A/N: Hello, everyone! So, for those who were either lucky enough to attend San Diego Comic Con 2019 last week or have seen this clip on YouTube, you should know that there is a crossover between Sonic the Hedgehog and OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes coming out next week. Personally, I think this crossover looks kinda cool, despite the fact I've never watched a single episode of OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes. For those who have seen the extended promo of the crossover, there is a certain scene in there were Sonic ditches Tails and asks K.O. if he would like to be his new best buddy, much to Tails' dismay. I know this may be used a comedy in the actual episode, but I myself am skeptical. Why would Sonic ditch Tails for some kid? So, that got me thinking... what would happen if Tails reacted to this extended promo and how would he and Sonic work it out?

So, that brings us here. This story is meant to be a fun take on Sonic and Tails' brotherhood as well as Tails' reaction to the extended promo. For those who haven't seen the promo, be sure to look it up on YouTube and then come back here. But for those who have seen it, I hope you enjoy the show.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is "I Would Never Abandon You."

Disclaimer: I am well aware OK K.O. is a show meant for kids and that I shouldn't be getting worked up over something so stupid, but I felt that this would be a fun story to write. Sonic the Hedgehog and other related properties are owned by SEGA. OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes and other related properties are owned by Cartoon Network (The same program that killed Ben 10)

"One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered."
~Michael J. Fox

New Best Buddy?

A brand-new morning in the Mystic Ruins started off with a surprise for Miles "Tails" Prower. Normally, the kid would wake up, get himself a cup of tea, eat a nice breakfast, and tinker with his new inventions. Today, he was planning to modify some upgrades to the Tornado as well as do some cleaning to his dusty workshop. Everywhere he looked, dust was everywhere, and he wanted to clean it up before he started sneezing like crazy.

But his morning routine was suddenly interrupted.

As he cooked himself eggs and bacon, he received a phone call from his good friend, Charmy Bee, who wanted to share some news he found off of the internet. The bee sounded excited about something, so he's spent the last two hours telling Tails about something that's happening in two weeks.

Now, as much as he wanted to sit down and enjoy his breakfast, Tails was curious as to what Charmy wanted to tell him. He took his pan of bacon out of the oven and turned off the stove that was cooking his eggs; he was talking to Charmy, as he took off his oven mitts.

Behind him, his robot canine, T-Pup, was munching on a bowl filled with nuts and bolts. He barked happily and started panting like a real dog.

"So, Charmy," Tails said, as he served himself his meal. He reached into the microwave and took out a plate of fresh, steamy, sausage. "What did you say this company was making again?"

"Right, so there's this TV show I love called 'OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes' and it's the best thing on television!" told the six-year-old bee. "They're doing a crossover and guess what? Both you and Sonic are starring in it!"

Tails nearly choke on a bite of eggs once he heard that. He punched his stomach and awkwardly swallowed his food. "For real? Sonic and I are starring in a cartoon? Who would have thought?"

"It's awesome! I keep watching the trailer over and over because it's sooooooooooo good!" Charmy squealed, as he flew around Chaotix HQ. Much to the annoyance of Vector, who was reading the daily newspaper.

"Hey! What did I say about flying in the house!?" the crocodile grunted.

Charmy sat down on the couch, holding his communicator in his hands. "Tails, you should look at the extended promo on ChaoTube! It's incredible!"

Tails did as suggested and grabbed his yellow laptop. He logged into ChaoTube and typed into the search bar, OK K.O.! and Sonic crossover extended promo.

It didn't take him long to find it.

"Is this it at the top?" he inquired. He showed the search suggestions to the bee.

"Yes! Click it, click it!"

"Okay, okay," Tails chuckled, as he scrolled to the video and clicked on it. He placed his laptop down and took his place, placing it in front of him. He grabbed his fork and dug into his breakfast, as the video finished loading.

The promo started off with what looked to be an antique shop. According to the sign, it appeared to specialized in selling superhero related items. Just then, Tails heard someone talking as the camera panned closer to the shop.

Suddenly, Tails was shown who he assumed is the main character of the cartoon, K.O. He was talking to his friends about saving the world.

"All right, Rad and Enid!" the little boy said. Tails chuckled at how ridiculous his costume looked. "Are you ready for another action-packed day of protecting our hero plaza from evil robots?"

One thing the fox noticed was that as the young hero talked, he was mimicking poses that Sonic would do.

"Fighting against evil robots to save the world?" Tails said to himself. "Where have I seen that before?" He laughed at his sarcastic comment.

"Hey!" Charmy moaned. "Don't make fun of the show's concept!"

"Ha-ha, sorry." Tails shrugged his shoulders.

"Keep watching, it's getting to the good part!"

Tails turned back to the video and watched as something suddenly blasted through the door, knocking two cat-like creatures into the air. The projectile was a large, blue ball that moved faster than the speed of light. Tails obviously knew who that was.

It was Sonic the Hedgehog and he looked a lot more animated than usual. He landed on the ground and struck a battle pose. Orange, bold text read, Sonic the Hedgehog: Fastest Thing Alive.

"Nice!" Tails smiled.

But that wasn't all. Following behind Sonic was none other than a cartoony version of himself. The fox gasped as soon as he saw himself fly around and land next to Sonic. He watched as his info text appeared right in front of him. Miles "Tails" Prower: Genius Fox Sidekick.

K.O. suddenly turned around let out a huge gasp at the two heroes.

Tails had the same reaction.

"Wow, you weren't kidding, Charmy," he said in excitement. "Sonic and I really are in a cartoon. This should be amazing! I can't wait to show this to Sonic! Unless he knows already then I don't need to tell him. See, look at this! I'm so excited, I'm rambling like crazy!"

"Just wait till you see the rest of the promo!" Charmy winked. "Keep watching!"

Tails continued to watch the rest of the trailer.

The two cat creatures Sonic carelessly bumped into suddenly landed on him and Tails' heads. Sonic grabbed onto the cats and gently placed them down.

"Whoa, you be careful now, kid," he smiled. "Don't want anyone getting hurt on my watch."

Tails snickered. "Then don't bump into them next time."

The two cats geeked out over Sonic's appearance, as K.O. approached the heroes.

"Can it be!? Are you THE legendary Sonic the Hedgehog with a power level of ring!?" K.O. whipped out a trading card with an image of Sonic in the middle. His name was on the bottom and a gold ring was printed beside it. Tails smiled, as he continued eating his food.

"The one and only, yep." Sonic replied with a smirk and a wink.

K.O. began jumping around Sonic and Tails like an acrobat. "Wow, wow, wow, wow! Oh, it's Tails! Wow, wow, wow, WOW! I can't believe I'm talking to THE Sonic. I have a whole notebook of fanart I've made of you!"

"I hope it's not some of those weird pictures I see online," Tails commented, cringing at the thought of some of those images.

K.O. flipped through his notebook, showcasing highlights from Sonic's adventures. They were all pooly drawn in crayon. "This one's from when you destroyed the Death Egg, this one's from when you fought the Ultimate Life Form,"

"I should tell Shadow not to watch this crossover then."

"And this is when you won the summer and winter sports games."

"Gold medal, baby," Sonic said, as he held up a gold medal from his neck.

"HA!" Tails laughed, almost choking on his sausage. "Wow, they really did their research when it came to this project. So far, they're nailing Sonic's personality… well, for the most part. I cannot wait to see the many brotherly interactions we have in this episode. I bet we have a ton of them!"

"I really respect a kid with encyclopedic knowledge of my achievements," Sonic smiled and said to K.O. "Not enough people like that in this world."

Finally, the animated counterpart of Tails spoke, and he was mad. "Hello!? What about me!?"

"Ha-ha!" Tails from the real world said, but as he laughed, he began to realize that line of dialogue from him was delivered in a stern tone. He placed his fork down and scratched his head, wondering what the deal with that line was. "Hmm? Was that line meant to be a joke?"

He watched as Sonic kneeled down to K.O.'s level.

"What's your name, kid?" he asked.


"Well, K.O., how would you like to be my new little buddy?"

That last sentence causes Tails to spit out a piece of sausage. It slapped against the laptop's screen and slowly slid downward, leaving a greasy streak in the middle. Tails was coughing on another piece of food in his mouth.

Pounding his stomach as hard as he could, Tails finally coughed up a piece of scrambled egg.

He looked at the computer screen and wiped it clean with a napkin, astonished at what Sonic just said.

"What did he just say?" Tails asked, as he rewound the clip and played it back.

He watched as Sonic kneeled down to K.O.'s level.

"What's your name, kid?"


"Well, K.O., how would you like to be my new little buddy?"

Tails did the same thing he did before; he replayed the same scene.

"Well, K.O., how would you like to be my new little buddy?"

He didn't know what to say.

He didn't know what to think.

There was no way this was possible.

Sonic the Hedgehog was ditching his own best friend, who's been with him since day one, for some kid he's met for nearly a minute. Tails found this hard to believe. He did nothing but stare at the screen. He paused the trailer and did nothing but look at a picture of Sonic poking K.O.'s nose. It reminded him of when Sonic would always poke his nose when they were younger. The fox refused to believe this was real. No way would Sonic ever think about abandoning his best pal.

But as he continued to think, his thoughts were interrupted by a concerned Charmy Bee, who expected a better reaction from Tails than what he was getting.

"Tails? Are you all right? What did you think of the promo? Awesome, right?... Hello, Tails?... Buddy?"

Not knowing what to respond, Tails slowly pressed the hang up button and ended his call with the bee.

He was still dumbfounded and confused about this clip. Did Sonic really say that? Did he nonchalantly offer some kid a chance to be his best buddy, ignoring the fact he already has one. He played the rest of the trailer and saw footage that didn't make him feel any better.

While his animated self-stood behind Sonic, looking to be on the verge of tears, K.O. magically grew angel wings; his eyes were sparkly, and he flew Sonic with glee.

"You really mean it?" K.O. asked.

And the most disappointing part of the promo happened….

It ended.

"Wait, what!? That's it!" Tails gasped. He exited full screen mode and rewound the video again, trying to see if he somehow missed some more footage. He replayed the video, but all he got was what he just watched. He did this a few more times before he finally gave up. What he just witnessed was all he got. "You got to be kidding me! T-there's no way he says that!"

Tails clicked on the search bar and typed in, OK K.O. and Sonic crossover footage.

He spent the next few seconds searching for anymore trailers, clips, and bootleg recordings to see if he can find out what happens next. He really needed to know what caused Sonic to say something like that and whether he was joking or being serious. But all he got were just smaller clips of the same promo he watched. He saw a video that showed an exclusive clip from a comic book convention, but it was just the same thing but in high-definition quality. Tails shook his head and scratched behind his ears.

"There's no way… t-there's just no way," he whispered to himself. "That has to be some kind of audio error. Because there's no way Sonic would leave me for some random kid. I hope I'm not coming across a selfish when I say that because I'm not saying, 'oh, Sonic can't have any other friends except me. I want him all to myself like some crazy stalker!' No! That's not what I mean. What I'm saying is that Sonic would never ditch me and ignore me because some kid has crazy amount of knowledge about him! There's no way! This has to be some kind of a recording error!"

The kitsune turned around and lowered his eyes on T-Pup.

He had finished his food a while ago and was listening to his owner ramble for the past few minutes.

Wagging his tail and panting, T-Pup looked at his owner, confused.

"Can you believe this, T-Pup?" Tails inquired. "There's obviously something wrong with this trailer."

The robot dog just blankly stared and raised an eyebrow. He stopped panting, but his tail still wiggled.

Tails rubbed his eyes and turned back to his computer. T-Pup approached his creator and rubbed himself against his legs. Tails continued scrolling through more videos with his left hand; his right hand was petting T-Pup. He looked down at his dog with a warm smile and closed his eyes.

"I think I'm going insane, T-Pup," he said gently. "Like I said, it could just be an error in the script. Maybe one of the writers wasn't doing their job right… let's see what the comments say, they're mostly reliable."

Tails exited out of the search section and went back to the original video. As it played, he scrolled to the very bottom and clicked on, Comments. To his surprise, there weren't that many.

It didn't take him to find the first one.

"There's no way this garbage is real," Tails read. "Sonic would think twice before ditching someone like Tails… see, T-Pup, I told ya there's been some mistake. Gosh, people on the internet can be so helpful… what's this one?"

He read the next comment. "Don't tell me the plot of the episode goes like this, Sonic replaces Tails, Tails gets jealous, Tails becomes the bad guy, Sonic beats Tails and doesn't apologize for his action. Knowing this stupid show, that's probably gonna happen… well, I certainly hope it doesn't…. what does this one say?"

Tails leaned closer to his screen and read another comment. "Now, why would Sonic abandon Tails like that?... I was wondering that myself, random ChaoTube user…. Wait, there's a reply to this comment."

He clicked on the reply and it was the opposite of what he expected. "Why wouldn't he? Tails is useless… well, that's not very nice. I mean, it's just one person, but that was harsh… wait, there're a couple more replies."

Tails clicked on the replies and scanned through them.

"Yeah, Tails is useless. Have you seen footage of him during the Phantom Ruby War? All he does it let some pudgy fat Sonic and a Rookie do all of the work…

"For real? Does he actually do that?

"Yep. It's so horrible. He used to be this big hero who saved Station Square from a giant missile and even helped save the planet from Space Colony Ark. Nowadays, he's just some useless pawn in Sonic's shadow."

T-Pup looked up at his owners and softly whimpered. He could tell something was wrong, as he watched as Tails cupped his hand over his mouth. He continued reading some of the comments.

Sonic and K.O. are gonna be the best duo ever!

What does Tails have against a martial artist like K.O. If you ask me, K.O. could knock that two-tailed freak out cold.

Tails is so useless compared to K.O. This is exactly what Sonic needed; a sidekick who can actually do stuff.

Why would Sonic want to be friends with a dope like Tails?

That last one got to the heroic kitsune.

Removing his hand from his mouth, Tails read the rest of the comments and they were no different than what he read before. He couldn't believe all of the nonsense he was reading. He found it difficult to believe there were some people out there who supported the idea of Sonic being friends with some cartoon character and leaving the one he already has. But what he found more insulting was the comment on how he turned from a hero to some loser who lets others do the work for him.

And the worst part of that comment… was that it was true.

Tails recalled that during the past few adventures, he hadn't done much like he used to in the past. When he and Sonic ventured into Eggman's Interstellar Amusement Park, all he did was translate secret alien language. During the Time Eater incident, Sonic and his younger self journeyed through different zones from their past. Both versions of Tails just sat and cheered on their friends. One of the most embarrassing moments for Tails during those adventures was when he and Sonic teamed up with Eggman on the Lost Hex.

What was so bad about that one? Tails knew the answer to that.

He remembered acting like a spoiled brat on that escapade. In other words, he treated Sonic cruelly when he was working with Eggman to stop the Deadly Six from destroying the world.

But what really got him upset was when he remembered his involvement in the Phantom Ruby War.

Not only did he leave the Resistance and fly solo, but he didn't bother to fight back against enemies that attacked him. He recalled being attacked by a replica of Chaos and instead of fighting back, all he did was cower in fear, as another Sonic from another dimension emerged through a portal, taking out Chaos in the process.

And even when he found out that his real brother was alive… he still did nothing.

All he did was cheer for Sonic, the smaller Sonic, and the Rookie they worked with.

Tails didn't know what to do now.

The truth was being thrown at his face and he didn't know how to handle it. He wasn't sure whether these people were right, and that Sonic should find someone like K.O. as a best friend or if they were wrong… he was leaning towards the former.

T-Pup whimpered again and cuddled himself next to his owner. He jumped on the couch and nested himself underneath the fox's arm.

A small tear dripped down the fox' face, as he heard voices in his head. Voices that repeated the same conversation he and Sonic had during the Lost Hex incident.

"Tails, we need Eggman to shut down his machine."

"And you don't trust me to do it."

"What!? No! I trust you, Tails. It's just—"

"No you don't! You trust Eggman more! Do you know how much that bites!?"

Tails wiped a tear off his eye after hearing that conversation again.

He gently petted his dog and lowered his head in shame.

"Why would Sonic be friends with a dope like me?"


Being a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails has always been one of my favorite characters. He really speaks to me as a person and I related to him when I was a kid. Playing that mission in Sonic Adventure where he had to protect Station Square from Eggman's Missile really inspired me. Tails is still one of my favorite characters to this day (Knuckles is my #1, Gemerl is my #2) I have been disappointed with the way SEGA has characterized him. In Sonic Colors and Generations, he was good but I wish he did more. In Lost World, that's when he started to have behavioral issues. But in Forces... do I even need to say anything? My friend, TGN, and I have had multiple discussions about this and we both want to see Tails return back to the way he was.

Again, this story is meant to explore Sonic and Tails' brotherhood as well as explore Tails as a character. I want to see him grow back to the fox he was back in the old Adventure days.

This story is meant to be a mini-series, meaning it will be short and will not update consistently. But I hope you're interested enough to read more. Speaking of which, you can follow, favorite, rate, and review this story. Let me know if there's anything I should fix or if there are any predictions you guys have for this story. I do love reading some predictions and theories some of my people show me about my stories. Thanks for reading, everyone and tune in next time for...

"Chapter 2: A Dope Like Me."


T-Pup first appeared in an old Sonic Game Gear title called "Tails' Adventure." He has also made several appearances in the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics. While he is not the most fleshed out of character (He's just a robotic canine that turns into a tank in Tails' Adventure) I do hope SEGA finds a way to bring him back as a gameplay style for Tails. T-Pup makes an appearance in another Sonic story I have called, "Sonic Heroes: The Atom Bomb."

That's all I have to say for now, folks. Don't forget to R&R and let me know what you think. I'm The Sensational SpiderDom321 and I'll see you all next time! Peace out, web-heads!

~SD321 (SpiderDom321)