"Come on sweetheart, let's get up so I can drop you off with Ms. Hattie" Eddie said softly as she ran her hands through her young daughter's hair.
"No momma. We go tomorrow okay?" Little Scarlett Rae picked up her head off the pillow and peeked one eye open to look at her mother.
Eddie chuckled at the two year old. "Momma is starting a new job today and I can't be late. When I pick you up in the morning we can go to breakfast okay?"
Scarlett gave a face that reminded Eddie very much of her self. "You pwomise?"
"I promise." She helped the toddler stand up on the bed and engulfed her in a big hug. It had been just the two of them ever since Eddie was six months pregnant. Scarlett's father had left in the middle of the night and had not contacted her since. It was left to Eddie to so many things on her own but thankfully she had wonderful people who stepped in and helped.
She had encountered Ms. Hattie one day while she worked at as a receptionist at a clinic. Eddie was 8 months pregnant and the two of them hit it off instantly. They had become so close that Ms. Hattie was in the delivery room when Scarlett was born. She had become a mother figure to Eddie and a grandmother to Scarlett. It had been the three of them for a while now and Eddie wouldn't have it any other way.
"You have your backpack?" she said looking down at the toddler.
"Yep! And my toys and my night-night clothes!" Scarlett replied excitedly.
"Alright. Seems like you're all set! Let's go!" They walked out of their small one bedroom apartment in Queens to make the 10 minute walk to Ms. Hattie's apartment. She was an older African American woman who was a retired nurse who had worked in the pediatric unit. She had become a widow at a very young age and never had children so she dedicated her life to her work.
"Ok Scarlett, look at me." Eddie got down to the toddler's level as they stopped in front of the door. "You be very good for Nanny Hattie okay? Do everything she tells you."
"I will mama! I always good for Nanny!" she replied.
"I know you are but I had to make sure." She kissed Scarlett on the forehead and stood to knock on the door.
Knock Knock
The door was opened to reveal a smiling Ms. Hattie. "Hi my babies! Come on in!"
They both walked in and got big hugs. "We're gonna have a great time aren't we baby?" she said looking down at Scarlett. She nodded excitedly.
"Good. Go play with your toy box, I put some new goodies in there. Let me talk with your momma." Scarlett ran off while Eddie sat down on the bar stool.
"How're you feeling sweetheart? Nervous?"
"A little but I'm so excited to get out there. I'm ready to put my training to good use."
"I'm glad. I wasn't happy when you joined the academy but I'm very proud of you. You will definitely make a difference. I just have one thing to ask of you." Hattie walked over and put a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Please come home safe to this baby girl."
"I'll do everything to make sure I do. I've promised her I will."
It had been a hell of night for the new partners on the beat. Immediately after meeting her new partner Jamie Reagan, they had been called out to the scene of an officer who had been shot in a chase. They ended up losing her later in the night. Eddie was a little shaken so Jamie decided to take her out for breakfast as soon as their shift ended.
"Hey" he said as he watched Eddie pick at her food. "You alright?"
"Yeah. It was just a crazy night." She put down her fork and looked at him. "Does it get any easier? Seeing things like that?"
"No" he answered honestly. "It doesn't. You just learn how to deal with it better."
"Hope so" she replied.
"So tell me about yourself" he said switching the subject. What's your story?"
"I was born in Yonkers then moved to Manhattan when I was six. Lived there for the longest until my parents passed away when I was 16."
"Man I'm sorry to hear that. My mom passed away when I was in college."
"Sorry to hear that" Eddie replied sincerely. Jamie gave her a small smile.
"So I lived with an aunt until she kicked me out at 18" she said continuing with her story. "Fortunately, I had some money saved up that I was able to afford an apartment in Queens. I actually still have the same one today. And I have a daughter."
"Oh" Jamie said a little surprised. "That's great. What's her name?"
"Scarlett Rae." Eddie pulled out her phone to show him a picture. "She just turned two."
"Woah, she looks just like you" he said eyeing the picture. "She's beautiful. You and your husband are blessed."
"Uh... um... I'm not with anyone. Scarlett's dad left before she was born."
"I'm so sorry" Jamie replied quickly. "I just thought..."
"It's okay." She patted his arm with a smile. "Don't worry about it."
Eddie pulled her phone out to see a message from Hattie.
From Hattie: a certain little lady is up and is wondering when mama is gonna be home.
She added a photo of Scarlett who had just woke up with her hair going a thousand different directions.
Eddie let out a chuckle and showed Jamie. "Well it's looks like I should be heading home soon."
He smiled as he looked at the picture. "Yeah you should. Let me pay for this so we can head out. My treat."
"Thanks partner."
"MAMA!" Scarlett ran to the door when she saw her mother appear.
"Hi sweetheart." She picked her up and gave her a big hug. "I missed you so much. Were you good for your Nanny?"
"She was as good as gold, like she usually is" Hattie replied. "We had fun, didn't we baby?"
Scarlett nodded her head. "Yep! And I good girl and go night-night when Nanny said!"
"Well I'm glad" Eddie replied giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Go get your stuff so we can go home." She laughed watching Scarlett run into the bedroom.
Hattie came up and engulfed Eddie into a big hug. "I'm glad that you're home safe. So.. how was it?"
"It was eventful. We lost an officer unfortunately" Eddie said dejected. "Gunshot wound."
"I'm so sorry baby. That must have been tough to see."
"Yeah. Fortunately, I have a great TO who was really helpful. He said it never gets easier to see but you learn how to deal with it better."
"What's a TO?" Hattie replied confused.
Eddie laughed.
"Training Officer."
"Does this training officer have a name?"
"Yeah his name is Jamie Reagan." Hattie gave a mischievous smirk.
"Hattie... Hattie... no! He's my TO!"
"I know baby but I'm pretty sure he's a handsome fellow. And you've been out of the dating game for awhile now."
"Gosh Hattie, you're always trying to set me up! I will admit that he's pretty cute but it will never happen."
"You never know!"
Eddie comically rubbed her forehead. "Oh my gosh."
Hattie just looked at her and laughed.
Little details about the story: I have Eddie at 26, Jamie at 30 and Scarlett of course is 2. Eddie lives in Queens as mentioned and Jamie in Brooklyn Heights.
Hi guys! Another story so soon after my last one. Please let me know what you think. Is this something you would like to see continued?