Suritu was sitting by herself on the roofs of the city, overlooking the streets and the news, describing what happened the night before, showing the mutants fighting against the team, and the resulting explosion, fire, and collapse. The news also showed the mutants enough for them to be recognizable. She sighed to herself as a small sense of hope came into her mind.

"I hope that will be enough to deter my father and the others." she thought to herself.

"I'm sorry to say, but that won't be enough." said a familiar voice inside of Suritu's mind, making Suritu gasp and shooting herself upwards and extending her wrist-blade out.

"Scarlet?! Where are you, and what are you doing now?!" she demanded. Scarlet showed herself as she floated upwards to the ceiling and landed. However, once she saw that Suritu is in her defensive posture, she raised her hands in capitulation.

"Relax, Suritu. I don't want to fight you. I just want to talk with you." she said. Suritu stared at her for a while, thinking of what to do. Scarlet noticed then and slowly lowered her hands. "It's…It's about Mr. Sawyer." she said. Suritu raised her brows.

"What about him?" she asked. Scarlet gulped as she began,

"I…I think Mr. Sawyer might be up to something."

Suritu groaned as she shook her head.

"NOW you're starting to notice!" she said as she flexed her arms forward in exasperation. Scarlet frowned at this.

"I just…*sigh* You were right, Suritu. I just thought that g-given what he had done to save us, he would be," she began.

"Be what?" asked Suritu. Scarlet sighed through her teeth as she rubbed her shoulders.

"W-Well, what else could I have thought he would be but a benevolent man?! He treated us well, giving us homes and a shelter! I…I had no idea he would go so far." she said. Suritu, after calming down from the frustration earlier, looked at her in sympathy. Then, Scarlet continued,

"And now…Katja died."

Suritu widened her eyes in shock, and her blade sheathed.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"She died! Mr. Sawyer said that she killed herself!" Scarlet reiterated. Suritu's heart felt like it was about to drop upon hearing this news. She shook her head in denial.

"No…she couldn't have killed herself! She couldn't be dead!" she said as she felt tears beginning to stream down. Scarlet looked at her, a bit worried, yet confused for the girl. However, she then used her powers to "will" the memory of Katja's body into Suritu's mind. Once Suritu saw it, she practically felt like no air was entering her lungs. She covered her mouth and sat down, processing what has happened. Scarlet looked at her with sorrow. Even though they fight over the mission, they're still family.

So, she sat down next to her and gently pulled her into a hug. Suritu tensed up for a moment, but she soon leaned into it. She then began to weep into Scarlet's shirt.

"Why? Why did she die?" she asked. Scarlet shook her head.

"I don't know…but I don't think she killed herself. I think Mr. Sawyer, *gulp* might have something to do with the murder." Scarlet croaked out as if she struggled to get out the words about her supposed idol. Suritu gasped to herself, and she pulled back. Scarlet nodded. "I couldn't probe into his mind for confirmation. I just couldn't believe the thought." she explained.

Suritu looked down on the roof and stayed silent. Scarlet stared at her, pondering what she was thinking. Then, she noticed her hands were beginning to curl up into fists, and her breathing became deeper and more…angry. Then before Scarlet could react, Suritu shot up, screamed in anger, and with all of her strength, kicked off a small fan generator off its hinges and sending it flying across the rooftop.

"That monster! How dare he?!" she shouted as she paced around, leaving footprints on the roof. Scarlet felt that the people below are gonna wake up if Suritu kept this up, and with her powers, restrained Suritu's arms and legs.

"Suritu, I know you're upset, but you've GOT to calm down! You'll cause a ruckus and get everyone below us to wake up!" she insisted. Suritu glared at her angrily.

"I don't give a damn if people wake up! The woman who raised me like a mother DIED because of the man I called my FATHER!" Suritu shouted angrily. Scarlet winced at this, but she intensified her powers.

"SURITU! Calm! Down! Now! You're gonna wake someone up!" she said as she forced Suritu's head down to force her to look at the mess. Suritu saw the mess, and upon realizing the implications behind this, took in deep breaths, calming herself down. Scarlet sighed in relief. In truth, if Suritu wanted to, she would've just teleported and get away from her grasp.

Once Suritu calmed down, Scarlet ceased using her powers and the two stood there, silently processing everything that has happened. A helicopter flew past, blowing Scarlet's hair to the side.

"Suritu…what are we gonna do? Even with your abilities, if we take on Mr. Sawyer, he'll destroy us." she asked. Suritu pondered to herself for a moment, thinking of a plan. When she was unable to do so, she turned to Scarlet and approached her.

"Wanda," she began, referring to Scarlet by her real name as she gently grasped Scarlet's shoulders. "I need you to head back and remain following Mr. Sawyer's orders. However, I need both of us to be mentally-linked so that we could keep contact. If there's anything you've discovered that might help us get the others on our site, let me know." she said. Scarlet looked at her and nodded.

"Of course. A-And what about what happened with Katja?" she asked. Suritu frowned as she moistened her lips with her tongue slightly and gulped.

"Wanda, you can manipulate memories. Given how close the others follow Mr. Sawyer, if you show them whatever you've gotten from my father's mind, then they'll think you manipulated the mental images and overall, make the situation worse for both of us." she instructed. Scarlet winced at this and nodded in understanding. Suritu then shook her slightly.

"We're gonna pull through this, Scarlet. We HAVE to if we are to prevent more innocents from dying, and scarring Yutas, I mean ESAI, even more." she said, correcting herself at the last slip-up. Scarlet nodded, and the two smiled. "Remember, Scarlet: when it comes to getting what we want-" Suritu began.

"Find a solution and use it to achieve your dreams, no matter what sacrifice." Scarlet finished before the two of them laughed slightly as they hugged one another like they did old times, smiling in the comfort of one another's arms.

Soon, Scarlet bid Suritu farewell and began to fly back to her base, leaving her alone. Suritu smiled as she sat back down and overlooked the city, happy to have at least ONE of the mutants by her side. She then frowned, hoping that it would be enough to keep Esai safe, if only for a little while longer…

Soon, morning came in the city of San Fransokyo, with the news of what has happened STILL being talked about.

"Day Two of this news, with little information regarding the attack two nights ago. Given that this happened not long after the murders at Gene-Sys, conspiracies are beginning to arise with the correlation between the two." Reporter Bluff Dunder stated as the images showed the picture of Gene-Sys laboratory and a frame of the battle with the label [Conspiracy] on top of the two of them.

We are now in the apartment, with Esai eating a bowl of cereal. Cass, who was already up and making breakfast for Hiro and Honey, looked at him and gave a smile.

"So, did you, uh, sleep well?" she asked. Esai looked at her and shrugged with a small smile.

"Better than I thought. I didn't have any nightmares…at least, not one that I can remember." he said. Cass gave another smile.

"That's good. I mean, that you didn't have nightmares. That means you've gotten some sleep! And that's a good thing! I hear it refreshes your mind!" she said as she ruffled his hair. Esai sighed through his nose as he smiled. At this point, Hiro, Honey Lemon, and Baymax were coming down from the stairs, ready to start a new day.

"Morning, Aunt Cass." Hiro greeted. Cass smiled.

"Morning, honey. Morning, other Honey." she said with a teasing smirk. Hiro and Honey just chuckled as they sat nearby. Baymax just stood nearby, eyeing the others as they ate. In his RAM, he still has the information regarding Esai's blood relations to Hiro and Cass. He decided to wait until Hiro and Cass are alone. His scanners could detect that Esai is still in distress.

After breakfast is done, Hiro, Honey, and Esai are heading downstairs to head over to SFIT. However, Baymax called with,

"Hiro. May I please have a word with you and Aunt Cass?"

Hiro, Honey, and Esai stopped for a moment and looked up. The latter two looked at Hiro and Baymax. Hiro looked at them and gently gestured them to move ahead and he'll catch up with them. They nodded and walked downstairs as Cass turned to look at Baymax as she sets up the dishes in the sink.

"You wanted to see me, Baymax?" she asked. Baymax blinked as he turned to look at her.

"Yes. It is about Esai, and what information I have found about his DNA while he was asleep last night." he explained. Hiro and Cass looked at one another and the latter walked over to the robot as they stared at her.

"What about his DNA? You've already told me and my friends about what was in his DNA." he asked. Of course, he knew about the additional bases that somehow gave his enhanced intelligence. Cass looked at him, unsure what he was talking about. Hiro noticed and was about to explain when,

"That is correct Hiro. However, there is something else in the DNA that I found out." Baymax cut in as the screen on his chest turns on, showing him the findings that he discovered last night. When Hiro and Cass saw what was on the screen, their eyes widened in shock. Cass, especially, looked like she was about to vomit. "Hiro. Aunt Cass. You never told me you had a: half-brother, and a son." he announced as he first looked at Hiro when he mentioned "half-brother" and then to Cass when he mentioned "son".

Hiro could only stare at the result screen. For a moment, there didn't seem to be any type of reaction from the two. Baymax looked at them and blinked for a moment. Then, he noticed Cass and moved his arms to gently grab her by the shoulders.

"Your heart rate is increasing. Your pupils are dilated, and you appear to have your blood pressure drop slightly. I suggest sitting down and resting." he said as he prepares to guide Cass. Cass, instead, just stepped back and began to hyperventilate. Hiro looked at her and felt himself growing worried for her.

"A-Aunt Cass?" he asked, approaching her.

"I…I told him…" Cass began, shivering slightly. Hiro gritted his teeth and he and Baymax gently guided her towards the couch.

"Okay. Here, just have a seat. Okay?" asked Hiro as he patted her, now growing concerned.

"I…I told him not to do it." Cass simply replied, gritting her teeth as she shivered some more. Baymax blinked as he and Hiro looked at each other in confusion.

"W-Who is this 'him'? Aunt Cass, what are you talking about?" he asked, patting her. Then, Cass emitted a low growl as her hands moved away, and Hiro saw a look of unbridled rage and betrayal in her eyes!

"I told him not to FUCKING bring him back! I made it clear that I didn't want that mistake in my life, and he went ahead and brought him back! That FUCKING idiot!" she roared, kicking the table forward and scaring Mochi, Basco, and Otis away. Hiro yelped as he and Baymax stepped back as Cass clenched her fist, looking for something.

"Hiro. I suggest you step back." Baymax stated before Cass grabbed Baymax and pressed her head into his belly and let out a muffled scream before she began banging her fists against Baymax's belly! Hiro gritted his teeth in shock and feared what she would do next as she shouted obscenities into the robot.

Then, after a while, Cass soon began to settle down. She then slid onto her knees before she covered her face with her hands. Hiro and Baymax looked at one another, concerned and confused. Hiro then approached Cass and gently patted her left shoulder.

"Aunt Cass? What do you mean by 'he did it'?" he asked. Cass took in a deep breath as she lifted her head up. Hiro could see the pain in her eyes as she sat down.

"Hiro…I think you should sit down. This is gonna be a long one." she said as she gently guided Hiro to the couch. After a moment of silence, Cass then began.

"It all started back in 2019 when you were just three-years-old. It was actually a few weeks before your parents died."

Then, we are now treated to a flashback…


A young Cass was sitting by herself in the café, a look of disappointment on her face. Her café was not doing well, and she is in a bit of financial debt. At this point, a Japanese man walked inside the café, saw her, and grew concerned for her. This was Hiro's father, Harold Hamada.

Harold approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Cass looked up and gave a smile. Then the two exchanged words for some time, and Cass gave a nod to go ahead with Harold's plan.

Then, we now arrive at a bar. Cass and Harold entered inside and soon began to have a lot of fun with one another, taking shot after shot of liquor.

Then, when Harold and Cass got REALLY drunk, the two of them stepped outside for some fresh air. Cass then gave a look to Harold…a look of hunger and desire. When Harold looked at her, he saw Cass licking her lips before plunging them against his. Harold froze for a while, before he gave into the intense feeling and before long, Cass pushed him down and got on top of him.

*Flashback ends*

Hiro looked at her with shock.

"Y-You did what?!" he asked. Cass sighed as she shook her head.

"I was young AND drunk, okay?! Your father and I weren't happy about that either." she said with a frown, before placing her head on her forehead. Hiro, once recovering from the shock, then began to piece things together.

"So, after you and dad…'made out', that was when he got you pregnant? Did mom find out?" he asked, gritting his teeth in worry. Cass, after taking a deep breath, nodded. Baymax handed her a tissue, which she blew into.

"Thanks." she said to Baymax before she looked at Hiro and nodded.

"Yes…when my body began to show signs of pregnancy…phew, she was MAD. She p-practically denounced me as her sister and wished that my baby would suffer terribly once he was born." she said, struggling to hold in her tears. Hiro felt his heart sink.

"S-She didn't mean that, didn't she?" he asked. Cass shook her head.

"No. I mean, I don't think so. I remember seeing a look of shock on her face after she said that, but…that was the last time I saw her before…" Cass couldn't continue, and she whimpered some more, wiping her eyes. Hiro then patted her in the shoulder. Cass looked at him and smiled for a moment before she breathed in through her nose.

"O-Once I took you both in; I've spent some time thinking about what to do with the baby. I briefly considered aborting it, but…how can I kill a child because of something that I cannot control? I just, I couldn't live with myself." she explained. Hiro stared, confused of her wanting to abort the child.

"Abort?" he asked. Cass nodded.

"Yes. Abortion is a very sensitive topic, though. What you need to know for now though, is that I didn't go with it.

"*deep sigh* Instead, I've decided to give him up for adoption as soon as he was born. In the meantime, I decided to give him the name 'Yutashi' in the meantime. Kind of like Tadashi, don't you think?" she asked, giving a small grin. Hiro nodded and shrugged, seeing the similarities.

"So…what happened?" he asked. Cass then felt a sob beginning to swell up inside of her.

"Then…the day of my labor came around. You and Tadashi were in the children' section when the day came. T-The operation went well. B-But then they got the baby and got some examinations…t-they found that...that the baby had a defective lung. Yutashi…he didn't survive!" Cass whimpered out, feeling tears begin to stream down again. Baymax approached her and enveloped her into a hug, and that was all it took for Cass to break down sobbing again. Hiro felt sympathy for his aunt, and he approached her from behind, hugging her tightly. Cass responded by freeing one of her arms and wrapping it around him. Hiro looked up at her as he processed the information in his mind.

"Good lord…And that was sometime after mom said that about him...Maybe there might be a thing as Karma after all…" he thought sadly.

Then, as Baymax pulled back, he then blinked.

"If Yutashi died, then how is he still alive?" he asked. Cass rubbed her eyes as she looked up.

"Because of a man named Edgar Potter." she said. Hiro perked his head up. Cass nodded. "You've heard of him. The man who founded Gene-Sys is also the man who brought back my child as you saw. He is an old friend of the family from your mother's side.

"He was very close to me and your mother. We kind of see him as an uncle figure. Anyways, once he found out, he wanted the body so he could bring him back to life. I asked him why, and he said something along the lines of wanting to pay a debt that his ancestors owed ours." she said. Hiro raised his brows.

"It's a long story, Hiro." Cass said. Hiro nodded in understanding before he then asked,

"So what happened next? Did you try to stop him?"

Cass nodded with a frustrated sigh.

"I tried. I tried so hard. I even threatened to report him. That seemed to have worked. But then the doctors said that the body was taken away by Gene-Sys. *deep breath and sigh* I was furious, but there was nothing I could do. So, I had to hope that he would change his mind afterwards…looks like he succeeded anyways." she finished.

A brief moment of silence followed, and then Hiro asked her,

"Do you want Yutashi to be sent away?"

"NO!" Cass replied sternly, making Hiro flinch at her tone. Then she shook her head. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I don't want him gone." she explained.

"Why?" he asked. Cass rubbed her shoulders as she replied with,

"I couldn't bear seeing the boy separated from the people he knew again. You know of the apartment Honey's staying in. THAT'S a no-go for him. I don't know what Wasabi's is like, and I'm afraid Fred's house might be too big for him. P-Plus, he seems comfortable around you and Baymax. And…"

Cass then paused for a moment, before gulping once more, looking at the couch. Hiro raised his brows again as he gently approached her and moved a strand of hair from her face.

"Aunt Cass? Do…do you want to adopt him?" he asked. Cass stared at the couch for a moment before responding with,

"I don't know, Hiro. I don't want him to go through any more trauma than he already has, but…I don't know if I want to…" she paused before shaking her head again and placing her hand on her head. Then she looked up and gave a soft, but broken smile.

"Just head on out for today. You've got classes." she said. Hiro frowned at this and was about to protest but Cass then placed a finger on his lip. "Don't bother, Hiro. I'll be fine. I just…need to adjust to the fact that my…my son is back and alive, and therefore…Never mind, just head out. I'll be fine." she said before she got up and gently pushed Hiro to the stairs. Then, once they got there, Cass then asked,

"Also, can you please not mention this to Yutashi? He's already suffering so much, like I said, so for him to hear what I told you…well, it wouldn't be good for him." she asked. Hiro raised a brow.

"Don't you mean 'Esai'?" he asked. Cass just scoffed at this mistake and shook her head.

"Right. Anyways, can you do that please?" she asked again. Hiro, while hesitant, nodded.

"Yeah. Sure. Love you, Aunt Cass." he said as he hugged her, which she was quick to return. Baymax also joined in as well.

"Take care, Hiro. And remember, I'll always love you, until the ends of the Earth." she replied, kissing him in the ear. Hiro smiled before he and Baymax soon lets go and walked downstairs. Cass looked at the two with a warm smile before she sighed to herself in sadness.

"Oh dear…I guess it's only inevitable that my mistakes come running back to me soon. Oh God, what did I do to deserve this?" she thought to herself before she then walked back, preparing to start the day at the Café.

Meanwhile, Hiro and Baymax eventually joined the others at a table, who were looking at him weirdly. Joining them was Suritu Sawyer. Hiro noticed this and smiled.

"Oh hey there, Suritu! Didn't expect to see you here already!" he said. Suritu shrugged with a smile.

"As I said earlier; I'm sticking with the little guy until the end of this mission." she said, gesturing her head to Esai, who was looking at a comic book possibly provided by Fred. Then, Honey spoke up.

"Hiro, what happened?" she asked out of concern.

"We heard your aunt shouting. And let me tell you; I've never heard a woman sound so angry in my life." he replied. Hiro sighed as he scratched the back of his head, eyeing Esai as he remembered the news and the story.

"I uh…My aunt just saw something on her TV and she uh…well, she reacted." he said. The others looked at him in disbelief. Baymax even pointed this out with,

"The TV was not on at the time your aunt shouted."

Hiro face-faulted at this. Suritu raised her brows.

"Shouted? What happened?" she asked. Hiro tilted his head.

"You weren't here when it happened?" he asked. Suritu shook her head.

"Nope. I just arrived a few minutes ago with this comic book to give to Esai." she explained.

"Oh. I see. I thought Fred bought it." Hiro replied with a shrug.

"Hiro, what really happened?" asked Gogo, growing a bit concerned. Hiro fiddled for a while before he gave in and looked at the others.

"Can we please not talk about this until later…when Esai is not around? What Baymax showed to Aunt Cass and me, and what she told me…well, it would upset him more." he explained. The others frowned but nodded in understanding. Then, he looked at Esai.

"Hey little guy?" he asked, getting his attention.

"Yes?" he asked. Hiro smiled.

"Do you wanna head back to SFIT with us? You can stay at the main lab." he asked. Esai pondered for a moment before nodding.

"I guess. But you all won't be far, right?" he asked. They shook their heads.

"Nah, kid. Don't worry. You've got the old Fredzilla to keep you entertained!" Fred said, ruffling his hair before patting his own chest. Esai cowered a bit, but they could hear a giggle trying to be repressed. Hiro then smiled at this.

"Alright! Let's head over there, and in addition to our classes and assignments, also discuss what to do next. Suritu, I'm sure you have something new to share for us?" he asked. Suritu nodded.

"Yes I do!" she asked as the others got up, Honey taking Esai's hand as they began to leave the building and walked along the streets. Esai looked at the building behind him, thinking about how nice it looked from the outside.

"Certainly bigger and homier than…" he thought to himself before frowning slightly. Then, he looked ahead and briefly saw Hiro looking at him before he turned to look ahead. Esai raised his brow and tilted his head.

"He was looking at me. Why? Did it have something to do with why Miss Hamada was shouting earlier? …Did I do something wrong?" he pondered to himself, thinking about it the whole trip to SFIT, where everyone would begin to share information and plan on what will happen next…

AN: Hey, everyone. superkoola here!

Another chapter of this story done and over with!

Sure, the idea of there being another Hamada relative might be overdone, but I wanted to put a new twist to it because…well, why not? I made it a bit tragic because I want it to fit in with this story's themes of "Empathy and Understanding".

Unfortunately, I don't have much else to say about this chapter, so I'll say right now: I HATE this pandemic. It was initially fun for me because I don't get to go to school, but in summer, it is a BORE! Plus with the rates spiking (at least in the US from what I've heard), it seems like it won't be going away anytime soon. This also meant that BH6: TS was delayed previously, and I wonder if it might be delayed again! Ugh…at least Jurassic World: Dominion has taken precautions during filming.

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now! I hope you enjoy it, please be respectful if you disagree, please leave some constructive criticism, and I hope you all stick around for more!