Holy crap.

Apparently my Asylum One Shot got a lot of views :o

So naturally I decided I'm going to write another story for this fandom.

And decided "I'm gonna write a story about an akumatized hero now"


People were behind bars.

Ladybug felt sort of...weird walking in the prison, waiting to see if she could speak to a certain prisoner. As far as she was concerned, she hadn't even done anything, nor had her partner. But alas, Cat Noir had to get himself thrown in prison. Either these people were insane, or something was up.

"Ladybug?" the secretary, Nathalie, spoke up, "Cat Noir...or Cat Blanc...would like to speak with you."

What? Cat Blanc? There was no way that was possible. Cat's miraculous was supposed to be the black cat miraculous, not the white cat miraculous. Ladybug nodded, still slightly confused about the whole Cat Blanc/Cat Noir situation.

Once in the area, Ladybug sat in a chair, a glass wall separating her from the other chair. Cat hadn't shown up yet, and she could only assume a guard was getting him.


A malicious sounding voice filled the room, venom seemingly in the voice. Ladybug quickly turned and was about to greet him, before seeing him and going wide eyed.

"C-Cat Noir?" Ladybug gasped in surprise, not expecting what she was seeing now.

Cat Noir's suit had changed to a pure white color as well as the mask and ears, although he seemed to be wearing an orange prison suit over the white leather suit, and what could be seen of the bell was a dark gold-purple color. His eyes had turned to a malicious violet color, and he had a villainous smirk, showing slightly sharper teeth. He sat down across from her, the glass wall keeping them apart.

"It's Cat Blanc now," Cat Noir-or rather, Cat Blanc-spoke furiously, "I refuse to be addressed as a person I used to be."

"I'll leave you two to talk," the guard spoke up and started to walk out.

"Cat Blanc..." Ladybug trailed off, "what happened?"

"It's simple Milady," Cat Blanc spoke again with venom in his tone at the word 'Milady' which confused her further, "don't you remember a few nights ago?"

"A few nights ago?!" Ladybug was most definitely surprised. "What does that have to do with...this!? Cat, explain!"

"I'm not explaining until you understand what is going on," Cat Blanc scowled with frustration.

Ladybug started to think. What had happened a few nights ago? Well...

Flashback time.

"Ladybug, I..." Cat Noir began to speak. It was a night of patrol, and since no akumas had shown up, he decided it was a good time to confess. "I love you."

Ladybug was most definitely surprised, but at the same time, frustrated. She had told him she loved someone else, but now she was confused on who she liked more: Adrien or Luka. Either way, Cat was most definitely not Luka or Adrien, and was way out of her league in her eyes.

"Cat Noir, I'm sorry but I just can't. If we do end up as a couple, we could become too distracted to fight akumas, and we can't have that," Ladybug replied, "plus I told you already, I'm in love with another boy."

Cat Noir's expression fell, ears beginning to flatten before perking up. He was almost always positive, which Ladybug found admirable-especially for someone who constantly took the hits for her in battles. "Well, if something with this guy you love doesn't work out-"

"I already have another option for if things don't work out with the first guy," Ladybug interrupted, being careful to not reveal either of their names to protect their identities. "I'm sorry Cat Noir, but it would never work out."

Cat's expression fell. "You're in love with two guys?" he repeated, trying his hardest to prevent his disappointment from showing, although it was most definitely notable in his tone of voice.

"Cat Noir, it's not what you think! I'm not cheating on one of them," Ladybug tried to explain. "But it's always nice to have some back up options."

"Well maybe you could at least let me know who they are?" Cat asked hopefully, "Come on My Lady, I at least want to know what's-"

"No, Cat!" Ladybug exclaimed, "You don't understand! You are NOT them! You will NEVER BE them! They are perfect and you and I are simply not ready to be a couple! You have to understand!"

Ladybug got out her yo-yo and swung it outward as it wrapped around a building. She turned to the disappointed Cat Noir and spoke bluntly, "I'll see you later." Without further statements and before Cat Noir could call out to her, she pulled on the yo-yo, and was whisked away from the Eiffel Tower, where they had met up.

Cat Noir, however, was devastated. Not only did his lady reject him-harshly, might I add-but also refused to give any insight on what was going on in her civilian life. He just thought it'd be cool if they knew each other in their civilian lives, but apparently Ladybug thought otherwise.

And he didn't notice the purple butterfly approaching him, wings flapping as it seemed to get absorbed into the bell and Hawk Moth's voice spoke out in his mind...

"Hello, Cat Blanc..."

"Is this about what happened at the Eiffel Tower?" Ladybug gasped in realization. She hadn't thought about the fact that what she had said would've led to Cat Noir, her own crime fighting partner, to become akumatized. She felt awful now. Maybe if she had listened to what he had to say, or thought about what she was going to say, maybe things would be different.

"I'm glad you finally realized it," Cat Blanc spoke up again, "I've been akumatized for a few days now. The freest days of my life, might I add. I wasn't playing perfect son, nor was I playing second fiddle," he added bitterly, "and it was nice to finally be out of your shadow."

"Cat Blanc, I need you to listen to me," Ladybug spoke, trying her hardest to hide the fact those words hurt. "It's dangerous to keep an akuma for that long. It could manifest itself into your personality, whether as Cat Noir or your civilian self, and it could also mean you could-"

"Cat Noir is GONE!" Cat Blanc growled. "Don't you get it?! They arrested me because I was an akuma that cataclysmed the Eiffel Tower not long after you left!"

Cat Blanc seemed so frustrated, so angry with the fact she didn't understand. And what horrified Ladybug more was that not long after he had snapped a butterfly mask outlined his face. Ladybug knew what that meant.

"CATACLYSM!" Cat Blanc yelled unexpectedly, placing his hand on the glass barrier. It slowly turned to dust, becoming destroyed. Now there was nothing between him and Ladybug. "You're next, Milady." He spoke, a slightly sick grin forming on his lips.

Ladybug was not expecting him to go full-on "ready to fight" mode, but nonetheless, she got out her yo-yo. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Cat Blanc was about to charge, getting his baton ready...

...and a guard had come back in and was restraining him.

"I'm sorry guard," Ladybug began, "but Cat didn't mean to do what he did. He's under an akuma's influence!" she hadn't realized how much emotion she was feeling. "Let me help him! Please! Cat!"

Cat Blanc simply struggled to get out of the guard's grip, as the guard dragged him away, leaving Ladybug standing in the room, alone and conflicted, with one thought on her mind...

How am I going to defeat this akuma?

And that's the end of chapter one! Chapter 2 is coming soon!

Also I've just been watching Seasons 1 and 2 a lot more recently as well as S3 to get a better taste of the characters. Some episodes are great but some are...eh. But we have our own opinions :)

Constructive Criticism and Reviews are always welcome :D