Author's Note at the bottom. It will be the only one that will be important.


Since the beginning, there have been witches, but it wasn't a gift that just happened over time—it was an accident that occurred between an angel and a demon.

Phenex, one of the Great Marquises of Hell, was forced to show his devotion to Lucifer after being denied his return to Heaven. Lucifer demanded that he go off into the mortal world and possess a young girl. Not wanting to upset him, Phenex sought out the most beautiful girl he could find and possessed her body. The small village where the girl lived was petrified by what had happened and prayed for God to come and save her. To answer their prayers, God sent down the archangel Uriel to save the dying girl.

Uriel swooped down and lifted the possessed into the sky with his mighty wings, held her to the light, and screamed, "God is my light, now show yourself!"

The demon, impaired by the light, cried out from the girl's body, "It is I, Phenex, and I will not let go of this girl. I fear my lord's wrath more than I fear yours."

"Why have you defiled this girl with your filth, serpent of evil?"

"Because my lord has demanded her purity be ours," he sang, his voice dripping with annoyance.

The archangel Uriel was about to cut the demon down, certainly killing the girl in the process, when the voice of God filled his head telling him to spare the child.

"Father, how do I punish the evil within?" Uriel inquired, but the voice never answered.

Instead, the sky grew dark, with the exception of the light shining from the beauty of the full moon overhead.

Uriel lowered them down to a small field where he bound the possessed girl to a tree. While he knew this was a test, he didn't know how to overcome this obstacle.

"I refuse to go back, angel," Phenex screamed into the night. "They will destroy me for failing. This girl's soul will be my badge of honor when I return."

"You'd sacrifice her life to save your own?" the angel spat.

"You do not know what dwells in Hell. You have no concept of what pain is until you anger my lord," the demon whispered.

"I will rip you out of her," Uriel yelled.

"You can try," laughed the demon. "You kill me, you kill the girl."

In a fit of rage, Uriel took ahold of the girl's head, pressed his forehead to hers, and screamed out, "Sweet child of our God, the creator of all life, I command you to fight with me."

As if a mighty earthquake were about to start, the ground began to shake.

"I give you the power, child, to fight within. I give you the strength to cast out the filth which dwells inside you."

The wind howled and blew all around them while the sky opened and rain began falling in sheets.

"Open your eyes and look upon me, and know your freedom of this demon."

The girl's eyes, a black tar color due to the evil within, changed back to a soft hazel. Uriel, overcome by her beauty, pressed his lips softly to the young girl and whispered, "Be free."

As if the sky heard him, a bolt of lightning came down then, and struck the tree the girl was tied to, blowing her away from the angel. The ground quit shaking, the wind calmed and stilled, and the sky cleared and showed its stars. When the dust settled, Uriel found the demon out of its host, crawling away toward the darkness of the night.

"What have you done?" Phenex cried out, black bile spilling from his lips. "What have you done to me?"

Before Uriel could utter a word, he noticed the young girl walking toward him—but she wasn't alone. There was another, and another. In total, there were five of them, all looking the same, but all different in a way. It was as if the girl had split and multiplied.

"He has freed us," one girl whispered.

"Where are my powers?" the demon screamed, slamming his fists into the wet earth. "Why can't I use my powers?"

"Because we have them," another girl answered, her skin glowing all around her, the same as her four sisters.

Phenex laughed, and then howled into the sky. "Then my work here is done. I have done what was commanded of me."

Right before their eyes, the demon melted into the ground, leaving a foul stench in his wake. Slowly, Uriel walked to the young girls.

"Are we evil now?" one asked.

"No," he replied.

"Then, what are we?"

"Come forward," Uriel commanded spreading his enormous wings. "Kneel before me in prayer."

One by one, each girl came forward and knelt before the archangel in prayer, hoping beyond hope he would be able to cure them of the possible evil within. He walked behind them and unholstered a small blade.

"Do you swear to the Lord our God to keep your faith in him, and to carry out his name with love and devotion?"

"Yes," they all answered together, their firm voices echoing around them.

"Do you promise not to use the powers given to you to help the serpent Lucifer, or any of his followers?"


"Do you promise to use these powers to protect this world and all who live within it?"


Moving down the line, he cut open the backs of their dresses next. "Then I will give you the blessing of our Lord and mark you, so all who see you will know you are a warrior of God."

With each girl, the angel made a small slice into the skin of their back, and then proceeded to cut his thumb and mix his blood with theirs. With each passing second, their glow diminished, but they became relaxed, as if they felt his power flow through them.

"Stand, my sisters of our Lord, and know that you are not evil."

They each stood and faced the archangel.

"What are we, if not like everyone else?" the girl at the end asked.

"You, little blessings, are now witches. Blessed be this day."

He smiled, flapping his wings and taking off into the sky, and disappearing so quickly that one of them thought he turned into a star in the night sky.

"Blessed be," one witch whispered back.

*-The Coven-*

Hello! I know, it's been forever. Life has a way of getting in the way of writing.

I will post the next chapter very soon, because I know this doesn't sound very TwiFic at the moment, but after that I will be posting weekly. I want to give a shout out to Ausha, Athena, Rachel, Domie, and Sally. Without these brilliant ladies this story wouldn't be here.

FYI: I just want to remind people that I am not a fluff writer, this is not going to be dripping with lemon juice, nor is Edward the lead character. I suck at writing hearts and flowers, sex, and everything around that stuff. This story is a mystery fic with some citrus down the way. It will be a HEA, so don't freak out and blow up my reviews or Facebook asking me. This story will be short, not in the drabbler way but in the less than 20 chapters way. This is also my version of witches, so please don't argue with me about how this is not a true witch story because I wasn't trying to write one.

Any author notes after this will be just me saying thanks to my team and giving a shout out to my favorite reviewers. Thank you for taking the time to read this note, and my new story, and I hope you enjoy it!

-Kris aka Mkystich