AN: "Hey, idk if you're still taking requests but if you are, could i request a fic where Ed finds out Winry is pregnant? I'll never be over the fact we neber saw Eds reaction :') if not, feel free to ignore sweetie 3" - Anon

i totally imagine ed pulling a maes hughes and running around screaming about his kid

The mug in Ed's hand dropped to the floor, shattering into pieces. Winry sighed from across the room, placing a hand over her face, muttering that she knew she should have waited until he was finished cleaning up after his morning coffee.

His mind stuttered as he stared at his wife, desperately trying to comprehend what she just said, but it was a struggle.

"P… Pre…"

"Yes, Ed," Winry replied slowly when he couldn't complete the word. "Pregnant."

For someone who was a child genius, he sure was finding it incredibly difficult to understand this simple piece of information.

Something clicked inside him and with a burst of energy he lunged for his wife with a grin on his face, wrapping his arms around her waist as she yelled in surprise. Ed laughed heartily as he spun her around in the air, tears threatening to fall down his face.

"We're pregnant!" he exclaimed, still spinning around with Winry. She loudly protested for him to put her down, but she was laughing. Finally, Ed did, and he stopped for a moment, simply looking at her flushed face. She was grinning herself, slightly breathless, her hair ruffled from being spun around in the air. She was a vision with her pink cheeks and beautiful smile. Ed leaned down and kissed her, Winry meeting him halfway, as they celebrated their new addition to the family. Ed's hand found its way into her hair, anchoring her in place, while Winry brought one hand to his shoulder, the other gripping the wrist near her ear.

"We're pregnant," he whispered as they broke apart, gazing into her eyes. The news had finally begun to set in, Ed's eyes widening in awe, and slightly in fear. Winry caressed his cheek, hands moving to smooth away the creases in his forehead with her thumbs.

Ed beamed at her, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips before leaving her in the centre of their kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Winry asked, watching her husband sprint from the kitchen.

"I need to tell Al!" he called back, picturing his brother's face when he revealed their big news. "And I need to tell Ling. Oh, I'm going to phone Mustang too!" Ed cackled to himself. "I even had kids before that loser! He owes me five hundred cenz!"

Winry shook her head but smiled after him. How could she not, when he was so excited?

"I'm going to tell Granny," Winry called into the house, not waiting for a reply. She knew the sound would carry to her animated husband already on the phone to his brother. Winry was fairly certain that was Alphonse she could hear yelling through the phone. Well, when Ed wasn't yelling back at him.

Winry smiled as she walked down the path in the morning summer sunshine. There was a renewed energy within her, and she brought a hand to her stomach, splaying it across where there was life growing inside her.

There were already visions in her head of Ed teaching their child alchemy with Uncle Al giving demonstrations. Aunt May would try to persuade the child to follow the path of alkahestry, much to the dismay of their father, and there would no doubt be a petty argument as Winry and Al watched on, amused. Armstrong had already promised he would send over baby clothes – apparently knitting had been passed down through the Armstrong family for generations – so she chuckled to herself, picturing the dainty outfits that man could create with his behemoth hands. Mustang would tell tales of Ed during his time in the military, laughing at his misfortunes, while Miss Riza would chip in with her own comments, painting the picture that the General was just as idiotic as their Dad. Miss Gracia had already passed on all her cookery books as a wedding present, but had promised that when the baby came – she stressed the "when" with an added wink – she would cook her famous apple pie in its honour, passing on other hints and tips she had learned along the way while raising Elicia.

Winry grinned, a spring in her step.

She couldn't wait to meet their child.