And here we are in chapter 9, a bit of a longer one but considering to follow the main focus for this story here it is. Though I'm not sure whether if I should've added more parts for this chapter but I think I'm just gonna get this going at it.

But finally! After the interactions I had to put first, I finally got to work on Scout with Ironhide on this chap! But yes, there's still side interactions and not to mention, the maintaining of ScoutxArcee parts while also a very special interaction as well to see and without a further a do, here is chapter 9.

"The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. I mean, you may think to yourself that you're happy. But you don't believe it. You focus on the petty bullshit, or the next job, or whatever. It's only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you understand, that's what happiness felt like." -(Fallout 4)

"Flesh is flesh! Machine is machine! The two were never meant to intertwine!" -Arthur Maxson (Fallout 4)

"It took me a long time to realize that home is where you make it. With some time and effort, this place can be home for you, too." -Nick Valentine (Fallout 4)

-Close to Metal-

"So, after all this time... We are not allowed to leave the base unless on a mission? And I was kinda hoping to take a ride with you elsewhere out there. If Major Will could've only told me sooner I wouldn't have had myself looking forward to nothing..."

Scout complained with a groan, Arcee who wheeled next to him as he walk only smiled gently.

"Now part of being an alien sucks knowing you're stuck under a secret roof. Hell, unlike back at Teufort, true we keep things secret in Mann Co but right after pre battles against enemies? I can get to run laps for miles without authority, even making my way to the town of Teufort. But here? This sucks on ice. Guess that's just being a freakin' soldier now I have to follow orders..."

He continued, Arcee chuckled for a second before speaking.

"The base has spaces large enough to even run laps, Scout. That should be fine. Plus the guaranteed safety on being here, than out there can cause possible Decepticon encounter."

She said softly with a smile. Scout frowned shortly but then asked.

"And about those guys you were fighting? Wouldn't that be a good thing to encounter them since, Major Will told me that you guys are hunting down those Decepticon guys..."

Scout paused before folding his arms and continuing dryly with a frown.

"And here earlier morning we saw Optimus leaving with Major Will for a meeting with the freakin' Pentagon. There can be possibility for a freaking' encounter to happen on the way. Or, maybe? And I wish I could've gone with them, too..."

Arcee giggled before replying.

"They usually attend meetings, especially for Lennox to maintain Nest operational."

"And no missions after? Decepticon related stuff? Kinda boring waiting here, you know? This sucks. Really, though."

Arcee gave a slightly amused smile.

"Hm I must admit. I would get used to your quite of attitude, Scout."

She said softly with teasing smile.

"Hey, I'm not- Nevermind..."

Reaching outside, the pair came across Elita who smiled by the time she saw Scout.

"I see that you are well rested, young one."

Scout emmidiately exchanged glances with Arcee being next to him, before turning to the older fembot with a simple nod.

"Yeah. I uh... Got enough rest."

Seeing the soft, usual smile Elita gives him, Scout emmidiately added.

"I am actually headed to Ratchet, too. He's in the medical bay, right?"

Elita gave a nod.

"As always, young one. But why? Are you not feeling well?"

She then asked suddenly, Scout emmidiately shook his head before giving a simple smile.

"No. I just wanna talk to him about something."

"Would you like us to accompany you?"

Turning to Arcee who asked before simply smiling at the pink fembot.

"It's okay, I'll go on ahead."

Scout replied with a smile, a quick glance at Elita and a smile to Arcee before excusing himself to walk off.

'Just don't you even think about what happened last night... You were just too worn out from all the crap you've been through fighting robots! You needed a release... That's it! That's it... Just a release, because of the Red team!'

Scout frowned, trying the best he could manage to ignore the thought lingering in his mind. He needed a release, but why force to believe it when he returned Arcee that very kiss she gave him, he even felt like it. Frowning once more Scout didn't wanted to struggle again. The same struggle that he had because of the Red team, but it wasn't the Red team was it? No, it had to be the war against Gray Mann's robots. That's the struggle Scout made himself believe that he didn't wanted to deal with again, only this time to find himself actually struggling between Arcee and the Red team. He couldn't choose which one to pick over the other to think of, but it was all good as Scout thinks that maybe soon or later, he can go back home. It's what he had always been wanting since the beginning. Then there's Arcee to think back about, the thought of simply leaving her after all that little sexual intercourse they had, that little attraction and feelings. It was all too ridiculous if to take it seriously. An obvious sign that he needed a release of frustration other than taking it all out on a target range. He could say the same for Arcee, if so maybe.

As Scout kept walking, he then began to think about the Red team, he didn't cared now if they will believe where he had been, all he could ever care for was going back to them and continue on fighting with them in a pointless war with robots. One of the reasons Scout felt tired even when he never admitted himself, but what was worth going back there when barely others are even left to fight countless robots?

Stopping on his tracks, Scout moved next to the wall and leaned back before letting out a sigh.

Scout suddenly in silence got the thought of maybe he should just stay. Though, this different image of earth on a different reality has a conflict between alien factions that even involved humans, Scout can get used to it, thought he already had gotten used to being around the alien robots. Maybe here he can find some purpose, anything meaningful to continue what he loves doing best; fighting. Perhaps this could he a better excuse for it to use the skills he utilizes on this kind of situation may be worth it, unlike some earth material like the Australium back in his damned forsaken reality. A material that cost more than a price even in the length of a meaningless war he fought. Maybe. Just maybe, Scout could just simply stay to move on.

'Fucking crap... You're thinking about that what happens last night...'

He gritted his teeth, his face showing bitter before folding his arms in his chest.

Why the hell did that thought even came to his mind? The thought of staying and abandoning the Red team? It wasn't like he and Arcee would actually become a thing anyway. He just had that stand with her, but the thought of abandoning his team on the other reality, made Scout feeling sick to himself. He wasn't desperate to be with someone, maybe a little when he was into Miss Pauling, but for Arcee? He will admit his feelings and attraction, then on the other hand, Arcee expressed hers. But there's only that slight chance to find what he wanted, even though it was just an obvious sign of lust they both shared that led to another.

Turning to his front, Scout began to set foot to the medical bay once again, while still stuck in his mind.

To stay would be such a ridiculous, desperate idea. But to go back? Go back for what? The Red team? It didn't made sense to Scout anymore unlike how it always had on his first few days being here. But now it wasn't making much sense as of going back would give him any proper reason to fight again on the pointless war against robots. Scout couldn't find any good reason worth fighting over lands and Australium. But he couldn't find any sense staying here and continuing some life he had made himself here either. Both were all too pressuring, and Scout didn't knew what he wanted to get.

Stopping at the doors of the medical bay, Scout hesitated to loudly knock on the massive door.

Slowly pressing his hands on the doors to open it instead, Scout quickly gained sight of Ratchet cleaning some of his repairing tools, the Autobot medic emmidiately noticed him.

"Scout? I wasn't expecting you to be here but, can I help you?"

The medic asked, Scout's eyes shortly stared on the floor before looking back up at the Autobot to reply.

"Ratchet, can I... Talk to you? There's, something that I wanna talk about..."

Seeing the medic with a slightly surprised look, Scout waited for a reply

"Is there something bothering you, young one?"

Scout emmidiately replied.

"Well, I was, kinda hoping to talk to you about something else. You did said you'll be here if I'm bothered, right?"

Seeing Ratchet being speechless for a moment, Scout only stood on his spot while waiting for a reply.

"As a medic myself it's my job to make sure you are well."

The medic replied slowly before gesturing for Scout to take a seat.

Scout complied with a small nod before heading over to take a seat on a chair with Scout clearing his throat as he waited for the medic to begin.

"So, what seems to be troubling you, young one?"

Scout took a deep before opening his mouth to begin a reply.

"I'm trying to figure if, there's still anything else worth going back home."

Scout paused, his eyes turning to Ratchet taking notes before looking back at him.

"And why is that you think?"

Ratchet slowly asked, Scout bit his lip shortly before giving a reply.

"Because back there, all I've been doing was fighting on a fucking pointless war. First fighting over the lands of New Mexico, then finally there's that endless fighting against robots. All because of Australium on why robots keep on attacking. But..."

Scout paused, his eyes fixed on Ratchet before clearing his throat to slowly continue.

"If I go back, that means all is good. Back to normal again for me. Well, that's actually what I've been wanting in the first place yeah, but then, to think of it... Is it still worth going back?"

Scout stopped. Though feeling hesitant to speak, his eyes shortly looked down on the floor before focusing back up to Ratchet.

"What if I stay? In here? Would it be... Bad?"

He finally continued. Ratchet on the other was in silence, obviously studying his facial expression.

"Look I know. I know, I know but what's the worth going back to fight again? Yeah, I do care for the Red team but, that's just it. They're all I have there. The rest? Gone. All taken from me because of those robots. It's not like there's anything worth more if at least like the Red team worth going back for..."

Scout added. Ratchet on the other vented shortly before slowly giving a reply.

"Although it's not my business to judge on your decisions, but what about your family back on there? Sure, you have the Red team but, aside from your team, there's also your family to go back for."

Scout only stared at him, his face giving very first expression he had ever given when he was first introduced to the Autobots but shortly disappeared and changed into guilt and loss.


Ratchet slowly called to him, Scout however stayed quiet after and for over a minute of silence, he simply looked back up to the medic before giving a very hushed reply.

"My Ma is dead. The robots took her from me..."

Ratchet didn't replied, instead was left staring at him speechless, obviously caught off guard with what Scout had said.

On the other after his pause, Scout slightly lowered his head before deciding to continue.

"To start off. Three weeks after the start of our fighting against robots, I was told that my brothers were all murdered, the bodies were found in their homes. I didn't got to know when, but it didn't matter, what matter was my Ma but to hear that the robots abducted her..."

Slowly focusing back up to Ratchet, Scout cleared his throat and continued.

"It was worse, when I suddenly recieved a strange tape. Played it on and a footage was showing a robot torturing my Ma for information. Information to know where I am, of course. At that time, the other mercenaries with families went through that same thing. But for me, it made things only worse just to even discourage us from fighting. I watched as my Ma got beaten up, her fingernails pulled out, while being demanded to tell where I am."

Scout couldn't find a way to stop himself, but just letting it all go on, he allowed himself with a tear from his eye running down his cheek.

"My Ma doesn't know I'm a mercenary, and neither my brothers... But it's my fault they're gone. It's my fault my Ma is gone. But half of that was the robots to blame for. I never coped from what happened ever since, after seeing my Ma and her screams dying on her lips while being tied on a chair... It only gave me more than enough reason to hate robots... To keep fighting even if I don't get paid. The money wasn't worth earning at those times anyway. So long as I get to see Gray Mann dead, I'm good with it."

He stopped, looking at Ratchet's optics, Scout only stared with bitterness until it was replaced by guilt, mourn and loss. The things he had left the Autobots wondering about him. It was all coming out of him now. Those emotions that tore him apart, killed him inside and mostly, made him what he was since when he got on this earth.

"Look I'm sorry, okay? If I, ever said stuff at you. And for treating the other Autobots like crap. It was just, hard for me... I just, can't live to see robots without wanting to kill them, after what they did... To my family and especially to my Ma. Which is why I have nothing back there but the Red team, and they're all I have left close to family. As for where I live? Massachusetts Boston? There's nothing worth going back there for, especially after knowing and seeing it for myself why. Maybe me and the guys at red were just probably waiting it out to die too after all. Only trying to comfort ourselves to into thinking that the Administrator still had a plan to get is into the winning side of that war. Even though everyone and everything at Mann Co all went down to crap. Maybe, we were just trying to hold out until things are over with..."

Scout finished before wiping his cheek clean from the dried tear.

"Scout... I'm so sorry... I, truly am, Scout I..."

Ratchet solemnly said bit couldn't even find the right words to say further, Scout on the other only gave a simple, yet obviously weak smile.

"It's fine, Ratchet. I mean, I'm not affected by it anymore, I just... Wanted to get it out if my head somehow now. It's probably better I did now. More than take having quite a hard time ignoring it while wondering on whether I should go back home."

About slowly replied but kept his smile in assurance.

Seeing Ratchet only staring at him for a long moment with a solemn look, Scout expected another question but instead, the Autobot medic didn't spoke. Much rather, waited for him to speak once more.

Sighing, Scout cleared his throat before continuing.

"I'll probably go back then. If, I'm doing the right thing, right? I mean, it's what I've been wanting to do in the first place since I got here. Go back home, so I can help my team fight the robots again, and to win that freakin' war, yeah. I'll... Probably go back, I guess. So maybe we can just forget about me saying the first parts of this talking we have."

Scout said gently, a weak smile was formed on his face.

"Are your thoughts clearly straight, young one?"

Scout's smile disappeared from the question Ratchet suddenly brought up.

"Well, not gonna lie but, yeah. No wait, I dunno. Maybe? I mean, I'm all good now from the robots and I'll be fine, just need to tell about, why I really hate them and to talk about going back home. But why'd you ask?"

Scout replied, staring at Ratchet's either worried or curious look.

Ratchet who straightened himself on his seat for a bit vented shortly before asking.

"Well, what I was trying to say is, are you sure that is all that you would like to talk about?"

Ratchet replied gently, Scout didn't know what to give for a response, instead took a moment in thinking what else he can bring up to discuss until he got to the thought of Arcee. Which was a complete ridiculous one for Scout to add.

Looking back at Ratchet who patiently waited for him to continue, Scout bit his lip.


Scout somehow managed to began sheepishly.

"... I have a question... Private stuff."

"Yes, Scout?"

Scout took a brief moment before continuing to ask.

"Would it be wierd if, y'know... Like for example, a human likes a cybertronian? Like he-She, falls in love with that cybertronian? Would that be wrong? Well, I've been told by others about your culture and even about your own version of god and even your mechanical Jesus, but what about having a relationship with a cybertronian? From a different specie?"

Ratchet stared at him for a moment, his face clearly giving a look of surprised from the question as he raised his metal brow in curiosity.

Scout emmidiately lowered his head, his face turning bright red before giving a reply.

"I- I didn't mean by anything, I was just curious..."

Scout replied, almost as if in a whisper.

Ratchet gently smiled, making Scout slightly flinch and his face reddened before biting his lip.

"Although I haven't seen any cybertronian in here to be in such a relation with a human. Well, Sam and Bumblebee are in a good relation but in a way of friendship, the same goes to Ironhide and Lennox. And I can see that to make sense since, the two humans are their charges."

Ratchet said and afterwards gave a genuine smile.

Scout tried to make eye contact, but ended up blushing.

"Perhaps, there is more to it of what you meant?"

Ratchet asked slowly.


Scout paused, his face burned much redder.

"Hm... Do you have a-"

"Ah n-No! I mean... I uh, was curious that's why I asked..."

Scout emmidiately cut him off, Ratchet on the other only smiled halfheartedly before placing a finger on his metal chin.

"Very well. I will not continue further about this discussion."

Ratchet said softly, a small grin was slowly forming on his face.

Scout wouldn't take any more of it, and instead he sighed and finally decided to give up.

"Okay... Okay, okay. You got me. I think it was getting kinda obvious anyway..."

Focusing his eyes on Ratchet, Scout continued.

"Please don't tell anyone, alright?"

Scout paused, inhaling deep before continuing.

"I like Arcee. More than a friend..."

Scout choked on his words, but keeping his focus on Ratchet he continued again.

"Ratchet, I like her. I really do. But is it bad? Too soon? I mean, it's only over a week we've known each other. And don't get me wrong, were not on the same kind. I'm organic and she's, mechanical..."

Scout finally stopped, but seeing Ratchet's smile he watched unsurely how to react to see the medic chuckling.

"For over a week of you spending your time with her? I had little suspected that there might be such a thing between the two of you, but as for the differences of your kind, despite that I don't think there is anything wrong at all."

Ratchet replied softly, Scout smiled simply but then frowned shortly before looking down.

"I'm sure you find this is ridiculous, huh?"

Scout then asked, but seeing Ratchet's smile, the medic slowly shook his head.

"Not at all, young one."

Ratchet replied with a smile.

Scout smiling back couldn't even say a word, as he only remained quietly smiling weakly. He appreciated it really, but on the other, it was getting complicated. That being the Red team on the other.

After the conversation, Scout was then escorted back to the exit only to be stopped by Ratchet by the time Scout walked past the large doorway.

"My best advice, is to not think about those pressuring thoughts on your mind, Scout. Just cherish this time that you have away from the horrific experiences you've been through. Cherish it, with Arcee."

Ratchet said softly before giving a gentle smile.

Scout only gave a small nod before finally setting foot elsewhere.

Like hell there's permanent joy, but for a temporary one? Perhaps he may as well take that opportunity. He was on a big fucking gamble after all, only that this time, he's neither sure whether roll dice not wanting to end up getting anything between stating and going back for the Red team. But that can't possibly stop him from enjoying to explore more being with someone who cares. That someone being Arcee, not to mention the other Autobots that also cared for him, hell even done if these humans. But basically for in between him and Arcee, Scout figured what they have for each other, was just a temporary circumstance without an option.

'Fucking quit arguing with yourself... Just enjoy it. Make this wonderful time the freakin' time of your life. Just for once... You're not one of the Red team. Just for once, you're just a simple alien... Just for once... Try to be happy, even if it's only temporary...'

Walking mindlessly on a hallway, Scout suddenly bumped into a human.

"Augh god what well?"

The voice of the wimpy human came to his ears. Sam Witwicky.

Being brought back to reality and out of his own thoughts, Scout suddenly turns his head down to focus on his view, seeing Sam and Mikaela looking up at him with Sam rubbing his nose almost sheepishly.

"Hey there, Scout."

Mikaela greeted, a smile plastered on her face while squinting an eye on Sam who was still busy rubbing his nose.


Scout replied, but deciding to be formal he turned his head to Sam and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Was kinda busy thinking about things."

Sam waved it off but with his eyes and Mikaela's curiously staring up on Scout, he raised an eye brow before beginning to ask.

"So uh, you work with the Autobots too huh?"

He asked curiously.

"I think it's kind of a bit obvious, Sam. He's an alien too, like what do you expect?"

Mikaela suddenly blurted out with a roll of her eyes.

"Hey I was curious here that's why I'm asking."

Sam argued in reply.

Scout who folded his arms inaudibly sighed before replying.

"We can take a walk while we have a conversation. Instead of talking out here on a hallways with soldiers passing by."

Both humans who seemed to agreed on what he said nodded before walking along with him.

"So, to answer your question, I do work with the Autobots. Just a week ago on Canada was my first deployment."

Scout began, but quickly was interrupted by Mikaela.

"We heared so much about you for only a short time after we got here. The Autobots said that you're a mercenary on alternate reality of earth and that you fought giant and human sized robots. All of those were true? Even the other wierd things you even encountered there?"

Scout couldn't help but chuckle before nodding.

"Every part of it. But, I'd rather not talk about it all now. It's all too pressuring."

He replied, a small frown was on his face shortly before sighing as he walk.

"We were told that you and the other mercs you work with hate robots. But hey, the Autobots are good guys. You can trust them, just not the Decepticons."

Sam suddenly said, Scout however only smiled simply.

"I know. I actually made a best friend, Elita One. Jolt, he's become close to me too but more like a protective babysitter though."

Scout replied with a chuckle but then added.

"Then there's Arcee of course. She's cool and we get along very much like with Elita and Jolt."

"That's actually cool, really. I bet you now you have one of them as your personal guardian?"

Mikaela said with a grin, but to Scout who only chucked and shaking his head he replied.

"Well, I don't have one really. But I don't see any good reason to since, I don't leave the base that much."

Recieving surprised looks from the pair of humans, Scout simply shrugged.

"It's okay. But what about your guardian? Bumblebee? How's he like?"

Scout replied with a simple smile but before Sam could even respond, Mikaela quickly interrupted.

"Oh you won't believe if I'd I tell you what craziness the two of them do. They get along more than well if you ask me."


Scout only snorted before giving a smug look at the human boy.

"Ain't no thing, Sam. Craziness is casually normal for me back home."

He simply said with a half grin, but as they arrived at the main hangar they found four Autobots that consisted of Jolt, Dino along with Jazz and Bumblebee who all saw them approaching.

"Oh hey what's up! Ah my man Scout!"

Jazz emmidiately beamed up a huge grin as Scout greeted him and the other three with a formal nod.

"What's up."

Scout replied, his arms folded as he eyed each of the four boys grinning.

"Nothin' much but chillin' little man. How about ya?"

Scout shrugged.

"Was just about to wander around until I bumped right into Sam with Mikaela, figured going here with them."

Scout replied with a cool expression.

"Ah that's good timin' ya see, the bots and I were talkin' about ya and 'bout those things ya do on your world or reality thing."

Bringing a smile on his face from Jazz's enthusiastic tone, Scout only chuckled afterwards but then replied.

"I'd like to tell some good stuff about my work. But you see, I'm kinda taking my mind off of the work related stuff, regarding my mercenary career. But you guys can look up videos that I had with me."

Jazz gave an understanding nod even with his grin showing excitement.

"Aww now that's a bummer brother! I was wondering hearing stories about them spooky legendary tales ya have!"

Bumblebee commented with a slow radio buzzing to somehow show he's making a playful complain.

Scout mentally shook his head at the yellow bot. He just couldn't get much of the words coming through the radio, but understanding it's the only thing of Bumblebee's way of communicating, Scout only smiled gently before patting the yellow bot in the foot plating.

"There's always next time, Bee."

That he said and his friendly tone got a cheerful buzzing from the yellow bot.

"Yeah that's it! Now we're talkin'!"

Scout only chuckled as humans s eyes landed in Jolt.

"So, babysitter? Where are the others?"

Scout asked with a smirk. That babysitter joke really got onto him referring the blue medic who daily accompany him on behalf Elita and Arcee.

"They must be somewhere around, Scout. But if you're looking for Elita she with Chromia and Arcee in training."

The blue medic replied with a chuckle, of course, he loves playing along with the teasing that Scout gives.

"Not to be rude but, Mikaela and I are still here..."

Turning to Sam who suddenly interrupted, Scout halfway rolled his eyes before replying.

"Oh yeah, of course I haven't forgot about you Sam. Who would've, especially after you saved earth twice."

At this point the present Autobots began to stiffen a laugh, and even Mikaela herself snorted a laugh ant the sarcastic reply Scout gave the human boy.

"Hey I didn't mean anything with that!"

Sam defensively replied, to which Scout raised a hand with a gleeful smile. Much rather a plastered smile hiding a smug one.

"Well I wouldn't argue especially if I just happen to be a mercenary. But one of the best ones I mean."

Scout replied. Well damn he loved mentioning about his mercenary career, but not much today as of now he's trying to take a break from all the fucked up experiences.

"Something seems up here. What is it?"

The laughter suddenly stopped and all heads turned to see Ironhide approaching.

"Hey there, Ironhide. Just having a little fun time with Sammy."

Scout replied with a snort.

"Oh god if I only knew this guy would be like this..."

Hearing Sam mutter behind, Scout snorted again before focusing on the bulky Autobot.

"So, what's up?"

He asked. Ironhide on the other taking one look on each of the others to end each one with an amused expression of their own before turning his helm down to Scout.

"I found it curious on what's going on here, buy it seems you must've been entertaining them for a short while hm?"

Scout folded his hands on his chest before sheepishly smiling.


"He is on a good mood."

Dino suddenly interrupted with a chuckle follows by Jolt and Bumblebee's cheerfully amused chirping.

"I see. But that should be nice seeing you interact with others."

Ironhide replied slowly before setting his optics on Sam and Mikaela before getting him the pair with a nod.

"You guys should have fun while I'm out. I could use a walk."

Scout suddenly said, and as he excused himself from the group, Jolt emmidiately stepped beside to him.

"Would you like some company?"

The junior medic asked with a smile.

"Later I guess. But to think of it..."

Scout replied with a short pause, his eyes averting to Ironhide for a moment.

"Wanna walk with me buddy?"

Seeing Ironhide fold his arms with a huff he then replied in question.

"And of all the mechs or even the humans to ask for company, you want to have mine?"

Scout smiled innocently.

"I could get used to hanging out with each of the Autobots here. I'm actually starting to like the company you guys give me."

Scout said genuinely, and to see Ironhide raise his metallic brows is surprise, Scout mentally laughed to see just how the Autobot was caught off guard with his statement.

"Very well. Considering you already have earned my full trust."

Ironhide replied with a half way smile.

"Oh cool!"

Scout turned to Jolt and added.

"I'll see ya later Jolty."

Jolt smiled at the name but then nodded.

"Well do I get a name too before ya go man?"

Scout who finally began walking away with Ironhide didn't turned back but replied a bit louder.

"Of course, Jazzy. See ya later."

"Ah hell ya now that's more like it!"

He wasn't sure why even Scout would ask for his company. But seeing for the past week that the young humanoid finally gotten so used of mechanical beings, that idea of Optimus to take approach on this young organic alien feeling isolated took a twist which turned the idea on themselves. But the fact that Scout was now taking approach on them and to those mostly yet approached him, Ironhide didn't felt any alarm from the young alien. Only that he got to a side of Scout which was his cocky, egotistic side that was. But overall, he didn't still expected the Scout to ask for his company. An Autobot veteran who's been through Pit over the many years back fighting Decepticons.

Perhaps, Scout was looking to relate with him. It always has been about relating with them after all. Like how Scout related his Red team's Medic to Ratchet, his Spy to Dino, his Demoman to Ironhide himself and even comparing Bumblebee. The similarities of course, and Scout as Ironhide and the other bots saw the joy that came to him remembering about his team just by looking and talking similarities to them Autobots. Something Ironhide somehow felt good himself that even just by a reminder of someone to Scout, he and the other Autobots get to put up a smile on the lone humanoid alien on this planet he used to call home.

Walking outside with the tall humanoid, Ironhide noticed his glance.

"Is something bothering you?"

He finally began in question.

Seeing Scout smiling simply as they walk, Ironhide waited for a reply.

"Nothing much. But..."

Seeing him pause, Ironhide frowned shortly before folding his arms on his chassis.


He questioned again.

Seeing Scout stop on his tracks, Ironhide had to stop as well. Seeing the young organic studying his face plate for a moment, Ironhide frowned again.


He gruffly questioned but Scout on the other only remained staring at him for a little more before clearing his throat to reply.

"What is it like? To be with someone like Chromia?"

He slowly asked. Ironhide raised an optic ridge, obviously caught off guard by the question.

Scout let out a sigh shortly before focusing his full attention onto him.

"I meant, what is it like to be with Chromia. How does it feel having someone with you, someone who cares, and someone who can understand you."

Ironhide nearly flinched. Why was Scout asking this sort of question? Was this why Scout requested for his company?

"Before I answer, why did you ask?"

Scout slightly shrugged, his eyes shortly setting to the humans passing by before lazily turning back to his optics.

"Because I wanna know, what if a human falls in love with a cybertronian? How would would it turn out despite the freakin' differences between them?"

Scout slowly replied thoughtfully with each word that came out of his mouth clearly understandable with bis blue eyes completely focused at his optics.

Ironhide didn't moved. He rather stared down to Scout in mix of surprise and confusion.

"Well? What's your answer?"

Scout asked again, rather impatiently as he folded his frail arms.

"You're interested for tips from me?"

Scout frowned bitterly.

"No. I'm interested in hearing your opinion-"

Scout stopped before looking around to notice the two of them still being exposed to human soldiers passing by, even getting some curious glances from the humans.

"I wanna talk about this with you but, let's talk somewhere a bit private."

Scout continued emmidiately got his face blankly for a second before jerking his head to his side mentioning for Ironhide to follow.

Ironhide grunted before deciding to follow along.

Arriving on the sandy beach, Ironhide watched as Scout formally sat on the sand, his hands resting on his lap before turning his head up at him.

"Come sit with me."

Ironhide crossed his arms before raising an optic ridge.

"Is this really necessary?"

Scout bitterly stare at him before without a word, gestured his hand on the sand beside him for Ironhide to say down.

'What does he really want? Exactly?'

Taking a seat next to Scout, Ironhide turned his helm down at the humanoid before questioning.

"So, what was it again you wanted to talk about?"

Scout took a deep breath before giving a reply.

"Your opinion. About a human, organic or-Augh for christ sake anyone not whose not cybertronian falling in love to a cybertronian. I wanna know your opinion."

Ironhide studied Scout's face for a moment as he stared at up at him.


Scout questioned rather impatiently.

"This is quite an odd question on a random time like this, but did you talk to Optimus about this? More specifically, asked for his own opinion?"

Ironhide responded in question, and seeing Scout's bitter frown he got a reply .

"No. I mean, Optimus already has alot of stuff to think of and I don't want to add this one up to his thinking. But I did talked about this with Ratchet, though."

"And what did Ratchet said?"

"He gave a me an advice to just cherish things away from those pressuring stuff that I've been through. And he doesn't think it's wrong at all about any non mechanical falling in love to a cybertronian."

Ironhide vented for a moment before slowly replying.

"If you aren't aware, Scout... Cybertronians are asexual beings, despite being autonomous mechanical beings."

Scout flinched, somehow his face bright red.

"Oh uh-No! No I... Wasn't aware but uh, thanks."

Ironhide recieving his stuttered reply smirked.

"I see."

"You do?"

"Yes, Scout."

They both stayed quiet, Scout simply crossed his arms on his chest.

"You get what I mean then?"

"Yes, Scout. And you don't have to hide it any further."

"Then why are you smirking? Stop!"

Ironhide's smirk grew before responding.

"Very well. But if you want to hear my opinion on this, discussion... I don't mind that at all. I don't mind seeing a cybertronian being with a human or, humanoid like yourself."

"So it's okay? There's no difference?"

"That can be up to you, Scout or for anyone who is on the situation being with a cybertronian. Chromia and I had been together for eons now, and we've been thought a lot of pit together fighting Decepticon punks. But in the end, were still strong. You can take Optimus and Elita for an example, too. As long as you're true to yourself, you'll be fine."

Scout gave a slow nod.

"I just gotta be true to myself then. Piece of cake, right?"

"You might have to prove it to yourself first before starting to prove it to him, Scout."

Giving his reply to Scout, Ironhide noticed Scout staring aim weirdly, or much rather, confused.


He asked, Scout raised a brow before giving a reply.

"Well since you already know where this conversation we have is going, I just wanna ask who do you refer to as this 'him'?"

Ironhide slightly raised his optic ridge before giving his reply.

"I was referring to Jolt. Wasn't he the cybertronian we were discussing about?"

Scout's face was left extremely red by the response. Ironhide stared at him for a long moment before Scout emmidiately stood up with his hands up in the air.


Ironhide flinched by the exclamation.

"Hey, from the moment you stuttered, I quickly figured that we're discussing about your thoughts falling for a cybertronian, and that you want to hear my opinion on whether it is fine that you like Jolt in such a way. It's fine, Scout. I did said that cybertronians are asexual beings."


Seeing Scout's red face Ironhide couldn't help but smirk.

"You don't have to shout at me when I already said it's fine.

"Ugh! For god's sake Ironhide! I don't like Jolt- Well I do like Jolt, and he means good to me too and I like him but not that way!"

Raising his servo up for a moment, Ironhide gave Scout confused look.

"So, it's not Jolt?"

"No it's not him! Why did you even thought of that? That's gay!"

Scout exclaimed.

"Then who is and you don't have to overreact, Scout."

Seeing Scout burying his extremely reddened face, Ironhide watched as the young humanoid sat down on the sand while keeping his face covered with his hands.

Ironhide vented shortly before watching the organic alien.


He called out.

Seeing Scout motionlessly sitting on the sand with his face still covered with his hands, Ironhide frowned before deciding to try again.

"Scout. Come on now, answer me."

He called again but as soft as his vocal chords could muster.

Seeing it useless to call him over, Ironhide frowned before hesitantly transforming into his vehicle mode.

After a short time of shifting himself into his vehicle mode, his human avatar finally appeared. Wearing torn jeans, a white shirt under a thick black jacket, he saw his muscular tanned figure on the water, seeing his scarred eye and his short black hair, Ironhide remained himself calm before turning to Scout.

Taking a seat next to Scout, Ironhide didn't expected Scout to be this tall still even emergency sitting just by in human holoform let alone. Turning his head to Scout, Ironhide gently patted him in the back.

"You can tell me, Scout. I'll listen.'

He gently spoke, and finally it made Scout remove his hands off his face before slowly turning to him.

"You... Oh crap..."

Scout stuttered but stopped as he studied his tanned face.

"I rarely use my holoform unlike Chromia and the rest. Now I just got very good reason why."

Ironhide replied with a short frown as he looked Scout from above to below towering him as they both remained sitting on the sand.

Scout smiled weakly before having it to disappear only to turn his head on the ocean.

"It's not Jolt?"

Scout frowned by the question, Ironhide gently smiled before slowly adding.

"It's fine. I was just trying to clarify anyway."

Scout instesd of frowning again rolled his eyes before crossing his arms.

"He's okay. And I like him the same way I like Elita, as a friend. But just for the record? I'm not gay or bi."

Scout replied softly afterwards.

"Then we're moved past Jolt on this then. But who is it, specifically?"

Ironhide slowly asked, his head turned on Scout while waiting for him to reply.


Scout replied, rather in whisper despite even there was only the two of them at the beach.

Ironhide's brows furrowed in surprise. But, that should be fine to surprise him anyway.


Ironhide slowly repeated, his brows furrowed.

"Don't tell anyone. Alright?"

Scout replied quietly, his eyes clearly focused on him.

"If that's what you want I can respect that. But why her, exactly?"

Ironhide responded, his brow arched in curiosity.

"Why I like her? It's crazy... You probably wouldn't believe it, but to cut it simply short, she's the girl I've never seen on the girls I've paired with back home. Arcee, actually has the time to listen to me, to things I have to say, and keep in mind that she isn't organic but she actually understands me on however I am. Unlike Miss Pauling... But we're talking about Arcee here. And I like her, I really do, Ironhide."

There was a long pause ever since Scout finished his words, Ironhide only stared at Scout. The softness in his voice, almost dreamily as he mentioned Arcee. It was all too convincing even, but strange that an organic humanoid like Scout himself actually found an attraction toward the fellow Autobot.

"Ironhide. Are you still with me?"

Scout's voice suddenly interrupted him from thought, focusing his attention again on Scout, Ironhide gave a slow nod.

"I'm listening Scout."

He slowly said, but then continued.

"Does she know? Does Arcee know I mean?"

Seeing Scout asking softly with a slow nod, Ironhide took it as a reply

"And what about her side on all this?"

He slowly asked, Scout gently bit his lip before giving a reply.

"She said she'll accept whatever terms we can agree on if we, plan to take this further..."

Folding his arms, Ironhide firmly stared at Scout.

"So, this is all just a temporary circumstance between the two of you?"

Scout let out a quiet sigh before frowning shortly.

"I... Don't want to think about that. I just want cherish this with Arcee. I mean, the limits doesn't matter, right? So long as were both happy with each other, it's all good."

Irohinde took every word in before slowly giving a cautious reply thoughtfully.

"And how would, the Red team feel... About all this? Don't get me wrong, but knowing they hate anything robotic from what you said, just imagine how they'd feel."

Scout bitterly frowned.

'I'm not saying I'm against what you and Arcee have. I'm just trying to remind you about your team, the family you've fought with, but I'm reminding you of it in a good way."

Scout's bitter frown slowly disappeared. Instead, came out a long sigh.

"I just wanna get away from all the crap I've been through. For once, just let me be happy. Let me experience that happiness that I have never even gotten back home. For once, understand me on this..."

Scout replied weakly in a whisper.

Ironhide had to mentally frown at himself over the sight that he just made Scout feel terrible, but gently patting him on the the back, he slowly spoke.

"I do understand, Scout. And I didn't mean anything of what I said, I meant good in responding of it only, but I do understand what you're saying and I have nothing against it."

Seeing Scout giving him a weak smile, Ironhide only managed to give a slow nod in understanding. He did understand him, but he only wondered, how about the Red team? Dismissing the thought, Ironhide didn't wanted to ruin what at least makes Scout happy.

"Should we head back to the others?"

Hearing Scout slowly ask, Ironhide raised a brow.

"You mean, now?"

"Yeah well... I think I've wasted too much of your time, don't you think?"

Seeing the soft smile on Scout's face, Ironhide gave a slow nod but then added a reply.

"You aren't any waste of time to me, Scout. And I'd be here to keep you company if you need one."

He wasn't known for being soft, but as a strong Autobot himself, Ironhide can understand and he understands what Scout only wish to be even did a temporary time. But it wasn't like it's only cut short. Maybe there's plenty of time for him to cherish the fondly time with Arcee.

"Come on Let's go back to the others."

Scout said softly as he slowly got up.

Giving a nod, Ironhide walked over to his altmode bride opening the door to the front passenger seat.

Gaining a surprised look from Scout, he only smirked before jerking his head inside the GMC.

"Get in. I'd prefer taking you back to the other myself then have you walk back with me."

Scout shot him a look before firmly folding his arms.

"If you're referring to the heat I'll have you know I'm more than used to it."

Scout replied bitterly, only making Ironhide to roll his eyes.

"Just get in."

"Alright, alright whatever."

With Scout halfway getting on the truck, he suddenly turned his head back to Ironhide before giving a small smile.

"Thanks. For being here."

Ironhide gave a small nod.

"Remember I'll always be, and you know that I'm not the only one that cares."

Such a feeling, such a care. Such, a love that Arcee at this moment was now looking around for her organic humanoid lover. She did noticed Chromia looking at her curiously, she hasn't figured out how to tell the older fembot, but to Elita who seems to already figured it out herself, Arcee noticed her genuine smile as he only watched her looking around with her optics peeled for Scout. Such a strangely odd love but for Arcee, she knew that it was going somewhere, she just have to dismiss the word 'Temporary' of her circumstance with Scout.

"You know, waiting wouldn't do unless, you insist going on ahead to look for it."

She heard Elita speak softly followed by a soft giggle.

"And if he passes by here when I'm gone?"

She couldn't help but reply, but by accident in reply as Chromia emmidiately shot her a look of surprise mixed with curiosity.

"AndI assume this he is Scout?"

Chromia the same began in question.

Arcee almost flinched but sheepishly nodded.

"Care to explain to me and Elita?"

"I think I've already figured it soon, Chromia. However you may as well know from Arcee on what of it."

Elita said softly with a smile before turning her helm to the pink fembot.

"Well... If this will soon or maybe later be exposed, then I may as well say it."

Arcee finally replied with a pause, her optics setting on Elita then to Chromia firmly before giving a long venting.

"I'm in love with Scout."

Arcee finally continued, her tone was firm but despite her nervous feeling she eventually managed her composure at calm by the time she said it a bit more firmly.

"For how long?"

Surprising her, Arcee raised an optic ridge.

"You're not curious as to how and why I am in such a love for Scout?"

Chromia then folded her arms on her chassis before tilting her helm to her side before giving a reply.

"If you're thinking about how strange it would be for the others and maybe even the rest here in Diego Garcia, yes, my opinion would be strange to see you as a cybertronian fall for an organic, but that's my opinion and I have nothing against of your own feelings, rather I would understand you as a sister."

"And that's exactly how I've thought of about her feelings for Scout."

Elita suddenly butted in with a smile.

Arcee eyed the two of the older fembots, she didn't expected the responses, bit rather a shock to lead into discourage. But she didn't get those, intead she got an opinion and a positive response.

"You're not mad? Disgusted? Weird out?"

Elita gave a soft genuine smile and replied softly.

"Not at all, Arcee and to quote Optimus 'Freedom is the right for all sentient beings' and that is your right as a sentient being. No matter what diffrence you may have from Scout, it is your right as the two of you to be happy."

"You just said the last part for me. But I do as well agree on your quoting of Optimus, that we all have our freedom and rights as sentient beings."

Arcee didn't knew how to react, but deep inside her spark she knew that she herself was overjoyed by the responses she's recieving.

"Thank you. I... I just, didn't really expected your responses to be like this but I really appreciate it, all of it."

"What kind of sisters would be very if we wouldn't support our youngest?"

Chromia countered but with a half hearted smile.

"Arcee, just always remember that were here for you. And we support what you have for Scout, and to think of it... I do see Scout feels the same way. Or, you've already seen it yourself?"

Elita said with a giggle.

If Arcee was only in her human avatar, she never doubted she'd be blushing extremely red and but just by only thinking let alone on what happened between her and her beloved Scout on his private quarters interfacing passionately already got her energon flush on her cheek plates.


"Arcee, Elita's calling out to you."

Turning to Chromia whom she heard on her audio receptors after Elita, Arcee saw both the blue and purple fembot halfway pointing to the sight of Ironhide's vehicle mode, and there came hopping off the black pickup was her beloved former mercenary of RED.

"Hmmm, perhaps we should set aside ourselves."

Elita quietly began as she gently pulled Chromia aside with her to give a bit of space.

Scout who emmidiately noticed her smiled and approached.

"Hey there, Arcee."

He greeted and small grin was on his face.

Arcee smiled softly.

"Hi, Scout."

There finally came the moment of silence staring into each other with loving smile, not even minding the fact that the other three Autobots where even there watching them.

"Staring all day long wouldn't be beneficial for you two on your little 'relationship' if I may."

Ironhide suddenly interrupted after he simply transformed and walked pass the pair to approach the two other fembots.

"Ironhide, please don't be rude they're having a moment."

Elita scowled with a smile, Ironhide only huffed while folding his masculine arms.

"Can't blame a mech for giving a comment, Elita."

Chromia at this point gave a short at her bondmate's response but shortly afterwards interjected.

"Come on you two. Let's give these lovers some space."

Arcee who was listening at the three others giggled quietly as the other three bots began separating from her and Scout. This is just what she needed. A moment alone with Scout as she focused her optics on his blue gazing eyes staring into her.

"Did you missed me yet?"

Hearing Scout's sudden question, Arcee couldn't help but found herself halfway rolling her optics, but on the other end of it, found herself giggling in resulting herself into a slightly stupid smile.


She replied with a smile that she somehow felt looking stupid while being in the middle of an open spot where humans can just simply watch their flick. Arcee didn't liked making herself looking stupid on such a way, and this is one of the such way to end up looking one, making herself look and feel vulnerable.

But seeing Scout's gazing blue eyes, the plastered grin on his face she clearly and with ease found the loving smile that was slowly forming replacing the grin. Maybe Scout is the main or maybe, the only exception that can make her vulnerable. But Arcee didn't think it to be that bad as she feels loving it, so long as she's vulnerable only to him. And she won't deny that she loves the way Scout talks. Perhaps, this she may now admit she had not only fallen in love with this young organic humanoid alien, but the fact that she finally gotten to know him fully well within just a week or so, she even explored this side of Scout before they even interfaced. The cocky atmosphere surrounding his very personality, the egotistical aura he has when he gets a little over himself.

Arcee had explored that side of Scout too, but what she loved most of him, was how he never stops talking to her and not just to her, but to Elita and to Jolt as well when either of them three accompany Scout and to see and think of herself as crazy, it's because of that constant talking about the random topics Scout would often bring, either his love for baseball, or his infamous base called Teufort and some bits more about each of his fellow Red team. He never runs out of things to say, something that the other Autobots found themselves either getting bored sometimes for listening in longer periods or sometimes would fall into sudden recharge with Scout still talking. Occasionally both Skids and Mudflap, as well as Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. It was all too much for a surprise that this once quietly, wary and suspicious humanoid alien actually kept a ton of surprise for them in store when they finally earned his trust.

Well pit, Scout even made their idea backfire on themselves when he began approaching each Autobot he had yet gotten to know of. Such a young alien filled with surprises and Arcee found just more than enough reason to say that she more than liked Scout. But she doesnt like Scout anymore. She loves him.


She finally began, her optics gazing into his eyes although she wasn't sure if it'll be weird, strange or maybe rather even be inappropriate for the human soldiers minding their businesses to see a 9' feet tall cybertronian and an 8'9 humanoid flirthing on each other. But it's 'Mind your business' deal to them humans now, right?

"So, uh... Wanna eat? Drink? Talk somewhere else? Or you know... That?"

Scout shortly interrupted but stopped with a coyly wink in the end of his sentence.

"Oh stop it you aft."

Arcee began to feel her face plate flushed with energon. Although Scout kinda looks stupid with that coyly wink of his, but she would admit, seeing Scout show her his fair share of making himself look stupid, Arcee felt wanting to giggle for it at least and making her smile softly instead before slightly jerking her head inside the main large building leading back to the main headquarters.

"Wanna join me inside my sweetspark?"

She finally asked softly followed by a loving smile.

"Of course, 'Cee."

"Oh Scout, now you go with nicknames?"

"Well like I said, I like things going fast."

There was a moment of silence between them, but Arcee didn't felt awkward, and so as Scout as she easily read his face.

"Oh come on. Let's just go inside and try not to get the soldiers to thinking that we're a thing."

"Yet, we are a thing my sweetspark."

"Heh, and don't think you can fool me with that spark word. I learned things about them from Ratchet and even from Optimus, too."

Scout said with a grin followed by a wink as his hand quickly found it's way to her servo, gently holding it as he finally led her inside.

It wasn't a good move, though. Soldiers inside the main hangar building as they entered quickly noticed them hand in servo, but neither human and soul ever said a word and only just stared for a short moment before going back to their busineses. Smiles were slightly formed on lips, but remained hidden along with chuckles and even giggles from male and female humans quietly chorused inside the main hangar, for the sake of these two extraterrestrials' joy on maintaining a bit of privacy for their 'little' relationship. Well, that escalated quickly.

"You want energon?"

Hearing Scout asked softly, Arcee turned her helm to him, she clearly had a slightly embarrassed look as energon kept flushed on her face plate but on behalf of it, she smiled softly and slightly shook her head.

"Not really, but perhaps watching a pre battle of your previous missions before the mercenary and robot war would be nice?"

She asked softly with a smile, Scout on the other smiled back with a small nod.

"Preferred watching those than modern movies on this earth I see? Sure thing. Sweetheart."

Her face plate flushed even more on energon and not to mention, she was wheeling beside Scout while only a few inches away from him in public.

Arcee felt transforming in her altmode but feeling Scout's fingers suddenly clinging onto her digits as they made way to the rec room, her helm once again turned to Scout with her optics staring into his eyes but this time, rather lovingly.

"It's okay, 'Cee. I'm nervous too. But I'm with you. So that means I got nothing to be nervous about being seen like this."

Hearing this hushed, gentle confess from Scout, Arcee gently smiled, and there finally she found her own digits clinging back onto Scout's fingers.

"And I'm with you, Scout my sweetspark. So I guess there's no reason to be nervous?"

"Not one bit, 'Cee."

That was a perfect response, despite coming from a cocky mixed aggressive one like Scout himself, Arcee finally managed to remain herself calm with Scout.


Arcee asked softly, just after noticing Scout smiling softly at her.

"Oh nothing. I just wanna say that Iove you."

There came the response from Scout. Kinda cheesy, but there was no shame to be shy of it anyway, and they are in love after all.

As they entered the rec room, it was perfect to find nobody occupying it. It was all for the two of them to occupy.

Approaching the couch, Arcee took a seat while Scout on the other was scrolling through a ton of video footages on the laptop but on a able. Seeing the connectors still plugged in within the laptop and the large tv, it would seemed that the other Autobots had chosen to watch the footages containing pre battles of Scout's missions with the Red team.

"All set, video number 1054. Defend the control point on Cold Front. And if my brain remember that right, that's where I first used my Baby Face Blaster primary after having Engie to forge my stock Scattergun for useful gun parts."

Scout stated at he walked up to her and hopped on the cybertronian sized couch to sit next to her.

Arcee smiled and slowly began shifting a bit closer to him.

"Sounds like your Engineer has some poor time to take a break and relax."

She commented with a soft chuckle.

Scout on the other gave a short laugh before nodding.

"Yeah actually, he's kept himself locked on his workshop to work repairing on his machines that we use in battle, help modify our weapons and stuff and even does all sorts of machine inventing."

Scout explained with a grin before the two of them finally managed to turned their attention on the the TV seeing all the chaotic battle between the Red team and opposing mercenary teams from a rival company.

It was a bit difficult to watch and focus on the long length footage, it wasn't about the gore and violence that Arcee and the Autobots finally got used to seeing via video footages, it was from the fact that she and and Scout had been slowly shifting even closer on their seats. There she felt Scout's hand on her servo once again, fingers lovingly clinging on her digits.

While still watching the scenes in a moment of silence aside for the noise and sound of battle cries coming from the footage, Arcee notice that she was now sharing the same loving smile with Scout who also had his attention watching the scenes and at the moment admiring seeing himself hitting opposing mercenaries with a metal baseball bat while being backed up by his team's Soldier and Pyro.

"Good ol moments on that day. Man, it flew so fast that mission was 4 years ago before the robots started our war."

Hearing this from Scout who gently said it softly, Arcee smiled softly before resting her helm gently onto Scout's shoulder.

"Good memories are such wonderful to remember by."

She replied softly while still smiling and there just shortly afterwards, she felt Scout's head gently resting on her helm. Feeling his hair and soft skin in contact to her solid metallic helm, Arcee's smile gently grew.

"But I tend to think more of my present than my past and future."

Scout replied softly followed by his soft chuckle, in which Arcee giggled at that.

"The past had both my good and bad memories as one package to remember, and comparing it to my future, it's just unpredictable but I know it for sure what it will have as my future good and bad memories. That's why I prefer looking only at my present."

Scout added softly with another chuckle, and feeling the side of his soft organic frame finally rested against her solid metallic frame, Arcee gently rested hers on to him.


Scout suddenly whispered.

"Yes, Scout?"

Arcee replied, there was a pause from Scout after but then she heard him inhale a bit before finally getting a response.

"I trust you because I love you..."

He gently whispered softly.

Arcee smiled gently.

"I trust you as well because I love you too."

A pause. Then came a short and hushed sigh from Scout.

"If I ever not told you why I really hate robots... Now is the best time to tell you."

Arcee froze. She didn't want to hear about the robots. It wasn't only because those machines gave Scout a traumatic issue from what he had experienced fighting them, it was also from how she felt affected remembering his early interactions with her and the other bots. The sole bitter hate. It made her upset seeing Scout that way, but now as his lover, it hurts her on behalf to think of her lover that way. Suffering through the horrors of what he had seen on a chaotic war over a priceless metal.


"Yes, Scout?"

She waited, her digits cling even firmly on his fingers, not letting go as she prepared herself to listen on what her beloved scout has to say.

"The robots... Killed my family."

First part with a pause from Scout. Arcee felt his fingers clutching on her digits now. His slim frame slowly starting to shake.

"They killed all of my brothers... Even worse... They kidnapped Ma... Tortured and killed her because of me..."

The other part, Scout was now sighing, Arcee held onto his hand still, never letting go but allowing herself to gently squeeze his hand.

"They wanted information... About me. My Ma didn't knew I was a mercenary... But either way kept shut and didn't said a word but screams of pain from the torture... Until she finally gave away. Her life... For me... Her youngest son, to be safe... Her screams died on her lips..."

A long and deep sigh then came from Scout.

"Scout, it hurts me to see you like this... Please... Don't continue, I... Don't want to hear any more..."

Arcee quietly begged in whisper and recieved anothe sigh from Scout.

"I'm sorry, 'Cee... I didn't mean to... I just... I just, wanted to tell you. Because I trust you and love you. I wanted to be honest, and I don't want to keep a secret from you..."

Scout what whispered back almost sounding guilty for what he just told her.

"It's not necessary my sweetspark... And I don't want you to think back to those painful memories..."

Arcee couldn't find any more words to say. It was going back to the point where Scout was during therapy sessions with Ratchet. But thankfully, just thankfully, he didn't continued. It was too much for her to feel the pain of her beloved to share his painful memory left on his reality just so he could even share it to her.

Arcee didn't spoke, and she didn't wanted to, not when she wasn't sure if Scout was finished. But she didn't get any more words from him. She vented in relief, but just then felt Scout's lips gently caressing the cables on her neck.

Arcee moaned quietly but it continued on as Scout proceeded. Perhaps a release is what he needs?

"Scout I love you-"

"And I love you too, Arcee... But it's not the sex that I want... All I want is you... To be here... With me..."

She was interrupted quietly by Scout in whisper. She smiled gently.

"I will always be with you my sweetspark... Always when you need me..."

"What if... I need you more than ever?

They both stopped. More than ever? If Scout only know how it'll make her overjoyed, but again. She wasn't selfish. And she will not want to convince him to stay just for her own desired happiness to be permanently. She knew. Arcee knew, that aside from Scout's mother and siblings, there's still a family waiting for him. They're probably on a struggle now that he's not on their side.

"No. Just don't think of them."

She heard Scout's hushed voice with a small groan.

"Oh Scout..."

"I love you, Arcee. And you know that I meant what I said... But please, sweetheart... Don't think of them. They're not here... They won't and wouldn't be able to do anything..."

Scout paused to let out a small and hushed sigh.

"Even if they were even here with me... They're not the ones you can count on as the comfort material... Not ever since the robot war..."

Arcee felt broken from the words. She knew she didn't had to be affected but the one who said it, the one who she loves do and still care and love for those people despite saying all of it to her. Those people apart from her beloved Scout away from a reality.

"Oh Scout... I understand you, but I don't mean or intend to... Replace them..."

She replied in a hush only to recieved a tired sigh from Scout.

"Oh sweetheart... You're worried about replacing them?"

"Because they're foremost and will always be foremost in your hearth, my sweetspark... I don't want to cause ruining your family as they're what you only have left back there..."

Arcee felt soft planted kisses on her neck, then came following were love bites from Scout's soft lips tenderly biting her neck cables gently.

Arcee moaned quietly but tried to keep her focus on their topic.


"I love you Arcee. Not for the sex. Not for the comfort, but as in I love you..."

She was interrupted off yet again. But truly in all honesty, she feels the very same way.

"I will admit as first, needing a release from frustration, but that just didnt seemed to make sense to me. But what did was realizing I've been in love with you the whole time from attraction, to affection. That's why I did it with you..."

"Oh Scout..."

"Arcee... You're the reason why I'm standing strong... You, the Autobots and even Nest helped me get back up again... You placed yourselves in the position to where the Red team could no longer be anymore this time..."

Arcee felt wanting to speak, but she couldn't and as speechless as she is now, she heard Scout continue on a gentle whisper.

"You placed yourself on the position to show me what it's like, what's it like, and how it feels to be in love and to be loved... The one position I wasted years in stupid efforts just to try and win Miss Pauling's love. But there it was you. You, actually won my love more than I was supposedly expecting to win it..."

She felt the caresses of his lips again and again as he continued.

"That's why I told you... Why I really hate robots... Why will personally never like them... Ever. But you Autobots proved me wrong, and I'm happy to know and see that not all things mechanical are bad. Because you guys proved it to me that you were the family that I had been longing for during the whole duration of the Mann and Machine war... That one big, dysfunctional, but happy family that the Red team could no longer be for me ever since we started fighting robots..."

From that moment, Arcee heard Scout quietly sobbing and that's when Arcee finally wrapped her arm around Scout, gently squeezing him closer onto her.

"We never had that much time to ask one another how we were holding up after seeing mercenary after mercenary die fighting with us... Because we were all too focused trying to defend those facilities. To secure. To contain. To protect... All because of our contract as mercenaries..."

She looked down, right into his eyes. Arcee met those blue pupils flooded in tears streaming down his cheeks.

"But you, Arcee... You and the Autobots, even when you're already on a war to keep earth, this earth safe, you still take the time to check up on me. Take time to spend with me. Take time to be here for me... Take time to love me..."

Arcee leaned into his face slowly, her optics never breaking contact from his eyes.

"I want you to be happy Scout. We all do."

She finally managed to say shakily.

"I am happy. With you guys as my family, in here. I am happy... With you. Being with you, being in love. With you."

That's when Arcee felt Scout's free hand reached onto her cheek plate as their faces were only an inch away.

"So please... Don't even bring up the Red team on any of this because this is the present. They're the past. And I don't want to know what the future will be. I just wanna hold onto the present, right where I am."

"Scout what about ge-"

"Arcee... All I want, is to keep looking onto the present. You are the present. And I don't care about any future. But Red team is the past."

She could only nod, she wanted to remind him, but she knew that Scout knows what she was trying to say that he interrupted her from being able to finish. They both know what future this what they have already have stored itself for when the right time comes. That bittersweet future with Arcee being the sweetest present, leaving the Red team as the bitter past.

"Let's not think about all that. Okay, sweetheart? What matters is, that we're happy. Together. No past, no future, just us. In the present."

Arcee forced herself a nod before finally deciding to remain in silence with Scout. None of them ever a word afterwards but kept holding onto each other right after Scout wrapped his arm around her.

Being with him, was as Arcee could ever think of now. And hearing Scout telling her not to think of the Red team, she didn't wanted to be happy or feel relieved because she wasn't selfish. Rather, she felt almost afraid to know what would happen next when Que finally finishes working on-No. Arcee stopped on her thoughts clouded her processor. She didn't wanted to think of it, and all she want was to be with Scout. Just the two of them began in the present.

"Arcee... If you're still worrying about the Red team... Don't."

She heard a hushed whispered before feeling Scout's head resting onto her shoulder plate.

"You have a choice, my spark..."

She quietly replied, her helm resting onto his head gently.

"I'm terrible at choices. I'll refuse not to make one..."

He heard the whole thing. Every word that the two had on their private conversation. He didn't mean to listen on their business, he just happened to pass by on the way to his office until his audio receptors heard the slightly loud conversation before it went hushed. And Optimus still heard and listened to every word of it as he only leaned on his side against the wall next to the entrance of the rec room, his arms folded on his chassis for a moment as he thought about every word on the private conversation in between Scout and Arcee.

It was rather surprising for himself to even hear the two said I love you to each other. Guess, that should answer why the humans at the main hangar seemed to be having hidden smiles while on their duties as he passed by earlier.

However, it pained Optimus hearing about Scout's own parental unit, his mother and brothers being killed by robots just to get information about him, and Scout blames himself because of it. But what Optimus couldn't get over thinking of, was Scout's last moments with the Red team. The way Scout mentioned Arcee and the Autobots proving to him how they were the family he's longing for, during that horrific war he's been through. That family that the Red team could no longer be for him, due to all the fighting that needed to be focused on, because it's all part of their contracts as mercenaries. Optimus felt like he needed to do something, at least. Something to help Scout keep his mind off those painful memories that he now set aside as past to himself. Much like, a distraction to give him more company.

Perhaps, letting Elita know and the others would be wise. The sooner the better they can better give the even more care from a family that Scout had been longing. That one loving, family care that the Red team could no longer give Scout, but respecting the places of each member on Scout's team, Optimus doesn't intended to have them replaced by himself and his Autobots. Just like how Arcee didn't wanted or intended to replace them herself. Optimus knew it, that the Red team were and will always be foremost in Scout after all, but the least thing they can do for him while still being with them is to be that family he's longed for, on this reality of earth.

Deciding to finally give the two the privacy they needed alone together, Optimus stumbled upon the armory and came walking out was Ironhide who quickly noticed and greeted with a nod.

"Ironhide, have you seen Elita?

Optimus began in question.

"She headed to the mess hall earlier with Chromia when we went separate ways. Why?"

Optimus had his optics staring in the floor for a moment after the response, but looking back onto Ironhide, he replied almost feeling hesitant if he was doing the right thing.

"I need you to come along."

"Is everything alright, Prime


Optimus vented shortly, but there finally he managed to give a response afterwards.

"It's about Scout. I feel terrible for the young one and Arcee. The two of them are on such a relation within each other and yet Arcee seemed worried thinking about her place in between the Red team, and Scout who made a confession to her in private about his sole hated from the robots he had been fighting..."

Seeing Ironhide staring up at him, he waited for the black mech to reply.

"So you just discovered that they're in a little temporary relationship?"

"I did not mean to invade their privacy by listening to the very conversation they've had alone together. But I have nothing against to what they have for each other, if they care for each other that way then do not have anything against it."

Seeing Ironhide fold his arms on his chassis, he gruffly questioned.

"Then what about the Red team? And what about Scout's hatred toward robots?"

Optimus couldn't reply. Scout, became part of their family for the whole period of time he's been here with them, and just like the Autobots, he had grown close to the young one and hearing his weakened hushed whispers about his own parental unit being abducted and tortured for information about Scout himself, Optimus finally fully understood the very first reaction Scout had when Will introduced him to Scout. The early days Scout had on Diego Garcia being bitter towards Autobots, it all made sense now. But hearing Scout himself about how he know see the Autobots, it just brought Optimus to thinking that now, the young Scout was in realization himself. Realization on how wrong he firstly viewed Autobots lime how he did on the robots he fought.

"Prime... You're not the only that cares."

Ironhide suddenly interrupted him from his thoughts, and seeing the weapon specialist with a frown while staring at him, Optimus vented shortly before giving a reply.

"Scout's siblings were killed. What made it worse, was that his parental unit carrier was tortured and killed. By robots. All to get information. What was even worse was that his carrier wasn't aware that Scout was a mercenary..."

Optimus slowly explained but as he couldn't continue anymore, he finally stopped before lowering his helm with a solemn look on his face plate.

With that said, Ironhide didn't said anything, but rather vented a long moment.

"Those fragging scrap heap of metals..."

"Ironhide... Let's move past that, old friend. What we need to focus on in the meantime, is Scout."

"And what do you think we should do?"

A pause. Optimus then vented before giving a short response.

"We should let Elita and the others know. Then I will come up with a plan."

They watched for a bit more of the footage that Scout played on, but neither he and Arcee ever said word since then. His arm gently wrapped around her side with hers on his, with their bodies pressed onto each other. He didn't wanted to ruin the moment now, and he only wanted it to last even this way just to cherish the Autobot he ever love.

Having watched enough on the tv, Scout slowly closed his eyes. But not long, he felt gentle kisses on Arcee's metallic lips on his head. He smiled gently as he only kept his eyes closed.

He didn't wanted to ruin this moment, he just wanted it to last, and feeling Arcee's soft kisses, despite feeling the solid lips he actually felt loving it compared to the ones of Arcee's human form, but in all honesty? Scout really preferred those solid metal lips. Strange, from how he strangely hated robots, only to fall for one of their kind. But Arcee wasn't just a robot. No, not that typical programmed ones designed to do what they're told. She's a sentient mechanical being from a long gone planet of sentient metal. That's said enough to make a diffrence between her and the robots built on the confines of Gray Gravel laboratories.

"Is something bothering you?"

He suddenly heard Arcee's hushed question.

Scout only smiled gently.

"Not really... I just just wanna to enjoy this moment with you alone."

He gently replied with a smile, his eyes slowly opened, head turning to hers to meet a gentle loving smile on Arcee.

"We can always be like this."

She replied softly.

"I know. But this one doesn't need to end soon..."

Scout said softly.

They both shared a loving smile afterwards before slowly leaning their faces onto each other for a kiss.

"Hey there, sorry to bother but uh, you guys got a moment? I mean Scout?"

They both emmidiately pulled away, faces flushed by the time they saw Sunstreaker standing on the doorway while staring at them quite unexpectedly.

"Oh... Well..."

The gold plated bot sheepishly began, his servo reaching on the back of his helm.

Seeing Sidewipe peeking into view by his twin's shoulder, the silver bot emmidiately pulled his brother aside. Unexpectedly, Dino and the smaller twins decided to step inside the rec room.

"Dammit, Sunny! Why'd you always have to do it on such a wrong timing!?"

"I wasn't expecting it was only the two of them man!"

"Smooth move dumbaft you just made them look embarrassed!"

"Hey I didn't mean to-!"

"Will the two of you idiota quit bickering and just move on?"

Dino interrupted with a glare, Scout and Arcee only kept quiet, but for Scout, he held her servo and gently squeezed it.

And while hearing Dino arguing shortly with the older twins, Scout was a little startled to see Skids and Mudflap looking at him and Arcee, he clearly noticed the twins' optics staring at his hand holding Arcee's, but neither of the smaller twins said a word, surprisingly.

Mudflap then suddenly started cackling until his twin spoke.

"Ya two wanna hang out?"

Asked Skids, Scout shortly exchanged glances with Arcee and shortly cleard his throat to reply.

"With... You two?"

"Yeah man! Wanna tag along now?"

Feeling Arcee's fingers gently clutching onto his, Scout then slightly nodded.

"Sure... I guess."

At this point Scout hopped off the large couch with Arcee following suit. But looking at the three older bots, Scout didn't had the time to comment when Mudflap suddenly interrupted.

"C'mon man let's hang!"

The short black and orange bot began ushering him and Arcee out of the rec room with Skids rushing along with them leaving the three older bots on their own.

"You have fun, gli amanti."

Dino suddenly said towards them, his blue piercing optics clearly see onto Scout and Arcee next to him. Arcee shot him a look of surprise for a split second but then lowered her helm down looking a bit embarrassed.

What did it meant?

Being ushered out of the rec room and further down a hallway, the smaller twins stopped on their tracks before turning their attention onto him.

"So where ya wanna go?"

Asked Skids with a grin, Mudflap next to him was quietly cackling.


Scout began, his eyes turning to Arcee who gently smiled.

"Where do you wanna go, 'Cee?"

He finally continued, unexpectedly Scout heard both the smaller twins now cackling at the same time. He figured out why when he remembered he was still holding Arcee's servo, but he didn't minded anymore as he kept holding it, making Arcee's face plate flush in energon.

"Anywhere with you."

Arcee replied softly, but shortly shot the smaller twins a short glare before smiling back at him.


Scout replied, his head turning to the twins before gesturing a hand on the far end of the hallway.

"Lead the way, anywhere you guys wanna."

"Oh frag yeah!"

The pair of smaller twins exclaimed in unison with large grins on their face plates before starting to lead them out of the hallway.

Following along behind the twins, Scout smiled gently before turning his head to Arcee before whispering.

"So uh... Do you know what Dino said last to us?"

He slowly asked curiously. Making Arcee smile sheepishly before giving a hushed reply.

"He meant 'Lovers' in Italian..."

"Oh crap... I'm guessing Ratchet and Ironhide told the others..."

Scout gulped, but then felt Arcee's digits clinging onto his fingers with a gentle smile.

"I have my fair share, my sweetspark. I've confessed to Chromia earlier and firstly to Elita just recently."

She whispered softly.

Smiling, Scout gave an acknowledging nod before deicing to follow along the smaller twins with Arcee.

After being led out back to the main hangar, Scout felt his cheeks burn bright red but the time he noticed humans quietly chuckling and and smiling halfheartedly at him with Arcee. He can tell that Arcee was feeling the same as she only remained quiet, her digits starting to clutch on his fingers.

He felt embarrassed but at the same time, he felt relived that they weren't getting negative looks, he gently smiled before shortly turning his head to Arcee who wore the same smile as she turned her helm. I back to him.

"Still nervous?"

He asked and recieving a soft giggle, Arcee replied.

"Not anymore, my sweetspark. Because I am with you."

Their conversation was then interrupted by the cackling twins who stopped on their tracks in from of them.

"Oh shush you two."

Arcee wards with a glare.

"A'right now girl..."

Mudflap replied with a smirk, with Skids next to him trying to hold back his cackle.

Scout only rolled his eyes.

"You kids need to show a little freakin' respect to those older than you."

He emmidiately spat, making the smaller twins stop to look at him in surprise. Although Mudflap was about to protest, his twin emmidiately smacked him in the back of his helm.

"Ow man what the frag was that about!?"

"Quit it foo!"

"Nah you!"

Arcee emmidiately got in between and shoved aside both smaller bots.

"Enough, twins."

She warned in firm tone but then continued.

"Why did you two even want to hang out with us by the way? And I mean seriously."

She added, her arms folded on her chassis.

Scout mentally chucked at the sight of his lover, but turning his head onto the smaller twins he waited for their reply.

"Well ya see, we were-"

It was Skids who replied but stopped, his helm looking down for a moment as if thinking of something to say, his twin then interrupted and continued for him.

"We's wanna spend time, is all. That wrong?"

He replied, almost making a ridiculous smile that was obviously tired to be given as a genuine one but ended up with a goofy smile.

Scout smiled softly, his arms folding on his chest before deciding to speak.

"If that's so, then why on such a freakin' time Arcee and I needed some lone time?"

He asked softly, but swore to this Primus he noticed Arcee's face plate flushed at what he said.

"Ah we just wanna hang. Y'know? Spend time? Chill? Cool stuff man!"

Mudflap emmidiately replied. He wasn't good making up excuses, and Scout already started thinking a conclusion on these twins' sudden approach just to spend some time with him and Arcee.

"Well, perhaps but we could've just stayed back on the rec room."

Arcee then replied, this time rather softly.

"Nah, we wanna hang out with ya two out here, c'mon!"

Skids simply replied before his servos and Mudflap's taking each of Scout's hands and towed him with Arcee onto an open spot next outside the office building.

Looking around, it wasn't much occupied by soldiers, rather just a large open spot to even run laps, hell, Scout even shot the smaller twins a short glare for dragging him halfway onto the area but then folding his arms afterwards he began.

"Okay what now?"

He asked with a small huff.

"We thought we wanna play baseball with ya, is why we brought ya here!"

Surprisingly, both the smaller twins replied.

Scout raised a brow, turning to Arcee before gesturing a hand at the pair of smaller bots, Arcee giggled softly before giving a small nod.

"Why not, Scout?"

She said softly with a smile.

Scout just simply smoking back then gave a small nod at the twins.

"A'right let's have a game or two. But not on your robot forms. Use your human forms."

Scout stared a little firmly on the lap part with his arms folded on his chest while earning groans from the smaller twins.

"I didn't expected what reason Scout had to hate anything robotic that much would too, disturbing..."

Chromia suddenly said in thoughtfully.

Wheeling beside her was Elita who shortly grimaced from the thought.

After running told by Optimus of what he overheard from Scout and Arcee's conversation, they came to agreement of approaching Scout once more, but this time not to console him from the painful memory, but to rather be there for him, as the family he had been longing for.

Elita couldn't believe what Optimus told them of Scout longing for a family that his Red team could offer anymore, but since it's only them the Autobots that's here to offer, she emmidiately agreed right away and with Chromia accompanying her trying to find Scout with Arcee. And yes, Elita expected to find him with the younger fembot. A rather unexpected surprise to the Autobots when Optimus announced the two were on a relationship, but not to fully spread the word to respect their privacy they only kept the news to themselves.

"I've been wondering from the start, what's been making Scout so angered about robots, curious to know even only now to actually hear why, makes me feel like I shouldn't have wanted to know."

Hearing Chromia speak again a bit hesitantly, Elita vented shortly before responding.

"At least now, we fully know why. But there isn't anything good to it if we'd just know more. Hearing it was enough for me, and I feel worse for the young one..."

She spoke a bit quietly.

"Maybe we should just forget about what he heard. We should just focus on Scout."

She then added, a weak smile forming on her face plate.

"I'll second that."

Chromia replied before the two of them found the organic alien on an open spot just outside the main building. It was no surprise to see Arcee watching Scout playing baseball with Skids and Mudflap on their holoforms, and to her face as Elita and Chromia noticed while approaching unnoticed was her smile so tenderly loving as her optics only focused onto the tall humanoid easily sprinting pass all 3 bases.

"Quite a view, hm?"

Seeing Arcee's helm emmidiately turning to them, face plate flushed from hearing what Chromia suddenly said.

Seeing Chromia now smirking, Elita only chuckled before turning to Arcee who lowered her helm as they approached in.

"Don't feel bad, Arcee. It's fine actually."

Elita said softly with a gentle smile.

Seeing Arcee gently smiling with a small nod, Elita and Chromia next to her turned their attention to see Scout running past slav of rocks serving as the bases. Noticing Arcee's smiles as she watched Scout, Elita could barely hold back her giggling with Chromia snickering on the other.

::Quite a love don't you think?::

Recieving Chromia's comment through private comlink, Elita smiled before you responding with a nod before setting her optics onto Scout who was far too distracted by baseball to even notice her and Chromia there watching him.

"Ah slag man this unfair!"

Hearing Mudflap's complaining in his ten year old human boy holoform, the smaller bot and his identical twin began to complain and protest on losing, Scout seemingly just looking at them with a calm expression on his face, but wore a small grin.

"Aw don't feel bad chucklenuts. You'll improve overtime."

Scout said softly with his grin becoming a gleeful smile as he gently patted each of the twins in their hair dyed with their respective color schemes.

"One more!"

"Yeah! Las' round man!"

Watching the twins and Scout on their conversation, that's when Elita along with Chromia and Arcee finally approached.

"Sorry kids, but I gotta have enough baseball for today. But tomorrow same time same place here, promise."

Scout genuinely replied with a smile.

"Alright you two, you heard what Scout said. Tomorrow, same time same place here."

Arcee spoke softly with a smile, Elita and Chromia shared a smile from hearing it.

Seeing the twins groaning shortly they both nodded surprisingly but it before finally leaving hugged Scout, or rather only managed to hug his legs.

"Hey I'm hugging his left! Nice outta there!"

"Frag off Mudflap! I was here first!"

"No you frag off!"

Seeing Scout's face wearing an unexpected look on it, he finally turned his head onto Elita the same to Chromia and lastly to Arcee, to where he gave a loving smile.

"Looks like they like you."

Arcee gently said with a soft giggle, Scout only smiled back gently before turning to Elita after the twins finally let go of him before departing while maintaining their little argument.

"Hey, Elita, Chromia."

Elita smiled, Chromia on the other hand folded her arms with a smirk.

"If you keep doing that phase, no doubt you'll do a great influence to those twins, unlike Sideswipe and Sunstreaker could do. I'd say keep it up."

Chromia said a bit plainly, but smiled genuinely.

"Uh heh... Is it because they just hugged me?"

Scout asked with a small cackle.

"Well to be fair honest, you are the first we saw those smaller twins hugged. And we've never seen them playing such an actual activity here outside like baseball."

Elita responded to him with a chuckle..

"Well, if you put it that way, I'll see if I can teach them the good stuff."

Scout replied with a grin but was emmidiately responded to by Arcee.

"Just not the pranks please. The older twins had already influenced Jazz before and just recently Bumblebee. Four mechs should he enough to deapl with from the pranking."

Elita gave the pink fembot a look of surprise by the time Arcee finished with a sweet, loving smile on her face plate. It was almost as if she forgot that Elita herself and Chromia weren't even there talking to Scout as well.

Chromia snickered again before quietly making a comment.

"I see love is in the air this afternoon."

She emmidiately got a surprised look from Scout before blushing softly, Arcee on the other had her share of her face plate flushed but not before shooting the blue fembot a glare.

"Well, before we even ruin this moment, may Chromia and I have you accompanied, young one?"

Elita suddenly interrupted with a soft smile. Scout only gave a nod after folding his arms before walking over to Arcee and standing only three inches away from her. It didn't surprised Elita and Chromia who tried holding back her snickering.

"I'll rephrase that. Can Chromia and I have you and Arcee accompanied, young one?"

"Elita, you don't need to ask. I enjoy your company, and Chromia's too, so sure, sure you can tag along anytime ya want."

Scout said with a smile, but before either Elita and Chromia could even reply, their optics emmidiately gained sight of Arcee's servo holding onto Scout's hand, her digits tenderly clinging onto his fingers lovingly.

"Oh primus..."

Elita quietly said. Chromia next to her was speechless. Maybe, they were still not expecting this much.


Arcee questioned, her optic ridge raised as her optics straightly looking onto theirs.

"Nothing. Nothing at all, Arcee."

Elita replied softly with a smile.

"If you guys are already suspecting, well there's no freakin' point to be embarrassed for me and Arcee. But please let's keep this little thing we have a but more in secret..."

Scout then replied to her with a smile.

Elita and Chromia couldn't manage a reply, but giving smiles instead they allowed Scout to continue, in which he did.

"Anyway, Arcee and I are gonna head over to the mess hall to get some energon, ah you know it drink and food, and we'd like it if you two could join us like you offered. "

He said with a small grin that later on turned into a soft smile.

Smiling back, Elita and Chromia gave a pair of nods.

"Of course, young one."

He was about to mentally ask himself if he was doing the right thing allowing the older sisters of his lover to done along, because of the privacy and bit of space that would lessened between him and Arcee. But seeing the pink fembot smiling at him, and oh fuck he almost forgot that they were still going hands.

Instesd, Scout decided to pay no attention from the still slightly embarrassed feeling he had been seen with Arcee like this by others like Elita and Chromia, although they weren't that kind of 'Others' like the rest of the humans but finally deciding to get the three fembots moving along with him, I Scout decided to start a conversation as they made way inside the main building.

"So, the kid twins while playing baseball earlier told me that we're getting visitors."

He began to finally change the topic from where they left off.

"Just the usual, young one."

Elita replied softly, however this friend curiosity for Scout as he raised a brow before turning his head to Arcee who giggled softly before feeling her thin metal fingers gently cling onto his.

"We can introduce you to later on, but for now, we should get some lunch."

The pink fembot replied with a gentle smile.

"Heh. Lunch. This sunset?"

Scout cornered a bit teasingly, and there he noticed Arcee's face plate flushed shorty before giving a soft giggle in response.

"So how was meeting Sam? Has he told you about his relation with the Autobots?"

Hearing Elita ask suddenly, Scout only gave a small shrug before giving a simple reply.

"Oh yeah. He's quite a hero huh? Saved this freakin' planet twice. Fuck, he doesn't need to brag."

Scout stared plainly, although he gained surprised looks from Elita and Chromia.

"I meant well with that what I said. I just, form like the way he brags about how he saved the world twice."

He added dryly before warning a soft smile from Elita, Chromia however only smirked before giving a comment.

"I see that I am not the only one that finds that on Sam. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one."

Scout shortly gave a laugh.

"Well, yeah. But hey, he seems a good kid. Just, not the type I'd hangout with, though..."

He shortly replied. But at this point Arcee gently spoke after a short giggle from what he said.

"You know, we can always adjust."

Shortly in silence as they finally entered the main building, Scout smiled before responding to his lover.

"I've already adjusted, 'Cee. Thanks to you."

Scout then heard Chromia snickering again with Elita giving softly, making his blush at the same time with Arcee.

"Ah-No I meant thanks to you guys I mean. Yeah..."

"We know, Scout."

Chromia who gave a reply finally giggled aling with Elita.

"Then perhaps need I tell you now to not have an idea of teasing and Scout..."

Arcee suddenly interrupted almost hushed by the time she said it.

"Oh not at all, 'Cee."

Chromia replied with a sly grin.

Arcee frowned shortly before responding.

"Just for the record, I want only Scout to call me that."

Scout chuckled before gently squeezing her servo.

"Hey it's fine no need to get mad okay?"

He spoke softly with a gentle smile, and that seemed to have made Arcee smile back before slowly nodding.

"Don't worry you two. Chromia and I won't use the nickname."

Turning to Elita who gently spoke with a giggle, Scout smiled before his eyes emmidiately going wide.

"Ah crap I forgot my dog tags!"

Stopping on his tracks, Scout quickly turned to Arcee.

"You three go on ahead to the mess hall, I'll catch up to you okay?"

"You sure, Scout?"

"Sure. But I'll be quick, 'Cee."

Seeing Arcee smiling gently, Scout gently pulled his hand off of her servo before speed walking to a hallway to the quarters area.

As he quickly walked on his way to his quarters, Scout stumbled upon seeing Optimus standing in front of a platform just outside the small offices. Figured he'd stop by and greet the Autobot leader, Scout suddenly noticed a human on a black suit standing firmly on the platform, arms folded firmly. Although he couldn't make the full appearance, Scout decided to approach in while making sure his entry was formal as he guessed the human was a high ranking military officer.

"For the last time, Director-"

"Did I have you permission to speak Major?"

"N-No, sir..."

It was a loud seemingly argument that he heard by the time Scout approached, and there he saw Will who was talking to the human, next to him was Epps and there stood out of the platform was Optimus, wearing a frown on his face plate.

"Look at this! Just look at this! Do you see now what they're even here for? For them!"

The man snapped, his arm stretched with an accusing finger pointed out on Optimus.

"Those aliens you called Decepticons are after them! The Autobots! Why would you even think there's still another reason for them to just keep coming to our planet huh, Major? Because they're on a war! And they've brought their war here! These giant metallic things are the reason why we're dealing with all this happening on our planet!"

"I'll have you know, Director. That those things you called are put bothers and sisters in arms, and weve shed blood and metal."

"Shut up! You're paid to shoot not to talk!"

Seeing the man furiously yell at both Will and Epps, Scout raised a brow before slowly taking approaches and finally stopping just right next to the long stairway connected to the platforms to watch what was going on further.

"With all due respect, Director, what is it you're really requesting?"

"Oh we all know what he wants, Optimus. He's demanding technology, every time he vusits-"

"Epps that's enough-"

"Major Lennox! I suggest you keep your soldier shut or else-"

"Director Theodore Galloway. I will repeat again, what is it that you're really requesting?"

A short silence when Optimus finally interrupted the three humans.

The man named Galloway turned to Optimus with a firm stare right into his optics.

"You want to know?"

The man asked and not even waiting for a response from Eh Autobot leader, he took a few steps forward and in fact to face with Optimus, he wore a threatning look on his face.

"I want you and your people to leave our planet."

He said bitterly, although Optimus remained calmly on his spot before venting.

"If you, and your leaders would wish for myself and my Autobots to leave, then will will honor it."

He paused shortly before slowly leaning in toward the man named Galloway.

"But tell your leaders this; what if we leave, and you are wrong?"

At that point, no words were even said, the man was glaring at Optimus who still managed to remain calm.

"I'll report this..."

Galloway quietly said, a glare towards Optimus then onto Will and Epps before finally, and rudely, turning his back and began walking his way down on the stairs off the platform.

"I will report this. All of this. And mostly about the refusal to hand over your technology and for the latest update is the refusal to surrender that organic alien you have harbored. And what did even happened to those gigantic humanoid robots you've encountered on Ontario? I've sent an email demanding for those recovered robots from wherever those come from? Those technology automatically belongs to the US government."

Galloway said loudly for almost everyone to hear. Not one should ever said a word, most stood motionless, watching in silence as the man walked past on sight.

"And let this be a warning to you Major. Of your refusal to surrender that humanoid alien for scientific experimentation, you're really putting your career at stake. But I will have you think of it one last time."

As everyone watched the man about to exit the main building, no one expected that a tall slim humanoid in red and tanned fatigues to swiftly grabbed Galloway by the back of his suit.


Again, no one said a word, neither moved. They don't expected Scout to simply moved in and just simply lift up the liaison.


Galloway yelled, his legs frantically moving around trying to get withe footy to touch the floor only to find himself being lifted up by the 8"9 humanoid alien.

"What did you just say? Surrender me for experimentation?"

Scout simply asked with a raised brow. Although he was obviously glaring at the human, but his face despite the scene that's being caused by Galloway's yelling he only managed a bored expression. But his eyes straightly staring into Galloway's witha deadly glare.


Scout began shaking the man in his hand, making Galloway to scream for help.


Will suddenly yelled out to him as he finally ran up to the tall humanoid with Epps followed behind, Optimus who was speechless decided to intervene and got on his knee.

"There is no need to necessarily do this, young one. You may put down our liaison."

Optimus said softly, a weak smile gently formed on his lips.

Scout didn't smiled back, rather replied dryly.

"I heard what he said about you. And heard what he said about me. And I'm not even gonna stand for that."

Scout turned his head to Galloway, whom he found now shaking as he stared into the man's eyes through the lens of his glasses.

"Scout, it's okay busy we won't surrender you for experimentation. You have the full protection Nest."

Will slowly said, his and Epps' head looking up on just how high Scout lifted Galloway up.

"I'm not worried about that, Major. I'm worried for us aliens here."

Scout reply slowly, his face now turning away from the now shaking Galloway.

"You're demanding technology rightfully owned by the cybertronians for your own personal gain. That's what you want for sure, but so what? People will be scared of you when you have their technology? Guess what chucklenuts, you ain't getting any of them what you want. And if you only plan on keeping us here for your planet's protection until you get what you needed from us, then I'll have you know this and tell your bosses that we'll leave personally without you even asking. And we won't regret not a fucking ounce of it. You know why?"

Scout leaned his face into Galloway's until he was only inches away. There he finally showed his murderous glare.

"Becuase lime you, we were once normal people living our lives. We don't see we have much of a choice to make so we only agree to live here and share your planet in Return Of keeping you safe. These aliens you called and I share that onefucking trait. Were forced to play by your rules, but if you will mistreat us and take away what freedom we have then I might as well kick your ass first before we leave this planet."


Scout ignored Galloway's yells, but hearing nothing from the humans on Nest especially from Will and Optimus, Scout knew he needs to show he wasn't someone to just simply boss around. He needed to remind this man named Galloway that teen if he's alien loke the Autobots, they still have their freedom and rights as sentient beings.

"LET! ME! GO!"

Scout stopped, this time standing at the entrance of the main building.

"As you say, Director Galloway."

Scout simple said before lifting Galloway up a bit more and kicking him out of the main building, his boot literally making a loud thud that for sure was heard by everyone watching the scene by the time he kicked Galloway on his ass and sending him crashing into the ground outside.

Seeing some soldiers outside emmidiately turning ther attention to him, Scout only folded his arms on his chest firmly with his full attention on Galloway.

"You... YOU!"

Galloway yelled as he frantically got back on his feet, only with his other hand holding onto his rear, he had his other pointed accusingly at Scout who only stood at the main entrance, behind him was Optimus, and mostly the Nest soldiers standing behind him, and hell even Will was right next to Scout with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Beat it chucklenuts."


Scout yawned and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, hit the bricks pal you're done."

At that point, Will didn't said anything and only kept his satisfied smirk as the rest of the human soldiers began shouting at the liaison to leave, Galloway started swearing at them but finally, with some soldiers outside on purposely escorting him to the private plane, the man forced to leave.

"Holy shit... Scout..."

Epps started but stopped as he turned to Scout. Hell, even Optimus and the rest of the humans all turned to him.

Scout on the other, turned to Optimus who smiled gently.

"Although it was wrong of what you did, but we thank you for that, young one. You have been the first to stand up and confront Director Theodore Galloway."

Optimus said softly, Will giving a nod in agreement.

"The guy's been a pain on our asses, Scout. But seeing that what you did... That's gonna cost me another meeting to explain what happen."

Will added.

"Am I in trouble for that, sir?"

Scout slowly asked, surprisingly for him, Will only smiled and shook his head.

"No. Don't worry, I got you covered buddy. And, just to make sure he won't be bothering us anymore... We're gonna need a new liason."

He finished with a soft smile.

"You enjoy fathering me don't you?"

Scout asked, his arms folded firmly on his chest.

No human ever said a word as that, but Scout swore he noticed their hidden smiles, hell even Optimus was smiling along. Maybe there was no need to earn the trust of these humans when he already had earned them.


"C'mon Will, you don't have to keep it to yourself man."

"Ah shut up Epps."

"It's okay, Major. I appreciate it. And thank you, for being the dad figure for me during my stay here."

Scout finally decided to finish the topic, it was getting awkward for him but he was grateful that even despite not being human on this earth, he had a human stand-in up like a father figure. Which reminded him of the Engineer.

"Scout... Oh primus..."

And, fuck...

Turning around, Scout saw Arcee staring at him in shock. Behind her were the Autobots, well fuck even Ratchet was there staring at him.

Awkwardly waving his hand, Scout sheepishly began.


"Oh slag I should've filmed what you did to Galloway!"

Ignoring Sunstreaker's comment, Scout slowly walked toward Arcee with her slowly wheeling toward him.

Stopping only three feet away, he looke down shortly before looking back up to her.

"I uh... Had to defend us. Us aliens."

He didn't got a reply, but instead was pulled into a tight hug.

"I know my spark... I saw you... We saw you..."

Arcee gently whispered.

It was only a moment when he realized it. They're having internet the fucking center of the main hangar building.

All eyes and optics. Human and Autobot alone only stared at them, some jaw dropped, others smirking, while he rest only smiling.


Scout whispered.

"I know, my spark... But like you said, not one bit should we be embarrassed when we're together..."

Arcee whispered back.

For over a minute of silence of them hugging, no one said a word. And finally after letting off each other, Scout met the smiles of the Autobots, almost, when he saw Sideswipe and Sunstreaker with smirked and cackling.

"It's okay, buddy."

Startled to see Will, Epps and Optimus walking up to him with and Arcee.

"We've already come to conclusion of this between you and Arcee. And we have nothing against it, ratherly, we support it."

Will gently said with a smile.

"Hell yeah! And don't forget, you'd earned my fullest respect man! From what you just did to Galloway I dunno if I should withe be impressed or thankful but I think I'm gonna say both."

Epps added with a grin and with Optimus smiling down at him and Arcee, the Autobot leader spoke.

"And since Will already said what needs to be said about your relationship, all I will add is that we are happy for you two. But to lastly say Scout, you are part of this family. You always have been."

Scout only smiled, but seeing there was nothing to be embarrassed about, he finally held Arcee's servo lovingly.

"Thank you, for giving me a place to this family."

Optimus smiled softly with a nod in response to Scout.

"And before we all get teary eyed and optics, weight wanna get back to our duties for now to finish before evening."

Will finally declared, bit giving a soft smile toward Scout he gave a fatherly smile and a ente pat on Scout's back before kindly a dressing all the soldiers back on their duties.

"I'm proud of ya man and remember that."

Epps said with a smile and pated Scout on the back before deciding to get back on his duty, leaving Scout with Arcee and the Autobots.

"So... It appears that we have accomplished our task to make Scout feel at home with a family."

Ironhide finally began, but seeing him smiling shortly with a small nod, Scout smiled back.

"It would be so, old friend."

Seeing Optimus reply, Scout turned his head up to the Autobot leader.

"If you guys had planned this, then I'm telling you that I don't know how I could ever thank you all for this, Optimus. This had been the family that I've been longing for. The one family that I once had with the Red team until our war against robots started."

He said softly, and feeling Arcee's servo gently squeezing his hand he turns to her to see her gentle smile before turning back up to Optimus who replied.

"Although we do not intend to replace your teammates, but we do see you as family, Scout. Just as how as they see you, and care for you as family, we Autobots feel the same for you, young one."

Smiling gratefully, Scout gave a nod.

"Come on, my sweetspark. Let's go to cherish this moment as the evening approaches."

Arcee said softly with a loving smile, making Scout blush extremely red but giving a nod to her, he smiled softly and replied afterwards.

"You know I'd love to, 'Cee. But why not bring the whole family along? Dinner to he rec room?"

Seeing Arcee giggling softly, he nodded and there finally the Autobots finally walked up to them with amused and cheerful expressions.

Scout didn't knew how to express all the joy he's finally having, the joy of having a family once again, the one that the Red team failed to give him. But with Arcee as his lover aside from the family he now has? A gazillion giant alien sentient robots? There was nothing he could ever ask for. This was all he ever needed.

As they all mad their way to the mess hall to get energon as well as food and drink, Scout turned to Arcee and smiled as their hand and servo never let go of each other.

Seeing Arcee turning her helm to him, she smiled happily.

"So there's nothing to be embarrassed of anymore. Now that we know that everyone fully supports our relationship. But we can still take things slow and don't need to rush if you want, 'Cee."

Scout said with a soft smile.

"Of course, Scout."

Arcee replied softly with a giggle.

"Is there anything else that you'd like, 'Cee?"

Scout gently asked with a smile and seeing Arcee shaking her helm with a loving smile, she replied.

"There is nothing more that I could ever ask for other than being with you my sweetspark. You're everything I could ever ask for."

Scout chuckled, and as they moved along behind the line of Autobots, he finally gently smiled and replied.

"I can say the same, 'Cee. Becuase mechanical or not, you're perfect for me."

Arcee shortly laughed.

"Perfect huh? That's a new one."

Scout only smiled, his fingers clinging onto her digits, and her felt hers doing the same.

"As long as we're together, 'Cee. We're an unstoppable force of nature."

Scout finished and finally ended their conversation as he stopped with Arcee on their tracks before pulling Arcee close into a long passionate kiss. He didn't cared if she wasn't organic, because it didn't mattered anymore and feeling Arcee's metallic lips, Scout pulled her even closer to him and felt her arms wrapped around the back of his neck.

After a short time of their passionate kissing, they both finally pulled away. Both smiling lovingly at each other.

Holding Arcee's servo once again, Scout smiled at her, his blue eyes now only focusing on Arcee's beautiful ocean blue optics before jerking his head toward the hallway on the way to the mess hall.

"Let's go, 'Cee?"

Arcee smiled loving and nodded.

"Yes, my spark. Come on. Let's not keep the world waiting."

There finally, they fliee ho to the other Autobots, hand in servo. Flesh and metal. Two of a different kind sharing a passionate love for each other.

And just like Arcee, there's was nothing Scout could ever ask for.

And that's the ending right there! For this chapter of course! Although this took me a while to work on, but to finally finish adding up the plot I have for this story, there you have it, mostly on revealing why Scout hated robots. It wasn't just about Blu team after all.

Now, for the most complicated part...

How will this story end? That is where this part gets complicated on the matter of the situation where Scout is. Especially now with his relation with Arcee, and not to mention, the Red team could still be alive, are they? But how will it all come to an end?


Idiota - idiot

Gli amanti - lovers
