Prologue- "The Utopia"

Mobius: Year 3225


The Armageddon of Mobius.

The day that the evil Dr. Robotnick finally prevailed over the Freedom Fighters and took complete control of a broken Mobius.

Among the many villages that were destroyed in the scientist's reign, there was one in particular that was brutally affected by the attack: The Village of Sonarashi.

A small and weak village, Sonarashi stood no chance against the machine that Robotnick had created. The villagers fled, leaving all belongings, food, and other necessities to be obliterated by the death-wrenching bot. Young children clung to their parents while pets, babies and elderlies were carried close to the chests of running men and women.

A number of unlucky stragglers were left behind to a dark fate when Robotnick crushed the remains of the village. Some did not make it out alive at this point- and the ones who did escape late were spotted by the evil scientist, who got ahold of them and treated the poor souls to torture.

As the last of the city was turned to dust, the surviving villagers of Sonarashi found shelter in an underground bunker in which had been created for the very purpose of attacks on the village. Dedicated workers had spent years digging a tunnel and installing a long subway network to an abandoned area in the middle of nowhere. This fact gave the villagers hope of what was known to them as a "Chaos Utopia." The utopia was believed to be a place where evil could not reach, due to the chaos energy that surrounded the area. As the survivors trudged through the dark and crowded tunnels, they were thankful to be away from the danger above them.

When the group had reached the end of the tunnels, they cautiously made their way above ground. What awaited them seemed like a miracle compared to the state of what was their home.

From this moment, the villagers worked as one to rebuild the abandoned, trashed city that they had arrived in. This was a city that was very far from Metropolis and the destruction. There was peace between the survivors, and peace for all. There was order- which caught the attention of those who had come to the village from Mobius' castle.

As the years continued, the city was finished by the villagers. The higher-status survivors decided against the democratic stature that had been in place thus far, and instead hungered for power. These villagers formed a new "government" and appointed themselves as the highest position of the new civilization. It was decided that the purpose of this new government would be to retain order and peace as to not be thrown into another Apocalypse. From this day on, the government attempted to keep control over the other citizens, which ended up causing anarchy as those who supported democracy rebelled against the high powers.

Finally, the governing powers came to an agreement that more barbaric actions would need to be taken in order to regain control. The government HQ was rebuilt, becoming a high-security training facility known as " The Correction Training HQ."

A select group of government "officials" were sent on a trek to scout out the area of Metropolis and its state from the attacks, which had now been about 3 years ago. This resulted in the scouts discovering that Metropolis had been rebuilt and re-established after the freedom fighters had overcome Robotnick. The evil genius had returned to his island base. The government had decided that this was the perfect chance to storm the base and obtain a rumored creation of Robotnick's- a serum that converted and controlled the minds of anyone who was injected with it.

After a successful break-in of the island base, the scouts were able to return to the Utopia with many vials of the serum. This resulted in the new government tactic known as "Correction." This involved selecting certain citizens to take part in the "Program," forcing them to live in the cells in the facility and having them take part in brutal, torturous training. Each trainee was giving serum regularly (after the officials discovered how to create the serum) which stifled all personal thoughts and instead put them under control of the officials. The training changed the villagers into mindless, brutal and cold soldiers known as "Correctioners." The purpose of the Correctioners was to hold order in the Utopia, using fear to control the actions of all. The soldiers would not give a second thought to coldly executing anyone who went against the government. The result of this new plan was a civilization that was completely run on Fear and Control. No one could think for themselves, no one could decide..

no one could escape.

This was the perfect plan for control in which the High Officials had always wanted. The civilization that had once been a self-run democracy had turned into complete chaos.

The Utopia was a nightmare.

Hello, everyone! Fangirling Here! (Finally)

Here it is- Soulbound, the true sequel to the surprisingly popular "I Know You." I promised you all a proper sequel, and I was never planning on breaking that promise. It took awhile, but I finally wrote the introduction- as well as basically the whole fic in my head.

I decided to go the route I was planning on going in the first place, a complete story built around Tails and Mina's side of the story, basically an inspired story with some Tails and Mina sprinkled in. But don't worry- there will be PLENTY of them in here. It is their story, after all :)

This chapter was just to set up the story- the backstory of this sequel takes a lot of explaining. Luckily, I summed most of it up in this chapter, so now we can head on to the goodies. Next chapter, you will be meeting our brand new character. Hope you all are excited!

I have high hopes for this story and truly believe that it will be even better than not only the first version, but also the first fic in the series! Hopefully you all will enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. It's going to be a wild ride.

Stay tuned- updates should be (almost) regular.

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And as always, most importantly..


