Hey, peeps. Welcome to new chapter. This chapter will bring us to the end of Wave and next chapter is the aftermath and the final battles. Now next chapter is also the road to the chunin exams, but we will have a filler (one chapter) before then. Next chapter also brings the return of Jiraiya. He will get a message from the toad sage that the prophecy has changed and you will know how as.
Now onto reviews
GunBlade202: yes, it will be brought up when he gets back. Naruto will learn more about his family once he gets back to the village, I'm saving that for the filler chapter most likely. Naruto will find out that his family were like supernatural hunters that did jobs for money.
naes151: The interaction is more to come. Their will also be more stories of the Namikaze as the story goes on. They are like a world famous clan, much like the senju, Uchiha, and Hyuuga. People know more them for their skills in battle and others know them for their knowledge and stories that tend to involve them.
Meepywarlord : I won't. I will complete the story.
The Supreme Kitsune Sage: I don't think so. I think we can achieve it, but it's not going to just happen. We need to work for it and accept each other. We need each other, one wouldn't be here without the other. We all want peace, so why can't we have it. You have those who only care about themselves and their power and don't care about the people below the trees.
Alright, that's it for reviews.
Justu/Demon Talk
Thoughts/ Special Convo
Chapter 10: Battle for Wave
Naruto and Haku stared at each other right in the eyes, blue met brown. Haku had a calm look on her face, it was basically stoic. While Naruto had the opposite, he had a knowing smile worn on his lips. The reaper's familiar on his shoulder, Nero eyes bird eyes also on the partner of Zabuza.
Haku had fallen for her trap, he knew who she was and she was none the wiser to it, and now she was stuck. Does she kill him? If so that would bring the wrath of his teammates and they will find her and Zabuza. They can't afford any more attention, especially now that her father is still recovering.
"So, what now?" Naruto asked out of the blue, they had been standing in silence for a while. Haku continued to look at his blue eyes and responded back.
"You tell me, you have me at my mercy." Naruto snorted at that, he knew that was a lie and a bad one at that. The teen could see that this girl was hiding more than she let on.
"I'm sure that you could kill me if you wanted to, but I also feel that you don't want to do that." Haku looked at him strangely, he was not wrong, but she wondered how he knew.
"What gives you that idea?" Naruto rubbed his head and gave his fox smile that just made Haku feel so warm for some reason.
"Gut feeling." The teen said simply and Haku lost her stoic look when she heard that sentence. For some reason she just laughed at his response and Naruto saw her laughing, he too soon started to laugh. The tension between them had been gone, but they were still in a weird place. Both of them were supposed to be enemies and yet here they are laughing at each other.
'He's a strange one.' Haku thought as she made her way to leave, they were not going to be fighting so there was no point to be here any longer. But before she left she decided to ask Naruto something, something that even caught the teen by surprise.
"Naruto, would you like to meet here again tomorrow morning." Naruto was caught off guard by the question, and he didn't know how to answer it. Should he come back to see her? Haku was the daughter of an enemy and he was going to have to fight her father.
"Why do you want to see me again? I mean you are Zabuza's daughter and I'm a shinobi protecting the man he is...well trying to kill." Haku knew he had a point and even with that amazing point she still wanted to spend more time with Naruto.
She can't explain it, but she feels like they have a connection and it's not often that she meets boys thanks to her father's work. This may be the only opportunity she has and she doesn't want to waste it.
"You have no intention of killing me and I am going to assume you won't tell your teammates about me." Naruto nodded his head as Haku continued.
"Then let's spend some time together, get to know each other." Naruto could do that, besides it's not like there's much to do in this village. Not only that this will give him an opportunity to see why someone as nice as Haku will be with Zabuza. There has to be more than she letting on, why would she allow any of this, especially after what's happened to this village.
"Ok, tomorrow it is. Just me and you." Naruto clarified and Haku nodded her head, she gave her word that no harm will come to him and Naruto will not tell his comrades about this. Their meeting is just between the two of them. Two enemies secretly meeting each other just to hang out...What the hell did he just do?
"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow." Naruto told her as he waved goodbye and after doing so the teen began to make his way back to Tazuna's house. *CAW* Naruto heard Nero speak and looked at her as she was still on his shoulder.
"I know what I'm doing. Don't worry, Nero. I have everything under control." Naruto reassured the crow, but Nero didn't believe him. *Caw* Naruto narrowed his eyes that crow this time.
"What does her being pretty have to do with anything? She could've killed me when I was asleep, but she didn't. Instead she helped heal me when she already knew who I was. Seriously, Nero you have to learn to have more faith in me." Naruto told her bird the casually, Nero had a blank look on her face and decided to tell him something else.
*Caw* Naruto widened his eyes, guessing Kiba was making an effort. It's slow, but it's also a start with Sakura. Who again is the biggest fan girl that there is in Konoha, maybe tied with Ino.
"Really? I guess I could tell him to take her out, but this village is not the prettiest in the world. So maybe after the mission, yeah. In Konoha he can take her too Ichiraku's for a date." Nero shook her head at her master, only he would think that a ramen store is the perfect place for a date.
It didn't take long for Naruto and Nero to return to the house and when they got in they saw that everyone was at the dinner table with solemn looks on their faces. Naruto saw the vibe and looked to his sensei. Kurenai saw him and greeted him on his return.
"Naruto, I'm glad that you are back and safe. Where have you been all night?" Kurenai went from worried sensei to a scolding sensei in a heartbeat.
"Uhhh...Got lost on the road of life." Kakashi chuckled at the response and Naruto's response made all of Team 7 groan, along with Kurenai. The lone female jonin has heard that excuse too many times from her fellow comrade and friend.
"Don't influence my student, Kakashi." Kurenai threw a glare at the mask jonin and that said jonin shivered from the intensity of the red eyed woman. He raised his perverted book higher to escape her gaze, but it only made Kurenai intensify it even more. Her glare was so powerful that it seemed like it burned a hole through the smut book and reached Kakashi.
"So, what happened while I was gone? There were a lot of frowns in the kitchen." Sakura was the one that answered the blonde shinobi.
"We got a message from Gato." The moment Naruto heard the rogue's name he instantly thought of Haku.
"What did he say?"
"Well, he didn't say anything really." Kiba responded and Naruto was confused. Shino saw the confusion and decided to elaborate more.
"He sent a messenger, it would seem that Gato is not happy that Tazuna has returned to the village and is working on his bridge. He has given the man seven days to leave the village or he will burn it down."
"This threat has also made most of Tazuna's workers quit working on the bridge and now the man is all by himself." Kakashi picked up where Shino left off making Nartuo nod his head. The loss of the workers was bad, but it wasn't terrible. I mean he literally is one man army, so he can replace them.
Then there was the message, seven days. Clear as day, they have seven days till Gato destroyed the village more than he already has. That means they would have to most likely face Zabuza and Haku in the seven days. Well, this is a great first C-Rank mission.
"Bro, what are you thinking?" Kiba called Naruto.
"Oh, I was just wondering what kind of tattoo I will have Uta make when this mission is over. I was thinking of tidal waves for...you know, the Wave village. Or maybe I should get a demon mask covered in mist. What do you think?" Kiba wondered as well, the demon mask does sound cool, maybe that would be the right one to go with. Kiba likes his tattoos to be more loud.
"Are you really thinking about tattoos at this moment?" Sakura asked in disbelief and Naruto nodded his head with a smile.
"Yup, I want more. Oh, the whole bridge problem. I got it figured out, I can make shadow clones and Tazuna can just guide them to whatever they need him to do." Everyone of Konoha just blinked, that idea was simple that they had to be stupid not to realize that.
"That...is a good idea." Kurenai admitted, but there was the Zabuza problem and the burning of the whole village. Luckily for her Shino had an idea, an idea that would help both the village and the Tazuna.
"We are going to have to split up. Sensei, I recommended that we protect the village and the family, while Team 7 can protect Tazuna while he builds the bridge." Kurenia smiled at Shino, the bug genius just gave an excellent plan.
"That will work. Don't you agree, Kakashi?" Kakashi closed his book and gave an eye smile to Kurenai.
"Yup," Everyone smiled, they had a plan and now they just had to protect, and also defeat Zabuza and Haku. No pressure. When the meeting was concluded everyone went outside to train, they needed to be ready for Zabuza. Naruto already knows that he is going to have to deal with Haku.
He also knows that she is going to be strong, how strong is the question. He has a gut feeling that she will be on his level. She is the daughter of the demon that means that she no doubt has learned something from her father, but as she is the demon's daughter. He is also the son of the Black Reaper. Naruto will not go down without a fight, he has something that he has been working on long before he even got his scythe.
So if things get too dicy between him and Haku, he will use the technique that his father taught him. In case of emergencies Arashi taught Naruto a clan technique that was ironically created by his great-great grandmother. That technique was the...Witch Hunter. So, all an all he can handle Haku.
The Next Day
The next day came and Naruto had woken up early, he quietly left the house to meet up Haku in the same forest that they met for the first time. In case Naruto did get caught, he left a shadow clone behind to make it seem like he was in the house. His senseis would probably tell that he shouldn't be fraternizing with the enemy, no less the enemy's daughter. But Naruto was the unconventional type.
He believes that he can get to understand Haku. What made her join Zabuza and everything that led her to become who she is now? He wanted to know all of it.
Why? He has no idea, but a part of him feels like he can save her from him, from his comrades. He doesn't want to see her dead. Naruto frowned as he arrived at the spot, he didn't see Haku. He wondered if she would show up, maybe she lied to him. The teen shook his head, she didn't do that.
Haku gave her word that she would be here, so he'll wait. Naruto lay down on the grass, he laid back and rested his head on the soft grass and looked up at the morning sky.
The teen rested his scythe next to him in case someone would try something. Naruto soon closed his eyes, he wasn't going to go to sleep, but he was going to mediate. He always does this when he is unsure of himself and right now he is unsure of himself.
Not just because of Haku, but because of yesterday. That whole send your soul to the abyss thing and before that the excited when he fought Zabuza. What was that anyway? Did it have something to do with Nephilim blood? 'I guess I will be asking dad a lot of questions when this is over.' Naruto released another sigh once he finished thinking. The teen now just relaxed as he waited for the daughter of his enemy.
A Few Minutes Later
"Hello there," Naruto opened his eyes to see Haku face above him and blocking out the light of the sun from him.
"We need to stop meeting like this. You are always on the ground when I see you." Haku's statement made Naruto smile, she moved out of his view and sat down next to him. Naruto decided to stay where he was, he didn't feel like getting up.
Haku saw that he wasn't going to get up and decided to lay down next to him, now both young teens were looking up at the sky. Two enemies, two children of powerful, two highly decorated shinobi, two teenagers just looking up at the sky filled with clouds.
"This is nice." Haku said warmly as she looked at the clouds and Naruto had to agree with her, this was nice. He can now see why Shikarmua does this so often, it's so peaceful and just relaxing.
"Yeah, you sometimes forget that this village is suffering from a crime lord." Haku now looked at Naruto, she caught that jab that he threw.
"Yes, it's sometimes hard to forget that, but I am loyal to my father." Naruto now looked at Haku as he turned his head to her, no longer looking at the clouds. Haku did the same and now they were both looking each other in the eyes.
A silence came upon the two now as they just stared at each other, neither said a word to break the silence. What could they say? Naruto didn't know what to say, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try to break the obvious tension.
"Why? Why after everything that you saw Gato do to these people, why would you still work for him?" Naruto just came out and asked the question, he didn't expect to do that on the first date. Would you call this a first date? Who knows?
"I know what he's done is terrible, but like I told you before. I am loyal to my father, to the man that saved me. Are you not loyal to your father?" Naruto thought about that question, of course he was loyal to his father.
"Yes, I am loyal to my father."
"Then you should understand what I am doing. I'm doing what he would want me to, I'm being a good daughter." Haku told him adamantly and Naruto couldn't believe what he just heard. Naruto...he didn't understand it actually. Well, that's not true.
He got it, but he also didn't get it. The reason he didn't get it was because of the Four. They betrayed their brothers and sisters for the greater good, so if his father ever did something like that then...then he would kill him. He wouldn't let innocents suffer...he couldn't.
"What now then?" Naruto asked as he looked at her, Haku thought about it for a moment and then got up.
"Let's go to the village. I need some ingredients for dinner." Naruto nodded his head and grabbed his scythe. He strapped it to his back and began to walk with Haku to the village. As they were walking to the village they began to talk more.
Naruto and Haku talked about their likes and dislikes, their fathers, favorite colors, even things that they liked to do. When they arrived Haku took him the a local store that sold the items she required, Naruto meanwhile just looked at her as she talked with everyone in the store.
He could see that she enjoyed speaking with them, she had such a warm smile that seemed to make everything better for people. It was ironic that the girl that is treating them so well is the one helping the man destroy their village.
Naruto shook his head, he decided that he wasn't going to think about that while hanging out with Haku. When Haku was done she thanked the cashier for his help and walked out with Naruto.
As the two teens were walking they passed an old man that was sitting on the ground, he was a homeless man that had been affected by Gato's reign. They didn't pay him any mind, but Naruto did leave some coins for him so he could at least get something to eat. The old man felt the coins enter his hands and looked up to see the back of Naruto, when he saw the teen he widened his eyes.
"It can't be." The old man whispered in shock and fear, no one heard him including Naruto. The old man just kept staring at Naruto like he had seen a ghost...or something worse than that. The old man didn't stay on the floor long after seeing the teen he got up and made his way elsewhere. This was not the last time though that Naruto would see this man.
Naruto and Haku arrived at a temple that was rundown and looked terrible. Haku felt bad for it, she walked into it and Naruto followed her.
When Naruto and Haku got inside they saw that the inside was just as the worst as the outside. The place looked like it was about to fall apart, it seemed so dead inside. Haku went further into the temple than Naruto, he stayed near the door and just watched as Haku neared a shrine.
The raven/blonde haired teen saw Haku kneel on the ground and bring her hands together for a prayer, when she rose and looked back at him.
"Do you want to say one?" Naruto looked surprised by that, he really isn't a guy that believes in the power of prayer.
He won't even call himself a follower of the higher beings, he knows that they exist thanks to his father telling him about the clan's past. But has for serving and thinking that the power of prayer can save him. Yeah, that's a no go for him.
"No thanks, I'm not one for faith." Naruto told her simply and she smiled as she looked back at the shrine and bowed her head. Naruto on the other hand just continued to stay outside, he didn't want to go in, he might burn. Ok, he knew that wouldn't happen, but he still decided to stay outside.
The teen just leaned on the wall and when he did back touched it he saw something hit his mind. Just like with the picture of Inari's father, Naruto saw images flash into his head. The difference this time was that this was a woman that seemed to live in the village, he watched as she seemed to enjoy a life that was filled with joy. It was joy, until Gato came.
He watched as she saw Inari's father get murder in front of the village for standing up to him, he saw through her eyes the hope that left that village on that. She though didn't get up hope, she came here to this temple and prayed.
She prayed that a savior would come to their village, a savior much like the one from the stories she heard as a child. The same story that Naruto was told by Tazuna. This girl prayed everyday and every night, coming to this temple daily, until one night it cost her.
Naruto saw as the woman was trapped by two men with samurai swords, no, they were mocking the name samurai. They were not the honor bond swordsmen, but thugs with big swords. The woman had a look of fear on her face as the two men came upon her and...and Naruto watched as they raped her.
He heard her cry and pleas, but no one came and when they were done they left her. Naruto watched with horror filled eyes as she got and grabbed a broken piece of glass, the woman had tears pouring down her eyes as she stabbed the glass into her neck and that's when the vision stopped for Naruto.
"Argh!" Naruto screamed when the vision stopped, Haku turned around and saw him collapse on the ground.
"Naruto!" She called out to him, she moved quickly and saw him grabbing his head in pain. "Naruto, are you alright?" Haku asked, her tone filled with worry.
Naruto on the other hand felt the pain start to ease away, he took deep breaths as he began to collect himself. When he opened his eyes they were filled with anger and intensity that made even Haku step back. Hake saw the gentle blue eyes turn into fiery orange color, she thought she was imagine things, but she saw it.
When Naruto blinked they orange eyes turned back into blue and that's when he got help from Haku. "Are you alright?" Naruto nodded his head, but he didn't answer her yet.
The teen just looked back into the temple where the girl he saw raped killed herself. Naruto stepped in without saying a word and went to the shrine. To Haku's surprise he kneeled down and said a quick prayer, it wasn't long. It had to be roughly one minute, maybe two, but no more.
When Naruto was done he looked at the shrine for a little longer and left. "Are you ready?" Naruto asked Haku and she nodded her head, they both left after that and walked back to the forest where they met.
"Are you-"
"I'm fine. I just saw something that's all." Haku heard him, his tone was very distant, she could tell that he didn't want to talk about it and she was going to respect that. Naruto saw that it was starting to get late and he needed to get back to his team.
"I need to leave, Haku. This was...interesting. Shall we do it again?" Naruto asked Haku and she smiled. She would like to do it again also and so she gave him her answer.
"Yes, I would like that." Naruto put his arms behind his head and gave his fox a smile. Haku had a gentle smile on her face as both of them began to walk back to their hidden spot in the forest.
Once they got there, Haku would return to Zabuza and Naruto would return to his team, they decided they would meet again at night. Night was better for the both of them, Naruto's team would be asleep and Haku father would be as well.
Days Passing
As the days passed Haku and Naruto spent as much time together as they possibly could, it was tricky trying to keep their hidden meetings from each other, but they were able to manage. Naruto's friends and senseis' were none the wiser...he hoped and Zabuza didn't know about the secret meeting with the blonde shinobi on Haku's side...she hoped. If they did, they would be in big trouble.
During those meetings things were always peaceful between them, they would just talk and talk throughout the night. Naruto told her about his parents, his fathers and mothers, and how he adores them so much. How he wants to make them proud and honor his family's name. Naruto told her about the stories that his father told him of how the Namikaze are a clan of honor, they always keep their word whenever they give it.
Haku enjoyed the stories that Naruto told her and just listened to them, her father even told her some of the famous clan and like Naruto, Haku told him some stories as well. Haku told him how she met Zabuza, how she came to be his daughter. Haku went on how she was born with a special power that made her hated by many. She told Naruto how she ran away and stumbled upon the demon of the mist, where he took her in, trained her, fed her, clothed her, and raised her as if she was his own.
The stories went back and forth, laughs were shared between them, and moments of peace were shared, but eventually all good things must come to end. Naruto and Haku both knew that they couldn't last. The faithful night was going to come where they had to say their goodbyes and come back down to reality. And that day had finally arrived.
In the middle of the night, the sky clear with many stars in the sky giving light, both Naruto and Haku stood face to face. No words were shared between since their eyes found each other, they honestly didn't know what to say. What could they say? They both knew what they shared wouldn't last forever, they knew that soon they would have to become back to reality.
They would have to go from friends to enemies fighting for two different causes. Naruto for the people of this village and Haku for her father's love. Tomorrow would be the day, so now, they had to say goodbye.
"Naruto," Haku called his name sadly, she was looking at him, but his face was hidden thanks to his red hood. Naruto had kept it up for some reason, Haku could speculate, but she decided to leave it be.
"I really don't know what to say. I...We both knew that this day was going to come, but even then I still never knew what I was going to say." Naruto continued to listen to Haku, he didn't know what to say either. That's a first for him.
"I did enjoy these times with you, Naruto. They have been special for me, I'm not one to have friends, but I like to think that you were my first. The first one I could really call a friend." Naruto listened to Haku, still not saying anything. Haku sighed and walked forward towards the teen.
Naruto didn't move, he just let her walk up to him and the daughter of the demon raised her hands to take down his hood. When the red hood came down Haku saw his face, it was blank showing no emotion. But she knew better. She has come to know that Naruto wears his emotions on his sleeve, and right now he is just hiding them and she knows this is hurting him.
"I know you are sad, but this is our path. We made our choices and we have to accept that. Heh, it's funny. Tonight I was going to try to convince you to come with me knowing full well that you wouldn't. And I know that you were going to try to convince me of the same, knowing full well that I wouldn't."
Naruto still didn't say anything, his only sign of a response was him just turning his eyes away for what Haku said was true. He was going to tell all of that and still knew that she was going to stay loyal to her father.
Haku smiled at the reaction and just put a hand to his cheek, a hand that Naruto felt the coldness of, but even with that he felt the warmth on it. Naruto raised his hand and put his on Haku's own. Haku smiled as Naruto stayed silent, still not saying a word. Haku didn't need him to nor did she want him to. It would have made things harder for her if she heard his voice again, so she settled with the silence.
Both teens stayed silent and not moving from their positions, they didn't want to move. But they knew that it had to come to an end. Haku slowly, but surely removed her hand from the cheek of her first friend.
"Goodbye, Naruto." Haku left after saying those two words and Naruto watched her leave. He watched her fleeting back and didn't say a word, all he did was stay silent. Naruto soon saw her disappear in the darkness and when he couldn't see her no longer he sighed.
The reaper turned around, he put up his hood and started walking back to Tazuna's house. As he walked Nero landed on his shoulder, he didn't say anything to the bird.
All he did was walk, it wasn't long before he caught the sight of his sensei leaning on a tree with a blank look on her face. Naruto stopped when he saw her and Kurenai opened her ruby eyes to see the sad look on her student's face.
"Is it wrong to try to save someone that doesn't want to be saved?" Naruto asked his sensei out of curiosity and the woman just sighed. She got up off of the tree and walked to her student. Naruto figured that Kurenai was going to scold him, but he was wrong when she decided to put an arm to him like a mother comforting her son.
"Come on, let's get back to the house." Kurenai told him with a sad smile, she knew that he broke regulations and the rules, but he won't be punished. Not today at least and besides right now all he is some alone time. Time to recollect his thoughts and she will be there for him, like a good sensei.
The Next Day
The next day came and Naruto was in the house, technically he was in the attic. He wanted to be alone, not even Nero was with him. After saying goodbye to Haku...or after Haku said goodbye to him he was silent. Something that he never was. Kurenai knew what the problem was, she told everyone that he needed some alone time. So Naruto has been up here ever since the sun rose, just mediating.
Team 7 had gone to the bridge to protect Tazuna and hopefully complete, while Team 8 stood by to protect Tazuna's family and the village. The rest of Naruto's team were the village standing by as guards while he stayed at the house to protect the family.
Everything was going smoothly, there were no incidents, trouble. Everything was quiet, to quiet. Naruto had a feeling that something was about to go down and he was right when he smelt smoke. Naruto quickly snapped open his eyes and ran out the house to see large clouds of black smoke.
The village was burning, Gato kept to his word and said that he would burn the village. Naruto cursed as he grabbed his scythe. The teen was about to head into the village to assist his team, he could hear the screams of the people as their homes were being burned by the gangsters of Gato's payroll.
Naruto was about to head into the village, but screaming and crying coming from behind stopped him. Naruto hopped onto the house and saw that Tsunami and Inari were being attacked by two men wielding katanas.
Naruto narrowed his eyes at these men and got a look at their faces, when he saw them he widened his eyes in anger. 'It's them!' Naruto recognized the two fake samurai from the shrine, the same two that raped that woman and made her kill herself. Naruto let out animalistic growl and his eyes turned orange.
When the blues turned into the fiery orange color he saw the broken body of the woman that they hurt, he saw her cold dead eyes, he saw her life that they had ruined. He basically saw red. Naruto gripped his red scythe tightly and disappeared from the rooftop, and on his way to bring death to everything and everyone that his eyes caught on.
"Let her go!" Inari screamed as he was shoved to the ground by the talking samurai. Inair tried to get up, but was shoved down again by a punch.
"INARI!" Tsunami cried out her son's name as she watched him take the punch. She couldn't move as the other thug held arms behind her back. The man threw the mother to the ground and when she looked she was being leered at by the two men. They both had sick and lustful smiles on their faces.
"Looks like we get to have some fun." One of the samurai spoke with lust in his voice and moved forward to Tsunami making her back up in fear.
"Hurry up so I can get in Zor-" The thug named Zori turned around when his accomplice stopped talking. Zori turned around and saw his partner Waraji not moving and unresponsive.
"Waraji? Wara-'' Zori cut himself off when he saw blood coming out of his mouth. Waraji didn't move even as blood poured down his mouth and soon a line appeared around his abdomen.
A thin red line around that looked like a clean cut from the blade. Soon enough the top half of Waraji's body slid down from his lower half and spilled buckets of blood. Inari, Tsunami, and Zori all widen their eyes in horror as the man's body was cut in half. Organs were spilling out and blood poured out of his severed body.
All three of them looked up from the severed half and saw the man did it and it was...Naruto. Naruto who still held his scythe as he just swung it, his eyes a blazing orange and unknowingly channeling KI at the second thug. Zori started to wet his pants as he watched something appear behind Naruto, something that was ominous and frightening.
"You. Will. Die!" Naruto told him simply as he walked forward, his scythe being dragged into the harbor, cutting the wood. Zori tried to pull his sword out of his sheath, but the fear that Naruto was giving him stopped him from moving. When Naruto got close enough he raised his scythe and took a swipe at the thug's head, severing it from its body.
The head bounced on the wooden panels of the pier like a ball and soon landed in the waters. Naruto looked down at the headless body with cold eyes, when he was done he turned around and put the scythe on his shoulder.
"Inari," Inari jumped when he heard his name called by the reaper. He was in shock by what he saw that he didn't even answer the teen.
"Protect your mother. Get her inside the house and hide." After telling the boy that Naruto left, he began to leave the house grounds. Both mother and son watched with eyes in awe as the teen left. Both of them didn't say a word as they watched the teen, but they did share the same thought.
'Dad/Grandpa was right, the Namikaze are special.' The mother and son thought together as Naruto walked away. Nero landed on his shoulder and both their eyes connected. She saw the change in the color and cawed at him. "Understood. Nero, go ahead and warn them. Warn them all that I'm coming."
Nero nodded her head and took off flying, Naruto soon began to run as well, making his way to the bridge where he will no doubt find Zabzua and Haku. The two assassins were doing battle with Team 7, he needed to hurry and get there. Kakashi may be able to handle Zabuza, but his students will not be strong enough for Haku. He was the only one that would be... no, he is the only one strong enough to stop. He needed to stop her.
"Call him," Naruto heard the deep male voice in the back of his head. He thought that it was Kyuubi, but it wasn't. No, this was a different voice. This voice sounded very familiar to him, he couldn't place but he just knew.
"Why are you running? Call him, call your steed. Call your horse." Naruto heard the authority in the voice and he didn't know what he was talking about. That was till he saw images of a horse, a pale horse that was riding in a dead and desolate land. Naruto saw the horse and felt a connection to it.
He felt his piece of himself in that horse, a part that has not been felt in a very long time. Naruto watched as the horse galloped through the land that was filled with nothing but ash and he called the name of the horse.
"Despair." Izuku called the name in a whisper and once the name was called Naruto saw green flames appear before him. Naruto stopped moving as he saw the green flames, his instincts kicked in and he jumped into the air.
While in the air Naruto's eyes widened as he saw a horse appear out of the ground. A horse that has a skeletal emaciated appearance, a glowing green haze emanating from within his body and his eyes glowing with green light as well. His skin is mostly torn and somewhat rotted with some of his bones showing.
When Naruto came down he landed on the horse and Despair rose on his two back hoofs in excitement and happiness. The pale horse after so long finally has been summoned and has returned to his rider. To his master.
"Despair, huh….Well I don't know what's going on, but I need you to take me to the bridge. I need you to run!" Despair listened to his master and rode forth into the forest, green flames left behind as his hoofs hit the ground. Naruto held on to the...well to whatever that he could hold onto. It wasn't much thanks to torn skin, but he was able to hold on to the horse.
Naruto rode Despair to the bridge, they arrived within minutes and that was thanks to the speed of Despair. The horse was fast, and Naruto felt like he could go faster, but that would be for another day. Right now, he needed to get to Team 7. Naruto saw that the bridge was covered in mist, mist he recognized as Zabuza's own technique. If he was here, then Haku was here.
Naruto got off of Despair and when he did the horse disappeared thanks to a swirl of emerald flames. Once Despair left Naruto ran into the thick mist and as he ran he saw Sakura guarding Tazuna.
"Sakura!" Sakura and the bridge builder turned their heads to see Naruto next to them. Both were caught off guard when they saw his orange eyes, but choice to ignore it for far more processing matters.
"Naruto, I'm glad that you're here. Kakashi-sensei is fighting Zabuza, Sasuke and Kiba are with some guy wearing a mask." Naruto knew that "guy" was really Haku.
"I heard the screams from those two, but I was told not to move in order to protect Tazuna." Naruto understood and he saw the look of fear on the girl's eyes. Sakura wanted to help her team and he could see that. But right now the best thing that she could was watch over the package.
"Sakura, I promise I will get those two back. But right now I need to continue to protect Tazuna. I will deal with the mask man." Sakura heard the tone in Naruto's voice, she may not know him like Kiba, but even she could see that he will hold true to his promise.
So after hearing that Sakura nodded her head and Naruto smiled at her, he gave her a thumbs up. When that was done he dashed further into the mist and it wasn't long before he saw Kakashi just standing there.
Naruto didn't say anything, all he did was pass by him, but not without giving the masked ninja a quick glance. When their eyes made contact it was like silent communication went through. Kakashi gave a nod and Naruto nodded right back, it was up to him now.
He was the only one strong enough to defeat Haku and he knew it. Naruto kept moving forward till he saw the large prism-like structure that was made of ice. He knew that had to be her, that's where Kiba would be...also Sasuke.
Naruto saw it and twirled his scythe as he came upon the back of the mirror, when he was close enough Izuku slashed the mirror cut into pieces, thanks to the mirror being in pieces Naruto was able to enter the prism. When he was inside Naruto saw his down comrades and the many images of Haku surrounding them. The girl that he has spoken to for so many days now hiding her beautiful face behind a cold mask.
"Naruto," Kiba whispered when he looked behind to see him surrogate brother, the dog boy body filled with senbons, basically making his body and Sasuke human pin cushions.
"Kiba, you and Sasuke did good. But I'll take it from here." Kiba didn't know he was imagining things, but he thought he saw Naruto's eyes glowing orange.
"Allow me to take them out of here, then we can begin." Naruto told Haku and she obliged as she didn't move from the one mirror in front of the teen, she also made her other images vanish. Naruto nodded his head to her and created two shadow clones to take away teens and the dog.
When they were gone Haku recreated the mirror that Naruto had destroyed, now trapping the teen in her ice prism. But before they officially fought Haku wanted to talk one more time. So she stepped out of her mirror and Naruto did nothing as he watched her. This could've been the perfect opportunity for him to strike her, but he would not do that. Haku saw his eyes change color, they went from the strange orange color to the original blue.
"I didn't want you to be here." Haku started off first and Naruto, unlike that night, decided to speak to her.
"I know, but you also had to know that I wouldn't allow you to hurt my teammates." Haku smiled behind her mask, she took off and Naruto saw her face, probably for the last time.
"Yes, I knew that. You care for your brothers in arms and that is something that I admire about you Naruto. I will miss it." Naruto could hear the ominous tone in her voice. Either she was planning to die here or she was going to kill him. Naruto had no intention of the ladder, so all that was left was the former.
"I have no plan on dying here, Haku." Naruto told her as he put his hood, Haku smiled at him and started to walk back. Once she reached the mirror she put on her mask and gave Naruto a knowing smile.
"Neither am I...Naruto-kun." Haku walked back into the mirror and soon images appeared all over Naruto, trapping him. Naruto didn't feel fear though, no second thought. He felt excited. He was excited, just like when he fought Zabuza and like with the demon he began to laugh.
"Hahaha….then, only one of us is walking off this bridge alive." Naruto's eyes went back to the orange color as the battle was about to begin. The battle for Wave was near its climax, the final battles had begun.
The Demon vs The CopyCat. The Ice Princess vs The Reaper. Who will win? Who will survive this climactic battle? Find out next time.
AN: Hey peeps, so quick review. Next chapter ends wave and then we have on quick filler before the chunin exams. Now also in the chunin exams Naruto gets some upgrades, new tats, got the horse, Reaper form, and new weapon style. I have decided to give Naruto the dual wield.
It will be the same scyhte just two of them and shorter. Much like Death in DS2. Now Naruto will have three scyth forms. One is dual wield. Two is standard. Three is dual bladed scythe. I went with this because I feel that I can write the battles better and be more detailed if it was like this. Alright, peeps that's it.