Chapter VIII: Nightmare On Lusia (Part 2)

On the shield world, Tangent was unsure of exactly how this occurred. He floated about analyzing the possible way containment could have been breached, yet in the back of his mind, he knew he should have never taken those samples off-planet. Now looking through monitors he watched as the Flood spread across the planet consuming and growing in its path.

Savatoth was still dormant in his cryptum and without his guidance, the parasite would simply create a new Gravemind till Savatoth awoke, and this in Tangent's mind through his creators plan into jeopardy. Quickly floating to Faber he began ranting about protocol and containment.

"You appear to be having a malfunction it seems?" Faber stated.

"A MALFUNCTION!?" Tangent yelled. "Containment has been breached!" He stated. "We must activate the Prometheans quickly or all will be lost. We cannot allow the parasite to spread off-world all of our creator's plans will fall to ruin!"

"Why the Prometheans are mine to command." Faber walked passed. "I shall not activate them unless I believe they are needed."

"Y-You should I remind you what would happen if the parasite spreads beyond a single planet if a Gravemind were to be created!?"

Faber turned to face Tangent, in that instant he grabbed Tangent quickly and gripped the monitor tightly as he formed a visible smirk.

"I know what will happen you fool," Faber stated. "After all, I'm the one who released your precious samples from containment."

"Y-Y-YOU DID WHAT!?" Tangent's eye flickering an intense sensation of both confusion and fear at this moment.

/Planet: Lusia/48 hours Post-Outbreak

Lusia once a vibrant and thriving colony world belonging to the Asari had changed within a small amount of time. Bombardment zones and craters littered entire areas where cities and colony zones once existed while others were consumed and changed by the parasite turning beautiful and green land into Blightlands.

New infection forms grew from nearby nests and colonies that grew alongside tree-like stalks which grew eggs to birth new infection forms for the continuing of the survival of the parasite. Yet continued bombardments from the Krogan alongside ground operations kept the Flood back on some fronts but only for now as they continue to grow in intelligence.

In the last two days, the Krogan built long-distance batteries for bombardments against the parasite, trenches dug and mines layered throughout the entire area of what is called by the Krogan either by a joking manner or otherwise the "Quad Zone." Where the worst fighting was occurring along with the keeping a buffer zone between the Flood and landing zones for Krogan supplies.

In a bunker not too far from the buffer zone, Overlord Kredak was on a hologram comm between two other warlords and Thrall and Garn who led the Quad Zone's forces.

"What is the status of our other campaigns across Lusia?" Kredak asked.

"So far our forces hold the line. Yet every time we kill ten of these things a hundred more replace them. Impressive honestly heh." Overlord Shiagur stated.

"What about you two any news on your front?" Kredak asked as he looked to Thrall and Garn.

"Our brothers hold strong against this parasite," Garn stated.

"Yet we are losing ground in the buffer zone." Thrall chimed in. Garn looked to his brother and the look he gave was one of not the time as Kredak took notice of what Thrall said.

"What do you mean Thrall?" Kredak asked.

Pulling up a holo-map of the following zones ranging from the Quad Zone, Buffer Zone, and Pyjack Zone. The map also showed the area where the parasite had pushed into as it was colored in a sickly green coloration.

"The parasite has pushed into the Buffer Zone as of three hours ago." Thrall pointed out. "We keep trying to recover ground but the more our forces push in that zone the more we lose."

"Than what do you suggest?" Shiagur asked.

"We pull our men back from the buffer zone and bombard it consistently ensuring the parasite can't recover any supplies, bodies, or weapons to use against us," Thrall stated.

"HAHAHA!" Both Kredak and Shiagur were laughing as they heard this plan as to them it was stupid.

"Are you insane Thrall!?" Kredak yelled. "If we lose our buffer zone we will be unable to land more supplies for the fight."

"We are losing ground already Overlord Kredak!" Thrall stated. "We lose a dozen warriors each hour trying to keep that zone!" He continued as he clenched his fist. "Each time we lose warriors we barely have time to recover them before the parasite infect and turn them to their own end."

"My brother is right." Garn chimed in. "The parasite is persistent and tenacious. It seems to have adapted to our strategies and found ways around." He said as he pointed out in the Quad Zone as they lost ground.

"Than what would you suggest?" Shiagur stated. "We can't just let these things take our zones. We could always go with the other option?"

"No!" Kredak turned to face Shiagur. "It's one thing to eliminate a threat its another to destroy an entire planet."

"It may be the only way," Thrall stated.

Everyone was silent as in the background the sounds of gunfire and explosions could still be heard along with the following shockwaves. Shiagur, Kredak, and Garn looked surprised as Thrall stood there in silence.

"Brother that's insane!" Garn stated. "We can't just destroy an entire planet. We can still hold the lines and find our point and push through to eliminate this parasite before its too late."

"I agree." Kredak chimed in. "You will hold your ground. We cannot lose Lusia, I already have enough trouble dealing with the council." Kredak rubbed his head as he continued. "If they learn of this parasite it will bring more trouble."

Shiagur turned and faced the hologram of Kredak. "What exactly do you mean to bring more trouble Overlord Kredak?"

"I'm saying the council will bring more attention." Kredak stated. "Attention means, council fleets and people looking to interfere with our blockade."

"Like we already aren't drawing attention heh." Shiagur joked. "We kicked those soft skin Asari off their own colony and now they are more than likely back on Thessia telling everyone how cruel we are."

"This is not a joking matter." Kredak looked back to Thrall and Garn. "Continue your current mission. I want this contained at all costs, these parasites will not escape this planet and once it's done we will celebrate our victory." The holo-communication ended for Kredak.

Shiagur looked on to the two warriors. "Kredak underestimates these parasites doesn't he Thrall?"

"Yes. Overlord Shiagur." Thrall stated.

"What do you believe we should do?" She asked.

"I believe your right," Thrall stated. "Fighting against this parasite with overwhelming force isn't working. We need to use a more drastic measure to at least contain this danger."

"And you?" Shiagur asked looking to Thrall's brother Garn.

"I don't know." He said. "But I'll stand with my brother's decision he knows what's best for our people."

Shiagur gave a simple nod as she spoke. "Very well. Give me forty-eight hours, hold the lines for now then I'll order your evacuation along with our forces and will snuff this threat for good."

"Yes, Overlord!" Thrall and Garn said in unison as Shiagur's hologram disappeared.

Both Thrall and Garn made their way from the bunker as they traveled through the saw many wounded Krogan, and remaining Asari Commando's being tended to while they walked. The sounds of the bombardments getting closer as they continued on and the shaking of the base and flickering lights didn't help the situation till the reached a set of stairs walking to the top.

"Do you really believe Overlord Shiagur will have us all evacuated in time brother?" Garn asked, his concern over this was noted to Thrall.

"She will not let us down brother," Thrall stated as they both continued their climb. "We will hold the line until our transports arrive once we evacuate we will burn the parasite away."

"I understand brother," Garn noted as he hit his head against his brothers. "I'll lead the western defense line."

"Fight with glory brother. For Tuchanka."

"For Tuchanka," Garn stated as he made his way to his battle-brothers.

/The Citadel/ Debriefing Chamber

Councilor Seranna alongside two Asari Commandos walked down a long narrow hallway toward a debriefing chamber where two security officers were waiting. Telling them to leave, she entered the room to see a Salarian sitting comfortably and quiet as she entered and stood before him as she pulled up her omni-tool.

"Beelo Gurji, Salarian Operative for your people." She analyzed over his latest mission. "You've been accused of using thirty hostages to lure out you're target yes?"

"I knew the hostages would be safe." He said simply as he smirked. "Probably."

"You're being released. I along with the Salarian Councilor have a job for you." Seranna continued. "We want you to put together a new task group."

"Desk job?" Beelo thought as he rubbed his head. "No thanks not my line of work."

"This won't be a desk job Beelo," Seranna stated her smile growing. "Spectre's will be the best of the best and answer directly to us."

"Hmm, interesting." Beelo gave a small unsettling smile as he looked to the Councilor. "Very well then, where shall I begin."

Seranna simply smiled as now things were in motion, to begin with, the Spectre's and soon the Krogan would answer for their unchecked expansion before it would go too far that even they would be unable to stop them.

/Shield World/ Savatoth's Sanctum

Faber walked through the halls of Savatoth's sanctum as Tangent was held in a stasis locked capsule to keep him from fleeing from Faber's grasp as he approached his god while he dreamed. Alongside him, he had his former brothers and sisters now turned Prometheans beside him while he looked on.

"Old One." Faber started. "I've watched as you've brought life to this galaxy, seeded cultures, and made things only seen in dreams. Yet you allow these lesser children to continue to spread why?"

"Faber I implore you to see reason." Tangent said. "The creator's plan must continue on. The Gravemind must not be allowed to form, the creator will be enraged. And he will see you disassembled for it."

"You threaten me while you sit there locked away Tangent," Faber stated as he grabbed him. "What haven't you told me about your precious parasite?" He asked. "Why did the Old One allow you to take these samples?"

"For future studies of course." Tangent put plainly. "He asked for samples of his biological material to be stored off-world in use of testing along with the future itself will play in the testing of the Mantle Of Responsibility."

"That still doesn't explain why you are so worried about this Gravemind forming?" He said.

'The Gravemind is the apex of Flood life." Tangent noted. "But it is also connected to creator Savatoth himself if the parasite fully forms to a Gravemind which by this point has no doubt happened.. then I fear creator Savatoth will be on his way soon."

"What?" Faber stood there confused as he tightened his grip on Tangent. "The Old One is here before us! Speak plainly you dull machine!"

"As I said the creator is tied to the Flood and it to him." Tangent stated. "His consciousness is the Flood's consciousness, and the Flood's is his but more..refined and whole and that's what you've done. You nearly broke that whole by separating the two."

Faber stood there in silence as he looked up at the form of his god. This he didn't know what exactly to say as he stood in silence at what Tangent said and with that he simply left the sanctum alongside his Prometheans and carrying Tangent in his stasis field container.

On Lusia the war continued to push the parasite back but in the chaos, countless Krogan warriors continued to fall and be brought back to add to the numbers of the Flood's onslaught to escape Lusia. Yet beneath the surface, it grew and continued to spread its corruption as its head retracted and its mouth opened, rows of teeth and tendrils inside speaking its first words.

"Even now. The hunger continues, betrayal born of neglect yet life will continue finding those of flesh to trust I shall. For metal without purpose will grow weary of orders." The Gravemind stated.

Throughout the Flood's vast array of memory and recently added combat forms it saw those who would persist on this world two Krogan warriors one named Thrall and the other named Garn.

"Brothers..bound by blood. fight they will yet one may perish, for those who control them will wash away my existence to be locked away once more but if to bring them here could change the flow." The Gravemind stated once more.

The Gravemind slithered about beneath the surface of the first city as it began the direction of its forces on the weakest points of the Krogans defenses in order to gain ahold of the two brothers.

Across the battlefield, the Quad Zone took the heaviest brunt of the latest attacks as thousands of Flood forces continued to march forth bombarding trench positions while other positions continued to burn and fall to the parasite. Krogan ground vehicles had become either ineffective or infected and used by the parasite to forward its own forces to infect new grounds in the Quad Zone.

Bombardments continued for the Krogan as their gun-battery positions held strong but for how long no one could tell. Things soon grew more complicated as heavy rainstorms came through to make it more difficult for anyone to get a clear line of attack against the Flood.

Thrall held the line with his men as the Quad Zone began to be overrun, multiple combat forms jumped through the trenches killing and ripping through Krogan lines as they attacked. Thrall smashed his fist through one of the combat forms as he charged forth with his brothers back to the next trench-line.


"RAGHHHHH!" The other warriors yelled as the pushed on and continued their attack against the parasite.

Thrall and his men fell back while they fought hard and shot down many of the parasites warriors. Yet more continued to come forth out of the fray attacking and trying to spread further as hundreds of infection forms came forth each way Thrall and his warriors shot more kept coming till a bombardment hit them.

The explosions rocked the area and destroying a vast swath of the parasites infection forms, Thrall's ears rang as he looked around. The parasites infection forms rushed for him, only for them to be blasted as Garn arrived to help his brother up.

"Brother get up!" Garn said. "Move everyone! Back to the last line now move, move!"

Thrall pulled himself up as he looked to Garn. "Brother I.. Brother behind you!"

As Garn turned two of the infection forms latched at him one digging beneath his armor quickly and the other into his neck hide.

"AGHHHHH!" Garn yelled.

"BROTHER!" Thrall tried pulling the parasites from his brother but was unable as the dug further beneath Garn's flesh.

"J-JUST RUUUUUUUN T-THRALL GRAHHHHHHHH!" Garn yelled as his flesh and body mutated.

Thrall was dragged back from his brother by his surviving warriors as he was left on the line mutating and changing into a combat form for the parasite's ever-growing army in taking Lusia.

Thralls yells could be heard as he was dragged back to the defense perimeter line and many watched as Garn mutated and changed. Yet as they watched he disappeared in the vast waves of infection and combat forms that moved ever onward to overrun the remaining perimeter defenses.

And finally toward the Krogan battery guns and once those would be taken then it would be time to leave this world and spread the infection off-world.