Chapter 1: The Omnitrix

In a world where 80% of the population had special quirks that made people heroes or villains, Izuku Midoriya was one of the unlucky few that didn't. He had always dreamed to be a hero, his idol All Might was everything he aspired to be. He was crushed when the doctors told him he didn't have any quirks or special abilities. All his hopes and dreams, shattered in an instant and on top of that he was the only one of his classmates that didn't have a quirk and his bully Bakugo teased him relentlessly for it. One night, he is walking about by himself just strolling down the street soaking in his thoughts. He notices a shooting star glistening in the night sky.

"I wish I had superpowers." Izuku said looking up at the shining star. He sighed, he knew it was unlikely to work but he must have hope, he has not given up on his dream to be a hero. He'll make it one day, somehow. As he continued walking he noticed the shooting star was getting closer, his eyes went wide before running and jumping out of the way of the crash. He went to see what it was, maybe a meteor? But it seemed too small. Upon getting closer a device latched itself upon his left wrist causing the boy to freak out a bit. He noticed it was some type of, weird watch, while he was trying to get it off the base of the watch grew taller and had a figure in the center. Curious, Izuku pressed down on the watch and suddenly started transforming, he grew firey red rocks all over his body until he was engulfed in flames, but it didn't hurt one bit. He looked at himself and realized he had transformed into some type of monster or something.

"Oh no! No no no no no! What am I gonna do! What am I gonna tell my mom?! I have to get out of here!" The boy panicked and ran into an alleyway before any heroes or cops could show up at the sight.

"Okay, stay calm, relax. Maybe this isn't permanent, maybe it's just temporary." He told himself

He then observed himself and his situation, he pushed his hand foward and shot a fireball into a pile of trash throwing himself back. The symbol on his chest started blunking red while making a sound and he was back to normal, Izuku then ran all the way home and into his room as his mother was already sleeping. Trying to process everything that happened tonight, he decided to just get some sleep for now as he had school tomorrow.

The next day, as Izuku was on his was to school there was a battle where a couple heroes were trying to deal with a giant villain.

'Should I?' Izuku thought looking at his alien watch, however the heroine Mt Lady showed up to stop the villain so there was no need. As the crowd cheered and took photographs of her Izuku began taking notes of her quirk putting it in his notes with all the other heroes he's taken notes of. He continued on his way to school, he wore a jacket to cover his new watch as he was still unsure about it, he got to class and went through the school day as normal except he wasn't really paying much attention as he was still thinking about the watch. He then snapped back to reality once the teacher mentioned that he was planning on going to UA High.

"Huh?" Izuku said slightly confused

"Well isn't that what you said Midoriya, that you were going to attend UA High?" The teacher repeated

The entire classroom erupted with laughter.

"Yeah sure, like you're gonna get accepted into UA High!" One boy said

"You don't even have a quirk!" a girl said

"Hey, I could still make it!" Midoriya said defending himself

Bakugo then aimed an explosion at Izuku, claiming he shouldn't put him on his level since he's quirkless, to which Izuku countered with saying that he wasn't trying to compete and just wanted to follow his dreams.

"Yeah right, you could never pass the exams." Bakugo taunted Izuku then proceeded to destroy his notebook.

"Give up on UA, why don't you just go kill yourself." Bakugo said as everyone left the classroom.

Midoriya picked up the notebook, and remembered when All Might first made his debut as a hero. He looked up to him so much and aspired to be like him, but was devastated once the doctor revealed that he had no quirk. He replayed that video all day, crying as he did so, his mother crying with him, she felt so sorry for him and tried her best to make him feel better.

"'re wrong Katsuki. I do have a quirk now." Deku said to himself looking at his watch

"I will pass, no ace the exams. I will get into UA High and I will be the greatest hero of all time!" Izuku shouted with determination holding up his arm with the watch on it. As he walked home, he was ambushed by a villain known as the Sludge attempting to steal his body.

"Sorry kid, but don't worry, it'll be quick." the villain said

'Can't move...I need to use the watch somehow.' Izuku thought to himself

"TEXAS SMASH!" yelled a voice as a tall muscular man showed up and punched the villain off Izuku and captured him in a jar. Izuku then recognized the man as none other than All Might himself.

"Oh my God...I-It's really you..." Izuku said in shock as he fainted

"Hey, kid wake up!" All Might said

Izuku then woke up to see his idol standing before him.

"I don't believe it, it wasn't just a dream! C-Can I have your autograph?" Izuku asked him

"Already signed it on your notebook." All Might said with a smile, "All right you're safe now, I've got to deal with this villain." He said picking up the jar and flying off

"Wait!" Izuku screamed latching on to his leg

"Hey what are you doing? Let go!" All Might shouted

"I can't, I'll die from this height!" Izuku shouted back

All Might then safely landed on a nearby building.

"I'm sorry, I just need to know. Is it, at all possible for someone to be a hero like you even if they don't have a quirk?" Midoriya asked, he knew that he had his new watch now but still needed an answer from the man himself.

"I know, I know that it seems foolish. A lot of people have told me it was impossible to be a hero without a quirk, but after recent events I feel anything could happen. I've always aspired to be like you, admired you, I want to save people just like you do, with a smile on my face telling the people that everything's going to be all right. Now, I think I can but I need to know what you think." Izuku continued but as All Might was about to answer there was a puff of smoke and suddenly All Might was now a shorter and very skinny man.

"A-All Might?! What happened?!" Izuku asked shocked

"Dammit...well there you have it. This is my true form kid, after a great battle I had five years ago I got this wound on the side of my stomach, I can only hold my transformation for so long before reverting back to this form. Now, as for you're question...there are many responsibilities to being a pro hero, but most importantly, a pro must always be willing to risk his or her life in any situation and I cannot see you doing that while being quirkless. So no, I'm sorry but I do not think it's possible to become a pro hero without a quirk." All Might answers

"I...I see. Thanks for you time." Izuku said as he walked off down the stairs and down the street, he wasn't too upset but he just needed an answer from his idol, that of course didn't stop his dream.

"Hey...where's the Sludge villain?" All Might asked himself before seeing an explosion in the distance.

There were a few heroes surrounding the escaped villain, but unable to do anything with there quirks being useless against him. On top of the he had a hostage, Kastuki Bakugo and they could only stand by helplessly as he was about to die.

"Dammit! I shouldn't have wasted any time talking!" All Might said internally upset at his self that he can do nothing to save Bakugo at the moment.

"Crap this is my fault! If I hadn't of wasted All Might's time he would've saved Katsuki by now!" Izuku said blaming himself. He then looked at his watch once more.

'This is it, I caused this so I have to make up for it. Despite how he treats me, I can't just stand by and watch Katsuki die, it's now or never.' Midoriya thought to himself before running to the scene and jumping off a car

"Hey kid what are you doing!"

"Is he crazy?!"

"You'll be killed!"

Were some of the cries from the crowd and some of the heroes there. While in the air, just before landing he pressed and slammed on his watch. His body was covered in black, green, and white with a green circle at the top of his face as an eye. The symbol of the watch on his chest, his arms much longer and bigger.

'Wait, I can transform into more than one...Alien?' Izuku said internally but wasted no time and punched the sludge villain right off Bakugo.

"Deku...Is that you?" Bakugo said after coughing and catching his breath

"Get somewhere safe, I'll handle this." Izuku said as he extending his arm and punched the villain again, splattering him everywhere and even shot energy beams to vaporize him.

"Wow, this is so cool!" Izuku said as his watch yet again blinked red and he transformed back to himself. The crowd of people then clapped and cheered for him as All Might looked on surprised but with a smile on his face.

After everyone cleared out, Katsuki then confronted Izuku.

"What the hell was that Deku?"

"What do you mean?"

"How the hell did you suddenly get a quirk out of nowhere?!" Bakugo asked frusturated

"Last night, it fell from the sky and just latched onto my arm." Izuku explained

"You really expect me to believe some bullshit like that!" Bakugo said now even more angry

"It's the truth! I don't even know how it works or what it even is. I'm still figuring it out myself." Izuku said defending his self.

"Tch, just stay out of my way. I never asked for your damn help so don't you dare look down on me." Bakugo said before walking off. Izuku then made his was back home before meeting All Might again.

"Impressive work out there, especially for someone who's quirkless." He said

"W-Well I did only just get this thing last night. I can't even get it off." Izuku said trying to take it off

"No that's fine, I overheard everything but listen. If your power comes from that watch and not you yourself, a lot of people may try to come after you so I would try to be careful. Either way, you handled yourself like a pro out there and even took down the bad guy, something the few heroes who were out there couldn't even do." All might then put his hand on Izuku's head

"I'm sure you'll make an excellent hero." He said before walking away as Izuku cried tears of joy.

"Thank you." Izuku whispered as he headed home.

Be sure to tell me what you guys think of this first chapter and also, should Izuku still have One For All in this story or is the Omnitrix enough? I'm thinking just having him stick with the Omnitrix but not sure.