I do not own Madoka Magica or Yu-gi-Oh Zexal and this is just for fun and thanks to BumblebeeYandereGirl for helping me out.
Chapter 1
It was raining as Yuma ran to class he bumped into a girl with glasses.Yuma helped her up and noticed his school's uniform.Yuma helped her to school as they reached the classroom the school bell rang.The Teacher looked at Yuma and the new student."Yuma you are late but thanks for helping the transfer student get here"The teacher said."Your Welcome"Yuma said taking his seat.
"This is our New student please introduce yourself"The teacher asked."I am Homura Akemi please to meet you all"She answered shyly taking her seat."So what was your old school"A boy in class asked."So do you duel"Yuma asked as Astral observed her.Homura fumbled in her bag as a deck fell to the ground with a duel disk and a number card."Yuma she has a number card Its seems to not have an effect on her but you better duel her for it"Astral said.
"I have a deck and duel disk but I have never dueled Yuma"Homura said as Yuma handed her the duel disk and deck back to Homura.Yuma looked at the number card it was number card 42 Hopeful Goddess with 2400 attack points and 2100 defense points.The card looked like a pink haired goddess with orange eyes all in white with a bow and arrows.Yuma handed Houmra back the card.Homura took the card and put it back in her deck."Hey would you like to duel Homura"Yuma asked."Sure I guess "Houmra said as she put on the duel disk and D-Gazer.Yuma did the same"You can have the first move"He said as Astral watched.
"All right"Houmra said looking at her hand almost dropping the cards."I guess I play little swordsmen of Alie in attack mode witch has 800 attack points and 1300 defense points."An interesting first move Yuma"Astral said as Houmra followed with Toll and Chain energy and ended her turn."all right time to feel the flow I play Gagaga Magician"Yuma said."Yuma that move just cost you 500 life points to place a card and is a continuous spell card"Astral said.Yuma was about to have Gagaga Magician attack when Astral stopped him to look at the other spell card.Yuma looked at toll as Astral explained "Toll the spell card makes it cost 500 life points to attack per monster and is a continuous spell"Astral said.
Yuma placed a face down and ended his turn.Houmra was not sure what card to choose as she drew her next card.Astral looked as Houmra struggled to choose a card.Houmra placed a card in defense mode and lost 500 life points."Astral what do you think of her first duel"Yuma asked."She is shy and not sure what to do but she has played some good moves"Astral said as Houmra played swords of revealing light.Houmra ended her turn and was not sure what to do on her next turn."So Yuma you have lost 1000 life points"Houmra asked.Yuma nodded as he drew a new card to his hand.Yuma looked at his hand as did Astral.Yuma Played Gogogo golem in defense mode and ended his turn.Houmra drew a new card and placed it in attack mode.
Astral looked at Houmra who was unsure of what move to make."She had the put down a face down and ended her turn.Yuma destroyed Chain energy using Mystical Space Typhoon and ended his turn.Houmra looked at her hand "I play the spell card Dark hole"She said and watched all the monsters be destroyed.Houmra ended her turn."She is still new at this but she has not relizead she left herself with no monsters"Astral thought.Yuma drew a card and played Monster reborn and brought back Gagaga Magician in attack mode and ended his turn.Houmra drew a card and played Ultimate Baseball Kid in Attack mode and played Monster reborn to get little swordsmen of Alie back in defense mode and ended her turn.
"Houmra your swords of reveling light are used up so time to attack"Yuma said.Houmra nodded as Gagaga Magician attacked Ultimate Baseball Kid."Yuma has 1500 life points remaining and Houmra has 1500 life points after that attack as well "Astral thought as Yuma ended his turn.Houmra was not sure what do as she and played Baby dragon in attack mode and ended her turn."Hey Houmra can I see Number 42 in action"Yuma asked.Houmra nodded all right as Yuma finshed his turn after playing Utopia.
Houmra figured out how to Summon Number 42 Hopeful Goddess and the card looked at Houmra and smiled at her before turning to face Utopia.Astral looked at Hopeful Goddess who smiled as Houmra noticed him."Um Yuma who is that next to you"Houmra askedasked."Wait you can see Astral"Yuma asked.Houmra nodded as Astral came over to her."I see when you played Number 42 you gained the power to see and talk to me like Yuma"Astral said."Nice to meet you Astral"Houmra said freaking out a little.Houmra had Hopeful Goddess attack and lost a 100 life points.Yuma then won the duel with Utopia and let Houmra keep the number card."Nicely done both of you Astral said."Thanks" Houmra said blushing a little.
After the duel "That was an Interesting battle how about a date"Tokunosuke Hyori asked holding flowers.Houmra was not sure how to act as Kotori just took her hand and they walked away."Thanks you are"Houmra asked."Kotori is my name Houmra"Kotori said."Nice to meet you"Houmra said noticing a flyer on the ground for a duel carnvial."Thinking of entering"Kotori asked."Yeah it will help me get more experience in duels"Houmra said.
"Well good look Houmra"Kotori said while handing her the poster from the ground and leaving.Houmra looked at the poster as she left school.Houmra bumped into Astral and Yuma and dropped the poster."I see your going to enter as well Houmra but beware the number hunter Kite he will try and win your number 42"Astral said.Houmra nodded as she walked home she bumped into a kid in a mask.
End of chapter 1 Hoped you liked it and please review.