HAWKINS, INDIANA – Murray drove in circles throughout town unsure on where to go since they Joyce knows pretty much all the places they could hide. She knows about Hopper's cabin as well so that's out of the options.

"We can't just do this forever, Murray. We need to go somewhere", Dr. Owens said.

"I'm thinking!" Murray exclaimed.

Eventually, Joyce will find them soon and if that happens, she will get to El. Then, Murray stopped the car in the middle of the street.

"What are you doing?" Hopper asked him.

"She wants her", Murray muttered.

"Yeah, she does that's why we need to go", Hopper said.

"No. I mean she wants her. No matter where we go, Joyce will find us because she wants her so badly so why not let her find us", Murray suggested.

Hopper got confused.

"Are you out of your mind? Joyce clearly said that the Mind Flayer wants El dead and you want Joyce to find her?" he asked.

"You're not getting my point. None of this will stop until we help Joyce just like what happened with Will. Luckily before, Will was just a spy. Now, Joyce is somewhat like Billy only worse because she has powers. We will face her one way or another. The only question is, are you willing to prolong it and let other people get hurt in the process or face it now and help Joyce and save your daughter?" Murray explained then asked him back.

It made sense to them all. Billy never stopped back then. Once the Mind Flayer had his hosts onto something, there's no stopping them. They can keep running but Joyce will follow them everywhere. They will risk other people getting hurt including the other kids.

Hopper looked at El for approval. She nodded understanding the situation. She wanted to help her mother so badly too.

"How are we going to do your plan?" Hopper asked.

"We need to lure her to a place where we can trap her. Then, we can try to free her from the Mind Flayer", Murray answered.

"Heat her up just like Will", Jonathan added.

"That's right", Murray agreed.

"The lab", Dr. Owens suddenly said. "There is a machine there that acts like a sauna but way hotter. We only used it when disposed those remains of the demodogs that fell after Eleven closed the gate. We can trap Joyce in there and set it off", he added.

"Hawkins Lab it is…god, I always hated that place", Hopper muttered.

WHEELER'S HOUSE – The Party is at the basement resting. It's the middle of the night and they've been up late last night in the hospital. The door opened silently. Will is sleeping on the couch separate from the others.

"Will", someone called. "Will", he opened his eyes and gasped when he saw his mother looking at him.

"Mom? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" he asked.

"Something happened. We've been attacked there. Hopper told me to go here to be safe. He, your brother and El went the other way and I cannot find them", she answered.

Will got out of the couch and woke the rest of the Party. He told them what his mother told them and they all went on full alarm.

"How can we find them?" Mike asked.

"I don't know. I was hoping you can contact El or Murray through your radio. El is very weak. She used a lot of her power and she's going to need me to back her up", Joyce lied.

Mike bought it completely and ran to his radio. He started calling out for El and Murray but no one responded. It took them a good fifteen minutes before Jonathan picked up on the other side.

"Mike?" Jonathan answered.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you guys? We heard you're in danger. Over", Mike asked.

"We're here at Hawkins Lab. Look, you have to stay put there, okay? We're going to handle this. Keep the radio close in case we need help. Over", Jonathan answered.

Mike looked at Joyce.

"What are they doing at the lab?" he asked her.

"They must thought of luring that thing in there so El can fight it. She's not strong enough. I need to get there", Joyce said.

Will grabbed his mother's hand to stop her from leaving.

"What if you get hurt?" he asked.

"Sweetie, don't worry about me. I will not. Listen to Jonathan. You guys stay here and keep the radio close. Do you understand?" she asked them all and they all agreed knowing it's not good to argue with someone who has powers.

Joyce put a kiss on Will's forehead and left the house.

"Don't worry. Help is on the way. Just tell El to stay put and do not exhaust her powers. Mrs. Byers is on the way to help fight the monster. Over", Mike said to the radio.

"What did you say, kid? Over", Hopper asked grabbing the radio from Jonathan.

"I said, Mrs. Byers is on the way to help fight the monster. Over", Mike repeated.

"Are you guys okay? Does anyone get hurt? Over", Jonathan suddenly asked.

The kids got confused by the question.

"No. We're fine. What's going on? Over", Mike asked.

"We're not fighting any monster. My mom is after El. She's the new host and she's activated. Over", Jonathan answered.

Mike looked at the rest of his friends in shock.

"Oh shit…" he muttered.

Fear ran across their faces. The idea of Joyce being the enemy scares them all not because of what she can do but because they're afraid she will get hurt like what happened with Billy. El got through him and when he tried to fight back, the Mind Flayer killed him. What if Joyce decided to fight back and the Mind Flayer kills her? They all love her and to them, she's the ultimate Mom of the Party. They couldn't begin to imagine the world without her.

Will put his hand behind his neck wondering why he didn't sense that his mother is activated. He usually sensed it before it happens but this it's different. Then, he got his answer. It's because she's his mother. He's blinded by that fact and it prevented him from sensing the monster controlling his mother.

"Guys, you do know what just happened, right?" Dustin asked them all and they all looked at him sharing the same expression. "We just told Mrs. Byers where to find El", he added.