I'm back, and I had this idea just randomly come into my mind. I don't know how many stories I'll publish, but who cares. There will be 6 people fighting for Lucy, three are Natsu, Loke, and Erza, tell me who you think all

Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail, enjoy!

Lucy's P.O.V.

"C'mon Natsu, why can't you just use the door for once?" I whined. Natsu had a habit of breaking in through my window without permission. Things have been pretty normal for a while, but, some of my friends are acting weird. Like, weirder than normal.

"But Luce, I wanted to go on a job, besides, it'll just be me and you, Happy is gonna stay home and fish!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly

"What?! But, what about Gray, Erza, and Wendy?! Shouldn't we go as a team?!" I was kinda shocked, to be honest. Normally, it'd be me, Natsu, and Happy. But just the two of us? Is he planning something? Maybe he's gonna ask me out, but I don't know what I'd say!

"Let's go!" Natsu dragged me out of my house, and all the way to the train station for this job. He must be really excited.

Gray's P.O.V. (Interesting P.O.V.)

A lot of my friends have been acting odd, especially around Lucy. Of course, I'm fairly certain, they have crushes on her, not like it matters to me, or anything, I don't like Lucy like that. She's like my little sister, and as the 'big brother' I gotta make sure nothing bad is going on. But, I think flame brain took her on a job. So, I have to wait. Maybe I'll go question some other people, but now, I'm gonna go get some sleep, and pray that Juvia doesn't stalk me straight to my place.

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Natsu, wait up!" I run after Natsu, trying to catch up to him. After we got off the train, he ran off, screaming about freedom. We eventually got to the client's place, Natsu, full of energy, and me, trying to catch my breath.

"Are you the mages who took the job request?" We nodded. The client brought us inside and gave us details. We needed to stop some bandits, easy. What we didn't know is that the bandits also used magic. We found that out halfway through the battle.

"Silver Make: Hammer!" I barely dodged the silver hammer. I needed some spirits.

"Open, gate of the Lion, Loke!" Loke appeared, and smiled at me.

"Hey Lucy, did ya need me cause you were getting kinda lonely?" Loke seemed to notice the bandits, and sighed. "Gimme a sec." He ran up the them. "Regulus Impact!" Loke had blown most of the bandits away. "Now, where were we." He came back over to e and attempted to pull me into a hug, but Natsu sucker punched Loke before I could yell at him.

"You defeated most of the bad guys!" Natsu yelled at Loke. Natsu looked at me. "And tried to put your paws on Lucy! She's my friend!"

"Okay, lets go home now, bye Loke." I shut Loke away and took Natsu to the clients. We got our reward and headed home. I didn't expect to see him, the blonde guild master …. Sting.

Peace out guys!