Kokichi tapped his foot on the sidewalk. "Hurry up, you guys! We're gonna be late! It's been 7 months, 25 days, and 3 hours since I last saw Shuichi and Kaede."

Kaito exited the Hope's Peak dorm building, galaxy coat fluttering in the breeze. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Dude, summer vacation is only a month and a half. So it's like 42 days."

"No, it's 43, you moron."

"Oh, is it? Let's see, 30 days has September…"

Keebo and Maki exited the dorm building to join the other ultimates. The robot scolded, "You are correct, Kaito. Kokichi is lying as usual. But to be more precise, the Earth year is actually 365.25 days so that means –"

"Shut up, Kee-boy, no one asked you!"

Maki sighed. "Indeed. This is pointless to get worked up over."

Kaito's face lit up. "Yeah, that's right! That's why we have leap year. So if we divide the extra one-fourth day across the 365 days…"

Groaning loudly, Kokichi turned to the dormitories. "Hi-mi-ko!"

The mage shuffled through the door, rubbing her bleary eyes. Her voice drawled, "Nyeeeh. Walking across campus is such a pain…" Himiko went down the steps so slowly Kokichi half expected her to put both feet on a step before descending the next stair.

Kokichi hissed, "If you don't hurry, I won't do a piggyback ride but carry you under one arm…"

"That doesn't too sound bad –"

"Butt first."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Himiko increased her speed up from an ameba to a sea slug. Huffing, Kokichi lead the group down the wide paved pathway. Over his shoulder he called, "Let's cut through the biology building so her royal highness won't complain." Before anyone could protest, Kokichi slipped inside.

Kokichi's flats echoed off the green checkered tiles. The faint scent of cleaning alcohol hung in the air. When the school reopened, the stench of formaldehyde of preserved animal bodies would be so overpowering passerby in the halls would gag.

"…call this clean? For shame!"

Brow raised, Kokichi turned a corner. Black wheelie chairs lined the hallway. Through a glass door, Kokichi saw Chisa furiously mopping a science lab's floor. "The school opens on Monday for Pete's sake! Look at all these stains…" She whipped out a bleach bottle and sprayed. "Die!"

"There you are." Kaito half-jogged up to Kokichi's side. The others walked towards them, Himiko trailing behind. "What are you doing?" Kokichi pointed inside. Kaito sighed. "The Ultimate Housekeeper is at it again, huh? You know as homeroom teacher of 2-B, you'd think she has more important stuff to do right now."

"Well so do we." Grinning, he planted his hands on a wheelie chair. A gleam twinkled in his eye. "Let's race! I bet I could go waaay farther than you."

"What? No way! You may be lighter, but I got way more strength. I can push myself off much harder than you ever could."

Sighing, Kokichi examined his nails. "Typical dumb jock. Thinking strength is the answer for everything."

"I'm not a jock!" Growling, Kaito seized one of the wheelie chairs. "And I'm gonna cream your ass so badly you'll take back every lie."

"Nee-heehee, then start your engines!"

Maki crossed her arms and looked away. But a faint smile ghosted her lips. "Such idiots…"

Keebo exhaled. "We really will be late now."

Panting, Himiko collapsed against Keebo's metal frame. "What's going on?"

Kokichi slid his chair next to Kaito. "We're gonna compete to see who can go the farthest. Wanna join?"

"That requires a running head start, right? No thanks. I'm already pooped."

Kokichi tsked. "Your loss. Maki?" The caregiver crossed her arms.

Chin raised, Keebo brought a fist to his chest. "I do not have much stamina, but with the Professor's amazing programing, I will be a fierce competitor –"

"Ready, Kaito? 'Kay, ready, set, go!"

Kokichi and Kaito took off. After ten feet they jumped onto the wheelie chairs. They sailed through the hallway. Kaito whooped.

"Hey, watch out –!"


The two crashed into each other. Moaning, they lay in a heap on the floor. "Oww…" Kokichi kicked the chair off him. "Stupid thing hit me in the nuts."

Kaito held up his hand, one finger cut and bleeding. "Caught on a screw." They burst out laughing. Their peals echoed through the hall. Sighing, Kaito laid on his back, arms spread wide. Grinning like a fool, he asked, "Hey, Kokichi! You remember our class trip to Kyoto during the summer fest? This is just like when I climbed the partition to see the girls' yukata and got my foot stuck in the folding partition."

Kokichi scoffed. "Yeah, I totally saved your ass."

"You ran off and left me there!" cried Kaito, turning onto his side. He propped himself up on an elbow. "The only thing that made you come back was me shouting and swearing you'd go down with me."

"Yeah and then I pulled you out. Only for your large ass body to land on me and knock me out. I had a concussion for three days!"

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did! I got a mild TBI!"

"That's not a concussion."

"Yes it is, you idiot! TBI stands for –"

Shaking her head, Maki stepped over them, heading towards the exit. "When you guys stop acting like children, come to the eastern entrance. Come on, Himiko." Sighing, Himiko plodded after her.

Kokichi snickered. "Oooooh, if Maki thinks you're a kid, she'll never date you!"

"Screw you," spat Kaito. Standing, he glared down at the leader. "Butt out. It's none of your business."

Kokichi watched him leave. The silence in the hallway rang in his ears.

"It's not nice to meddle in other people's private affairs." Keebo offered a hand. "Here."

Kokichi rose to his feet, brushed off his pants, and strolled down the hall. "What would you know? You're a robot."

Kokichi didn't hear any response behind him. Only a sigh.

Groaning, Kokichi banged his head against the brick wall. "I thought he said 15 minutes…"

Kaito rechecked his phone. "Yeah, that's what they texted. Forty-six minutes ago."

"Shuichi and Kaede prolly making out in a dark alley." Maki rolled her eyes. "Ugggghhh…!" moaned Kokichi, sinking against the wall.

Himiko scowled. "Stop it. Whining won't make it any less hot, our feet any less achy, or this any less boring." Everyone glared at her. "Nyeh?"

"Au contraire, my beloved mage! Any situation can become entertaining. All you need is a little imagination." Kokichi gripped brick wall lining the school. He began to climb.

"Please stop!" cried Keebo. "That wall is over 15 feet. You could injure yourself."

Kokichi hauled himself over unto the top. He looked around. Across the street was the main parking garage used by the school's faculty and researchers. Inside was a collection of classroom buildings and faculty living quarters. His friends' pale faces watched him.

Kaito clenched his fist. "Come on, that's actually dangerous, Kokichi. Why do you always have to take things too far?"

"You'd rather waste your time standing still, doing nothing? Please." Kokichi stepped forward. The wall was barely wider than his shoe. Kokichi closed his eyes. Soaked in the wind blowing through with his hair, his splayed fingers. "This is living on the edge! This is fun." Grinning, he swung his other foot over the void. His stomach lurched. Heart raced. A thrill of nerves shot down his spine.

This is feeling alive.

Maki pressed her lips into a thin white line. "One of these days you're going to seriously hurt yourself."

"Sure. Why not?" Closing his eyes, Kokichi murmured, "'The pain makes you stronger'." Eyes closed, Kokichi began to walk across the thin wall.

Everyone gasped. Kokichi called, "If you tried, you might find you're a little tougher than you – Whoa!" He wobbled, bending forward and backwards, arms pinwheeling.

Flinching, Himiko shielded her eyes with her hat. Keebo shouted, "Kokichi, stop!"

Kokichi righted himself. "Ahahaha! You all fell for that? Seriously? Geez, shows how little you expect from –"

His foot slipped. Kokichi hung over the side, suspended. Oh shit.

He fell. The ground rushed up towards him.

Something caught him. "You stupid idiot."

Kokichi looked up. With the sun in his eyes, the rescuer's face was cast in shadow. "Next time I won't catch you."

A memory from Kokichi's childhood overtook him.

A young Kokichi, no more than six, held his arm. It hung at a strange angle. Voice thick with tears, he pleaded, "Why didn't you catch me, onii-chan?" Older brother.

A teenager stood over him. Straight purple hair. Dark eyes. Thin face with sharp cheekbones. And a completely flat affect. His monotone voice stated, "It was your decision to climb the tree."

Kokichi cradled the broken arm to his chest. He hiccupped. "It hurts…"

"Pain makes you stronger. Next time, you won't fall." He turned and walked away. "Now hurry up. If we're late going home because of your sniveling, a broken arm won't be your only injury."

Kokichi squeezed his arm. Tears hit the grass below. Beneath his bangs, Kokichi's eyes flashed. "Yes, oni-chan." Demon.

Kokichi squinted the sun from his vision. Kaito was gazing down at him with narrowed eyes. "Maybe then you'll learn to stop being so reckless."

Bile traveled up his throat. Grimacing, Kokichi shoved Kaito away. "Gross. Get your hands off me."

The astronaut scowled. "I just saved –" He shook his head.

I didn't need you to. I don't need anyone.

"They're here," Maki announced.

Engine rumbling, a taxi pulled up to the curb. Laughing, Shuichi and Kaede emerged. "Hey guys!" cried Shuichi, hand raised in a wave.

Arms wide, Kokichi ran up to greet them. "Shuichi!" Kokichi tackled Kaede, burrowed his face in the crook of her neck, and hugged her tight. "I missed you soooo much."

Shuichi scoffed. "Thanks, Kokichi."

Chuckling, Kaede patted Kokichi's head. "Sorry about being so late. Ran into construction traffic while I was picking up Shuichi."

"I was so afraid you were kidnapped by Siamese tourists who forced you to join their gang and paid you 12 dollars an hour when they promised minimal wage!"

"Ahaha… Sorry, I'll text next time."

"You better. I was dying of boredom." Kaito cut Kokichi a sharp glance.

After hellos and how are you's were exchanged, the roommates headed towards the dormitories, luggage in hand. Passing the classrooms and faculty housing, they reached the central plaza. Over a dozen students were running about. Their nondescript white polos and black pants or skirts identified them as Reserve course students. A few painted a giant welcome banner. Others nail gunned directional arrows to the trees. The majority were hammering wooden concession stands next to the Founder's statue.

Keebo came to a stop. Everyone else stopped walking as well, glancing at the robot. "What are they engaged in doing? I have never seen Reserve course students on the ultimate's campus except for events."

"They're setting up for the sports festival in two weeks. Like they did last year," explained Maki. Kokichi nodded. As the only two who stayed on campus during breaks – the only two without families to return to – they witnessed the preparations their first year.

Kokichi jeered, "These are the rejects who couldn't make it into the Hope's Peak summer school. They're barely hanging on."

Frowning, Himiko glanced at the leader. "Summer school? I didn't know Hope's Peak had anything like that. Sounds like a nuisance."

Shuichi held his chin. "But it's like, what, 5 o'clock? 6? Wouldn't they be having clubs or sports practice right now?"

Kaito rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, they… they don't have any of those. Or sports or cultural festivals either. Just school all year round. And cram school after that."

Kaede's face twisted. "But they're still setting up for our… that's awful!"

"Why?" asked Kokichi. He raised his arms to the side. "Reserve course plebs have the exclusive privilege of being our slaves!" The nearest students scowled. "They're tools whose sole purpose is to be used by the talented. And being of some benefit to us ultimates, well, nothing should make them happier, right? We shouldn't deny the ants some crumbs."

Keebo threw out a hand. "Kokichi, that's enough!"

From beneath her hat's brim, Himiko glowered at Kokichi. "Talent isn't everything."

"Yeah, really!" Kaito held up a raised fist. "Not everyone is born with talent, but they can still, you know, make a meaningful contribution to society and whatnot."

"Why thanks," one student scoffed.

"Easy for you to say," another mumbled, glowering at Himiko.

"Hmmm." Kokichi assessed them. Neon colored hair. Purposefully ripped pants. Rolled up skirts. "Maybe, but these guys are so stupid their parents' money can't keep them from being expelled." Kokichi smirked. "They're just the dirt we trample underfoot while ascending the stairs of glory."

Muttered insults rippled through the students. Glaring, they gripped their hammers and drills tighter. Pale, Kaede gazed out at the surrounding crowd. Himiko whimpered. Kaito braced himself.

A brawny man with spiky red hair dropped out of a tree. They felt the vibrations through the ground twenty feet away. The banner and rope he was tying to the branches fluttered to the ground. He advanced towards them. At over six feet and 200 pounds of muscle, he could have played a quarterback in football. He loomed over Kokichi.

Kokichi smiled. "Yeees? What? You gonna prove me wrong?" Go ahead. In fact, please do. If you don't like your reality, then change it.

Lip curled, he raised a fist.

A student stepped forward and grabbed his arm. "Enough." The lithe student wore a baseball cap backwards on his blond hair. His black reptilian eyes narrowed. "They shall get theirs one day."

A girl with pink haired drill curls twirled a utility knife like a baton. "Yeah, let 'em have their fun. We'll have ours."

Sneering, the red-haired man spat at Kokichi's feet. They strode off back to the founder's statue. Throwing glances, the students silently resumed their work.

The roommates let out a collective breath.

Kokichi glanced down at the ground. Smart choice. Anywhere else, and I would have struck you so hard, you'd be unconscious before hitting the ground.

Kokichi turned around. Met Kaito's gaze. Eyes narrowed, Kaito slowly shook his head. Then muttering, "Come on", the astronaut led them back to the dormitories.

Entering the dorm room, Shuichi patted his full stomach. "Man, I really missed the food here during break."

Kaito clapped Shuichi's back. "Food's one thing, bro, but training with you every night is even better!"

Sighing extravagantly, Kokichi kicked off his flats. He lounged across the couch. Keebo placed the detective's suitcases by his room on the right. "How was your summer?"

"Oh, thanks, Keebo." Shuichi entered the living room furnished with a couch, coffee table, and TV outfitted with the latest video game consoles. Shuichi sank into a bean bag next to the table. "I worked at my uncle's detective agency like usual. I expected there to be some more jobs since I'm an ultimate but the cases kept coming! I still have three or four cases unfinished."

Kokichi tapped his finger to his cheek. "Uh-oh. Sounds like someone didn't do their summer homework."

"No, I did. Read it within the first two weeks of break."

"And the ten page essay?"

Shuichi froze. "What? You… You're not lying. Arrrgh, why does this always happen to me!" He raced to his bedroom. Slammed the door closed.

Kaito called after him. "Don't worry. You're the smartest sidekick I ever had! Just take it one step at a time and you'll be done in no time." Shuichi answered with a muffled thanks.

Kaito scratched the back of his head. Well, so much for training together. He glanced at his other roommates. Keebo had retreated into his bedroom finish unpacking. Yawning, Kokichi picked up the remote and flipped through the news channels. After ensuring Kokichi's attention was on the TV, Kaito casually leaned against the door. Pulled out his phone. To Maki he began texting, "I was going to go train soon. Shuichi can't come so it would just be the two of us. Wanna come?"

Kaito vigorously shook his head. Too weird. Maybe… "Shuichi has summer homework to do so I'd be the only one training tonight." He erased it again. No, too wimpy. "Shuichi can't make it to tonight's training session. Wanna come?" He sent it.

A few seconds later, Maki replied. "No."

Frowning, Kaito inhaled deeply. He could smell Shuichi's coffee from the kitchenette besides him. "Hey. What are you doing tonight?"

"Hm?" Kokichi shut off the TV. After standing up, he stretched. Then he turned back to the astronaut. "I dunno, prolly the usual. Have a little fun with Himiko beneath the sheets."

Kaito's stomach clenched. "How the hell can she stand you with you saying such things?! Not to mention all the stupid pranks you pull on her day after day. It's a wonder you two been dating for this long."

Kokichi stared. Blinked. "Awww, did Maki reject training with you again? Such a shame." An edge crept into Kokichi's voice. "Didja ever consider that maybe she's not interested? I mean, what's to like?"

Nostrils flared, Kaito breathed heavily. Jaw set, Kaito stormed into his bedroom. He could have sworn he heard Kokichi laughing under his breath.

Keebo removed a rectangular device from its Styrofoam packing. He blew on the screen. Keebo placed the digital photo frame on his desk. He smiled. Humans externally record their memories and so shall I. Humming, Keebo crossed his arms. But which memories should I upload and show the professor? Memories files popped up in his mind. The time Kokichi and Kaito got sick after riding the roller coaster. When Kaito dragged Kokichi and Keebo into spying on Shuichi's and Kaede's first date. Or when they got banned from the movie theater because Kokichi scared Kaito while dressed as a ghost. His screaming triggered the movie-goers to stampede to the exits, thinking there was a fire.

Keebo chuckled. I doubt the device's gigabyte capacity could store everything I want –

"Awww, did Maki reject training with you again?"

Frowning, Keebo hurriedly set the box by the trash can. He entered the living room. "You need a training partner? Sorry, my apologies for overhearing. My hearing is slightly better than the average human." Hands on his hip, Keebo declared, "With my superior stamina, I should have no problem keeping up with you –"

Telescope under an arm, Kaito emerged his room, strode towards the exit, and left the dorm, banging the door behind him.

"Oh… well I suppose human's hearing can be faulty –"

Exhaling wearily, Kokichi flopped back onto the couch. "Quit being stupid. You're a robot. What would you even train for?"

"Ah, well, yes…" Keebo muttered, "Perhaps I should ask Miu about upgrades later." Head bowed, Keebo returned to his room.

Himiko stood at her research lab's table. She closed her eyes. Listened to the familiar, soothing riffft the shuffling cards in her hands. Otherwise there was silence. No doves cooing or rabbits nibbling on carrots. All of her pets had been moved to the animal keeping grounds during break. Thankfully, most of her props like the guillotine and cauldron retained their proper places.

Himiko selected a card at random: the two of diamonds. She placed it across the table, face down. Then she chose another, the nine of spades, palmed it, and moved her hand back and forth. She turned the card upwards. The two of diamonds. Himiko smiled. She picked up the card resting on the table.

"Nyeh?" The king of hearts? She gasped. Has my magic become so grand it surprises even me? She glimpsed some writing on the card. A signed name.

"Alakazam!" Kokichi arose from beneath the table and sat on it. Grinning, he made a heart with his hands. "The king of hearts, baby! In the flesh." He winked.

Himiko jumped. "K-Kokichi!"

"Get it, get it? Cuz like I'm the king of everything and then hearts cuz I'm the most devilishly handsomest boyfriend ever –"

Himiko picked her ear. "Nyeeeh… the joke wore off the moment you started explaining it." Ugh. Why does he always have to do these things…?

Pouting, Kokichi crossed his arms. "I spent all summer coming up with stuff so you're gonna listen 'til I'm done!"

"Joy," muttered Himiko.

"Yeah, you better rejoice! You just saw it live. Next time you gotta get tickets."

Himiko opened the table's drawer, searching for a deck to replace the marked card with a clean one. Empty. Before break she put it away before break. It was in the closet. Across the room. Sighing, Himiko shut the drawer. Guess I'll manage with this deck…

Kokichi slid off the ledge. Elbow on the table, Kokichi rested his cheek on his palm. He smiled. "Y'know, it's like the first time we met. When I wrote my phone number on your hand instead of signing a card."

Himiko glowered. "Yeah, you climbed through the window and scared me then, too."

Hand to his chest, Kokichi raised his other hand in the air, like Hamlet from Shakespeare. "Such was our fateful encounter! I was a lone supreme leader searching for useful henchmen. You, a lonely mage who hid her great talent behind boring parlor tricks, fearing the isolation that accompanies greatness."

Groaning, Himiko rolled her eyes. Oh, boy. Here we go…

"Thus we formed a partnership! We've taught the other lock picking and escapism and sleights." Kokichi thrust a hand towards her. "Together we are supreme leader and arch mage, masters of deception and illusion. Clown and performer of tricks." He walked around the table, eyes trained on her. "I am the Joker…" Kokichi held her hand and brought it towards his lips. "And you are my Queen."

Himiko jerked her hand away. Scowling, she began shuffling the cards. Kokichi frowned. He grabbed her hand. She snatched it away. "Stop it!"

Kokichi blew a raspberry. "Gimme!"


Laughing, Kokichi lunged for Himiko's hand behind her back. "C'mere! You know you want me to –"

"I said cut it out!"

Kokichi flinched.

Himiko twisted out of his reach. Huffing, she brushed back her errant bangs. "Look, I gotta practice. All you're doing is draining my MP and bothering me."

Smirking, Kokichi tugged at his collar suggestively. "I am very distracting."

Eyes narrowed, Himiko shook her head. She resumed shuffling her cards. Kokichi leaned sideways. Peered up at her face. Jaw set, Himiko riffled shuffled the cards. Cut them. Blackjack shuffled them again. She never met his gaze.

Sighing, he straightened. "Welp!" Grinning, Kokichi put his hands behind his head. "I was gonna go mess with the meanie Kaito. He's stargazing. So he's prolly at the campsite in the forest north of campus. You don't have a show coming up do you? So ditch practice and come with! It's gonna be a blast for sure!"

"Nyeeeh… that's such a hike."

"Yeah, but it'll be totes fun! A little welcome back party for everyone," he snickered.

"No. It'll be muddy and gross. I don't wanna get dirty."

"What? Like… seriously?"

"Yes, seriously. I don't mess around like you do."

Exhaling, Kokichi examined his nails. "Sheesh. You're a cold one. Well, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Himiko reshuffled the deck. She heard the door close. There was no other sound in the research lab. Only the riffling of cards.

Yawning, Himiko shut the research lab door behind her. Grimacing, she shook out her hands. Himiko's fingers ached from rehearsing. Guess I'm more outta practice than I thought. Rubbing her eye, Himiko turned down the hall. Time for bed.

A landslide of dirt poured down on her.

Himiko yelped. Whipped around.

Kokichi threw a bucket onto the ground so hard it dented. Tossed his hair. Smiled. "Well, I don't think it's possible to get any dirtier than that, hmm?"

Himiko glared at him, eyes burning. Mud dripped off her onto the floor. "Let me shower first."

Box in one hand, Kokichi pushed aside a branch. He glanced behind him. Squinted in the darkness. Huffing and puffing, Himiko trudged through the underbrush. Like Kokichi, she was using her phone's flashlight as a guide. Grinning, Kokichi pulled the branch back more. As she's passing me, I can let go of the branch and…

Himiko stumbled over a tree root. "Nyeh!" Muttering under her breath, Himiko righted her hat and continued walking.

Kokichi released the branch. "Hurry up, you snail! And be quiet! We hafta surprise him."

Himiko scowled but crept forward. She snapped a tree branch in half.

The leader groaned. Some DICE member she would make. If it wasn't for the crickets and the wind rustling the trees' branches, they would have been discovered by now.

"…got this."

They stiffened. Kokichi held a finger to his lips. Himiko turned off her phone's flashlight. Under the full moon's light, they snuck forward. A clearing rough thirty feet in diameter stretched out before them. Previous ultimates had used the area as a campsite so logs and large rocks surrounded the center. Kaito had set up his telescope in the middle, his back to them.

"I'm the Luminary of the Stars. From old ladies to crying tots, everyone adores me." In a quieter voice, Kaito vowed, "I won't give up on her. I won't."

"Ugh. We're ending this now." Kokichi opened his box and pulled out a lighter and a tube.

"W-what is that?"

"Plug your ears." Kokichi lit it. After a fizzing, the tube launched into the air. With a loud boom, gold fireworks exploded across the night sky.

Kaito stumbled back like a drunkard. "Aaaah! What the –? Who? What?" He whirled around. Blinked a few times, letting his eyes adjust to the dark. Dizzy, Himiko wobbled on her feet, fingers still in her ears. Kokichi waved. Kaito snarled, "You!"


Pointing a finger, Kaito marched forward a few steps. "Are you insane?! Lighting up fireworks in the middle of a forest. You'll burn us alive!"

Hands on his hips, Kokichi deepened his voice. "I am the Luminary of the Fireworks. My life, although short, shall burn brighter than the stars!"

Himiko hid a laugh behind her hand. Kaito shook his head. "You're crazy. You're absolutely nuts."

The two entered the clearing. Exhaling loudly, Kaito turned back to his telescope. "I don't know what other dumb tricks you got planned, but since you're here you might as well learn something. And you're in luck! Saturn is really visible tonight. Not only are there its rings, but some of its moons, too! Here, let me show ya." To peer into the lens Kaito bent over.

Kokichi made a farting noise with his hands.

Kaito burst out laughing. "Ahahaha! Oh man, that's great! Why didn't I ever think of that?"

"Nee-heehee! Cuz I'm an evil supreme leader, duh."

"I'm gonna use it with the boys back at training for sure." Grinning, Kaito stepped aside. "Well, come look. It's all set up."

Kokichi approached the telescope. He paused, distinctly feeling the weight of Kaito's gaze behind him. The leader glanced over his shoulder. "I know you're going to do it."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"I swear on the name of Kaito Momota that I won't do any hand farting."

"Hmm." Kokichi turned back. Started to squat. Then he lifted the lens upwards instead.


Kokichi turned to see Kaito, hand in his armpit. They bent over laughing, holding their stomachs.

Himiko sighed. "This is what I was dragged out here for?"

Wiping his eyes, Kaito gestured to the telescope. "Ahh… but seriously, check out Saturn."

"Ahh, but seriously I don't care."

"At only 10 hours and 34 minutes, Saturn has the second shortest day in the solar system. Its wind can reach up to 500 meters per second and its atmosphere –"

"Okay, okay! Geez! I'll look at your stupid rock."

"It's gas, actually."

Kokichi snorted. "You mean it's made up of farts –?"


After Kaito schooled Kokichi on Saturn, Kokichi became a little too handsy with the telescope and shooed him away. Kokichi stepped back. The crickets' buzzing was surprisingly loud. The summer night's air felt cool against his face. He breathed in the smell of wet earth and grass.

Himiko, chin resting on her palms, was sitting on a log, gazing at the ground. Kokichi plopped down next to her. "What, are you a toad? Cuz right now, you're a bump on a log!" He snickered. She scooted away, looking forward instead of at him. "Aww, you still mad at me? Well, youuuu… you got in the shower and smell nice. That strawberries? I like it."

Himiko glanced sidelong at him. "That all you got?"

Gasping, Kokichi covered his mouth with a hand. "Himiko!" He lightly shoved her shoulder. "So naughty! You're gonna make me blush."

"W-what?" laughed Himiko in surprise. "No, I –! Nyeh!" She stamped her foot. "You and your stupid tricks!" Kokichi threw back his head and laughed. Sighing, Himiko dropped her arms and leaned back. "You are the biggest pain I ever met. You know that?"

Chuckling, Kokichi brought her hand up towards his lips. "I know." He glanced at her. Exhaling, Himiko rolled her eyes. Kokichi kissed her hand. She smiled.

Hands on his knees, Kokichi stood up. He walked over to Kaito. "Heeeey, idiot. How long are you gonna keep staring at that stick?"

"It's a telescope! In fact, it's a Space Probe 130ST Equatorial Reflector. The very best money can buy!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, a three-man party is not where it's at, if you get my meaning."

"You two invited yourselves over! I didn't ask –"

"Exactly, which is why we should set off the fireworks in Shuichi's room."

"What?! No, then you'd definitely start a fire!"

"Aww, but after working so hard on his essay, he'll need a little celebration. So let's throw a party."

"More like a funeral!"

"And what's so bad about that?"


Himiko screamed.

Kokichi's heart stopped. He and Kaito whirled around. The baseball cap student clutched Himiko to himself, hand over her mouth. Eyes wide, she struggled against his grip. With his other hand, the Reserve course student waved.

Kokichi snarled, "Let her go!"

Looking behind them, Kaito cried, "We're surrounded!"


A dozen Reserve course students burst from the tree line. Their hammers and utility knives glinted in the moonlight. They rushed at the duo. Kokichi dodged a punch. He kneed the attacker in the gut. Coughing, he bowed over. Kokichi uppercut his face. Clutching his nose, the student reeled back.

Kokichi glanced behind him. "Kaito, watch – Ugh!" Someone struck his jaw. Growling, Kokichi swept the feet out from beneath the attacker. He fell. Another three took his place.

Himiko or Kaito?

Roaring, Kaito swung the telescope like a baseball bat into an assailant's head. He crumpled. "Save her!"

Kokichi ducked under a swipe, then jabbed their side. He shot like a bullet towards Himiko. Time slowed down. Kokichi reeled back his arm. Shouting something, Himiko reached towards him. Her captor braced himself.

Strike the kidneys. Have Himiko stamp on his foot. Whack her head back. She'll be free and we can run and get help–

"Kokichi, watch out!"

He glanced to the side. The quarterback-sized redhead bore down on Kokichi. He swung his clasped fists down towards Kokichi's head.

"No –!"

Everything went dark.

This is an idea I've had for a while, but several things have help shaped this. Two songs: 'Cause I'm a Liar, a fanmade song from Kokichi's perspective about the game. (Yes, the sound is a bit weird, but stick with it, it's amazing.) And the awesome Hibana, an English cover by Rachie. As well as the masterpiece movie (and manga) A Silence Voice. Hopefully their influence on this fic will become apparent in future chapters.

Thanks for reading! I hope you'll stick with this as it's only the beginning... ;)

Cause I'm a Liar

