So here is the second half of the last chapter. This officially wraps up Kang Ha Joon's storyline. I may continue new In Ha one shot stories at some point but probably not right away. I will focus on getting up the new Playful Kiss fic probably by this weekend. I received another request for a Jan Di and Jun Pyo story and I hate to disappoint anyone but like I've said previously, I don't really plan on writing any for them. Maybe at some point, I will change my mind but right now, I want to focus on Yi Jeong and Ga Eul, and Baek Seung Jo and Oh Ha Ni. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the conclusion to the Fake Engagement meets Baby!

Gu Jun Pyo was standing in the hall talking to the last of his guests who were going over the details of the new plans for the children's ward when a high cry interrupted them. "Unca Gu!"

The older men were stunned to see a tiny toddler in pink-footed pajamas run up the imposing figure that was Gu Jun Pyo. However, the most shocking of this was that he allowed her too. The man who rarely smiled or cracked jokes, who could make business deals in his sleep was currently being bear-hugged around his legs and he didn't seem to mind.

Jun Pyo looked down and without breaking his stoic demeanor raised his eyebrow. "Yes, can I help you?"

In Ha only giggled not intimidated in the slightest. Jun Pyo bent down to pick her up and turned back to the gentlemen. "I will have my assistants look at my calendar and contact you to confirm the opening date. Will that be satisfactory?"

Choi Jin Eon nodded with a small smile at In Ha. She grinned happily at him, the deep dimples she had inherited from her father on full display. She waved before turning to look at Jun Pyo. "I here, Unca Gu!"

"So you are," Jun Pyo remarked dryly although his lips twitched slightly. Because of his travels for Shinhwa, it had been a while since he had been home which meant he had not seen her for almost two months.

"I's mss you." In Ha declared with a kiss on his cheek. Jin Eon watched the display and remembering his own daughters quickly told Jun Pyo he would be increasing his contribution. Jun Pyo thanked him and In Ha following suit reached out to take the older man's fingers. "Ank you."

Jin Eon couldn't help but laugh, "It is my pleasure." He bowed to them both before leaving, making sure to send an extra smile to In Ha.

Yi Jeong who had been leaning against the wall watching the display grinned at his friend. "Did my daughter just flirt for you a better deal?"

"Looks like it." Gu Jun Pyo broke his cool demeanor to kiss In Ha on the cheek. "I'm going to take you to all my business dealings for now on."


He gave a low laugh and rubbed her head. Although he wasn't as outwardly demonstrative as Woo Bin or Ji Hoo, he adored the F4 princess. He never went more than a few days without at least video calling her or demanding updates from the rest of F4. When he had heard about the little boy on the playground who liked to kiss her, Jan Di had to quickly intervene so he wouldn't buy the park just so he could ban the three-year from returning.

"What happened earlier?" Jun Pyo asked softly. "Woo Bin didn't give any details."

Yi Jeong shook his head not wanting to get into it in front of In Ha. "Baby, why don't you go find Mama and let her know we are here."

"Mama!" In Ha wiggled to the floor and took off down the massive hall. Her little voice echoing as she hollered for Ga Eul.

Ji Hoo who was sitting in the dining room going over paperwork looked up at the sound of her calling loudly through the mansion. "She's down here, In Ha."

She ran around the corner and didn't even break stride despite the staff having to skirt around her with their heavy trays. "Hey, where is my hug?" Ji Hoo hollered with a chuckle.

In Ha ran back and somehow managed to hug him without actually stopping, and then with a giggle took back in her trek for Ga Eul. He shook his head watching her tiny feet slipping in her fast-paced race. Not caring there were priceless antiques and furniture everywhere. He could see some of the older staff grimaces, but Jan Di and Jun Pyo had made it clear that In Ha was allowed to move and play freely in their home.

No-one would dare stop her, not unless they wanted to deal with the fallout for yelling at Gu Jun Pyo's goddaughter. He smiled hearing the happy cry of In Ha finding Ga Eul in the kitchen and made his way to the parlor where Jun Pyo and Yi Jeong were waiting on him.

Yi Jeong looked angry as Jun Pyo poured him a drink. "All-right." The F4 leader demanded. "What's going on?"

"He tried to kidnap In Ha." Yi Jeong spat out furiously. Both Gu Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo froze since Woo Bin had not given any specific details on what had happened earlier.

"Who?" Jun Pyo snapped in outrage.

"Kang Ha Joon. She was taking a nap and he tried to break into her nursery through the window. Thankfully, she woke up and cried for me. He ran away before I got to her, but he left a cigarette behind."

"Okay." Jun Pyo nodded, already working out a plan. "I will take care of it."

Yi Jeong shot him a furious glare. "This isn't just a guy selling photos of her to a paper or something Jun Pyo. He wanted to hurt her. There is no, you will take care of it."

"Yi Jeong- " Ji Hoo began carefully but Yi Jeong didn't let him finish. "No. He tried to take my baby. He frightened her to the point of screaming. What if he succeeded? What if she had not woken up?"

"Yi Jeong, when I say we will take care of it, I don't mean we just go smack him around." Jun Pyo told him in a low voice. "Do you honestly believe I would let anyone touch In Ha and get away with it? Do you really expect any of us would allow her to be in danger? Touching us is against the rules. Touching our women means we bring hell down on you. Touching In Ha- "

"Means we end you," Ji Hoo finished quietly.

Yi Jeong stared at his friends who were watching him. They both had a stoic expression as they talked about killing Kang Ha Joon as easily they would about the weather. He exhaled and sank against the bar. "I'm sorry. It's just… I keep thinking about what could have happened. He almost had her."

"But he didn't." Ji Hoo assured him, "and he won't be able to try again. I promise."

Yi Jeong nodded but In Ha burst back into the room before he could reply. "Papa, I ound her."

He smiled as she ran over and scooped her up. "You did. Where was she?"



Gu Jun Pyo rolled his eyes. "Probably with Jan Di. They both insisted on letting the chef have the night off since he had to make such a big lunch for my meeting."

In Ha laid her head on her father's shoulder. He pressed a kiss into her hair, knowing she still felt nervous by her clinginess. Normally, she took off immediately for the massive playroom that Jun Pyo had designed just for her, usually dragging one of her uncles behind her. "You tired baby?"

In Ha nodded as he rubbed her back. "I'm sorry." She tucked her face into his neck, and he shot an angry but also wistful glare to his friends. Sensing Yi Jeong was losing his ability to hold on to his composure, Ji Hoo pasted on a grin and went over to take her. "Come on kiddo. Let's go play before dinner."

In Ha perked up at the suggestion, "play!" She turned to Jun Pyo. "Come play, Unca Gu."

"Why not." Gu Jun Pyo put down his drink. "I need to give you your present anyway."

"Resent," In Ha squealed, her eyes going big. Gu Jun Pyo folded his arms, giving her a mock frown. "Do you think I would go to New York and not bring my favorite girl home a present? What kind of Uncle do you think I am?"

She reached for him and he took her from Ji Hoo with a smirk. "Told you she liked me better."

Ji Hoo rolled his eyes, "You cheat by bringing up toys."

"I never said I wouldn't cheat."

Yi Jeong shook his head listening to his friends good-naturedly bickering as they headed upstairs to the playroom.

He went into the kitchen to find Ga Eul. She was standing at the massive stove with music playing softly. Her hair was swept to the side and she danced while adding various spices to the food. He stood back watching her for a minute.

The tension mounting again as he thought about what might have happened if Ga Eul and In Ha had been home alone today when Kang Ha Joon tried to break in. Sensing his presence, she turned with a grin but it faltered as she took in his expression. He looked angry but also worried As though whatever happened this afternoon had aged him by ten years.

She automatically put down her spoon and crossed the room to him. She hugged him tightly and he melted into her embrace. Ga Eul slowly counted in his ear until she felt his breathing regulate. He leaned back and rested his forehead against hers. "I love you."

"I love you too," Ga Eul whispered before meeting his gaze. "Tell me."

Yi Jeong exhaled and told her exactly what happened. He had expected her to become frightened but she stayed steady. Her eyes blazing in fury with a protectiveness for their daughter. "Are you telling me that Kang Ha Joon tried to take my In Ha?"

Yi Jeong nodded, rubbing his hands over her arms.

"Then finish him, Yi Jeong."

He stared at her, surprised by the vehemence in her voice.

"It's one thing if he comes after me." Ga Eul said low. "I can handle that. I can deal with the memories of stalking and hurting me. I will even forgive him for it at some point. But I will be damned if he goes after In Ha. So," she straightened her shoulders and gave him a firm glare. "Do whatever you have too, Yi Jeong. I don't want the details but just promise me it will be taken care of."

"I promise," Yi Jeong said. "He won't touch her. The guys are already looking for him. Once they find him, we will take care of it."

"Good," Ga Eul snapped before wrapping herself back into his arms. He held her tightly, tucking his lips down. "I won't let anyone hurt her."

"I know," She mumbled before stepping back with a smile. "Dinner should be done soon."

Yi Jeong followed her to the stove. He knew Ga Eul's childhood had been tainted by Kang Ha Joon. He had caused her a lot of terror when they were kids and although he knew bits and pieces, she had never told him all of it.

They were quiet together as Yi Jeong stroked her back while she finished, lost in her thoughts. "Do you know the difference between me and In Ha?" Ga Eul asked softly, not looking at him.

He frowned at the odd question. "No. What?"

"You." She kept busy with her cooking, not wanting him to see the expression on her face. "When In Ha yelled for you, you came. Mine never did. That's the difference between me and our daughter. It's the reason, I am not worried. You will always come when she calls. Kang Ha Joon knows that too which is why he bolted. He understands her father will not hesitate to protect her."

Yi Jeong didn't move right away but when she tried to push past him to go to the fridge, his hand whipped out, grabbing her before she could flee. He felt her trying to slip out of his grip, not wanting to discuss it further but he didn't let her. He pulled her into him, his hands reaching up to cup her face.

"You're safe too, Ga Eul. I won't let him touch our daughter, but he will never touch you again either."

She nodded but he could see the long-ago terror rearing it's head. "At some point, I need you to tell me the rest," Yi Jeong added quietly. "About Kang Ha Joon."

"You know most of it," Ga Eul said with a shrug. "The spiders, locking me outside, and the creeping outside my bedroom. He would open the door sometimes and just stand there watching me. I would lay in the bed terrified he was about to do something. The first time, I screamed for my father, but he never showed up. He claimed he didn't hear me. After that, I stopped yelling for him. Kang Ha Joon never went through with the threat. I think he just enjoyed scaring me, knowing no-one was going stand up for me."

Yi Jeong shot away from her cursing loudly. He had never liked his father-in-law but right now he would have gladly beaten him into a bloody pulp. "Son of a bitch."

"It's okay, Yi Jeong."

"No." He glared at his wife furiously. "It's a lot things Ga Eul but okay is not one of them."

"You're right. I didn't mean that but it's over." She went to him. "It's been over since I met you. I knew that if I screamed for you, you would come. Even before I believed you loved me. It's why I know you will take care of In Ha now. I'm not frightened anymore."

Yi Jeong kissed her until she stopped trembling from the memories. They held each other tightly for a while until Ga Eul pulled away with a sigh. "I need to see her."

"She's upstairs with Ji Hoo and Jun Pyo." Yi Jeong told her, brushing her hair back. "I love you," Ga Eul whispered, stealing another kiss before going to check on In Ha for herself.

Jan Di who had been updated by Jun Pyo came into the kitchen to finish cooking allowing him to join his family upstairs. She gave him a quick hug but didn't say anything or comment on the direction of F4 intentions towards Kang Ha Joon. Her own protective instincts for her best friend and goddaughter outweighing any moral compass.

She simply went about cooking, commenting lightly that In Ha somehow managed to convince Jun Pyo to color but looked like she was about to fall asleep in his lap.

Yi Jeong went upstairs, and his little girl quickly left her uncle to cuddle with her Papa. Feeling safe from the moment he took her into his arms, she conked out. Her lack of nap and earlier fright evident.

Ga Eul offered to lay her down on the bed so Yi Jeong could eat but he refused. He wasn't hungry anyway. He sat in the chair, holding her close into his chest while she slept, whispering promises into her ear.

Woo Bin who had been hunting Ha Joon since he left Yi Jeong's earlier walked into the loud club, flanked by his boys. It was an older Song family club, the music and décor blaring as he looked out into the crowd. His men had tracked Kang Ha Joon down to this location, saying it was one he frequented the most since it was rarely visited by the members of F4 anymore.

Woo Bin's eyes narrowed as he spotted Ha Joon sitting at the bar. He was talking up a pretty young girl who looked nervous. She kept looking away or ignoring the obvious advancements, but he didn't let up. Woo Bin gave the signal to move in but made a note to take care of the young woman's bill for the evening. Also, to make sure in the future his staff intervened when a guy was making one of their female customers uncomfortable.

The crowd parted as they noticed Song Woo Bin striding purposefully forward. His name and reputation changing in the last few years. It was unusual to see him in a club socially these days, but no one dared to comment.

"Come on. I promise you will have fun." Kang Ha Joon was telling the woman who began to get up but he reached out to stop her. Woo Bin grabbed his wrist before he could make contact. "I wouldn't if I were you."

Ha Joon's eyes widened as he realized he had been found. The woman shot Woo Bin a grateful look and disappeared into the crowd.

"Still charming the ladies, I see." Woo Bin said smoothly releasing him while his boys grabbed his arms. "Let's chat, Kang Ha Joon."

"About what?"

Woo Bin leaned in close, "about you daring to go after So Yi Jeong's little girl."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

He flicked the cigarette he still had tucked away in pocket at his face. "Then you shouldn't have left your calling card behind."

Ha Joon smirked. "A lot of people smoke cigarettes, Song Woo Bin."

"Maybe, but none of them would be so stupid to leave it behind after they tried to kidnap my goddaughter." He threw a heavy punch into his stomach, causing Ha Joon to groan. "Let's go."

Woo Bin nodded to his men as they made their way to the exit. He pulled out his phone, satisfaction pulsing through him. "Yi Jeong? I got him."

By the time, Yi Jeong and the others arrived, Woo Bin had moved Ha Joon to one of their warehouses. He was leaning against the wall and glaring as the members of F4 took in the man in front of them. He was sporting a black eye and seemed as indignant and full of it as ever. "What is this about So Yi Jeong?"

Yi Jeong didn't answer but just stared at the man who had terrorized his wife and scared his daughter. He looked the same as he did two years ago. Weak from drinking and the smell of smoke leaked from his pores.

"You are truly the biggest idiot, I've ever met." Jun Pyo told him in a low voice. "We let you live once and instead of disappearing like anyone with a half a brain, you tried to go after his child."

"I never touched In Ha." Ha Joon snapped.

"Then how the hell do you know her name?" Yi Jeong asked quietly making Ha Joon freeze. "What?"

"My daughter. If you didn't go after her, how do you know her name. I've never allowed anyone to release it to the public."

"Chu Dae Seon told me," Ha Joon stammered. "We still talk."

"Really? I find that funny since Ga Eul doesn't allow her parents any contact with us. I doubt even they are aware of it." Yi Jeong took a step closer, his expression cold. "No. The only way you could know is if you had been watching them."

"So, I have been watching them. Doesn't mean – "

"You do know that lying will only make us kill you more slowly, right?" Ji Hoo interrupted and realizing they were not going to believe him, Ha Joon stopped trying to convince them.

"What was your plan?" Woo Bin demanded. "Steal her away from her parents for what? Revenge? A Ransom? She is an eighteen-month-old baby for god's sake."

"I was only going to scare the brat." Ha Joon snapped. "I wasn't going to hurt her. Make her cry a little, that's all."

All three members of F4 started towards him with a growl at those words but the furious father reached him first. Before Ha Joon could even lift an arm to brace for the hit, Yi Jeong had knocked down with a strong knee to the chest causing him to cough and wheeze deeply. "Make her cry? Make her cry?" He kicked him in the stomach." She is a baby. You. Worthless. Piece. Of. Shit."

Ha Joon tried to roll away from the repeated blows, "It was to teach Ga Eul a lesson."

Woo Bin exchanged an incredulous look with Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo, unable to contain his shocked laugh. "Did he just bring up Ga Eul?"

"Idiot." Jun Pyo rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "Really. We're doing society a favor by removing him."

"She was supposed to be mine. I was promised." Ha Joon sputtered angrily despite the beating. "She owed me some tears."

Yi Jeong understanding Ha Joon didn't come solely for In Ha but also Ga Eul felt his rage increase. "You bastard." He lifted him up, whispering menacingly. "No-one makes my baby cry. No-one scares her. You should have run when you had the chance."

"Why, Yi Jeong?" Ha Joon spat out some blood and grinned fearlessly. "Are you going to threaten me again? Tell me how if I ever take another step towards Ga Eul or In Ha, you will do something heinous to me. Well, guess what, you've been saying that for years and I am still walking. I am not afraid of you or F4."

"You should be," Woo Bin told him in a low voice. "I've made it very clear what will happen to people who breathe wrong on her."

He shot him dark grin while whistling for specific members of his team. They worked more for his father and the Prince rarely used them but this time he had called them in happily.

Ha Joon's eyes widened as he realized the F4 had no intention of letting him go this time. "You wouldn't."

Yi Jeong threw him down, "You came for my daughter. Even Ga Eul demanded your head for that."

"You should have listened to the word on the street, Kang Ha Joon," Ji Hoo said softly. "There is a reason we put out notice on what would happen to anyone who dared to come near So In Ha."

"Because we don't give warning's or second chances with her. We just take care of them the first time." Jun Pyo finished.

"Now, you all don't mind getting rid of this eyesore for me, do you?" Woo Bin asked his father's right-hand man Li Mao Won. He shook his head, his disdain for Kang Ha Joon evident. Even the most hardened mafia guards had a certain level of disgust regarding those who went after children. "No boss. It would be our pleasure."

"No! You can't do this!" Kang Ha Joon yelled but F4 didn't pay him any attention. They simply turned their backs and walked away, allowing the Song family to do what they did best. Take out the trash.

Ga Eul and In Ha were laying on the bed in the guest room at Gu Jun Pyo's. When Yi Jeong arrived, In Ha was sitting up, playing quietly with her bear while Ga Eul dozed. Too tired and stressed from the day to keep her eyes open any longer. "Quiet Papa," In Ha whispered loudly. "Mama is very sleepy."

Yi Jeong nodded seriously, his eyes gleaming brightly at her. "I will be quiet, baby." He laid down on the bed, sitting her on his lap. "Why are you awake, huh? It's past your bedtime."

"Bear not tire," In Ha answered, showing him the stuffed animal whom she rarely let out her sight. Despite, the plethora of toys, animals, or anything else she could possibly want courtesy of her uncles, In Ha preferred the simple teddy bear her mother had given her when she was first born. Yi Jeong brushed her curls away. "He's not? But the stars are twinkling in the sky. You know what that means."

"Stars twinkle to give In Ha fun dreams." His daughter repeated happily.

Yi Jeong grinned, "that's right. But they can't if you are awake." He tucked her into his side. "Which means it's time for So In Ha to go to sleep."

She curled into him, laying her small fist on his chest. "Sing Papa."

He smiled at the request. In Ha might look like him but in many ways she was more like Ga Eul. His wife always wanted him to sing or hum to her when she needed extra comfort. He had barely sung more than a verse or two of her favorite lullaby before In Ha was fast asleep next to him.

Yi Jeong pulled the blanket over her shoulders, noticing that Ga Eul had woken up sometime during their conversation. "Hi."

"Hi," she whispered back. "How did it go?"

"He's gone." Yi Jeong answered simply. His wife let out a sigh of relief, placing her hand on her daughter's belly, feeling her breathe. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." He glared over at her. "It's my job to protect you both."

"Not for that." Ga Eul assured him tenderly. "I was thanking you for her."

"Don't thank me for that either." Yi Jeong turned his head to stare down at their sleeping daughter. "Everything good and pure in her is because of you."

"Oh, I don't know." Ga Eul gave him a cheeky grin. "I think her ability to flirt herself out of trouble, or to get more money out of Jun Pyo's investors comes from you, So Yi Jeong."

"I said the good and pure parts."

She laughed and gently moving In Ha over, managed to stretch out on top of him. "I think we deserve a vacation."

He nodded, his hands resting low on her back. "Me too. I think it's time, I show you and In Ha Sweden."

Her eyes brightened. She had been wanting to see the place Yi Jeong thought of as second home for a while. "I would love that. So would In Ha."

"As soon as this show premiers next week, we will go," Yi Jeong promised. "We still have that apartment rented there. We can stay as long as you two want."

Ga Eul kissed him deeply until the stress of the day finally lifted and the assurance that his girls were safe. "I love you."

"I love you too," she mumbled sleepily, laying her head on his chest. "Sing to me, Yi Jeong."

He laughed and enjoying the touch of the two most important people of his life, sang them both to sleep. Content to stay up and watch over them while the stars twinkled down dreams over the So girls.