Team Natsu rushed through the streets of Draseel splitting up to take down as many of their own guild mates as they possibly could. Gray headed through a narrow alleyway tuning into pedestrian foot traffic in a marketplace and realized Juvia was still running alongside, "Hey Juvia, the idea is to defeat our friends one at a time right?" Gray called out to her.


"Then why are you following me?"

Juvia flushed, "because it's been so long since Juvia has been alone with Gray-Sama…"

Gray frowned, "I'm sorry, this is no time to joke around."

"I know," Juvia replied, "Juvia…can't use her magic…right now."

Gray's eyes were wide with shock, "What?!"

Juvia tried to explain as they continued to run through town, "Even when my hypnosis wore off my magic is still controlled by the white mage, Everybody's magic power probably won't be returned unless it's split from the enchantment of the white mage."

Gray then came to a realization, "So that means there's no hope we can increase our strength each time we free somebody."

Juvia's eyes glistened with tears as she asked, "Gray-sama, Juvia can not use her magic, can you protect her?"

Gray glanced over to her as they continued their trek, "Don't leave my side," he ordered.

Juvia smiled, "One more time! Please say that one more time, Gray-sama?"

"As Always, flirting around," a familiar voice called, "I'm getting jealous, baby."

"Bixlow!" Gray shouted noticing the seith mage overhead.

"It's been a while, Gray," Bixlow teased, "don't you remember the battle of Fairy Tail where I beat you to a pulp?"

"In an unfair fight," Gray rebuked, "Will you fight me fair and square this time?"

Bixlow leered at him, "I don't know…."

Just then a sword sliced through Gray's sleeve, "Freed!" he shouted.

"Fairy Bomb Gremlin!" came Evergreen's voice, and the resulting spell knocked Gray back, he landed on his feet and slid in front of Juvia.

"Juvia, go hide somewhere!" Gray shouted, hearing her agree as she disappeared from view into the side streets.

"You who go against the white doctrine," Freed spoke and the others joined in, "We the Thunder Legion will judge you."

"What are you saying,' Gray asked, "you're supposed to be Laxus' cult aren't you?"

"He's busy elsewhere," Freed said in an eerie tone.

Gray missed the lightning dragon slayer sneaking down the side street that Juvia had travelled down, but she was well aware that someone followed close behind her. Fear coursed through her veins as she wove through the citizens, darting down passageways and around corners hoping to put enough distance between herself and her pursuer to hide. A narrow walkway lar just head and Juvia took her chance diving behind the broken fence, her lungs burned as she tried to steady her breathing to avoid drawing attention to the hidden nook she had concealed herself in.

Juvia strained to hear any movement that would tell her if she could relax, but the heavy footsteps just beyond her hideout made her blood run cold. "Come out, Come out, wherever you are…" he taunted, "I know you're here Juvia, and the white mage is none too happy you have escaped."

Juvia sank down behind rubbish piled next to her, trying to be less visible, but a strong hand gripped the back of her coat and pulled her out brining her face to face with Laxus, "there you are."

"Let me go," Juvia screamed wriggling to pull herself from his grasp, "you don't want to do this."

"Oh don't I?" Laxus asked smugly, "you must be punished for your disobedience."

Juvia pushed off of his chest as hard as she could managing to break free from his hands, once her feet hit the street she began to scramble to flee once more. A zap of electricity connected with her back causing her muscles to jerk and fingertips to tingle. Managing a few steps she regained balance and rushed to get away. Laxus laughed behind her and a bold of lighting crashed into her body, her vision blurring and temples throbbing against the aftershocks.

"Do you really expect to get away without your magic?" he questioned walking next to her crumpled body, "I see your body is still especially sensitive to my lightning, it's like all of the pain with none of the retaliation."

Juvia lifted her head only to feel a heavy boot connect with her ribs, "this really isn't even worth my time, let's just go ahead and teach you that lesson so I can find someone that might put up a fight."

Each blow took her breath away, her ribs cracked and her lungs fought to function, spots drifted in front of her eyes obscuring her vision further. Searing pain scorched her face as treads pushed her face against the grit of the ground, blood trickled between her lips as he stomped her head.

"There's no point in continuing this since you can't survive without magic power, you're already fading, you'll be gone before anyone finds you, not that they'll be able to save you." Laxus leered, "goodbye puddle, you're as good as dead."

Juvia sputtered blood onto the ground unable to lift her head at all, she knew his was right. Having her water body was always a great advantage in a battle, but without magic to keep her in control of the unique power she knew she wouldn't last much longer. She wished that she had thought to tell her beloved just how badly she was faring before this had happened, and now they were separated by the distance she'd run and there was no way to tell him now.

She struggled to stay alert, her eyes were heavy and her body grew cold, she could feel the last of her strength diminishing with no magic to rehabilitate her water body. The wetness around her eyes made it harder to blink, her vision was so hazy she couldn't see anything, her lashes tangled with the sticky blood dripping from her wounds. A single thought mocked her from her own mind "Juvia's body is made of water, your physical attacks will not work on me." Just like that, she thought bitterly, without magic Juvia will die, but will it be my injuries or my water body giving in to the magic deficiency?