Well, it turns out Evan has led a very boring life, and only took one shot. So Evan got to see 'sort of drunk' me, again. But I didn't get to see drunk Evan, which is surprisingly disappointing.
"Geez, it's dark out." Michael says. He was leaning on Jeremy, who was basically falling asleep with his arm around Michael.
Alright, there is NO way they haven't gone on a date yet. I think as I look over at Evan, who had his legs draped over mine. He was falling asleep too, closing his eyes for a moment and then snapping them back open.
"Yeah, we should probably go to sleep. Classes start this week." I say, gently shaking Evan. He sat up and looked around, making a "Hmmm?" Sound.
"We're going to bed now, come on." I say, standing up and offering him my hand. Evan shakes his head and rolls onto the floor. I sigh a little and pick him up.
Evan giggles and smiles at me. "Hi." He says. He's so cute when he's tired.
"Hello." I say, smiling back at him. "We're gonna go to bed now."
"Carry me!" Evan says, laughing to himself. I smile and kiss his cheek, carrying him to his bed and setting him down.
"Goodnight, Ev." I kiss his forehead and pull the covers over him. He fell asleep before I said anything else, but I still whispered "I love you" to him before turning off the lights.
"I have a plan!" I sit up and look at Evan, who had just barged into my room uninvited. Weird. He always knocks.
"What?" I'm so confused. "Plan for what?"
"We" Evan pauses to point to me, then himself, "are going to get Michael and Jeremy together!"
I stood up and laughed a little. "Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend? Evan, What are you talking about?"
"Okay so I was getting coffee with Jeremy, and I asked about Michael cause he seemed like a pretty cool dude. And Jeremy told me about how wonderful he was, and I thought 'hey these two are definitely a couple' but apparently they aren't! Can you believe that? So I asked if they ever dated, he said no. So I had a lot of more coffee, but that's not important. Then I talked to Michael, asked him about Jeremy, and they are both totally in love with each other." His words came out in a rush, and it looks like he didn't even take a breath.
"You know what happened last time you tried to set people up..." I raise my eyebrows at him. Also, why would he drink that much coffee?
"Yeah but Zoe and Alana still ended up together! Sure they both kind of hate me, but still." Evan looked insane, first of all. Well, not really insane. He just looked different. He certainly wasn't quiet or shy right now, which is a big change.
"You need to chill out right now." I say, shaking my head a little. "And also...Why do you want to get them together? We just met them, I don't think it's the right time to play matchmaker."
"I don't wanna be chill right now." Evan says. "And so what? They're meant to be together, obviously. It's obvious. Don't you think it's obvious?"
"Calm down Ev." I say, standing up and shaking my head at him. "Even if they are meant to be, I think they can get together on their own."
"They are literally just awkwardly in love." Evan says. "Basically me and you if you hadn't found my suicidal letter, and we were both relatively normal-ish! Or maybe me and you if we were normal and I didn't have a suicidal letter." He trailed off and a puzzled look crossed his face. Yikes. This conversation didn't take a great turn.
"Evan, I have never heard you talk this much in so little time. And we've known each other for a while." I say, laughing. "Just don't try and get them together until we know them more. We have to live with them, after all. If your plan fails...well, it could all go to hell."
"Fine." Evan says with a huff. "But I'm gonna tell you the same thing when you try and get them together yourself!"
The surprising thing was that he actually did. When I approached Evan only a week later to tell him he was right, he responded with nearly every word I had said. I was half flattered he remembered, half angry at myself for not believing him when he told me he would do this.
"Please! Please! Pleeeaaaaase!" I was begging him at this point. Caffeinated Evan was more willing to do things than Decaf Evan. Not like weird things or anything, just like...nevermind. God, I sound like Evan when we met.
"You need to chill out right now." Evan says, smiling at me. "We don't even know them well enough."
"Alright, that's it." I squinted at him and huffed. "If you don't agree, I won't kiss you for the rest of the year. And I'll go to the sisters to see if they'll help me."
He raised his eyebrows at me and laughed. "Okay. Fine. Let's go get the sisters."
(Hey! Yeah! I know! I'm not dead, I swear. It's just been busy. Anywho, I'll make sure to finish this story. I'm working on my Sincerely, Me sequel series thing (I am so excited, I'm gonna introduce some new characters in it!) So expect that to be here sometime in the future too! If you haven't read Sincerely, Me yet, go ahead! The sequel is not going to be like the first one)
Thanks for reading! I'll update again soon!