First, my apologies, this is not a chapter update...

Second, I know this is going to upset some of you, but I understand! This is mainly for me and what I believe my readers deserve. They deserve a experience, not what this has become.

Now then,

Hello Everyone! This story is now (has) been undergoing a rewrite that essentially gets rid of many of the plot holes I've ignored or otherwise forgotten about. I have not forgotten this piece of work, it is my pride and joy after all. I just do not like what I have done. This was (Is) my first try at a fanfic, and it really overwhelmed me with how much world building and AU elements I would introduce. Ive gotten lost in the sauce as they say.

I will be deleting chapters 8-15 by Monday (as well as this one) and I will be working (already am) on taking this story on a 'different route'.

I will fully explain the whole All Might and Izuku thing as I have not said anything about it. Midnights character will be better used, and some elements I incorporated will be removed entirely (SHES STILL HIS AUNT AND LOVES HIM THOUGH). There will be a title change. The training arc will be better and not so damned rushed and just overall unfulfilling. There will just be a complete overhaul, BUT some of it will be mostly the same. Im fixing irritating things I know ticked many of you off that I carelessly threw in.

To those that may not know, during the time I was writing my other story Draconic Upbringing, while still working on this one. I reached an all time low in my life. this heavily affected my mindset, and even before then I was just going down a dark path. Didn't help that this whole pandemic and my life just got overhauled. This mainly effected my Job, college life, want to write, and my family.

I'm in a better place now, and mentally ready to finally do the work I love to do. Fanfiction brings me joy, it is very cathartic for me.

I hope everyone has stayed safe and healthy during these times. I especially hope your families, friends, coworkers etc. have been safe. Always remember how important you are, take care of yourselves.


They don't know Im doing this, so hopefully they don't mind.

These two have heavily inspired me with their glorious stories. They are just genuinely nice people as well. Please read their stuff if you havent! (Though I know many of you know who they are)



Those are their names on Fanfiction so if you have time to get lost in some good fanfics, those are your authors right there!