Okay so technically, this wasn't supposed to exist. This damn rewrite I mean, but seeing that the Transformers styled TF2 fanfic I wrote 'Teamformers' wasn't going anywhere I decided to delete it and do a rewrite. This was the unfortunate result. However, this is focusing on Scout so just bear with me okay? If you're a Scout main reading this then I sure hope so that you'll be this, at least.

Now to begin with, this rewrite is now a crossover between Team Fortress 2 and Transformers, and yes, the Red team are the same crazed mercenaries but this time, it is Scout to interact with the Transformers. Now I didn't liked the idea of deleting the previous version where the mercs are transformers themselves, but trying to work on a plot for that current 2 chapter story wasn't working either so instead I had to put this one up, with the mercs, mostly Scout being human and to put it simply, it'll make it a little easier for me to portray him better as the Red Scout himself.

Also just a reminder, Red team and Blu team aren't clones or identical like they are in the game of TF2 while also Pyro can talk in this story and also, there's no respawn as things on the beginning part of this chapter will be real life based fighting. And finally, this basically focuses on Scout while the other half focuses on the Transformers.

Okay I rambled too much, so now I'm gonna stop this here and get on with the story so here is chapter 1 hope you all TF2 and Transformers fans out there like it. :)

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

-The End is only a Beginning-

It was six months since Mann Co slowly began crumbling down on the ground. Six months Red and Blu were summoned for a truce in preparing for the war coming. Six months, fighting countless numbers, losing facilities from the cold metal grasp of the plight of robots sent by wave after wave. Six months, their pay was cut, in due to the war still going at large between Mann Co and Gray Gravels.

Or at least that was six months, as some of the mercs would say, mostly Blu team for that matter.

But speaking of Blu team, the blue clad mercenaries were dead. None of the members of the Red team ever talked about it, their once rivals turned ally dying on defending the other facilities in result of failing.

They lost the facilities to the robots of Gray, Rottenburg was the first to be overrun. Then came Coal Town shortly after the defeat on defending Rottenburg and after Coal Town's defeat, the rest of the other facilities followed suit falling to Gray Gravels. Everything was going down. Saxton Hale fled the country, Miss Pauling unfortunately being assassinated and finally, Helen the Administrator was the only one left leading the last batch of mercenaries at her disposal the Red team included.

The Red team however unlike the other mercenaries left under Mann Co's control was the only thing keeping them going even though things were now being dragged down, but the team of Red clad mercs fighting the robots was enough small advantage to buy some time for the Administrator to gather the last remnants of her people before safely transporting them to Australia where she had arranged rendezvous with Saxton Hale. Deceased Blu team weren't given proper burial but we're left rotting on fallen facilities each of the Blu members fell. But the determined Red team was the complete opposite, at least Dell Conagher the Red teams' Engineer followed by Jane Doe the Red teams' soldier.

Gathered up on a small war room and circling a small rectangular table, the nine members of the Red team all stood to eyes down on a map on the table. A map layout of the facility they're in. The last facility standing being Mannhattan.

Standing inside of the circle of mercs andooking on each of the other mercs' eyes, Engineer cleared his throat before finally speaking.

"A'right fellas... Y'know what this means, right?"

He asked, clearly studying each of the other mercs' facial expressions as if expecting something.

The mercs only looked at the map layout in boredom, some of them like the Pyro and Spy looked at the Engineer with a pair of approving nod.

"So, how's this bloody strategy gonna go? Demo set up some stickies and bait the first incoming waves, or, Heavy will mow them robot yanks down again? Which we tried the last time and failed."

6 feet tall fireproof suited British Pyro interjected with a roll of his emerald green eyes.

Engineer frowned with a small glare before deciding to calm and speak.

"Somethin' like that Pahro. We're tryin' a different method this time."

"Vut if you please Engineer, vhy cannot ve just ask zhe Administrator for reinforcements? Ve alone at nine men cannot be fortunate standing for defense another one of zhese facilities. I've lost several liters of blood on our previous failed defense during Mannworks' facility. I cannot be fortunate to move around freely on zhe field."

Blurted out the French Spy with a sour expression on his face.

The others like Demoman and Heavy giving a nod of agreement.

"A'right folks, hear me out here. We can't call for reinforcements. Now ah know that's messed up that we're only doin' this on ourselves, but the Administrator needs all the men she can gather from what's left of it. We've been fending off Gray's robots for months now, and the more we tried, the more other mercenaries like Blu team died. Trust me fellas, less the numbers the better."

Engineer said in firm tone, which gained a frown from the team's Spy and Pyro.


The team's patriotic Soldier yelled with a slam of bis fist on the table.

"Plan better work. We lose on tiny robots many times now."

The Heavy weapons guy suddenly said with his massive arms folder on his chest.

More comments and complaining then followed leaving the Engineer to arguing with the team while trying to bring out his strategy.

Stood next to the tall Aussie Sniper was the youngest member. The Red team's Scout from Boston.

Watching his team argue wasn't really a big deal for him since they all casually grew used to it, but the fact that they're arguing about a topic on defending the last facility they're protecting, it bothered him. It wasn't the thought of them losing again, it was the thought of them dying. There's no bringing them back to life. No second chances.

Looking around the small occupied war room, Scout eventually decided to slip away from the briefing as his traces of steps lead him to the armory.

A large metal vault with enough ammunition and explosives was where their weapons were in stored, although due to the asap transportations because of the robot attacks, the Red team were forced to carry large backpacks big enough to fit more ammunition, MREs first aid kits as well as personal items the mercs wish to carry, hell they looked like official soldier's on the field ready to go on call for duty as mercenaries. The heavy lifting packs were a pain in his ass. He can tell that some of the mercs were fine with it, especially Solider who seemed all too proud to actually carry enough supplies on the field lime a true army personnel, even though, he isn't and wasn't truly part of the army.

Sitting on the wooden bench, Scout decided to grabbed the large red and brown camouflage bag with a stitched official Red team's logo along with his scout class logo next to it.

Unzipping the bag, he began packing only necessity items as his personal items along with his chosen cosmetics. It was big enough anyway to carry more than food ammo and first aid. Thank god to Medic teaching them about basic medical treatment they can use those if the right time comes.

Inspecting his Winger Pistol, Scout began to load a few extra mags before putting it into an ammo box along filled with shotgun shells then stuffing the ammo box on the bag.

He picked up his Baby Face Blaster and began loading it with shotgun shells while also preparing his Boston Basher. Things are about to get dirty out there best to be prepared as he once thought of himself ever since Blu team's fall.

Done preparing his equipment, Scout zipped his bag close and approached the lockers.

Standing in front of his locker, he picked up his orange headphone and dog tags and began putting them on. Catching sight of another item, he recalled it was the mini body camera invented by the Engineer and was given to each of the other members of the Red team.

It was ever since the Blu team's fall, and before their fall, the Blu Sniper was captured by robot's and was brought to the robot headquarters of Gray Gravels, where he was tortured and killed. No one would've known if it wasn't from the robot themselves sending a message to them on Mann Co as a warning. The Red Engineer then came up with the body cameras in case for the members of Red if being captured, the Administrator would be aware as she will be watching through the equipped body cameras of the mercs.

Picking the camera up and activating it, Scout attached the small body camera onto his headphones, Scout felt the urge of not thinking about getting captured. He knew what will happen, let alone Blu Sniper be the example of what will happen if any of them get caught. Or on the side note, take Spy's word to keep a spare bullet on their pockets for their easy way out if any of them ever get caught.

Sitting on the bench again, Scout sighed. He didn't had alot of time to think about this, he always did but whenever he think of it, the more fear comes rushing towards him, where he or anyone on his team may pay the price. Like Blu team. He didn't wanted it to end that way, he didn't wanted them to end the way Blu team did. Left, rotting, lost and forgotten.

He looked on the red lined wall next to the lockers to see a small photo of them. Scout smiled gently before deciding to get up and walk towards the photo and taking it.

"We're going to die. Dat's for sure but let's hope nothing bad like dat happens. I hope."

He whispered with a weak smile while staring at the photo.


Soldier's loud yelling came from the hallway followed by the echoes of the boots of the mercs' heading inside the armory.

Scout emmidiately put the photo on the pocket of his brown trousers before setting his attention at this team.

"Scout! Dag nabit boy why'd ya left while the briefing was still goin' ? Damn it Scout I need everyone focused on this! We can't fail this time, Mannhattan is our last standing facility!"

Engineer scowled as he approached Scout with a firm stare through his circular goggles.

"It's okay, Engi I'll follow da lead. Just prepared my stuff before we head out."

Scout replied with a soft tone, trying not to initiate argument.

Engineer took off his orange construction hat and began running bing his temples.

"Listen son, I need ya focus on this. It's for your own safety too y'know? But a'right then, I'll be directing ya out on the field since, we're lacking time to do a quick briefing for ya."

Engineer said with a sigh in which Scout gave a nod.

"A'righty then, go get your pack, you good runnin' 'round with that big pack?"

Scout grinned and replied.

"I'm da fastest runner on da team right? Of course I can keep my ass up on da field."

Engineer gave a nod I can reply from the cocky reply from the young Scout.

Putting on his big backpack, it made him feel like he's a running target on the field with it, not only it's heavy, it'll get more attention from the robot snipers to target him, he can say the same for how the other members of the Red team feel running around with a big backpack not only slowing them down, but also making them an even bigger target to notice.

With the Red team done activating and attaching the body cameras to them Scout joined them to the resupply room.

The Administrator isn't announcing this time, it's just them trying to fend off the robots about to attack in hopes of defending Mannhattan.

"A'right fellas, remember the plan."

Engineer began with the mercs except Scout nodding in reply.

"Scout just stay close, we ain't havin' ya runnin' 'round gunnin' and I'll direct ya to where ya need to go via your headphone so be on call."

About gave a nod as he readied his Baby Face Blaster.

The ready entrance finally opened, the mercs all quietly moved out and to Scout's surprise, no one did a battle cry. No one.

The team began taking different directions around the area by three per group, not knowing who to join in, he waited for which group will be in need of one member for him to join but the came the Texan voice of the Engineer through his headphone.

"Scout ya hearin' ?"

Scout pressed his hand on the headphone he replied.

"Yeah loud and clear hardhat."

"Good, I need ya on Pahro and Demo's group. You're gonna set an ambush point on those incoming robots."

"Yeah gotcha."

He then run up to the two mercs with a Backburner flamethrower and Iron Bomber grenade launcher.

"Oi I see ye got informed by te Engineer 'bout te plan aye laddie?"

Demoman asked as he and Pyro turned to him.

"There wasn't time though, hardhat said he'll direct me and tell me wat to do through my headphone instead so I can help out."

Scout replied with a bit of an embarrassed look.

"Don't feel bad young mate, you'll do fine just stick close to me and Demo yeah?"

Pyro spoke, his thick British accent slightly muffled but was understandable through the filters of his Blizzard breather gas mask, his piercing green emerald eyes slightly visible through the iron grey fibre glass visor.


Scout replied as he began to follow the two older mercs at the main area where the robots mainly enter the facility.

While standing guard with Pyro, Scout watched as Demoman began setting his sticky bombs on the walls with his Scottish Resistance.

"Oi! Don't forget to put extra bombs on the other entrances!"

Pyro said to Demoman who gave a nod.

"Aye! Ye two stand guard 'ere I'll be right back."

Scout gave a nod and watched the black Demolitions expert jog up to the nearest areas on the entrance to place some stickies. Scout smirked as he can tell the Scotsman was struggling keeping the heavy weight the big backpack on his back while jogging away.

While waiting for Demoman, Scout turned to Pyro and looked up, he was tall and but Pyro was taller. Even taller than Sniper, and looking up at the Brit firebug made Scout felt like he was talking to tall wooden log standing tall in front of him.

"So, uh... Miss Pauling... Was it true?"

Scout slowly asked not sure if now was the right time to ask of the question, or if Pyro would even answer it.

Pyro on the other hand took a glance at the entrance before looking down at him through his grey visor, as if studying Scout's face for a moment.


Pyro replied, his voice was bitter.

Scout nearly flinched.

"Wat? Wait, I mean, ah crap... For real? But-But how?"

Scout waited for Pyro to reply, but the deep breathing coming from the mask filters of his mask was showing sign of hesitance.

"Scout, I know how much you're attracted to Miss Pauling. Lads and I know. But if you, really want to know."

Pyro paused clearing his throat before continuing.

"It was unexpected. She was assassinated. By Spybots. It was around the time where Blu team was assigned to defend Rottenburg. She was there instructing them."

Scout's hearth sank, he admit he had an attraction towards the thing assistant of the Administrator and hearing her demise like that from someone else was something to affect him. Even though Miss Pauling turned him down many times to go out on a date with him, he still cared due to the long line years she had been looking after both Red and Blu on the Gravel Wars.

Looking at Pyro with a soft expression, Scout decided to ask.

"How'd it happen?"

Pyro remaining still on his spot not moving and calm before replying.

"According to the security cameras around the ressuply room of Rottenburg, she was standing on her back while talking to the Administrator through the phone then the footage showed six Spybots all cloaked appeared. Her guard was completely down, Blu team was outside fighting the robots at that time. She was completely vulnerable."

It was hard for Scott to take all in. Miss Pauling was more skillful than that. But picturing that footage how she died, mainly a backstab. She wasn't aware of the presence, and she was probably too late to react when it happened.

"Scout. I know how you feel lad, you like the young posh. But don't let that get your head right now. As of now we need to focus on our bloody job."

Pyro's voice with a serious tone came to his ears as Scout looked up to meet Pyro's green emerald eyes looking at his blue eyes on firm.

"Listen, Scout. I know how you're feeling, just like how you've felt towards losing Blu Scout whom you're befriended."

Striking a great emotion of loss, it was the thought that was bothering Scout for quite a while now, why he wasn't for focused even on the briefing earlier.

Looking at Pyro with a soft expression on his face, Scout let out a sigh.

"I know. They're once our enemies, but seeing some of us formed good friendships with Blu is understandable to see expressions of loss like yours. And I can tell the same on how you feel for Miss Pauling, too."

Pyro spoke again, his voice quite soft but a little gruff.

"Yeah, dat's been bothering me. Is it a bad thing, Pyro?"

Pyro only shook his head without saying a word.

"Guess it'll pass on, huh?"

Scout only gained a small shrug from the tall firebug.

"Depends on you mate."

Scout gave a small nod, then finally noticed Demoman approaching quickly.

"Got te bombs all set, we're ready ta blow up bloody robots!"

Demoman announced with enthusiasm.

"That's great lad, let's get to our position now. Scout stay close."


Following the two mercs near some barrels and crates, Pyro and Demoman too cover behind the large Mann Co crates with Scout crouched behind a pair of rusted barrels of oil.

"Sniper's spotted the robot carrier is sending about six Heavybots with four Demobots. Scout set the ambush with Pyro and Demo and once it's rigged, head to the runway, Heavy and I will meet ya there."

Engineer's voice came through his headphone.

"Got it. Wat about da others?"

"Sniper is with us at the far back on a sniper nest, while Solly along with Medic and Spah will try to corner some of those bucket of bolts."

"Alright den-"

Loud robotic battle cries emmidiately rang out, and peeking his head from the barrels, Scout saw six Heavybots all armed with miniguns while behind followed Demobots, Grenade Launchers raised high ready to fire.


Pyro signaled to Demoman who emmidiately detonated the sticky bombs killing all four Demobots with two Heavybots leaving the four remaining Heavybots distracted by the explosion knocking them down, but unfortunately were all getting back up on their feet.

"They're losing their crap! Let's go let's go!"

Scout jumped out of the barrels, his Baby Face Blaster aimed for one Heavybot.

Pyro and Demoman emmidiately followed suit with their weapons ready.

"I'll take the front!"

Pyro emmidiately got on front and began setting the first Heavybot in flames with his Backburner.

The other Heavybot aiming it's minigun only for Domain to fire his Iron Bomber at it.

"Ka boom!"

Demoman taunted as the Heavybot's upper body exploded.

"Get da next one!"

Scout yelled as he fired his Baby Face Blaster at the Heavy bot he targeted.

The Heavybot not being able to fire it's minigun at him ended up falling down on the ground with holes on its chest.

Seeing Pyro running around circles surrounding the Heavybot before pulling his Reserve shooter and shooting it's head blowing it to scrap metal.

Helping Demoman kill the last Heavybot they managed to put it down with one shot of Demand Iron Bomber blowing it's arm off and two shots from Scout Baby Face Blaster heavily dating it's making it fall onto it's knees with Pyro shooting it's head with his Reserve Shooter.

"Dat was easy, but we gotta get back to the others before more of those rusty buckets gets here huh?"

Both Pyro and Demoman gave a quick nod and the three of them all hurried to the runway where sentries and three of the other mercs await them.

As they ran, Scout who was at the front of the group began to hear quick movements from behind, taking a quick glance his eyes widened to see twelve Scoutbots armed with metallic baseball bats, all quickly sprinting after them.

"Ack bloody 'ell!"

Demoman cursed as he and Pyro also glanced back at the pack of Scoutbots.

"Just keep running guys!"

Scout yelled as he fired his Baby Face Blaster back at the closing Scoutbots killing two of the runner bots.

Reaching the runway both Pyro and Demoman emmidiately dodged away from where they're headed and went for cover as part of the palm, minus Scout still running and firing his Baby Face Blaster at the Scoutbots.

"Scout get down!"

Engineer's yelling screeched on his ear as he came to see four level 3 sentries deployed with Heavy standing still with his Brass Beast aimed at his direction. Engineer next to him had his Frontier Justice aimed at well.

Eyes wide and knowing what it is about to happen, Scout heard one more yell from Engineer as everything around him went to the slow motion.


Everything in slow motion began speeding back to how it was as everything went on happening fast.

Scout emmidiately stopped down on the ground just in time before the penetrative bullets from the level 3 sentries and Heavy's Brass Beast firing at the Scoutbots with missiles coming straight towards the last Scoutbots.

It wasn't over, as several Spybots suddenly appeared on the runway following the now scrapped Scoutbots, Scout emmidiately got up on his feet his Baby Face Blaster firing of the first two Spybots.

"Ah knew ah sensed ya backstabbin' sons 'o bitches comin' !"

Engineer's shouting came from behind as he and Heavy with the sentries began firing again.

Scout quickly carried his heavy backpack away with him from getting shot and saw Pyro and Demoman who were blocking some Spybots preventing them from reaching the sentry spot.

Deciding to help out Scout emmidiately sprinted as fast as he could trying to keep the heavy weight behind him as light as possible while firing his Baby Face Blaster.

Noticing Spybots running and de-cloaking behind him getting shot in the head, Scout took a quick look into a higher ground on top of crates near the resupply room was Sniper with his Classic rifle aimed giving him cover.

"Guys hang on!"

Scout yelled as he sprinted towards Pyro and Demoman and began to help finding off the Spybots and help from Sniper Sniping out those attempting to backstab any of them three.


Soldier suddenly came rocket jumping above the Spybots and fired his Air Strike rocket launcher killing four Spybots from explosive impact while avoiding to hit any of his teammates.

Landing with thud behind the Spybots, the helmeted patriot pulled out his Shotgun and began pulling on tops of his lungs like a maniac while shooting the Spybots he aim his Shotgun into.

Coming from the other direction was Medic armed with his Syringe gun and was rapidly firing at the Spybots nearing the Soldier. His Syringe gun may not be the best option against robot's, but it's penetrative shots certainly make perfection for the German Medic to help put on the field especially with his Syringe fun easy to control giving him advantage to accurately the Spybots.

As the two mercs began cornering the Spybots, Scout went on with Pyro and Demoman on pushing forward while Soldier and Medic cornering the Spybots and help of Sniper shooting those incoming towards them.

"Scout behind you!"

Medic shouted as he pointed frantically behind the young bostonian.

Hearing the sound of de-cloaking, Scout the glimpse of a blue plated Spybot with it's hand raised holding a butterfly knife ready to stab only for it's blue glowing eyes to flick out and fell down letting go of it's knife, Scout saw another one de-cloaking and came a huge sigh of relief to see the Red Spy with his own Butterfly knife.

"Thanks pally."

Spy gave a nod before speaking.

"Ve vere supposed to corner zhese robots und all six of us vill hold zhis point vhere Engineer vith Heavy holds the other. Vut unfortunately, I vent to sneak behind zhe first wave und saw dozens of Pyrobots all armed vith flamethrowers."

Spy informed, his French accent seemingly trying to hold back his grimacing.

"Wat else is coming, Spy?"

Scout asked emmidiately while reloading his Baby Face Blaster.

"Behind zhem are zhree giant Soldierbots, und one giant Heavybot. Ve vill not make a stand at zhat kind of strategy zhese robots had put up. Zhey seem too keen playing for keeps now zhan zhey ever vere before. Und to put it clear, I lost sight on zhe giant Heavybot, it must have taken another route somewhere around zhe area. Best ve not encounter it."

That's when Spy grimaced, his eyes darting on the last Spybots being finished by the other mercs.

"Crap... We gotta tell Engi-"


Hearing the loud multi robotic voice of Soldier's robotic counterpart, Scout along with the other mercs all turned their head to where the voice came from to see sight of the mentioned three giant Soldierbots followed behind dozens of Pyrobots emerging from the entrance.


Spy muttered as he checked his Diamond back to see it loaded.

Scout quickly turned to Pyro, Soldier, Medic while mostly turned and gave a stare at Demoman.

"Your call, Demo."

Demoman grinned shortly and detonated the sticky bombs, on the walls the robots are now near and emerging towards them.

Another set of loud and destruction caused by the sticky bombs destroyed the walls completely killing most of the Pyrobots and one giant Soldierbot, but some were lucky enough to survive with minor damages and were now aiming their flamethrowers at the mercs.

"Lads, I think now is where we run like bloody hell."

Pyro suddenly spoke out which the mercs agreed and began running back to Engineer and Heavy. Noticing Sniper had already abandoned his post on the sniping nest, Scout had the thought of something was wrong and if Sniper staying on his post while covering them going their point was the plan, then something was definitely wrong going on as the plan and strategy Engineer came up with wasn't going well.

Erasing the thought in his mind, Scout kept up running with the other mercs while they try to fire back at the Pyrobots after them, only for one of the Soldierbots to fire a rocket at them with it's Original rocket launcher but missed the shot on the mercs and instead hit the oil barrels causing a large amount of fire racing around the mercenaries as they try to outrun the robots.

"We're goin' ta die 'ere laddies!"

Demoman yelled as me almost tripped on a scrap burning metal once part of a barrel only to be helped by Pyro.


"Another plan!? Zhe last zhing ve need is some of us dying because of another failure like Blu team!"

Scout couldn't take it anymore. He was already fed up with these robots, and he was not gonna have to deal with his team arguing while death is hit on their tail.


The mercs being surprised by the exclamation of Scout finally stopped on the argument as the said firebug and patriot ran with the group on the rear with Scout trying to slow down the robots even though they did little damage mostly on the Soldierbots.



Scout saw Spy got shot on the abdomen and fell onto his knees.

"Hang on!"

Medic rushed back to the French man who Scout, Pyro and Soldier covered him.

"Let's go let's go!"

Scout hurried them to move forward only for another bullet to pass by hitting Soldier on the leg.


Pyro emmidiately put Soldier's arm on his shoulder and helped him to keep moving while Scout slowing the robots down with Demoman raking their place.

"Bloody 'ell in comin' !"

Demoman's shouting came too late as Scout didn't expected a blue glowing grenade from a Demobot.


Scout was sent flying into a wall and fell on the ground with his front.

Groaning in pain while struggling to get up with the heavy backpack, he was emmidiately grabbed by a massive metal hand and was lifted up by his red shirt by a Heavybot.


Hearing Demoman yelling and running towards his aid, Scout emmidiately roundhouse the Heavybot in the face, forcing the robot to drop him on the ground with a thud.

Groaning again in pain, he saw the Heavybot now regaining it's senses and was setting it's blue eyes onto him ready to kill him with its metal hands.

Noticing his Baby Face Blaster was too far for his reach, Scout emmidiately began to back away in fear but Demoman began shouting his name.

"Jeremy! Catch laddie!"

Looking emmidiately to Demoman, just in time as the demolitions expert quickly tossed him his Scottish Resistance.

Landing it onto his leg, Scout emmidiately picked it up and fired three stickies at the Heavybot and knowing Demoman's remote detonator with the demolitions expert himself, Scout quickly got up in struggle and picked ran away from the Heavybot and picked his Baby Face Blaster on the ground.

"C'mon boyo!"

Demoman called out as Scout ran up to him and seeing the demolitions expert took out his detonator remote and press it's single button, the Heavybot behind Scout exploded by the three stickies Scout fire at it.

"Ya alright laddie- Ah crape I shouldn't 'ave asked yer arm is bleedin' !"

"I'll be fine, Demo let's go."

Scout tried quickly as they both ran with the others while handing Demoman his Scottish Resistance back to him only the one eyed demolitions expert to shake his head.

"Ye might need tat fer now laddie. I can tell yer guns' doin' only do much bloody damage."

Scout frowned but decided to nod and keep the burrowed short grenade launcher in his disposal.

Reaching the runway, it wasn't as it was before. It was supposed to be the sentries, Engineer with Heavy going off the robots, now it was only Engineers along with Heavy and Sniper taking the place of the now destroyed sentries and using his SMG for the Scoutbots swarming them.

"Wat da-"

Scout's eyes widened in shock and horror only to be cut off by Pyro.


Pyro yelled with the ther doing so with enough time before massive amounts of bullets began coming straight towards them but missing and hitting the walks creating various holes turning it into a shooting gallery.


Scour yelled as he with the mercs covered their ears from the loud roaring gunfire of a large minigun held by the giant Heavybot that Spy mentioned earlier.

"Take it down!"

Spy shouted as they all took they cover behind crates hoping that wouldn't get hit by the huge amount of bullets.


Solider exclaimed.


Spy exclaimed back but furiously.

Ignoring his two fellow teammates, Scout glanced suddenly at the Scottish Resistance, and an idea popped in his mind making him turn to Demoman.

"How do you reload this again?"

He asked as he brought up the Scottish Resistance into Demoman's view.

"Just pull te bolt, like Sniper's rifles laddie!"

Scout did as told and pulled the small bolt on the short grenade launcher like a mini bolt action rifle.

"It's six shots right?


Scout gave a nod as a grin came across his face.


He quickly peeked out of his cover and fired all six stickies onto the large minigun of the Heavybot.

"Detonate now!"

Scout quickly got back to his cover with Demoman press into the button on his detonator.

Hearing the explosion from the stickies, Scout emmidiately looked at the other mercs and gave a nod.


Everyone did as they're told while helping the wounded mercs.


Engineer shouted while he Heavy and Sniper fired at the incoming robots who were now swarming.

"Go go go!"

Scout ushered every merc while helping Demoman shooting at the robots.

Feeling a hand gently touch his shoulder, Scout turned to see Engineer with a grim expression on his face.

"We're losing ground. The Administrator contacted me, said she's got a helicopter on the way to pick us up. On the top floor."

Engineer then pointed at the rooftop on the building where resupply is in.

"Crap wat about da facility?"

Engineer gave a down expression, his eyes through his goggles showing defeat.

"Sorry, Scout. We lost. We failed... Our only solution is destroying this facility so the robots wouldn't get information about the whereabouts of the Australium. It's their every move same to the fallen facilities and our best option is teleporting a payload. The Administrator agreed to this term, as it is now our only chance. For the first time, she prioritizes our escape more than this base."

Taking it all in, Scout gave a nod. I but seeing many more robots swarming, they had to act fast.

"I know where dis goes hard hat."

Scout knew where this phase is going as he glanced at the other mercenaries trying to hold the robots down and trying to distract the giant robots, he looked back to Engineer who placed a different looking teleporter. A sleek and curvier design with a complex and sharp edges on both sides of it. Scout's eyes widened for a second the moment he saw it. He remembered the machine from sometime but his thoughts were cut off by the loud explosions and gunfire raiding around him.

"Scout, I need ya to deliver this to the resupply, we'll contact the helicopter pilot to pick us up here on the ground so you don't have to take double time running as seeing these robots are swarmin' in."

Engineer said softly as he handed Scout his Eureka Effect wrench to activate the toolbox.

"Okay, I got it. Demo! I need your detonator!"

Demoman who looked at him paused for a moment then tossed his remote detonator but seeing the teleporter that Scout picked up, his only eye left widened.


The demolitions expert furiously stomped his way towards the short engineer only to be held back by Heavy.

"Demo I'm sorry! It's our only choice! We have to destroy this facility ourselves if we want the robots to get nothing from here!"

"Enough! I'll do it alright!? It's final! No one's coming!"

Demoman gave him a shocked look with with the other mercs quickly stealing glances at Scout in shock before turning their attention back to holding off the robots.

"Scout bloody hell lad you won't make it!"

Pyro shouted but Scout only shook his head as he readied Demoman's Scottish Resistance leaving his Baby Face Blaster strapped on his waist and his other hand going the handle of the odd looking toolbox.

"Demo, Pyro. It's our only option here. Hardhat you go on to do helicopter wen it gets here, I'll catch up to you guys as soon as possible."

Engineer with a guilty expression forced a nod in reply and spoke.

"But please leave your bag son, it'll only slow ya down and make ya an even bigger target-"

He was cut off when Scout quickly looked at Demoman and a soft smile on his face was shown.

"I'll be burrowing dis little guy if you don't mind, dat okay, Demo?"

Scout softly smiled as he indicated the Scottish Resistance to Demoman.

Demoman only looked down, with the worried glance exchanged with Pyro then came a defeated sigh and finally nodding.

"Just hurry back laddie, we ain't losin' one of us 'ere unlike Blu team."

Scout gave a nod and forgot completely about Engineer's word of his back back slowing him down as he finally began sprinting as fast as his legs could do towards the resupply room.

He didn't loomed back, he has one thing to do. Just one last thing before calling this ends and they'll be away safe from the robots. But this comes first.

He sprinted onto the hallway and towards the armory, seeing the tons of explosives stockpiled inside made sense to him now that the armory was the best way to put the payload to create an even better explosion to prevent the robots from gathering more information from the last facility on Mannhattan.

Setting down the teleporter, Scout did as same to what Engineer does when activating his machines.

Hitting it with the Eureka Effect a few more times, Scout's eyes widened I can recognition of the machine. It was a prototype of the teleporter Engineer was working on several months back before the robots started attacking.


paying a visit in the workshop, Scout brought a tray with a bottle of beer and a plate of Sandvich. He loved bothering Engineer when the boredom overwhelms him.

"Ey, hardhat! Uh, wat's up?"

Seeing Engineer tinkering on a newly design of a teleporter, Scout entered workshop.

Engineer finally turned his attention to him with a slight of annoyed expression.

Scout only grinned before adding.

"Heh you forgot to eat lunch buddy."

He smiled gleefully as he set the tray of Sandvich and bottle of beer on a makeshift table.

"Yeah, I did. But that ain't no excuse to reason with me whah you're really here boy."

Engineer said, though he was chuckling afterwards as he took the bottle of beer and began taking a sip.

"Yeah... But hey, I see you're working on something new. War's dat? Teleporter?"

Scout finally asked pointing at the machine at the size of the standard teleporter Engineer usually uses.

"Ah, that's mah new invention, still not done yet but it'll be soon."

"Hm, wat does it do? Not lime I'm interested or any but I'm curious, though."

Engineer gave a laugh before setting his beer down and replying.

"Ever wonder about seeing another dimension? Where there's another earth? Diffrent kind of people?"

Scout only shrugged and replied.

"I've read about wormholes, not much though but only little. Not a science guy here."

Engineer laughed again.

"That's it boy! It's the point of the machine I'm working on!"

He then grinned and continued.

"Ah always wondered what it looked like, seeing another earth. What that other earth looked like. If they also go through a war like the Gravel Wars."

Scout eyed him in boredom.

"Just dat? Nothing else?"

Engineer's eyes furrowed in surprise.

"Nah, not just that boy! I wanna see it if there is a Gravel Wars on a different dimension!"

"And I'd there isn't?"

Engineer grinned.

"Then ah might stay and make a new life there. No more fighting for me. I'm kinda gettin' tired with all this too anyway."

Scout's eyes widened.

"Damn, you're willing to do dat? Leave everything behind you got here? Just like dat?"

Engineer was left quiet for some quite moment before responding.

"It's something I wanna do to achieve, to complete myself in life. Find myself."

Scout looked down for a moment.

"I see. You're chasing a dream."

Engineer laughed softly.

"You can call it that, son."

Engineer paused for a moment, then looked at Scout softly with a warm smile.

"Son, we all have our own dreams, I'm sure you have one too."

"Looking down for a moment Scout muttered.

"I haven't found it, yet..."

He looked back up Engineer with a questioning look on his face.

"But... Wat if it fail? Da machine you're working on I mean, if you don't mind dat question?"

Engineer only smiled softly before replying with a smile.

"Then that machine will end up as anotjer teleporter instead then, only it looks curvier."

Scout snorted a laugh with a roll of his eyes.


It was the freaking prototype teleporter that Engineer dreamed of using to travel through a wormhole and to another just to see another earth and see for himself I'd there's no Gravel Wars there, so he can hopefully take the chance to make a new life. It was nigh impossible.

It wasn't a prototype anymore if it's only created for teleporter use only now. Right?

Hearing the helicopter outside and the voice the mercs with Engineer shouting from outside and to Scout to come out.

Crap, the damn robots ain't stopping from coming so it's now or never, he has to deliver the Payload by this teleporter, or at least that's wat Scout believes it's use now.

Seeing it flash it's light, it was odd that it didn't flashed red. It flashed purple, then came glowing brighter as the teleporter spins faster.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon please god work dammit!"

The sound of loud metals tapping the floor and echoing on the hallway got his attention.

Turning back, Scout's eyes widened in shock to see several robots from afar, a lone Scoutbot was sprinting after him and managed to tackle him on the floor.

Everything went happening fast, and the faster Scout acts as well with the situation, he might be able to survive but not long as seeing robot's now approaching him and crowing the only hallway back to the resupply room, he pushed the Scoutbot then dodged as it quickly got it's balance back and slam it's bat, unfortunately, it hit the teleporter as it failed to hit Scout.

"Uh oh..."

Scout's shocked expression remained as he exchanged looks with the robot scout and finally deciding to shocking it our of the armory and aimed Demoman's Scottish Resistance, at the Scoutbot killing jt as well as holding off the crowd of robots after him.

Looking back at the teleporter in shock, Scout saw it's purple light flicked out as the teleporter started buzzing before dying out.


he emmidiately got to his knees trying to find a way to repair it with the Eureka Effect but as he tried to walk it with the wrench, he heard more robot's doing in to him. He's screwed.

Seeing there's no other effect from the wrench. Scout finally gave up, there was no hope. The teleporter is dead, he has no way out and he's screwed.

Turning back to see the robots all standing on the large doorway, Scout wasn't sure if whether theyr taunting him or not, he didn't care anymore. It's over. For him. He'll be dead soon anyway.

Standing up straight while ignoring the big red camo backpack he carries not to mention the guns he has, Scout raised his arms free.

"I'm right here. Wat are you bozos waiting for? Kill me now!"

Hearing a sparking sound coming from below, his eyes glanced at the teleporter sparking purple light out of it.


The teleporter exploded in bright purple surrounding him.


The purple light becoming a circle around him, Scout saw djs robot's slowly backing away as if they it wasn't good for them to be near the purple light.

One thing for sure that it wasn't really a food idea was that the light or purple was becoming a form of circular void, and the purple light slowly turning black. Almost as if, a Black Hole.

Scout's eyes wide in fear more than any, as his vision finally went black. Losing sight of everything. Everything he had seen last. Just black.

-Diego Garcia-

Year: 2010

It has been a year after the Fallen's defeat on Egypt, although Megatron is still at large along with his fellow Decepticons, there was still work for NEST to do. Hunting down these Decepticons.

Optimus driving in his flamed semi truck alt mode, he passed by some of the Autobots who all seemed busy with whatever they're doing, like Ironhide scowling at the Chevy twins Skids and Mudflap.

Transforming, Optimus began observing around the large hangar to find that every human personnel were busy on their duties, looking at the corner, he spotted a sparring match between Sideswipe and Bumblebee when Samuel Witwicky and his girlfriend Micaela Banes watched.

Nothing interesting today.

Setting his blue optics on the rail platform, the Autobot commander found the Major William Lennox seemed to be speaking to one of his men, bu the facial expression worn by the major, it was serious and his face showed almost if alarmed from what his informant is telling him.

Deciding to approach the rail platform he was emmidiately noticed by the major as his informant was dismissed.


He greeted with a small smile, his expression however still the same.

"Will, is there something the matter?"

Optimus asked, his optics studying his expression some more.

Will looked down for a moment, biting his lip.

Looking back up to meet Optimus' blue optics, he began.

"I received a strange report coming from Roswell."

He payed, of course. He knew that Optimus and his Autobots were aware of the city, as well as Area 51 but seeing Optimus wore a patient look on his face, Will decided to continue.

"Something strange happened there. The entire city blacked out of electricity, then reports being said a strange black hole appeared and pure lights started flashing around it. Strange isn't it? It's even weirder than a UFO."

Optimus taking all the information in was left quiet for a moment before looking back at Will and responding.

"Were any human harmed during it?"

Will who let out a sigh of relief shook his head.

"Thankfully none, but the city being out of electricity is for sure bothering the people there on Roswell."

"We must investigate. It could be Decepticon activity."

Will nodded at Optimus' words.

After preparing a team of NEST troopers and some Autobots, the humans and cybertronians all boarded on the C-17 they emmidiately flew to Roswell.

Autobots aboard the C-17 aside from Optimus were Ironhide, Elita One, Arcee, Chromia, Ratchet as well as Jolt and Dino. All seated on the cargo bay behind the Autobot commander.

With silence enveloping the large aircraft, Elita One began an internal comlink with Optimus.

::You seem troubled, Optimus. Is it about the report from Roswell?::

::Yes, Elita. I fear if the Decepticons were behind it, they may have something in plan, especially when e know that Megatron is still in hiding along with his remaining Decepticons.::

::But didn't Will said there was no one harmed? It's impossible for Decepticons to do such a thing without harming humans.::

::Yes, Elita. And it makes me wonder, what had been the caused for that black hole with pure light, causing a blackout on the city of Roswell.::

There was silence afterwards. Optimus and his mate Elita One were left thinking about the Black Hole that appeared on Roswell.


Scout didn't liked how the people here treated him. Mostly everyone called him alien. He already tried to explain that he was human, he looked human, at least. Seeing how shorter they are compared to his height, that's a plus, he is different, plus his pale skin as one little boy probably at the age of 10 even called him a video game character. Like freaking hell he came from a freaking video game. Now the more he walked exposed in public with his usual attire and carrying his big and heavy ass red camo backpack, the more people were running away from him scared. Scout couldn't blame them though, if he was in their position he'd probably be the first one to yell out a freaking alien. But he was scared shitless too. Having to wake up in the middle of a road, seeing wierd advance looking city, and what freaks him out even more was, the huge headed grey skinned alien human sized statues wearing white jumpsuits and a UFO on top of their heads. And what's with the Peace sign? Do these people actually think aliens would come here in peace? Are these people really that crazy? Well, that's what to expect from people from Roswell. But something in this Roswell was off. The advanced environment, looked almost as if it had already surpassed the world decades ahead. It's like Roswell had evolved to a newly advance civilization, or could the world really did the same? No that can't be. He's still in 1972. But it's 2010 as what the other kind people whom he asked what year was now. Scout also couldn't help but notice many others taking pictures of him with strange little devices. He assumed some kind of advanced cameras.

Walking on the sidewalk, he perfectly blended in with his usual attire, minus the big heavy ass red camo bag on his back which was gaining more attention. He figured it'd be better to gain curious looks instead of panicked faces that he even had to shove his Baby Face Blaster inside the camo backpack along with Demoman's Scottish Resistance. Damn, that little bomb instrument is stuck with him now. At least he knows Demoman entrusted him with it. He'll return it to his Scottish friend but first, he has to figure out now the hell he can go back.

Scout hated to think about the prototype teleporter Engineer made. Maybe it was true, after all. Anything can be possible, with Engineer making shit happen when it comes to science. Though that shouldn't surprise Scout on the fact that maybe that Black hole was a wormhole that brought him here on this Roswell city. The Other Roswell that he didn't know and isn't familiar with. It didn't took long for Scout to realize, that he's on a different dimension, a different earth. Yep, Engineer, that smart magnificent Texan bastard made the impossible happen.

Scout couldn't help but chuckle. There was no point to panicking anyway, this is still earth, except, it's advanced and it's 2010. Maybe there aren't any Gravel Wars here, maybe there's even no Mann Vs Machine that took place in the 1972 of this earth. He'd hoped there was, wishing this was all just a mistaken teleportation. But it seemed to be different than what Scout was hoping for.

Upon walking on the street, finally in relief that the people left him to be on his own, Scout a black GMC Topkick followed by a red Ferrari Italia. Scout of course doesn't know the vehicles, but as he walked by the two vehicles slowed down on the road and seeing there aren't anyone around on the street, Scout's hearth began to beat faster, his gut hurting from a bad feeling.

Taking one last look at the black pickup truck that parked on the side of the road while parked behind it was the red sports car, Scout decided to turn away and continue on walking.

As he walked away he kept a glance back from behind and fount the two vehicles still parked, to Scout's relief, but unfortunately it didn't lasted by the time he turned his head forward to where he's walking, he was various vehicles, leading I can front of them as a red and blue flamed semi truck followed by what appears to be some kind of yellow hummer, along with with three racing motorcycles consisting of pink, purple and blue and each of its riders were gorgeous looking women, odd, they all looked identical which creeped out Scout by little. And lastly followed behind was a blue car with the Chevy logo on the front bumper on it's rear. Scout noticed the logo.

"Woah... A Chevy..."

His voice was heard bu the three women, or triplet women as they all turned their heads back at Scout, their motorcycles as well as the vehicles with them stopped on the empty road.

"Uh oh..."

Scout's blood ran cold, his heart skipping a beat mostly at the moment the vehicles room a U turn on the road now driving near him

Scout looked around, seeing it was only him on this street, he's alone, he doesn't look forward to seeing the trucker on that flame designed semi truck.

Slowly backing away, he watched as the vehicles parked on the side of the road, the 3 women getting off their motorcycles and slowly approach him. Turning his eyes to the drives side of the semi truck, Scout was emmidiately alarmed to see a man in military uniform and gear as well as a carbine assault rifle.

"Woah man! I ain't here looking for aliens! Dis place ain't like freaking Area 51!"

Scout emmidiately explained with his hands up in defeat.

The man who appear to be in his thirties or, possibly could even e a father gave smiled softly at him.

"It's fine young man, it's normal to speak of alien here."

He said gently with a smile as he glanced at all the environment with alien signs.

"So... Uh... Who are you?"

The man smiled and replied.

"Major William Lennox. United States Air Force."

Scout giving a nod tried to find the words to say in reply but seeing the triplet women standing a few feet away from and are all looking up at him now as same as the soldier, Scout tensed.

"Um... Did I do... Something wrong? Because clearly, I'm pretty sure I'm a popular guy now here in the streets of Roswell dat even da military is crawling up on me."

The soldier smiled softly then replied.

"Yeah... It seemed all eyes were on you, and it didn't made our job difficult on investigating here. Now that we know it's you that caused the blackout, young man."

The soldier looking up at him with the smile still on his make Scout to raise his hands in defense.

"Hey man, I didn't do dat. Didn't hurt anybody either. I just woke up in da middle of da road almost hit by freaking taxi cab and den, da people in da city is blaming me for their electricity going out. Den day all started calling me freaking alien 'cause I came right from dat little wormhole dat later disappeared-"

Covering his mouth, eyes wide, Scout met the wide eyes of the Soldier in surprise.

"So... It was you..."

Scout kept his hands raised in defense but he isn't going to be hostile here's, he needed help maybe this up can him.

"Listen pal it's, a crazy freaking story how I ended up here."

"Are you really an extraterrestrial? Because you look quite human in our optics."

One of the triplet women said, the oldest looking with a purple hair at the end of her curled brunette hair.

"Yeah, but... Do you believe?"

Scout asked as he took a glance down at the soldier.

"After everything I've seen, there can be a, possible chance that I may believe you. But you have to come with us to prove your story for this."

The soldier said softly with. Scout knew where this can lead, but he's desperate to find help and now he's getting the possible chance so he might as well go for it.

"Alright, I'll come with you. But... Where are we going exactly?"

The soldier smiled and replied.

"Safer place, away from the unwanted attention."

Scout gave a nod and was given a ride on the semi truck.

Elita One along with Arcee and Chromia on their holoform went back to their alt modes, seeing the young man was no threat, they were still alarmed as they scanned his big red camp backpack. Lots of ammunition, supplies, a medium gun a short one. This human alien is one interesting being to meet at such a random time.

Deciding to speak to Optimus through internal comlink, Elita One began.

::Optimus, have you scanned what the young one was carrying?::

::I think all of us Autobots here have, Elita. Nothing wrong with the human supplies he had, although it alarms me of the ammunition and the two weapons on his pack.::

::Not to mention, one possible handheld weapon in it as well and a small gun.::

::Yes, I have scanned. This is quite, quite an interesting human.::

It was long silent drive, Scout didn't cared to where he was being taken, as long as he'd get help. He didn't slept, he didn't counted how many hours had passed during the whole drive. It was at the moment when they arrived on an airfield, where the vehicles, which was driven by soldiers drove onto a large ramp inside a large aircraft than even fitted in the semi truck.

It's was another way, or flight as Scout thought to himself. Seeing major Will with a device on his hands, he raised a brow as he observed the man typing of the small keypad on it.

"So... War's dat, on your hand?"

He asked, curiously eyeing the device.

Will smiled at him and replied.

"It's a Cellphone, I'm texting my wife."

"Ah... Okay..."

Scout gave a slow nod of acknowledgement, so that's another advanced difference and another proof that he's on another dimension, a different one.

The entire way on the flight was awkward, Scout didn't said any word further, he believed it of course, that he's no longer on the earth where he rightfully came from. Thinking of that earth, the one with the Mann Vs Machine happening, it made Scout think of the Red team, hell, how he hoped they're all safely evacuated from Mannhattan.

"Are you, okay?"

Slowly turning his head to the driver's seat where Will was, Scout only shrugged in reply.

Will mentally frowned and decided to use another approach.

"I haven't gotten your name. If you don't mind."

He gave a light smile as he stared at Scout who seemed obviously hesitant.

"It's Jeremy. But, I go by Scout."

Scout slowly replied, his eyes glancing down at his red camo backpack on his lap, it's heavy weight was now killing him, bit he didn't wanted to show he's letting that get to overcome him.

"That's, some quite of well designed military backpack. Why red, though? If you don't mind me asking."

Will suddenly asked as his eyes were on the red camo backpack in curiousity.

Scout looked at him for a moment before slowly giving a reply with hesitance.

"I'm a member of a team called Reliable Excavation Demolition team, Red for short."

Seeing that he's gotten the man's full attention with interest he knew Will was about to ask another question.

"You part of a military organization?"

'Crap. I know nothing about military. And I'm really desperate for help to get back to MY freaking earth right now. But if I tell him the truth, he might be alarmed, or maybe da chance of me getting helped will get bigger. I'll tell da truth, den.'

Scout mentally said to himself.

He looked at Will with a friendly smile on his face and a patient expression was worn.

"It's... A mercenary company... I'm a contracted mercenary. On contract in fighting a war for da land of New Mexico."

Seeing that Will was taking all in the information, Scout took the chance to tell the truth, in hopes that maybe the man can help him or find someone who can help him get back to him dimension.

"I did accidentally said I can from a small wormhole, right?"

Will gave a nod.

"Yes, it's what the people I've asked on Roswell told me. What you're saying about coming from that wormhole is accurate to to the explanation of the people I've asked earlier."

"Oh, good good. So... Dis means you believe me? I really need to get back to my dimension. It's at freaking war."

Seeing Will's face having a shocked expression Scout emmidiately followed up an explanation.

"It's da war I'm on contract for, a secret war not even da government on my dimension know of."

"So, they hire mercenaries like you? To fight on a secret war?"

Will's eyes blinked in surprise by the time he asked the question.

"Yeah, better equipped in weapons and, we're more efficient on da field dan da military in my dimension, no offense."

Will only waved it odd with a smile.

"Anyway, where we're going?"

Scout finally asked, eyes focused on Will.

"Diego Garcia. Secret military base. Trust me, you'll only be asked some questions, alright young man?"

Scout only gave a nod.

"Alright then, you'll be able to talk there, with the General Morshower and explain yourself to him-"

"Wat if, I'm not believed? I'm still hanging here, people may think I'm a lying crook."

Will only smiled softly before replying.

"After what the world here has seen few years back, I'm sure anyone who believed in what they saw are ready to believe in just about anything. After all, you do look odd, for a human being...tall, pale something characteristics of a person of what we see in video games."

Scout in surprise flinched.

"Oh no I didn't mean to insult you. You just looked, different...how old are you?"

"I'm, 24..."

Will's eyes widened.

"24 that tall? 6 and a half feet tall?"

Scout snorted.

"I'm only 5.8 in height. I'm not even da tallest on my team."

Will's surprised face even.

"Though you certainly am 6 feet tall now. Or probably above..."

Scout smirked.

"I tell ya. I'm not from here. Come from a different earth from another dimension."

"Like a game styled dimension?"

"Yeah, something like that..."

Scout shuddered, remembering his battles with the robots, it did felt like a game, with the Administrator announcing, security cameras around the maps, like a complete game being watched played.

Seeing Will with a grin, Scout frowned then asked.



He paused with a snort before continuing.

"You reminded me of that character, Scout he's called."

"A freaking game character you mean?"

Scout asked bitterly with a frown.

Will kept his grin.

"I'm not saying it's you the Scout, Jeremy. It's just that, you reminded me of the 1999 team-based computer game called TF: Classic. Mercenaries clad in red and blue, identical but are enemies of opposing side."

"Uh huh. Something my dimension can relate, except we're not freaking video game characters."

Will raised his hands in defense with his grin still on.

"Hey now. No need to all bitter on me, Scout."

He chuckled the same continued.

"I think I can actually believe you, although it's you that might have to do be the one to believe me on what's on this earth."

Scouts eyes stared at him for a good moment.

"Wat do you mean?"

Will chuckled and replied.

"You'll see later. But first, you must speak with General Morshower."

Scout only nodded in reply before the silence took place again on the long flight to Diego Garcia.

After the flight, the vehicles drove on the large ramp behinds the large aircraft and finally, Scout saw through the window of the semi truck was a military base.

The semi driven by Will rolled in inside a large hangar, the other vehicles earlier followed suit. Scout forgot to ask, why'd the mighty even use civilian vehicles on a military base? He was cut in his thoughts as the semi truck finally stopped, parked on a corner of the hangar.

"Welcome to NEST, Scout."

Will finally said with a grin.

Getting out of the truck along with the major himself, Scout saw other soldiers got our of the other vehicles, the triplet women disappearing suddenly. Strange. Then came to his view on the opposite side of the large hangar, we're a few more civilian vehicles, something wierd that Scout couldn't place a finger on.

"You may leave your backpack if you wish."

Will said as he gave a soldier his rifle walking away with it.

"Uh... I'd rather hold onto it for now. I still got an explanation."

Will have a nod in acknowledgement.

"Back so soon? Oh man that must've been a quick one on Decepticon huh?"

A bold and black skinned man spoke as he approached Will and Scout, his eyes eyeing Scout in awe.

"Damn, Will. Who's this young guy? Tall and pale."

"I'm Jeremy. But I go by Scout."

Scout replied trying to make a friendly smile he can muster.

"Tech Sergeant Robert Epps, United States Air Force."

The black man named Epps took out his hand in which Scout gladly took it for a handshake.

Seeing he's getting skme curious glances from all eyes on the hangar, Scout finally let go of the handshake.

"Damn, you're taller than me and Will, you must be 6'2, or 6'6? Wow I feel like talking to an NBA player."

Will snorted.

"That's enough Epps, Scout here is needed to be brought to the briefing room. Private meeting. Has General Morshower arrived?"

"Hell be here soon, says he's wanting answers soon about that strange blackout happened on Roswell."

Scout tensed a little by the mention on what happened in Roswell. He was clearly the known reason why. Damn.

"Alright, I'll take Scout to the briefing room and wait for the general. This is gonna be an interesting day."

Epps raised a brow.

"How so?"

Will grinned.

"You'll hear about it soon."

And with that, he excused himself with Scout and lead him to the briefing room.

Walking the hallways and earning curious and even wary stares from others, Scout felt uneasy. But he's needing help, so he can't screw up this idea on coming along to the military base. He's even worried how to explain the ammo and weapons his has on his backpack, hopefully there's a way he can convince this general Morshower on believing his story of not being g from this earth, and hopefully, they won't take away all his hear. Hell need all of it for when he gets back to this dimension.

Taking a seat on one of the chairs on a long table, Scout noticed a large screen on the side of the room, he thought of how advanced this earth had gotten? He wondered if they ever evolved their technology from robots? Or if this earth ever had a war lime the Mann Vs Machine war? Though there's still something left on his mind, stuck, Scout wasn't sure how to remember or get the thought, but as he and Will waited, there came in a few military personnel, Scout assumed they were high ranking officials. Scout smirked a little as he thought of the Soldier wishing he'd be here to see this. But as the military men and women entered the room, follow lastly was an older man, Scout assumed the General Morshower. That's where realization hit him. He doesn't know how to pronounce the name right, he didn't quite get well on the way Will pronounced it. Crap.

Will saluting at the general to gave a nod mentioned for everyone to take a seat, his eyes eyeing Scout curiously.

"I see we have an unexpected guest, Major?"

Will stood up and gave a nod, Scout stood up as well with a slight bow towards the general.

"General, this young man, was the source of the blackout of Roswell."

The general then looked up at Scout, clearly studying his features.

"He is very tall for a young man, Major. And quite pale, that's an odd feature for a human being, is he having any medical issue related to skin?"

Eyes still on him and when the general asked, Scout did the answer.

"With all due respect, General, I am clearly in healthy condition."

Pausing and looking at Will who had a surprised look on his face but then nodded at him to continue to speak.

"And wat major Will said, it's true. I'm da main reason why Roswell is caused to go on blackout. But there is a reason, sir."

Trying to maintain his formal speaking as possible, Scout can tell that the general was listening intently and seemed to be allowing him more to speak. He has to speak the truth no. For his sake to vet back home to his earth.

"General, the reason is not as easy to understand. But, I have proof."

"A proof that you have nothing involve with the Decepticons?"

The general asked, in which confused Scout whom he referred Decepticons but deciding to nod in reply, he began to remove the small body camera attatched to his headphone then showed it to the general and to everyone in the room.

"Proof I'm not from this earth. Proof I'm an alien to this earth."

There were a few whispers coming from around the table but then were all silenced when the general spoke.

"So... You're that so called human alien from that small Black Hole that we've been hearing word of from Roswell? Those were true?"

His firm voice and gaze fixed on Scout as he eyed him up from his tall height.

"Yes, sir. I shouldn't be surprised. Seeing how freaking advanced this earth is I have no doubt communication is after here."

Scout said, obviously trying to avoid saying the General's name.

"Permission to speak, general?"

The General gave a nod towards Will.

"He seems to be speaking of the truth, seeing his different human features is a plus, he now show us of proof that he's from a different dimension, he's also mentioned he's from an earth where war is at large."

"And I'm in need of help to get back soon as possible."

Scout added.

See g the general wore a skeptical expression on his face, his eyes the same began observing his appearance. Scout remained still.

"You do look odd for a human being, but still, you strike a human appearance. But if you say you are from another dimension, it may seem that your dimension is more advanced?"

Scout shook his head.

"No, sir. I live in my earth in as it's current year of 1972. The only reason my travel to dis dimension happens was because of an advanced teleporter device created by my team's engineer."

There were a series of Impossible chanted in room, but ignoring it, Scout continued.

"Dis earth is 2010 as I was told by people on Roswell earlier, so I can say dat dis is da one advance in technology, mine's don't really. My travel to dis dimension was accident."

The general, taking the information in gas and, then motioned a hand for the small body camera on Scout's hand.

"What about that device on your hand? Camera isn't it?"

Scout gave a nod. Then approached the general and handed him the device.

"It's has footages of my battles on robots. My earth is on a secret robot war and me with many mercenary teams were hired to fight for it, seeing our militaries don't really stand a chance on our enemies' our employers decided to keep the war classified. Even to me and the fellow mercs I work with."

Surprisingly, the general nodded.

"It's above your pay grade I see."

Scout nodded.

"Alright then, we'll see these footages as your proof that you are indeed alien on this earth."

But before the general about to hand the body camera to Will, Scout stopped him.


"Yes, what is it young man?"

The general turned to him again.

"I have weapons, dey are strictly needed by me, for wen I get back home. Surely you won't take away all of my stuff, it's only four weapons, but lots of ammunition and supplies I use on the field."

A firm loom was given given to him by the general, as all eyes were locked on the red camo backpack.

For a minute of silence, the general finally replied.

"We'll, see if we can work on a term."

Was all he said as he gave Will the body camera, with Will leaving the room.

Being told to sit down on is seat by the general, Scout waited with everyone in the room for half a minute until Will came back with a laptop in his hands, the body camera now had an adaptor connected to the laptop while on o e of the ports of it next to where the body camera was equipped, was a long connector.

Watching Will connect it on the large screen, Scout looked away. It'll show him and everyone the horrors of the robot war he's fighting on.

Hearing a loud come on the large screen, it showed the footage of the resupply room on Scout's point of view, Scout knew this was one of his failed defenses with Red and Blu team against the robots.

(Footage 1: Coal Town)

The camera on Scout's headphone captures sight of the surrounding while Scout runs out of the resupply room, followed by the rest of the mercenaries.

Outside was a complete deserted town in the middle of the desert named Coal Town, one of Mann Co's facilities.

"Protect this facility!"

Coming from the loud speakers, was the Administrator's voice.


"Engineers! Deploy sentries on the sentry nest!"

Looking around, the camera saw the view of dozens of Scoutbots armed with baseball bats charging at the mercs.


A Blu Heavy yelled as he mowed down the Scoutbots with his minigun with the Red Heavy doing the same, giving the rest of the mercenaries to take their advance on the field.

"Pyros put fire now!"

Both red and Blu pyros began taking the from, their massive flamethrowers unleashing hazards for fiery doom, Scout top his advantage now while the robots were losing their ground.

He ran towards the fields, his Baby Face blaster firing.

After an hour of watching the footage, the large screen played another footage. The last footage filmed on Mannhattan. Scout flinched seeing it on the large screen as he along with the military personnel watched it. The grounds were losing, Manhattan was falling, and finally he was carrying the prototype teleporter that Engineer once invented for travelling through dimensions.

He didn't said a word as he looked down, hearing the voices of people on this earth's Roswell calling him alien, Scout waited for the footage to end. He didn't bothered watching. Not wanting to see how he ended up here on this different earth by accident.

Hearing voices talking around the room, Scout heard by Will's voice calling out to him.

"Scout, you okay there buddy?"

Turning his head, eyes seeing all eues were on him, included General Morshower's, Scout gave a nod and replied.

"Dat was my last battle there, on my earth. It was failed..."

"And seeing it, you were to deliver a teleportation machine to your explosive chance to blew up your facility. In which, lead you to being teleported here, instead."

Scout nodded the General's words.

"Dats de only way I can get back to my earth. Maybe you can help me?"

Giving a hopeful look, he watched as there were glances around the room, the General liking at him with a doubt on his face.

"Listen, young man. We may have advance technology here, but I don't think our tech isn't advance enough to surpass or reach that of level your machine used, we haven't discovered these ways of travelling before and to think of it. It might take more than to say decades, to possess that kind of tech. Unless you have that machine that brought you here in the first place, we may have our scientists look at it and see if they can repair it for your use to travel back."

There was no hole on the General's expression, mostly showed a look of doubt.

"Perhaps, the Autobot engineer may be of help, but that aside, I must ask you something."

The General added a question.

Scout raised a brow, now expecting what's to expect.

"Seeing how you've shown skills in fighting in the field, how about we may settle this into an agreement. Would you like to join NEST?"

Scout expected it.

"Wat choice do I have? I don't even know dis earth, so I agree on contracting to join 'NEST' wat will be in exchange?"

The General smiled as if he knew where Scout was getting at.

"Knowing your a mercenary on your world, we can promise you protection here on this base as an extraterrestrial. And since your a human alien, we will be providing your personal needs as well as your own personal quarters."

Scout without thinking about it and no hesitation have a nod.

"As long as my weapons aren't confiscated, I'll be okay with dad along with your offer, sir."

General Morshower gave a nod.

"There is no need to worry about that, but they must go to the armory, we have rules here in NEST, a lot of rules. Especially for the aliens."

Scout noticed a grin on the General.

Aliens? There's aliens here aside from him being the only human alien? That's going to be very interesting, that's for sure in the way Scout sees it.

Seeing the general turn to major Will, he spoke.

"Major Lennox, please introduce our human extraterrestrial to our extraterrestrial commander and his Autobots. Then you may escort young Scout to his quarters. Dismissed."

Will nodded in reply the same turned to Scout.

"Follow me Scout."

He said with a smile with Scout nodding at the General and to the other personnel on the rim before exiting after Will with Scout carrying his red camo backpack on his back.

Walking in the hallway with Major Will, Scout began.

"So, you have aliens here, too? Even an even an alien commander?"

Will grinned and replied.

"Yep. Make sure you're prepared to meet Optimus and the Autobots."

Saying it with a grin, they arrived back at the hangar, aside from the military vehicles parked on the corners, the civilian vehicles gained Scout's attention again.

Hearing Will chuckle, Scout saw Will glance at the flamed semi truck then back to him.

"That's Optimus Prime. C'mon, I'll introduce you to him."

Will said with a chuckle.

Scout raised a brow, looking at Will skeptically.

"You saying dat truck from earlier is a freaking alien? Don't tell me these... Civilian vehicles are, too."

Will laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Aw you ruined the surprise. But now that you know it, let's go introduce you to them."

He said with his grin becoming wide.

Scout, having dealt with so many stranger things back in his dimension just shrugged in response as a yes, if he's handled so much back on his earth, aliens from this earth shouldn't be a difference. After all, this is still earth, only advanced and in the year 2010.

'Now I feel like I'm getting tied into something new here. At least it's something, unlike doing nothing'

Scout thought to himself as he and Will approached the semi truck named Optimus Prime.

This is the first chapter of the rewrite of that Transformers styled TF2 fanfic so hopefully I did well, mostly on the part of portraying Scout.

Now that this is another start of a new rewrite, here are three questions that can be asked then given an answer on each as of this chapter.

1. How will Scout adapt to the world of Transformers set after Revenge of The Fallen? (Answer: He may try to get used to it, as that will be in next chapter)

2. Since the teleporter that brought him to a different earth on another dimension wasn't clearly confirmed destroyed, any chance any of the mercs of Red team may possibly end up on the same dimension Scout is currently in? (Answer: Not possible. Unless more chapters are to be released and story plot may get deeper.)

3. How long until chapter 2 can be released? (Answer: I'm not sure whether to release another chapter that quickly without hearing any feedback from the first chapter. I at least want to hear how well the chapter did, or get some advices for improvement. It's hard working on a damn story when you get no feedbacks about it.)

So that's all for this chapter, I can only hope you readers liked this first rewrite chapter of the rewrite story of 'Teamformers' so with that done, thanks for reading and hopefully this chapter gets a feedback. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated.
