
Hermione Granger was not an average girl.

At the tender age of two, Hermione had successfully caused her first bout of accidental magic. By the age of five, she knew she wasn't like any of her older siblings and only three months later she learnt not to tell anyone that fact. At eight, she learned how to keep her family from witnessing any of the 'oddness' that seemed to circulate their youngest child. And it was at the age of eleven that she learned the truth.

Hermione Granger was a witch but she was not an average witch.

She was a magical prodigy. She flew through her courses at Hogwarts like they were nothing. Hermione was the pride and joy of every professor that taught her. When she was in her fourth year, she was given the opportunity to sit her OWLs a year early. She passed them with flying colours, setting a new achievement in Hogwarts. The following year she would set another achievement of taking her NEWTs at the early grade of her fifth year.

Hermione Granger was a genius but even Hermione had not seen this coming.

"Father, please," Sirius begged. He turned to Hermione and gave her a long look. "Stay here, just - don't go." Then he turned and chased after the priest. Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, shivering in the cold of the church. Her little white dress was dirty and stained from the battle earlier.

She blinked rapidly, trying to keep her tears at bay. She could still feel the dark, terrifying eyes of her attacker. He'd actually managed to grab her. He'd had her. Hermione squeezed her arms tighter around herself as if she could squeeze away the feel of Dolohov pressed against her.

If Sirius hadn't been there… Hermione didn't even want to think about it. Sirius was her only protection now and this was their only option.

And the priest had turned them away. Hermione turned to stare at the colourfully stained glass depiction of Christ rising from the dead and wondered when it was exactly that her life had taken such a dramatic change.

Part One

(Six Months Ago)


"Marlene?" James questioned once more. "Really, mate? Any witch. Any one and you choose to fuck my fiancé's best friend?"

"I thought Alice was Lily's best friend?"

"No, Alice and Lily got into a fight at that party on New Years and now - that's not the point!" James grabbed his best friend's arm and pulled him to a stop in the middle of the empty Hogwarts hallway. "Is this… a thing?"

Sirius raised his eyebrows in all his pureblood arrogance. "I'm sorry, mate, but I'm no longer a fourteen-year-old boy and I don't know how to respond to that question."

James scowled. "I'm serious." Sirius opened his mouth but was cut off when James pointed a finger in his face and sternly said, "Don't you fucking dare." Sirius rolled his eyes as he heaved a great sigh.

A sound distracted him and he turned to see a furry little face spying on them. "Well, hello there," he greeted with a charming voice. Sirius crouched down and caught the brown kitten in his hands before it could scamper away. He pulled her close to his chest as he softly cooed.


"It's a kitten," Sirius explained as he stroked a finger across the grumpy little kitten's head. Tawny brown eyes narrowed on the wizard as she purred. The kitten looked more angry than happy as she curled into Sirius' petting hand.

"Padfoot." Sirius ignored his friend in favour of cuddling the kitten closer. James crossed his arms and glared. "You don't even like cats!" he protested hotly.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "What're you talking about? I love a pretty pussy."

The cat hissed. Sirius gasped as a sharp claw nicked him. He pulled his hand back. Then he popped his finger into his mouth as James let out a loud laugh at his friend's expense.

"She's a smart one."

Sirius rolled his eyes and looked at the scratch on his finger. "Sharp claws," was all he said to save face.

James rubbed his forehead as he snorted in amusement. "Can you please put the cat down and answer my question?"

Sirius cuddled the cat closer despite its obvious annoyance and walked away. "Come on, Prongs!" he called over his shoulder. "Dumbledore will be furious if we're late for another meeting."

James' eyes widened. "What about the - Sirius, you are not keeping the cat!" James dashed after his best friend. "That is someone's familiar," he hissed when he caught up.

"Well, they ought to take better care of it then."

James rolled his eyes and groaned. "You're not going to send Marlene an owl, are you?"

"I told her I wanted a casual fling, no strings attached. She agreed."

"From what she's told Lils, she's changed her mind."

Sirius shrugged. "She didn't tell me that and I made myself very clear from the start. I have no obligation to owl the witch unless I want to get a leg over."

James sighed heavily. He raised his hands and shrugged. "Fine. I tried. My duty is done and my hands are officially clean."

Sirius raised an eyebrow as he smirked at his best friend. Both of them knew Lily would not agree with that statement. They reached the gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office then and Sirius immediately gave the password. The stone figure jumped aside and the two wizards quickly headed up the moving staircase.

They paused before the grand double doors and James gave his friend one last pleading look. "Just don't develop feelings for Marlene, okay?"

Sirius drew back, clearly offended. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Come on, Padfoot. I know you. You can never admit when you like a bird and when you do you're insufferable."

Sirius narrowed his steel grey eyes. "Says the man who recited poetry every day for a month."

James wagged his finger. "That was February, it was for cupid's holiday - completely different. Also, I'm in love with Lily and perfectly capable of admitting that and also that isn't what I meant." James crossed his arms and hunched his shoulders. "I'm insufferable because I'm a lovesick git. You're insufferable because you're untrusting and obsessive not to mention that you can't get it up enough to ever tell the bloody witch how you feel."

Sirius' jaw clenched. "Still sounds like you year four through six," he gritted out.

James raised his eyebrows and nodded once. "That's a fair point. I'll give you that, I was a mess in school." He shrugged. "But I grew up. Admit it, mate. When you like a witch, you sabotage it."

"I don't have to admit anything. And I don't like Marlene, so shut up about it."

"Fine, fine. I'm just saying-"

"-and that means you're still talking."

"Shutting up."

Sirius gave his friend a hard stare. He nodded towards the Headmaster's office. "Knock on the bloody door, you arse." James knocked on the door without complaint.


With a final stern glance towards James, Sirius entered the Headmaster's office. It hadn't changed at all in the year that they had graduated from Hogwarts. Every knickknack and magical doodad was perfectly in place and whirling and whizzing contently as always.

Headmaster Dumbledore stood from behind his ornate, golden desk and smiled as he greeted them warmly. "Almost on time," he joked with a twinkle in his eye.

"It's his fault," both Sirius and James chorused. The three moved to the sitting area at the side and the two black haired wizards settled on the couch together. The cat yowled loudly as she tried to get free.

"Oi," Sirius protested, "easy there, kitten."

"Found a friend?" Dumbledore inquired with genuine amusement.

"She was just wanderin' the halls. I think I might keep her as retribution for a first year's carelessness." The cat yowled again.

James laughed. "I don't think she agrees with that plan."

Sirius looked down at the brown little ball of fur and pouted. She tried to jump free but Sirius managed to keep a hold on her. He spread his hands across her underbelly, between her legs and effectively cutting off any movement. His other hand scratched at the top of her head. The kitten's eyes narrowed to slits as it reluctantly began to purr again.

Sirius gave James a broad smile. "She's warming up to me." James rolled his eyes despite the smile on his face. Sirius turned back to the amused Headmaster in his cushy armchair. "Are we waiting on someone else?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "Yes, actually. A wonderful young lady by the name of Miss. Granger." The kitten squirmed. "She's usually very punctual."

James' head cocked to the side. "You mean Hermione Granger?"

"Who?" Sirius questioned.

James gave him a look. "A few years younger than us. She's in our house." James turned back to the Headmaster curiously. "But she's not of age yet. I think she was a fourth year when we graduated. She can't be a part of the Order yet." Professor Dumbledore did not respond. "Sir?"

"Miss. Granger is one of the most magically talented students to walk these halls. It would be remiss of me not to utilize her talents when she is willing." The cat yowled once again. James and Sirius both raised their eyebrows. They had fought tooth and nail to be a part of the Order. Dumbledore had hemmed and hawed about the whole thing but he had always been adamant to wait until they had graduated. "She provided the charms we used to protect the safehouses through research and a little bit of her own spell creation."

"Spell creation?" James questioned, impressed. "Really?"

"As I said, Miss. Granger is truly talented."

Sirius smirked. "But she can't get to a meeting on time?" He pulled back his hand as the cat hissed angrily at him."Oi!"

The kitten jumped and Sirius only managed to keep a slight hold as she leapt from the couch. The cat's form wavered as she grew larger. Her form shifted and the added weight threw Sirius forward with his arm still around her waist. The young animagus witch fell forward and Sirius collapsed with her.

She huffed as she threw her curls back and looked up to see James' shocked face and Dumbledore's amused one. "My, kitten," Sirius flirted from behind her, half his body lying on top of hers, "how you've grown."

Hermione jabbed an elbow into his stomach. "Get off of me," she hissed. Sirius rolled back, hands raised and an arrogant smile on his face. Hermione immediately jumped to her feet and blushed profusely. "I'm so sorry Professor I got… held up."

Dumbledore chuckled under his breath. "I can see that. I hadn't realized you'd made it so far in your animagus studies. Congratulations."

Hermione beamed proudly. "Thank you, sir. I'm still working on smoother transformations."

"You'll get there," James put in. "It'll just take time and practice. Before you know it, your animagus will be a fully grown cat like Minnie's." Hermione smiled happily at that and took a seat on the couch opposite him.

Sirius finally climbed to his feet and fell back into place beside his best friend. His arms stretched along the back of the couch. His legs crossed casually at the ankles."So, kitten, why're we here?"

Hermione glared at him. "Don't call me that."

Dumbledore raised a hand before they could begin to argue. "I have a mission for you. It seems that the Death Eaters have placed a target on Miss. Granger's back."

James and Sirius both turned to Hermione. She shifted in her seat. "I was attacked in Hogsmeade."

"When?" they both immediately questioned.

"Over Christmas hols. Near that weird building by Hogshead."

James' eyes widened. "Isn't that where they found those muggle girls? The ones being sold off?"

Hermione nodded. "Our battle blew open part of the building and a few Death Eaters went inside. Aurors had arrived by that time and followed them through. I didn't see any of the girls, I was taken down by that point." She swallowed audibly. The bright purple flash of Dolohov's curse flashed through her mind. She shivered at the thought of it burning her flesh and crushing the bones in her chest.

Dumbledore gave them a serious look as he added, "She had to be taken to a special recovery suite at St. Mungos where she remained for a month and a half."

"I just finished taking the potions they'd assigned me at the end of February last week."

"So, you need a bodyguard?" James guessed. He turned to the Headmaster. "I thought Hogwarts was still safe?"

"It is," Dumbledore immediately assured. "However, whenever Miss. Granger leaves the castle, she is in grave danger."

Hermione shrugged weakly. "I haven't left the castle since I got back."

Sirius' brows drew together. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "So, don't leave," was his careless suggestion. "Lots of people don't go down to Hogsmeade. It's not the end of the world." Hermione wrinkled her nose at him.

"If it were only that simple," Dumbledore sighed. "Miss. Granger often leaves the castle on Order business as well. Sometimes during her trips to Hogsmeade, she's meeting with contacts or acquiring necessary materials. Her restriction to the castle is hindering her ability to do her job."

"We tried to send people in my place," Hermione explained, anticipating their next suggestion, "but they either didn't get the correct information or sometimes came back with the wrong edition of the book." She rolled her eyes at this. "And the other half of the time, it simply won't work. I specifically design each and every protective warding on the safehouses the Order utilizes. To do that, I have to go to the properties and I can't do that on my own anymore." She said the last part grudgingly, making it clear that it was a fact she had been pushed to accept. Her eyes flickered to Dumbledore. "Of course, the obvious solution is for me to stop."

Dumbledore didn't even look like he'd heard her.

She leaned forward as she pressed on. "I won't be working for the Order after I graduate. It makes sense to simply cut ties now."

James looked confused. "Why wouldn't you help?"

"I'm muggleborn. Once I graduate I'm going on to do muggle schooling. I won't have much contact with the magical world - if any contact at all." She crossed her arms and shrugged slightly. "I didn't even want to become involved in this war, since I know I'm not staying."

"It's still your world though, you're still a witch," James insisted. Hermione raised an unimpressed eyebrow. She'd clearly heard it all before.

Sirius held back his irritation at her desertion, instead choosing to focus on the mission. "Alright, we can pick you up at the gates for Hogsmeade and drop you off and take you wherever you need to go. That's not a problem." There were only four more months until school ended. They could manage that for now and figure out the rest later.

Hermione smiled and nodded back. "Brilliant."

She, James, and Sirius moved to stand. "Unfortunately," Dumbledore put in and they all immediately froze, "it's not that simple." They sighed as they sat back down. "We don't know for certain that the reason Voldemort," they each flinched at the sound of his name, "has decided to target you is because of your involvement with the Order. Before today, only you and I were aware of your involvement, Miss. Granger."

Sirius narrowed his eyes. "Why else would they be after her?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at Hermione. The curly haired witch sighed and shook her head. "I took my OWLs already. I sat them in my fourth year and I'm preparing for my NEWTs this year."

James' eyes widened. "Really? That's rather impressive."

Dumbledore hummed in agreement. "It's also a first in Hogwarts history. That, coupled with the fact that she broke the longstanding record for highest OWL scores since the 40s - well, let's just say it's attention enough without the fact that she will be the first-ever graduate under 17. I'm expecting she'll break a few more test scores during her NEWTs examination as well." Hermione blushed and ducked her head at the high praise.

Sirius looked back and forth between the two of them. "I feel like I'm missing something here. Not that that's not very impressive, darling. But why would You-Know-Who care about test scores?"

"Because they were his," Hermione explained quietly. "I beat his test scores." Sirius' eyes widened. "Exactly. And if his reaction was to have me attacked after I beat only his OWLs then…" What would he do if she beat his NEWTs and did so at such a young age? The question was silently asked as they each took in that information.

James leaned forward. "You definitely need a guard. Maybe a team of them." Hermione did not appreciate the light humour.

"But that would give her involvement away," Dumbledore explained. "The second that we, the Order, provide security at any level for Miss. Granger, Voldemort will know she is with us. He might already know or at the very least suspect."

"But we don't want to confirm it," James finished.


"So, what's the plan?"

"I thought the simplest way to have someone be with Miss. Granger at Hogsmeade without suspicion would be if we were to set up some sort of false relationship." Hermione's eyes widened in horror. Dumbledore calmly turned his gaze to Sirius. "That would place you, Sirius, as Hermione's primary guard and defence."

"Professor!" Hermione immediately protested.

"Please tell me you're joking?" Sirius shouted incredulously.

Hermione gestured between the two of them. "No one and I mean no one would ever believe I'd date…" She made a face and wildly waved her hand at Sirius. "...that!"

Sirius narrowed his eyes at her as he leaned forward. James' hand on his chest stopped the cutting remark the Black was going to make before he did. "With all due respect, sir," James calmly put in. "These two are like," he looked to Hermione, "and excuse the pun. But they're like cats and dogs." Sirius looked down at the floor as he smirked.

Dumbledore nodded, a look of mild interest on his face. "Yes, and opposites do attract. Look at yourself and your future wife, James. The two of you fought rather like cats and dogs yourself."

"That's different!" Sirius protested. "We never even interacted with each other in school."

Hermione crossed her arms over her chest and glared. "Yes, actually we did." She raised her eyebrows challengingly. "In my second year, you called me a bossy little bitch and said that I should go live in the forest since I had teeth big enough to fell a tree."

Sirius visibly winced.

Hermione leaned forward. "And that is not something I'm likely to forget now." She looked to the Headmaster as she shook her head, tossing her curls over her shoulder. "I refuse to date him."

Dumbledore sighed. "Miss. Granger, you needn't actually date Sirius. It's all pretense. Simply hold hands while you're in Hogsmeade together, there's nothing else to it."

All three of them stared at the Headmaster incredulously. This was Sirius Black he was talking about. Sirius didn't do hand-holding and walking his girl around Hogsmeade. Sirius didn't have girls he had willing sex partners.

"I am sixteen!" Hermione protested, not willing to give up. "Isn't that illegal?" It certainly was in the muggle world.

"Actually," James put in and Hermione instantly glared at him. He winced and said, "it might help us out that you're underage."

Sirius gave his best friend a horrified look. "No, it won't! I don't sleep with underage witches and anyone who knows me knows that."

"No, hear me out, mate. pureblood custom."

"She's not a pureblood."

"No, you dunce, but you are." Sirus made a small 'o' with his mouth. Right, he'd forgotten that. James turned back to Hermione to explain. "When an underage witch is being… courted, I guess you could say, by an older wizard it's usually frowned upon. Any respectable pureblood would wait until she's at least of age before making any sort of interest known. Wizards who don't bother with this are usually in it for one of two reasons. The first is that they're very serious about marrying the witch. The second is that… how did my mum put it?"

James looked to Sirius who smirked and said, "They're a 'good for nothing scoundrel.'"

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "And by this assessment, I take it you're the second one?"

Sirius narrowed his eyes on the young witch. "Funny, kitten." Hermione glared back at him.

"How does this help us?" Hermione asked James.

"You might think little of Sirius and among the more fanatical pureblood circles he's not thought of much better - however, outside of that and within most of the magical community Sirius isn't a bad bloke." Hermione's face demonstrated how little she thought that statement actually said about the man. James shrugged. "He's annoyingly charming and everyone sort of loves him. They'll think he's honestly pursuing you while the Death Eaters think he's just a… scoundrel."

"Either way," Sirius continued, "they probably won't question it." Sirius leaned back against the couch with his arms resting along the back as he smirked. "Sweet Circe, I wish I could see the look on my mother's face when she hears I'm courting a muggleborn."

Hermione's jaw dropped.

"Well, then," Dumbledore said as he clapped his hands. "If that's been decided?" Hermione shot the Headmaster a glare that clearly stated she did not think it was but she kept her mouth shut. "Sirius will be your guard starting at the first Hogsmeade weekend. James will join you two on Order related expeditions Hermione must see to. Good?"

Hermione clenched her jaw, her arms were still firmly crossed over her chest. Sirius and James both nodded. "Wonderful. Now, if I could perhaps steal you for a bit, James? Slughorn has a potion he is working on for the Order and he requires your assistance."

"Certainly, professor," James said as he stood.

Dumbledore gave Sirius and Hermione each a hard stare. "I suggest you two figure out what your story is now so you will be able to answer any questions I'm sure are to arise." He nodded at them before he and James left.

Sirius and Hermione stared at each other for a long moment.

"This is never going to work," she announced.

"Not with that attitude, kitten."

"Call me that one more time and I will hex you."

Sirius smirked. "Threaten and insult all you like, darling. I'm already working up a plan to get you back."

She leaned forward, eyes narrowed and if she had still been in her animagus form her claws would definitely have been drawn. "Do your worst."

This story is set up a bit differently from my usual. There's some back and forth with the narrative. I started it while I was watching Jane the Virgin.

Hope you enjoy it!
