed a deep blue. The metal plate she was holding in her hand proceeded to carve out new details for itself using high pressure water.

Ichika Nakano

Age: 18 years old

Level 1

Job: None

Charisma: 50 Defense: 50 Intelligence: 50 Agility: 50 Health: 50

Skills: Water Magic [Hydro Bubble]

Nino was next. She was amazed at the color from Ichika's appraisal. She touched the crystal ball, and it glowed a bright orange red in response. Her status plate burned the details into itself.

Nino Nakano

Age: 18 years old

Level 1

Job: None

Charisma: 50 Defense: 50 Intelligence: 50 Agility: 50 Health: 50

Skills: Fire Magic [Fire Shot]

Miku did just like her sisters, and was amazed when the ball glowed white. Gusts of wind seemed to carve away at the metal sheet she held.

Miku Nakano

Age: 18 years old

Level 1

Job: None

Charisma: 50 Defense: 50 Intelligence: 50 Agility: 50 Health: 50

Skills: Air Magic [Vacuum]

Yotsuba was excited. She wanted to know her status, especially her ability. She quickly held onto the ball once it was her turn. It glowed green in response. Her status plate also grew vines, forming the details before wilting away.

Yotsuba Nakano

18 years old

Level 1

Job: None

Charisma: 50 Defense: 50 Intelligence: 50 Agility: 50 Health: 50

Skills: Plant Magic [Constrict]

Itsuki was also curious, so she took one of the plates and eagerly awaited her turn. When she touched the ball it became a dark purple color. A black substance also covered the metal sheet, eating away at specific parts to form the details of her appraisal.

Itsuki Nakano

Age: 18 years old

Level 1

Job: None

Charisma: 50 Defense: 50 Intelligence: 50 Agility: 50 Health: 50

Skills: Dark Magic [Void Eater]

When it was Fuutarou's turn, he became nervous. After getting nudged by Nino to start, he held the ball in anticipation. At this point the guild master was watching, amazed at the very bright colors the quintuplets managed to produce. To Fuutarou's disappointment, there was no bright light. He only felt the ball getting colder, and a very small point in the center of the ball glowing. "Hmm..." The metal in his status plate sunk to form letters and numbers.

Fuutarou Uesugi

Age: 18 years old

Level 1

Job: None

Charisma: 10 Defense: 10 Intelligence: 100 Agility: 10 Health: 10

Skills : HM [HM]

The sisters and Fuutarou compared their status plates.

"What the hell! Why are my stats so low?" Fuutarou complained.

"Don't worry about it Fuutarou-kun. Look at your intelligence." Ichika smiled, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Don't be sad Fuu-kun. I will protect you." Nino winked at him.

"I'm here too Fuutarou. There's no need for you to worry." Miku reassured him, glaring at Nino for a moment.

"We'll protect you Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba cheered.

"We'll help each other, right, Uesugi-kun?" Itsuki looked back to the boar.

"Still, this sucks. And what the hell is HM?" Fuutarou still complained.

"I'm sorry, but that's the first time it has ever appeared." The receptionist double checked the records.

"It's useless if I don't know what it does..." Fuutarou was about to cry. "Can't I learn other types of magic?"

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Every person's magic is unique to themselves. That's why you can't learn other types of magic, and teaching someone is not possible." The receptionist started.

"That's why there are no mentors for magic. It is developed by the person that uses it. If you learned magic from another, at best you will only be copying that person's techniques, not developing your own." An old man added.

"Guild master..."

"But fear not. Magic is developed by practicing. And with practice comes improvement. If you manage to grow enough, you may even end up evolving your magic."

"Evolve?" Miku questioned as she started forming a ball of air.

"Yes. With enough dedication, you can develop and eventually evolve your magic. By then it is truly unique to you, the fruits of your hard labor. Evolving your magic allows you to fully utilize its potential." The old man showed off a technique, turning the dirt around their feet into metal.

"Wooow!" Yotsuba's mouth was open in amazement.

"So how do I develop this HM thing I have?" Fuutarou showed his status plate to the guild master.

"You will have to figure it out yourself, young man." The guild master went off to his office, leaving Fuutarou pissed.

That night, the girls went to Fuutarou's room. They had sold off the materials they had and were now in an inn.

"You girls lucked out. I wish I could do magic like you guys."

"Come on Uesugi-kun. Don't feel down. Who knows, that magic of yours may prove skillful in other ways."

"Besides, we're here together. It's not like we'll leave you out." Ichika sat across him.

"You're not useless Fuutarou, remember that." Miku reassured him.

"You've helped us all this time. Now it's our turn." Itsuki was eating the grilled meat she just bought.

"Hey, hey, seeing as we're adventurers now, we need names." Yotsuba pulled out a scroll and wrote her ideas. She showed them to her sisters.

Ichika, the Wet One

Nino, the Hot One

Miku, the Silent One

Yotsuba, the Plantmaster

Itsuki, the Dark One

"Why is yours the only one different? And why am I the Wet One?!" Ichika pinched Yotsuba's cheeks.

"Hahahaha! Come on Ichika, learn to appreciate Yotsuba's name for you!" Nino was called Hot, which she thought fit perfectly.

"I don't think I want to be called the Dark One. I sound like a villain." Itsuki took the scroll from Yotsuba's hands.

"..." Miku was silent, true to the name given to her.

"Hey, Uesugi-san, let's give you one too!" Yotsuba pulled free from Ichika's assault. "Your skill's HM right? How about this?" She took the scroll from Itsuki and wrote on it.

Fuutarou, the Harem Master

"Yotsuba, I don't think that fits..." Fuutarou held his head down.

"HM right? Why not?" Yotsuba defended her idea.

"You've been watching too much anime." Nino smacked Yotsuba's head.

"Enough. Let's just go to sleep. Go back to your rooms." Fuutarou was annoyed now, so he quickly ended the conversation. [HM... I wonder what that means.]

A/N. The first boar died from asphyxiation, it wasn't Itsuki's ability. The quints' powers are basically equal, I don't want to make it seem that just because Itsuki has dark powers that she's automatically some kind of special wizard of whatever.

Do you guys want some original characters? The most I'll give is names for the guild master and receptionists, so that I don't have to keep referring to them by title. Suggest some names/characters if you want. Also, give me your comments on the story, I like to hear from you guys.