STA: Sorry to be a day late. Wasn't feeling well yesterday. At least it beats a 6 month hiatus and returning with a slower update schedule, right? (Ha... If I hadn't stopped posting and kept going once a week instead of twice a month, I would have had this chapter up by the end of the year. Well, theoretically, anyway. It would have been a very different chapter in that case.)


The next day passed with more focus on training than political theater. Motoyasu was even able to beg his way into eating lunch alone in a library.

Learning Siltvelt's alphabet and magic writing was boring. His wrist was sore from repeatedly drawing out the symbols. But the faster he got them down, the faster he could look up safe nations to slip away to in the aftermath of the war, and the faster he could learn more spells to keep Birdie safe in the coming conflicts. And he would rather be bored than stressed out over political missteps.

He was pretty sure he made one such misstep the next morning. Having dressed for the day and taken note of clothes he discarded before bathing the previous evening with a few dubious spots in need of washing, he pulled Werner aside and asked a question that he knew was risky, but had been compelled to ask nonetheless.

"Does this world have some form of birth control?"

Werner, who had at the time been scribbling down notes based on the previous days training reports on where Motoyasu could grind for exp and when to start teaching him more spells, fumbled with his pen before whirling around to look at Motoyasu.


"You know. Like a pill, or condoms. Something that prevents pregnancy. I mean, if you forget every now and then to use it then no biggie, but… Mm… How should I put this…"

I don't want to be tied to a woman whose father might murder me just because I slept with her a time or two?


I'd rather not be baby-trapped in a political marriage?

Too forward.

"I'm not really ready for kids." Or marriage. Or any of the mess that would come with having those things in Siltvelt. "That's a pretty common thing in my world. Getting to know how you feel about people before you settle down and start a family with them. I realize I'm the one who asked to only see a couple girls at a time, but when so many cycle through and I don't see a lot of them again, even getting close to someone is hard, you know? So if I ended up having a child with a girl who it later turned out I'm not happy spending a lot of time with… B-besides, I'm going to be sent out to war soon, right? Imagine how much stress it would put some poor girl under if she found out she was pregnant while I was away fighting?"

Motoyasu noticed that he had both hands splayed out in front of him like a mime feeling an invisible wall, and that he had, in fact, been moving his hands quite a lot more than normal as he'd desperately tried to justify the request in a way that wouldn't end with arsenic in his morning tea.

"I see. The Shield Hero wants to focus on the noble pursuit of protecting our country first and bless our county with divine children once our land is safe. How honorable. Worry not. While most families hope for you to take their daughter as your wife once she bears your child and many dream beyond that of being your first, I can ensure they all provide a proper nursemaid to allow you time to fulfill all of your ceremonial duties."

"I'm assuming you mean first wife, because my first time—Never mind that! Nursemaid or not, I don't want to be saddled down with a bunch of kids!"

"The purpose of the nursemaid is to prevent your children from saddling you down."

"That's definitely not the point!"

"Hm… I see. To bear the Shield Hero's child is a blessing unto itself. The noble houses would happily see to all upbringing of the child if the Shield Hero himself feels ill suited for the task. Ah. And worry not about the war. While he won't allow you to perish, any woman would be blessed to have a child to remember you by."


It was certainly a step up, but Motoyasu had experienced firsthand what it was like to have a father who, while capable of reaching out to over the phone, had been physically absent throughout his adolescence. There was a world of difference between growing up with your mother but not your father and having your parents more or less around as a small child only for both to walk away from you as you started middle school, but he couldn't help but liken the two. Even if his parents sent money and took his calls, the part of him that couldn't help but feel abandoned still resented how they put work above him,

He didn't want to be saddled down by children, but he didn't want estranged children who resented his absence either. Besides, all the women he slept with lately were using him to forward their own interest, weren't they? Who wanted a kid anchoring them to someone like that?

"I shall inform the families of these women that they must accept full responsibility for any children. If Motoyasu-sama's wish is to find a wife based on bonds other than that of children, we'll find time once the war is won to let you spend more one-on-one time with women in quiet settings."

"Nonononono! I definitely want to stick with birth control! We can scale back on the women thing for the time being if anyone doesn't like that! I mean, when I come around to the idea of kids, sure." Assuming that happened, it would definitely be once he left Siltvelt. "But for now, no babies! None!"

"I see. Then would success in seducing you be seen as assurance that you plan to revisit these women once you are prepared to provide heirs?"

"Er… I guess so?"

So long as he never felt prepared, he didn't have to make good on that, right?

"I'll do my best to make the necessary arrangements for you by this evening. If I'm unable, it shouldn't be of great consequence to withhold your evening company for today. We've received word that the Whip Hero is already on his way here. Your schedule for this afternoon is cleared to accommodate meeting with him."

"That fast?" Motoyasu asked. Only a few days ago, they still wanted to verify that the Whip Hero hadn't been replaced. "Birdie was bred for racing, and even running here, it took a while. Faubrey must be nearby."

"Motoyasu-sama, we stopped regularly to hunt or train. I rarely ran at full speed as well. You said it was hard on your arm, and several times, your stomach—"

"Right. Got it."

"Faubrey would take time to reach by filolial. I believe the Whip Hero is coming via some sort of airship."

"This world has those?"

Motoyasu had never been too into the airships from games like Last Fantasy, and all flight in Emerald Online involved winged mounts like dragons. But a big ship sailing through the air with dozens of propellers would be interesting to see in person.

"Riding on an airship… That sounds like a pretty great setting for a date. Ah! But Birdie, you would want the chance to be in one too, right?"

"If it's something that Motoyasu-sama thinks is good to do with other women, then of course!"

He'd never taken a girl up in a hot air balloon before, but he'd taken a couple girls to sappy romance movies where couples rode in hot air balloons. An airship seemed like it would have a similar feel to it.

"Siltvelt typically uses dragons for flight," Werner told him, and Birdie immediately recoiled and clutched at Motoyasu's sleeve as if the floor had fallen out from beneath her. "The ships that the Whip Hero travels in seem to be devices of his own making. I'm told the one he's chosen the name 'zeppelin' for the craft he invented to carry himself here."


Zeppelin… They had those back in his world, sort of. Motoyasu wasn't much of a history person, but he was pretty sure those were the extra-large hot air balloons that people stopped using when it one explosed. That was at least more romantic than an airplane, but dying could really ruin a date.

It must have been the shield's translation abilities that gave the device a name he recognized. For a world that otherwise seemed like a feudal fantasy to have technology at that level was too weird. Hopefully his airship lacked the same weakness that the zeppelins that Motoyasu was vaguely familiar with. With the Claw Hero already missing, it would be terrible if another of the Seven Star Heroes were to die in such a senseless way.

Not that Motoyasu was going to test anything out on an ally, but thinking of that, he had to wonder about his seemingly useless fire affinity. Technically, it wouldn't be inflicting damage on an enemy if he instead targeted a vehicle, would it? He didn't see the shield letting him use fire magic to light bombs meant for combat, but if he ever fought an enemy who was in an airship, could he at least ground them using fire?

That would be a test for a time when he could understand a first thing about how fire magic worked.

"Well, whatever he's coming in, I guess I'm going to be locked away with a bunch of boring books until this guy gets here."

"Motoyasu-sama, I'll be there to help you through this."

"It was your request that we take your magic lessons more seriously, Motoyasu-sama."

Well, they should have warned him when he asked for lessons that they would be boring! Magic study in the game meant clicking a book, casting a spell enough times, and then clicking the book again to learn the next tier spell. He didn't expect to spend to much time reading things he couldn't even read properly. It at least cut down on the amount of time he had to spend walking on eggshells, but that didn't make the task itself any more pleasant. Maybe if he had a busty tutor in a low-cut top who would lean over while she helped him work through a sentence, it would be different, but it was only the porcupine woman who came to visit him while he studied.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped."

Unless you used more crystals to fast-track learning.

But that meant more free time to accidentally give someone a reason to assassinate him.

Talk about a rock and a hard place.


Motoyasu was about to fall asleep reading when the porcupine tapped his shoulder and let him know that the Whip Hero had arrived.

No one had told Motoyasu that he might be able to raise his level by fighting alongside the Whip Hero, but he hoped that would be the case. Surely another veteran hero would be as suitable as the Claw Hero.

With that in mind, he hurried to the grand hall, and studied the new arrivals as he raced along a balcony and then down a flight of stairs to greet them.

The Whip Hero looked about Motoyasu's age. His hair was tied back with a bandanna and lazily cut. If Motoyasu were a girl, he might rate the man a seven. Maybe a six accounting for fashion sense. But hero status had its perks—at least when you were in a country that wasn't a political cesspool. The dozen or so women he brought with him were tens across the board.

"You must be the Shield Hero," the Whip Hero said. The look on his face made Motoyasu wonder if his own looks had been scored.

Well, he didn't dwell on it too much, but he knew he was a ten. It was other men's problem if they took issue with that.

Actually, maybe he was a nine at the moment. He was still growing his hair back out after cutting it to try and keep a low profile. It was finally long enough to tie back again, but still not as long as it had been in the past.

"Motoyasu Kitamura. It's good to meet another hero who we know for sure is actually a hero."

The comment was meant in good faith, but Takt didn't smile at it.

"I heard about the Claw Hero. The remains of that monster… Where are they? I'd like to inspect them, as well as personally commend whoever caught the deception."

"The remains?"

Motoyasu glanced to Birdie, who clung to him and scowled at a young girl standing behind the Whip Hero. Come to think of it, that guy didn't give his name yet. Motoyasu looked around and, failing to find Werner, settled on a random big shot who only shook his head in response. Back down to Birdie. It really wasn't like her to pout like that. Sure, she made that face at girls when they hung off of Motoyasu's arms, but this was clearly one of the Whip Hero's women.

Granted, if most of those women ever felt like switching parties, Motoyasu would happily take someone who posed no political infighting problems for SIltvelt. But he wasn't about to pry them away. For one, who knew if any of them were secretly like Melromarc's princess? For another, the Whip Hero had yet to prove himself scum. Motoyasu honored his fellow men enough to not actively steal women out from under them so long as they seemed to deserve those women. Any girl who would leave her man easily was hardly befitting of the purity of womanhood in the first place.

That girl was glaring back at Birdie, as was another girl in the Whip Hero's party who had wings, although the feathers looked rougher at the tips. Actually, that first girl had a tail. Maybe they were demi-humans of a species that offended Birdie before?

No. Birdie was praised all the time for how cleanly her wings and human features were split compared to winged demi-humans. This new girl couldn't be a filolial with those rough wings, but she might be some other sort of monster.

The key to angels was for any hero to raise a winged monster then? Motoyasu would keep that in mind. Already, the Whip Hero was giving him all sorts of important help.

So he probably ought to answer that question in return.

"I don't know what exactly happened to that monster's body. As for the person who killed it, she's not here anymore," Motoyasu explained. "My companion is a filolial queen, and we caught the eye of another filolial queen as a result. She happened to be on the scene when the fake Claw Hero attacked. Afterward, she left. She had some warnings for the other Holy Heroes. If she can run as fast as Birdie, she's probably halfway to Melromarc by now."

"I see… So that girl of yours is a filolial…"

The look of disappointment pm the Whip Hero's face ticked Motoyasu off, but before he could be scolded for not realizing Birdie's greatness, he explained himself.

"My party already includes a griffon and a dragon. What a shame. Her attack power is definitely lower than theirs anyway, but I couldn't put a cute girl like that beside those two."

"Takt-sama, thank you for making that small sacrifice for our selfishness."

"Takt-sama would naturally put us first."

So his name was Takt?

"You guys must be much higher levels than me," Motoyasu said. "Birdie and I still haven't reached the point where she needs a class-up. Being a hero who can't attack is depressing." Especially when no one would even let you defend. "I'm glad you're here. With someone who can seriously fight monsters, it's like there's an actual hero in Siltvelt. I've felt pretty useless, honestly."

"Motoyasu-sama, please do not disparage yourself again!"

It wasn't even worth guessing which demi-human said that. They'd all started sounding the same to Motoyasu when it came to the subject of himself.

"Oh? You're not that great, huh? Well, lucky you that I'm here."

That was the biggest grin he'd seen since Takt arrived in… No, since Motoyasu had arrived in Siltvelt.

He'd been a little rude at first, but he seemed like he might be a pretty fun guy after all. Anyone with such good taste in women couldn't be that bad. Besides, as they both said, Motoyasu couldn't hold a candle in his current state to any of the other heroes.

"Will you be staying long?" Motoyasu asked. "After what happened with the Claw Hero, it's good to know another veteran hero is here to help."

If Takt and his party caught the culprit fast, then Motoyasu could gently suggest that it might be safe to let him stray further to raise his level.

"I mostly came to meet the only Holy Hero to escape Melromarc, and to find out more about the Claw Hero. If the one responsible for seeing through that illusion fled to Melromarc, that's a hassle. With the current setup, I can't follow that filolial."

"You can't? But you're a hero helping save the world, right? Why would your movements be restricted. W-wait! Don't tell me… That country has it out for more than just the shield?"

"Melromarc has been punished," Said a demi-human with dragon-like features amongst Takt's friends. "Attempting to hoard all for holy weapons and obscuring where the shield went made them many enemies. When your story reached the meeting between nations, that sealed the deal. They already have three Holy Heroes and one Seven Star Hero, so they're prohibited from receiving help from any other nation's heroes. The Seven Star Heroes are even forbidden from entering."

They had a Seven Star Hero from the start and still summoned him? Since he'd have bled out from stab wounds otherwise, Motoyasu guessed he was technically better off for it, but it still irked him to be given more evidence of how that kingdom only wanted to torment him.

"That place really is the worst. Itsuki's garbage, so I get him backing them up, but I still can't believe Naofumi stayed."


"The Spear Hero," Motoyasu explained. "He's great too. He was the one who helped me when Melromarc nearly did me in."

Motoyasu could still remember the taste of those fritters. Nothing he'd eaten since had been so sweet. Or, well… He'd been so desperately hungry at the time that he hadn't noticed the flavor, but the warmth of Naofumi's kindness had been sweeter than any morsel.

"Naofumi was upset with Melromarc too, so I was surprised to hear he chose to stay. I wonder if they're also keeping him from leaving…"

"When you guys launch you're assault, he'll have his opportunity to leave," Takt said. "How about that filolial queen? Would she follow him?"

"Naofumi is the main one she wanted to talk to, right Birdie?"

Birdie looked up reluctantly at Motoyasu and said, "I only have your word that Naofumi's great, but if it's thanks to him that you were able to meet me, then I want to thank him."

"And I'll definitely show you off to him the first chance we get. But I was asking about Fitoria-chan."

Birdie glanced back at the dragon and griffin and muttered, "Mm… She was interested in all of the Holy Heroes, so she's looking for the Spear Hero right now in addition to wanting to keep an eye on you."

The way she said it was more childish than her normal dignified air. Was she pouting? She kept glaring at the two younger girls in Takt's party.

It struck Motoyasu that Birdie's unfriendly behavior was his own fault. He had praised her time and again for her cute angel wings. What he should have done was hammered home her intrinsic cuteness, and how the most angelic part of her was her heart, which persisted whether she was an angel or a bird. Because he hadn't fully laid out for her what made her the indisputable best, he'd caused her to unnecessarily suffer the pain of jealousy. Because of his failings, others might even hold a lower opinion of her, mistaking her intentions towards Takt's party.

If only there was a way to assure her that her wings were more lovely than that griffin girl's without putting Takt in a position of needing to defend his woman's honor.

"I'll look for someone who knows what they did with the fake hero," Takt declared. "As for the war with Melromarc, I heard your taking part?"

"Ah… Yeah. Itsuki's expected to be there, so I have to counter him."

"The other two as well?"

It wasn't like Motoyasu had much time to get to know any of them. He thought back on what he had seen of the heroes summoned alongside him and gave his best guess.

" Naofumi… will do whatever he thinks is right. Whether that means backing a place like Melromarc or coming to our side or even trying to get people away from the conflict, I don't know. Ren doesn't seem like all that loyal of a person. Since the war isn't to do with him, I bet he'll put his own safety first and run away. Given that Ren had roughly the same information as me when he came here…"

As a solo player, Ren might have paid more attention to NPCs and lore. Probably, he knew more than Motoyasu about where it was safe to run to.

"Well, I guess any place that's good for laying low. Um… Zeltobe's black market, maybe? I wouldn't want to live somewhere so seedy, but I bet it would match the aesthetic Ren was going for."

"Is that so?" Takt gave Motoyasu a grin and a half-wave as he walked away. "Well then, we'd better get your level up enough that you can survive Itsuki. There's no war to bring the Shield Hero retribution if the Bow Hero shoots you down as soon you cross the border now, is there? I'm eager to meet the other heroes, so I think we can both help one another out."


Motoyasu didn't see Takt again that day. Nor did he see any women during his evening bath. He did, however, see Werner in a chair waiting for him when he returned to his room. An old, rat-like demi-human sat beside him.

"This is Varbeno-san. He's a master class apothecary. He was recommended to me by one of our fellow senators."

Motoyasu gave the man a bow. As a hero, he shouldn't have to show respect to random strangers, but only useful heroes like Takt could strut around the palace as if he owned it. Useless shielders were just heroes in name who had to be mindful of how people read their intentions.

"My son sits in on war talks with you," the old demi-human said. "He found it admirable that you wanted to be responsible and risk leaving fewer people behind, although we won't let any harm befall you on the battlefield."

From what Motoyasu had gleaned of Siltvelt politics, the old apothecary was likely a former senator. The nation called itself a democracy in which each race had a representative, but certain races held most of the power, and certain families within those races—particularly among the more influential—ensured their children took their senate seats when they retired. That being said, rats weren't on the short list of animals he'd been told were the real political forces when the old turtle gave him a quick overview of who to worry about.

So he didn't worry while he took two vials from the apothecary's hand.

He intended to set both by his bedside as soon as the conversation ended and Werner and the apothecary left. Instead, he found himself standing idle while both stared.


"The potion is to be taken as least an hour before intercourse. It should hold for half a day after."

"But I already bathed."

"Then you'll be fresh for your—"

"Given your concerns, I asked that your guests wait until the potion was ready. Since we postponed until nightfall, I also arranged for the room next door to be readied for your filolial. Rest assured, these walls are more than thick enough. The Whip Hero is also staying in this hall, so Birdie will be safe. You are also free to visit her whenever you are done with your other guests. Everyone is alright with this arrangement. With all of these concerns addressed, would it be acceptable for you to have company in the evening regularly?"


There had to be some catch. But refusal to go along might upset the wrong family.

Birdie scowled where she stood, clearly not alright with the arrangements, but saying nothing when she understood the risk that defiance posed. Motoyasu had to be mindful of that risk as well.

"Sounds great."

Motoyasu uncapped one of the vials and downed it. It was almost flavorless on top of resembling water, but it burned down his throat and felt like a dying fire in his stomach.

He really hoped that wasn't a deadly poison meant to punish him for not playing along enough.

"Mind if I keep the vital? It's handy for any potions my shield synthesizes."

"By all means."

Motoyasu dropped the vial into his shield. He'd already unlocked a shield along those lines going through offerings the other day, so the vial went into his inventory without issue.

"Excellent. Onto the next matter. The Whip Hero has agreed to assist you in training. He believes he can get your level up to at least 50 before we march in two weeks. He'll participate in the next wave and monitor our forces on our way to Melromarc, but won't participate in the battle under the current rules restricting Seven Star Heroes."

The next wave would be in almost two weeks… So that was the only hold up. Motoyasu had wondered if he would stay for it or not.

"I'll do my best to get my level higher still. And have more spells… more spells in my arsenal by the time the wave hits."

For a second there, it felt like someone lit a keg of oil inside his stomach, but as soon as the feeling came, it faded. He really hope it wasn't poison. But even the earlier discomfort was fading fast.

"We're honored to have such a diligent Shield Hero." Werner bowed to Motoyasu. "Well then, I'll take my leave. Your company for this evening will be informed that they can see you in an hour."

Motoyasu waved for the two, making no attempt to mask that he was eager for them to go.

The rat looked back to smile at him before shutting the door.

That had been poison. Definitely. Motoyasu could feel it burning its way through his gut.

"Motoyasu-sama, I want to continue sleeping with you."

"And I want you not to be assassinated. This is just for a little while."

As Takt had pointed out earlier, a hero held captive by a country would have an easier time slipping away in a war. Assuming they lived long enough for that.

"I guess we only have so long to spend together this evening then… Ah! That's right! Birdie, the number one most important thing I need to tell you is this: You're way cuter than that other girl with wings."


Birdie clasped her hands to her chest and leaned forward with tear-filled eyes.

"I needed to make sure you knew that. Your wings are white and cute and immaculate. Her wings could never compare. Besides, she seemed totally hostile, didn't she? Like the kind of girl who would pick on other girls." Like Ikuyo. Actually, like a lot of past girlfriends of Motoyasu's who caused strife within his group. "A huge part of your charm isn't just your angelic cuteness, but your angelic nature. Absolutely no girl can ever beat you when it comes to that, understood?"

"Yes, Motoyasu-sama! I understand!"

Perhaps Mei might have come the closest. His day to day interactions with her had been nowhere near Birdie's level, but he couldn't forget her sacrifice.

Motoyasu plopped down in one of the plush chairs in his room and let Birdie make herself comfortable in his lap. An angel like her deserved it. Besides, he had to really make it clear to her that she was the best. Especially before he had to leave her for some inferior woman. Or died. He didn't want to leave Birdie wondering if she was loved enough either way.

"Those girls aside, what did you think of Takt?"

Birdie fidgeted in Motoyasu;s lap, and he bit down hard on his cheek. They'd slept curled up with one another in bed since the fake Claw Hero was discovered and it hadn't been a big deal, but he was all to aware in that moment of her butt shifting against his legs.

"He should be praising you, not the other way around."

"Well, he can deal damage. I had to force you to fight for us to get by."

"I could fight everyone, if that would make you happy."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Motoyasu gave Birdie a head pat and smiled down at her while tossing out those words. Asking Birdie to help him raise his level was one thing. Putting her in danger by making enemies out of humans or demi-humans for her, he didn't want. When they marched on Melromarc, she would accompany him so he would have a an ally nearby, and so when he took his leave, she could leave with him. For any battles he had to fight while looking for the right chance to escape, she wouldn't participate. He would block whatever attacks he could, and Siltvelt's soldiers would handle the dealing of damage.

His hand shook slightly, and Motoyasu retracted it.

Maybe whatever he took was making him feverish? His face was getting hot. Actually, everything felt hot. He might ask for a doctor, except if Siltvelt was fed up with him then why bother? Best keep Birdie happy as long as possible.

"When we get to Melromarc, I wonder if we'll run into Naofumi again. I really want to show you off to him… Ah. That reminds me. How did you know Fitoria hasn't found him yet?"

Birdie pointed to her cowlick. "Fitoria-san is able to communicate with me through the queen's mark I was given. I didn't want to say it in front of that dragon and griffin."

"Oh. So when she finds Naofumi, can I talk to him through you two?"

"You finally lost interest in all those other women, but I'm starting to think Naofumi is my true rival."

It was getting hard to focus with the heat building beneath his skin, so Motoyasu thought he must have misheard Birdie.

"What was that?"

"Forget it. Fitoria-san told me she hasn't found the Spear Hero yet. Apparently he teleports a lot, and she hasn't figured out where he goes each night. She's trying to track his movements during the day, but I guess those are erratic."

Teleporting! Motoyasu knew the item you used to unlock that skill in Emerald Online, but it hadn't been among the offerings he absorbed the other day. He should have asked Werner for sand from the dragon hourglass.

"I hope she finds him before—Sorry!"

Motoyasu shoved Birdie from his lap and grabbed a pillow to put over his crotch. Hopefully she hadn't felt anything poke her. What the hell kind of poison did that?

"Motoyasu-sama, what's wrong?"

"J-just… that potion's making me feel hot. It should settle down by the time that rat-guy said it would take full effect, but it's a little uncomfortable at the moment. Sorry. I'm really sorry. That didn't hurt, did it?"

"No… Is there anything I can do?"

"It's fine. I… Oh. I left the second vial on the bedside table. Can you bring it here?"

If he stood up, he'd have to awkwardly hold the pillow against him while he walked.

Birdie grabbed the vial for him. He'd asked for two claiming he wanted one as a backup for surprise encounters while hoping he could let his shield have one. Since he already had other compounding recipes unlocked and in progress, one dose might be enough for his shield to give him the recipe as well. Then he could pretend to back off of wanting birth control while still secretly taking it to keep Siltvelt's elites from getting frustrated with him. Although if he'd been poisoned, then any smart assassin would put the actual potion in the spare vial to make it harder for people to prove what they'd done

He dropped the potion, vial and all, into his shield and blanched at the message that appeared.

Aphrodisiac Shield

abilities locked equip bonus: stamina 3

Status enhancement: none selected

He had at least unlocked a new recipe on top of that. Motoyasu flicked through his menu with a shaky hand to pull up the new potion he could compound.

Child's Potion, the recipe read. A potion that could boost fertility or virility, and acted as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Was it too late to say he didn't want to be visited by any women after all? It couldn't have been fifteen minutes since he took the potion too. How much stronger would the effects get before they fully kicked in?

He'd rather Siltvelt slipped him arsenic.


STA: You might be thinking: Wow. They basically gave him a date rape drug. That's horrible. And I agree. This story just went into a bit darker of territory than I initially expected it to. But don't worry. Or all the Shieldyasu fanworks I've seen that address the fact that Siltvelt wants their Shield Hero to make babies, this is only the second most fucked up scheme I know of. I originally had a minor plot thread set up about which politicians were actually involved in this versus which seemed involved but had no idea (and which weren't even remotely involved) but I decided I actually don't care that much. I mean, I think this chapter was the first time I assigned a name to someone involved in all the political fuckery that wasn't already in canon.

Anyway, Takt time! Since he shows up so early in the loop where Naofumi goes to Siltvelt, it seemed like a given that he would attempt to meet Motoyasu early here as well. But then I ran into a problem of... well... Takt. Purefumi survives Takt all part of the Takt plot because he has an OP time-traveling Motoyasu with endgame states to place through everything for him, and shieldyasu sorta lacks that. I already spent Fitoria having her play the role of spin-off Motoyasu murderifying whatsherface Takt's illusionist harem member. (Tulna? Can't be bothered to look it up for an author's note.) So that left me with no great plans for who could take on Takt himself. I mean, I could have left Motoyasu with Fitoria for safety, but then Fitoria would probably be the one who murders him.

Takt ended up being what got me invested in this fic again. His spin-off appearance is fairly brief, what with Motoyasu killing him the moment he recognizes the guy and all. But in the time this fic was on hiatus, the main story LN that covers Takt came out. It gave me a much better sense for his character. Originally, my plan for how to deal with him was "maybe just have Motoyasu blow of meeting him repeatedly because Birdie hates his dragon and girffon, and he'll get tired of waiting and decide to kill Motoyasu some other time?" Which is a dumb idea and should tell you how stuck I was. But hearing about why he took the attitude towards the other heroes that he did and that I had created a Shildyasu who thought very little of himself as a hero and envied heroes who could deal a lot of damage, I was like "Oh shit. I can really work with this." It helps that Takt is kind of written in the LNs as "What you'd get if Motoyasu had a worse ego and no consideration for others instead of being well intentioned but oblivious on the occasions where he does harm." Makes it a lot easier for an oblivious guy like Motoyasu to find common ground to get along with Takt.

This also meant the Takt plot evolved from "Throwaway gag that maybe stretches into two chapters. Three if I'm committed." to "This is going to become a more and more prominent plot thread and take up way more of the fic than I ever imagined when I started off."

Lq840i: There are plans for the queen to get involved eventually, although of all the characters who I've considered for POV use, she's not one of them.

Uday Sra: Yeah... I actually don't know how to reply to that one.

tarious123: He's certainly on the move a lot earlier than in the main timeline. Good thing it's only Motoyasu who left Melromarc's borders and there's no event for which Motoyasu is essential in triggering that might drive the other heroes to either march past that border or else flee to another location for a prolonged and easy to estimate time.