A/N: Another chapter for my amazing readers. I really can't tell you guys how much your comments mean to me. Just seeing a new favorite or comment completely cheers me up. When I want to get into the mood to write I'll read one of the latest comments and It puts me into the greatest mood and inspires me. It's amazing how much something so little can have such an effect on your mood. I hope you guys get at least half as much happiness from reading this as I get from knowing you guys like my story.

The first couple of weeks at Grimmauld Place were pretty peaceful. Harry spent his days doing nothing but playing chess, writing to his friends, or just spending time with Sirius and Remus. It was the most normal summer Harry could ever remember having. He felt like an average teenager for once.

It was so peaceful, he even allowed himself to forget about the existence of Voldemort and Death Eaters every so often. But, then he'd catch a glimpse of a headline or hear Sirius and Remus talking about the Order and the fantasy would end.

He was writing almost continuously back and forth with Ron. From what his letters said, was in a constant state of panic for her family. She was also just as worried about Harry. Ron told him, every time a letter came she would ask about Harry and ask if he wanted to come for a visit to the Burrow. Harry considered the offer, but ultimately decided he preferred the peace and quiet of Grimmauld. Ron also told him about how Molly and Ginny were annoyed with Fleur living there. Apparently, Ginny had even started calling her 'phlegm' when she wasn't around.

One night, about 2 weeks after Harry arrived, there was an Order meeting. It was a brief meeting. Shorter than most meetings, on account of Dumbledore's absence.

After everyone left for the night, Harry sat in the kitchen, discussing everything that was going on with the Order with Sirius and Remus. Dumbledore had come to a decision about telling Harry Order business. He allowed them to tell him what went on in meetings and, much to the annoyance of Sirius and Remus, anything he didn't want Harry to know he didn't tell them either.

It was this annoyance with the Headmaster that caused the two men to stay up late drinking firewhiskey long after Harry went to bed.

"I can't believe not a single Order member knows where he is!" Sirius exclaimed as he refilled his glass for the second started to pace around the room.

Remus nodded as he took a sip. "I know. I thought he'd at least tell McGonagall where he was."

"I'm sick and tired of all the secrets! And the way he manipulates everyone!" Remus nodded silently. "This is exactly what he did during the first war. This is what caused everything to go wrong back then!"

"You're right." Remus said, knowing Sirius wasn't really listening to him right now. Best to let him tire himself out before saying more.

"And I just love how he told Harry he'll be taking 'special lessons' this year! Without even consulting us, let alone telling us what they're for! I'm his Godfather! I should be making decisions for him!" Sirius fell back into his chair and took a sip of his drink. His head dropped to the table gloomily.

Remus reached across the table and brushed the hair out of his face, causing him to look up. Remus smiled softly. "Are you done pouting?" He asked. Sirius shook his head petulantly. Remus chuckled. "If it makes you feel any better, I completely agree." He sighed. "I used to think that, no matter what happened, he always had Harry's best interests in mind. But, lately, he's changed."

Sirius sat up and stared at Remus curiously. "Changed how?"

"You haven't noticed the way he ignores Harry when he's in the room? Or how he talks about the Order guarding him?" Sirius shook his head. "It's little things mostly. I just … I can't explain it. It's like … he treats him like an object to be guarded. Not a person."

Sirius thought back to a conversation he'd had almost a year earlier. "Y'know, at christmastime, when he overheard Moody and Arthur talking. He said he felt like … like Dumbldore's weapon." Sirius paused and stared hauntedly at the table. After a few seconds he spoke. "You don't … don't think that Dumbledore is planning to train him as some sort of … weapon? Planning to send him to take on Voldemort on his own. Do you?"

Remus shook his head. "I don't know."

They both stared defeatedly at the table.

"What are we going to do if he is?" Sirius asked, so quiet Remus almost didn't hear.

Remus reached out and laced his fingers with Sirius'. "We'll just have to make sure we're there to protect him. No matter what." Sirius squeezed his hand and nodded.