Chapter 12

Date: 6/1/2020

Special Thanks To: YumeTakato and CHEESEPUFF fg

A/N: Hey y'all! hope everyone is taking good care of themselves and their community and being responsible with whatever they're doing. Just wanted everyone to know that one this fic is finished, I will no longer be posting to . The only exception to this being Hero of Ishval. I won't be posting anything new here, which also means that outside of these 2 fics, nothing else will be be updated. (not that anything else was going to be lolololol). You can still find me on AO3 under YAJJ, or tumblr under paybackraid. I want to thank all of my loyal readers for being here for me! FFN just isn't fun anymore.

Regardless, I WILL finish this fic! Timing may not always be... on, but I will see this finished if it kills me.

When consciousness returned, a headache immediately blasted behind Vanitas' eyes. He didn't even want to open them.

What happened? It wasn't even close to the first time that Vanitas had woken up with a headache, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but he always remembered when he went to sleep. Not this time.

There were… Heartless. That, he was fairly sure of. He remembered fighting a whole bunch, his Unversed at his side. Aqua and Terra and… Ventus were fighting, too? Why were they fighting again?

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."

Vanitas flinched and paused, eyes still closed tight. Who was that? ...Terra. Almost certainly. Why was he in here? ...Doing the hairbrush thing again? Vanitas hadn't had a nightmare. Hadn't dreamt at all.

"Get up, Van. You slept long enough."

There was a squeak in his head and a weight near his belly. An Unversed was probably hanging around. When had it come out? He hadn't felt it being born, but he didn't always.

Finally, he cracked open red eyes and lifted his head to look. The light stung his eyes and he had to look away. A Hareraiser was sitting on his belly and continued squeaking in his head, saying stuff that was a little fuzzy and he couldn't totally understand.

The lights went out, so the sunlight reflected into the room. His bed dipped to the side, a hand pushing his head forward. "How's your head feeling? You hit it hard."

...He had? It was no wonder he couldn't remember. "Like it's being ripped apart."

Terra grunted, fingers poking at a sore place on Vanitas' head. "It looks healed. Is it the skin hurting, or—"

"Just a headache. They happen."

Terra hummed. "We already cured you as much as we could, but I can see if we have any pain killers hanging around. Hurting anywhere else besides?"

Vanitas blinked hard and finally got a good look around. He was… back in his room, in his bed. Unversed were crowded around, all watching him but looking as if they had been milling about prior.

Terra had dragged a chair in and was seated there, with a book. He looked exhausted, like he'd just finished a long, long workout. Why was he in there, again?

Wait, Terra had asked a question. A noninvasive one. Was he hurting? His head pounded, which was a little distracting, but… but that was really all. "No."

"Good," Terra said, dropping his book. "That's good. Remember what happened?"

Things were coming back to him. There had been a whole army of Heartless. They all fought. Ven wasn't there, but they weren't worried. There was… a car, of some kind.

Then it went blank.

"Not totally."

Terra cast a blizzard spell into his hand and found a sock, dropping the ice cubes into it. He pushed Vanitas forward a little, setting the homemade ice pack on the sore spot on his head. Vanitas stiffened for a moment, and then eased. That was helping the hurt. A lot.

"There was a Heartless coming for me. You defeated it. And didn't see the other huge Heartless coming for you. It hit you, and you hit the wall."

He did? That didn't seem like him. These Wayfinders were changing him, in more ways than he was expecting.

Although he was remembering more of it now. He remembered thinking Terra would be crippled just because he wasn't paying attention. He remembered sending the car flying. He remembered Ven and Chirithy calling for him.

He remembered hitting the wall. Pain lancing through every inch of his body. He remembered trying to get up, and being told to stay down and rest, and it was okay.

And then… he woke up to Terra.

"How'd, uh… how's the fight?"

Terra grinned, running a hand through his hair. He dropped the ice pack, and Vanitas helpfully kept his head low so it stayed. "We won. Your Unversed were a big help. Ven got them to keep fighting."

"Ven did?"

Terra nodded, stretching his limbs. "Yeah, the one started talking to him I guess. Aqua and I couldn't hear it, but it stayed right by him."

Why would the Unversed do that? It had helped the Wayfinders so it was good that they had, but they'd never done anything like that unless instructed before.

The only thing that maybe made sense was that since Vanitas was Ven, they could communicate when in need. That was… cool? He supposed.

Part of him hoped that this was a one time only kind of thing. Though the Unversed were annoying at best most of the time, they were his. Something that only came from his half of their heart, from his emotions. Maybe it was dumb, but… well, he didn't want to be Ven all the time. Not even most of the time anymore. He was surprisingly content, just being here at his side.

Was that weird? It felt weird.


Terra hummed, standing to poke his head out of the door. He returned a second later, arms crossed over his chest. Vanitas got the very familiar feeling of being judged.

"That was a really fucking stupid thing you did, there," Terra spat, almost sounding like he was angry. Vanitas turned his eyes to the wall so he didn't have to look at that angry face. "I know you think we're weak, but I can handle a blitz like that. You, apparently, can't."

Vanitas glared at the blankets and shot another at the Hareraiser in his lap. The jackass could at least thank him. He'd apparently saved his ass. Honestly. If he was gonna be a dick about it, Vanitas wouldn't do that again.

Then Terra sighed viciously, and when Vanitas glanced up, he saw Terra's hand shoving through his hair. "It was damn stupid…" Terra said again, sounding low. "But, damn brave. Don't do that again, but… thanks. Those cars hit hard."

Vanitas definitely remembered that from his time in Sora's heart. It was why he'd done what he did.

But somehow, now that he'd bitched to himself, it felt weird being thanked. He felt himself get hot, mumbling, "It was nothing."

"It wasn't. You scared the shit out of all of us, but I can say that wasn't something I would have expected you to do. You… impressed us."

Vanitas' eyes darted up to the man, giving him a once over. That felt… weird. He had been told he was powerful, stronger than expected, but it had always been in regards to his physical abilities. The few times his master had seen potential in him had been the few times he'd managed to throw the man mid-practice. And Vanitas had always regretted it soon after. But this kind of compliment had nothing to do with physical prowess. It was with his choice, his drive to protect. His courage.

His ears got hot and he quickly turned away. Didn't know what to say, and didn't really want to say anything.

Then, a hand was in his vision, and Terra flicked his forehead. Vanitas shot him a positively livid glare. "Just," the near-Master said, "don't do it again."

Vanitas was about to snark back, but wasn't given the time when someone else darted into the room crying his name.

"Dumbass!" Ven snarled, lifting a hand and smacking Vanitas upside the head. Vanitas cried out and smacked his hand away, shooting him a glare as well. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Careful, Ven," Terra reminded, "he hit his head, remember."

"Again," Aqua said from the doorway. She was wearing a soft smile as she watched them. "Honestly. If you're gonna keep this head injury thing up, we're really gonna have to think of a way to get you some armor ASAP. Let me see." She strode into the room, Chirithy hopping in after her and climbing up to Ven's shoulder.

"Terra already looked. He said it's fine. He gave me a sock."

Ven snorted so hard he coughed, then looked away. The Flood that Vanitas realized was on the shoulder opposite Chirithy nosed Ven's cheek. When it felt Vanitas' glare on it, it was wise enough to hop off of Ven's shoulder and fall into Vanitas' lap beside the Hareraiser, bumping its head against his belly.

"I saw," Aqua said with a roll of her eyes. "Let me look for my own peace of mind."

Vanitas grumbled, but didn't get in her way. The Flood stood on its hinds and shoved its cheek against his.

Aqua tutted quietly, massaging her fingers around the sore spot on his head. "About the same spot, too. You're looking at some major brain trauma if you keep this up."

"Well it's not like it was my choice."

"It was your choice to jump in front of a damn near giant Heartless," Ventus muttered under his breath, shooting his own pathetic glare his way.

When Vanitas heard that, he froze for half a minute straight. Why the hell was he being given the third degree? Sure he'd been hurt, but it wasn't like he'd done something bad, he hadn't turned his back on them when they needed him. He hadn't turned around and attacked them himself. Maybe it hadn't been the smartest option, but he'd done what he thought he had to when he could.

And these assholes were grilling him for it.

"Well what else did you want me to do?!" he finally demanded, turning burning red eyes on all three, all four of them. He sat up, the ice sock falling down his back. "Just watch as Terra got fucking slaughtered? Figured it was a Light thing to do."

Aqua and Terra split a look. Ven didn't lift his glare from him. It was Aqua who spoke up. "Don't get me wrong, Vanitas. We're very proud of you." She was all quiet and gentle, almost soothing. "That was a brave and very selfless thing to do. But you shouldn't feel like you have to do something like that. Your safety and health are as important as Terra's."

Vanitas paused again, mouth falling open but only very barely. ...Proud? Terra had said they were impressed, but no one had ever been… proud of him. And that hit different. His master had never said anything even close. His face went hot and he ducked his head away quickly. "...Just figured it was the right thing to do. You're supposed to do that shit for your friends, right? It's all fucking Sora ever did."

Aqua laughed a little, but not in a condescending way like he expected. "He was certainly good at that," she agreed. "But Sora's friends didn't always appreciate it either. They didn't like seeing him get hurt, and we don't like seeing you get hurt, okay?"

Vanitas frowned. That… made sense. He guessed. Being a friend was harder than he thought it would be, for different reasons than he expected.

They couldn't make this shit easy, huh.


"Good," Ven said. Vanitas shot him another smoldering glare just because he could. Ven didn't hesitate to return it.

"You should take a couple days off training, rest that head of yours," Terra said, leaning back on his chair.

Vanitas quickly shook his head and ignored the way the room continued moving after he stopped. It was far too boring in this castle without training, and they knew it! They'd just gotten out of a vicious storm! "Absolutel—"

"I agree," Aqua said, brushing Vanitas' protests to the side. "Take any more hits like these past couple and you probably won't even be able to call on Void Gear, let alone a 'real' keyblade. Get your bearings straightened out, just give yourself time to rest."

"Buh—what if the Heartless come back?! You need me!"

"What we don't need," Terra said, "is you getting yourself killed because you weren't ready to fight again. Just rest for a few days. You'll come back stronger than ever."

Vanitas stared between the two of them ganging up on him, hoping they changed their minds. He didn't want to fight all the time, like he used to, but he didn't want to be barred from it, either.

He deliberately blasted desperation need anxiety in his head in the hopes that Ven would feel the influx of emotion and be on his side. When all that popped up was a Scrapper, a Buckle Bruiser, and absolutely zero sympathy from Ven, he dropped it and frowned hard. He dismissed the two new Unversed who returned lazily to his heart.


"Good boy," Aqua said with a laugh. She patted his ankle and squeezed it. "It'll only be a few days; you'll be fit and in fighting shape before you know it."

Vanitas just grumbled under his breath, shooting reluctant glares around the room. His stomach was in knots, head once again comparing this place to his home in the Graveyard, even when he didn't really want to think about that. Way back when, had he been injured, Master Xehanort would have expected him to fight through it, would have forced him to fight through it. Now he wasn't even given the choice.

He chased the thought away. This place was eons better, and that was what mattered. The details could stay far the hell away. Choice or no choice, this at least worked in his favor.

"Are they," he asked after a second, glancing out his window where the Heartless had been gathering before. "Gone? Can they come back? They had to have a leader." He definitely did remember thinking that they were acting very strangely, strategizing in a way Heartless had never done before.

"It was only Heartless," Ven denied, taking a seat on the bed at Vanitas' feet. "At least, I didn't see anyone else, and there was no one at the village."

"I called Riku," Aqua said, leaning against the wall beside Terra. "Heartless attacked the island, Radiant Garden, Disney Castle, and Twilight Town. No one said anything about any leader. He's going to take a Gummi ship and Kairi and see if anything's fishy. I might join them. They really came out of nowhere."

"Good idea, they'll need all the help they can get. Ven, I forgot to ask. How was the village?"

"Fine," Ven answered simply. Chirithy had fallen into his lap. "A couple of buildings were busted but no one seemed too hurt."

"And everyone was very happy to see Ven come to help them!" Chirithy chirped, patting his arm. "There weren't many there to begin with."

"Well," Aqua said, her voice light. "Good work, Ven. I'll go check on them tomorrow, see what we can do to help." She looked between the other two before turning to Vanitas. "You sure you're gonna be alright?"

Vanitas' brows dropped heavy over his eyes, irritation poking hard at his head. Honestly, who did they think he was? "I'm fine. In fact I'd be better if you let me rest like you said."

Swiftly, Aqua put her hands in the air by her head, a sparkle in her eyes. "Okay, okay. We'll let you rest. If you're feeling up to it in the morning, come down for breakfast."

"Sure, sure. Whatever. Get out."

The four of them gave him genuine good nights (he offered a sour one in return) and Terra ruffled his hair as he left which he hated. He glared at the door until it was shut tight, and then he was left alone with his Unversed.

"So," he said, leaning back on his hands. "You're talking to Ven, huh?"

"Master was hurt. Friends could help but were not. Had to fight. Hareraiser protect Master!"

The two of them both bobbed their heads. The Flood crawled up to his shoulder and nudged his face, as it seemed to enjoy doing, while the Hareraiser butted against his belly and attempted to force him to lay back.

He did so, because his head did still kind of hurt and somehow, he was still tired. The Flood maneuvered down to his chest and made itself comfortable.

"Just don't make a habit of it."

The two of them rumbled pleasantly, quickly soothing him back to easy rest. He didn't produce a Blue Sea Salt to cool the room, because for once he didn't feel like he needed it.

"Yes Master."

Terra was in the kitchen when Vanitas finally made his way down the stairs blearily. He was sitting on the counter and was reading out of a book quickly, turning the pages every couple of seconds. Vanitas was pretty much certain he wasn't that fast of a reader.

A Prize Pod silently popped up at his side as he crept over to the older wielder. Terra's eyes didn't even seem to be moving; what kind of information could he be getting off of it?

Terra didn't even notice him until the Prize Pod followed its master's head but about three feet higher, bumping into Terra's. Terra started and slammed the book shut, looking around. Vanitas just smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. The Prize Pod chirped in his ear happily.

"Oh," Terra said. "Good morning, you startled me."

"Look up sometimes."

Terra just rolled his eyes, hopping from the counter. "I see you're feeling better. So I figured since you're stuck inside for a little bit, it might be a good time to learn how to cook. Everyone should learn. Ven'll learn eventually but he's pretty much determined to pass that duty onto anyone else."

Vanitas had had Ven's food a time or two. He understood why Ven would rather someone else cook. He could throw food in the oven and most of the time it came out fine, but not always.

Vanitas fared no better than him in the kitchen, but he attributed it to never really being in a kitchen before. He could be better at this than Ven. Easy.


Terra looked like he'd expected more of a fight. His mouth was open to knock away any protests and explain why, exactly, he needed to learn. He quickly zipped it shut, handing the book he had been reading over. "Okay. Pick something that looks good, then. We should have all the ingredients we need."

"...Whatever we're making, I'm putting red peppers in it." Vanitas perched on the table with the book and flipped through the pages. He ignored Terra's laugh and focused.

After shooting down his first choice, ("sad to say, red peppers are gonna go really weirdly in pancakes. Might be a 'I'm home alone and want to try something new' kind of meal."), they settled on some kind of potatoey frittata that had red peppers in the recipe. Terra pulled a knife out of a drawer to his right and showed Vanitas how to use it (Vanitas didn't say that he could have figured it out himself, which he was very proud of) and set him to work dicing a couple of peppers and onions while Terra started mincing something much smaller.

They worked mostly in silence. Terra showed him how to slice the onions and basil, and then he put a pan on the stove to start frying by the time Vanitas finally spoke.

"Hey… thanks."

Blue eyes glanced down toward him when Vanitas lifted his head, eyeing him for a full minute. "For what? You're making breakfast."

"That's not what I—" Vanitas glanced back up to him, furrowing his brows.

Terra shook his head with a smile. "I know. You don't need to thank me. Thanks, but it's nothing."

Vanitas frowned, eyeing him before turning sharply away. Fine, if Terra knew what he was thinking. Made it easier for him, anyway. "Lemme see the book."

Terra had him preheat the oven, and "casually" pointed out how to do so after Vanitas stared at it, lost. The frittata went in, Terra set the timer, and they sat back to wait.

"So," Terra said, leaning back against the counter, Gummiphone back in hand. "Aqua and I were talking about it last night, with the whole… thing that happened."

"Sure." They didn't have to pussyfoot around the attack. Or the injury, for that matter.

"Aqua had initially intended to go with Riku, Kairi, and now Isa I guess, to see if there's some kind of imbalance. But we talked about it, and I'm going to go instead. Since we'll be meeting up with Master Yen Sid to brief and debrief, we were going to talk about my Mark of Mastery. Aqua appealed for me, so…"

"So you'll get your rank. Good for you." Vanitas didn't really know what sort of reaction was appropriate there, but that seemed right.

"We'll see what the Master says, but that's the idea."

"Please, you've got Aqua and the other Master what's-his-name eating out of your palm. You've got your rank."

Terra handed over a smile at him, then looked away. He set his phone to the side. "We'll see. Thanks."

Vanitas grunted, looking at the oven and then the timer. "...Hey, how come you're showing me how to cook? Isn't Aqua, like, the chef around here?"

"Pfft. Aqua can cook, but she can't teach you how to cook. She can teach loads of other things, but she's good about throwing ingredients together and suddenly there's a meal. She could show you stuff later, if you want, but these early stages of cooking are best done by someone who uses a recipe."

Terra had spent an unfortunate amount of time showing him the differences between teaspoons and tablespoons; cups, quarts, and gallons. It was boring but… probably necessary. He supposed.

Comfortable minutes ticked on by. Vanitas stared at the timer and silently urged it to go faster (he was hungry, thank you) and Terra sat on his phone, typing away quietly. Probably planning stuff. It was going to be… weird. It wasn't like it was the first time one of the Wayfinders had left, but who knew how long he'd be gone? "...When are you leaving?"

Terra glanced up at him, and Vanitas deliberately turned his head further away to hide his embarrassment. Why had he asked? "...Not until later this afternoon at the earliest, maybe after dinner. Riku has to nab a Gummiship from Disney Castle first since Sora…" He trailed off after a second, and it wasn't hard for Vanitas to guess where he was going with that. He wasn't friends with the Hero of Light, but he was well aware what had happened to him.


"Right. So I won't be able to leave until Riku can get that. The mission shouldn't take too long after that. Couple of days if we're lucky." Terra turned sparkling eyes down to Vanitas and leaned forward to nudge him with his elbow playfully. "Why? You gonna be okay without me?"

Vanitas threw his arms out and knocked Terra's elbow away from him. The timer went off, so he snatched the oven mitt away from Terra and shoved it onto his hand. "Fuck off, it's one little head injury, I've had 'em a thousand times. You don't need to worry about me." He stuck his gloved hand into the oven and yanked the frittata out maybe a little violently.

"Of course I do," Terra said behind him. "If you're my friend, then it's my job to worry about you."

"...Shut up."

Terra leaned over him, getting a whiff of the frittata. "Mmmmm. Smells pretty good. Keep trying and you could make a professional chef of yourself."

Vanitas snorted, knowing damn well that wasn't true. "I said shut up."

Not great but you will suffer for my Vanitas-shaped passion regardless. Take care, and thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day :)