
Chapter one

A/N: So here is the first chapter of my newest story. A totally new story then I was working on the past few weeks, but I really like this idea!
beanstalk007 on tumblr was kind enough to proofread this for me, so huge thank you!

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

You sighed as you leaned back against bench, allowing the rays of sun to wash over you, enjoying the first warm day of the year. Spring so far had been mostly wet. Next to you was your best friend, tapping her feet uncontrollably. She was nervous about something and you wondered what was bothering her.

"We've got to talk", Nat finally said, carefully choosing her words.

When she had asked if you had wanted to go for a walk in the park, you knew there had to be a reason. Initially you had assumed it would be about the wedding, but when her nerves began to get the best of her with every step she took, you knew it had to be something serious. Still she hadn't brought up what was troubling her, obviously dreading the conversation you were about to have. To be honest, so did you. Not knowing what news was hanging over you like a thunder cloud was nerve-wracking. Which was why you had not been able to save her the trouble by starting the conversation for her. Of course, you had an inkling of the subject she was about to breach.

"What's up?" you asked, forcing the tone to remain light, still holding on to some hope that it was something else.

"You know how Clint asked Bucky, right?" Natasha never was one to beat around the bush, even when the subject was uncomfortable. She took a deep breath before continuing, "He is coming".

"I figured he would" you shrugged, pretending that the news didn't shake you. It was only natural for him to come to the wedding. He left town, he had not stopped being Clint's friend. He just stopped being yours.

"Are you…will you…" Natasha was struggling to form the question she wanted to ask, "Do you still want to be my maid of honour? Be in the wedding party…" She glanced down at her hands, unable to look you in the eye. It dawned on you that she probably feared that Bucky would scare you off. Funny enough, she would probably be understanding if it had.

"Of course, silly. You're my ride or die! No man comes between us" you laughed, pulling her into a tight hug. The ride or die may have been said as a joke, but it was true. No man had ever been able to break you two up, no matter how much they tried. And no man ever would succeed either. She had been your best friend since she moved into the house next to yours.

You were twelve years old at the time, but the spunky redheaded girl had immediately intrigued you. Your parents had informed you that the family had moved around over the past few years and in your mind this meant that she had seen so much of the world. A world that was so foreign to you still, though you longed to explore it. You figured she must be wiser than all your friends combined and made it your mission to become her friend. She had certainly been braver, funnier and more adventurous than you. There wasn't ever a dull moment with Natasha.

Natasha hugged you back with a deep sigh of relief, the smile returned to her face just as the alarm on her phone beeped, reminding you of the appointment you needed to get to. Today was her last fitting before the wedding and she was nervous. You knew there was nothing to be worried about. Clint would marry her even if she showed up in a burlap sack. That man was crazy about her. Just as she was about him. And you were beyond happy that they were getting married.

Shortly after arriving at the shop, Natasha was ushered into the changing room, leaving you to ponder on the thoughts that had been plaguing your mind for months now. You traced your ring finger, now empty, but you still remembered the beautiful ring that used to adorn it. You always thought you would be the first to get married, before that last deployment. Everyone had thought the same.

Waking up that morning, you had admired the ring, smiling as the stone caught a sliver of sunlight and spread it around the room, creating beautiful shapes on the dark walls. The arm draped over your waist shifted, pulling you closer. You looked to the side, his eyes were still closed but there was a smile playing on his lips. Holding you close to him, his face moved forward, his lips brushing your cheek lightly.

"Morning, beautiful" he whispered, his fingers lazily drawing circles on your waist. Goosebumps erupted as he did so, though you made no attempt to stop him.

"Hi sleepyhead" you sighed in content.

"You happy?" He asked softly and you shifted in his arms until you were facing him. Finally he opened his eyes, staring back at you. The tone of his voice had been relatively casual, though there was a shimmer of doubt in his eyes. As if his question last night had not made you the happiest woman on earth. Kissing his lips softly, wrapping your arms around his neck, you held him as close as possible. Pulling back slightly to answer him.

"The happiest," you sighed happily before kissing him again. His hand reached for your own and he admired the ring he had slipped on there the night before.

Natasha stepped back into the room, dressed in the most beautiful ivory gown that hugged her hourglass shape perfectly. She beamed as she stepped up on the platform, twirling around, before looking herself over in the mirror. She was radiant and you could already imagine Clint's face upon seeing her on their wedding day.

Next to you her mother wiped away a tear as she looked upon her smiling daughter. You handed her a tissue from the table, without taking your eyes off your friend. You chuckled as her mother sniffed loudly, you had expected this reaction. What else was there to do, her daughter looked mesmerising. And happy. You smiled as you watched her, staring at her own reflection, picking at invisible lint on the skirt of her dress.

"You are gorgeous" you said, standing up from the sofa and walking closer. Natasha smiled at you through the mirror and reached back to squeeze your hand.

"We only have to change the neckline an inch, but that's the last of it" the tailor said with a smile and she used her hand and a small pin to show how the end result would look. Natasha nodded, her nervousness changing into giddiness at the prospect of the finished wedding dress. Only a few more weeks before the wedding and everything was falling into place.

There had been so much planning going into the day. You and Steve helped the couple as best as you could. Unbeknownst to the couple, this weekend they would be surprised by their closest friends for the bachelor and bachelorette parties. After that, it was just a matter of dotting the i's on the seating chart, and all work would be done. Then you would finally be able to relax. You hoped. The return of Bucky might have put a stop to that though.

It had been two years, since you had last seen him or even heard from him. And those had been the hardest years of your life. Around family and friends you had managed to keep a brave face, but his departure had shattered you. Only Steve seemed to truly understand it, as he too was left heart broken upon the departure of his best friend and partner in crime. Not to say that Clint and Natasha had brushed it off, of course.

Steve, Bucky and Clint had joined the army together, all three of them ending up in different departments, but never straying from their friendship. When Steve and Bucky were sent overseas together, Clint had felt left out. Until the was when everything changed and your lives fell apart. That was the moment those strong friendships had truly been tested.

You barely even remembered picking up the phone and calling Nat after that devastating message. But you must have, as they rushed into the house not too long after. Clint had scooped you off the floor while Natasha went to pack your bag. You had been a mess, sitting in a pile of your clothes in the middle of your bedroom. Clint had carried you to the kitchen, setting you down with a cup of tea, hoping to calm your nerves in the slightest. They were as scared as you were.

There wasn't much known yet, just that there had been an ambush and Bucky got injured. They had shipped him off to the nearest military hospital, which happened to be in Germany. The person calling you had been unable to tell you much about the extend of his injuries.

"He's going to be fine" Clint whispered, more to himself than to you and you stopped twisting the ring on your finger long enough to grasp his hand in yours squeezing it tightly. Unable to say anything reassuring to him about his friend.

"Of course he is" Natasha said matter-of-factly as she stepped into the kitchen with your luggage in tow. The twitch in her mouth betrayed her own fear, but she was holding it together for you and Clint. She always was the strongest of the group.

Natasha came back out of the changing room in her own clothes and everyone got up to leave the bridal shop. You shook your head a little to rid yourself of the painful thoughts that ran through it at record speed.

Just the mention of him had taken you down memory lane. For two years you had been trying to forget him, forget the pain. Just because you understood his reasons, didn't mean it hurt any less when he left. The wedding date had been set, plans were formed and a dress had been ordered. Things hadn't been easy after his return, but you had been convinced that everything would work itself out. Together you could face anything, you had figured. He obviously hadn't agreed.