Hi everyone! I know it's been a while since I've updated so that makes this that much harder to do. I love True Bonds and I love all of you that have read, followed, commented and given it Kudos but after a lot of struggling and dead ends with the writing for this story, I have made the difficult decision to step away from it. This is not forever but until things get better in my personal life, I am not going to be able to do this story justice in the way that I want and that you all deserve. You will likely see me posting little things like drabbles, ficlets (some of which may not even be for the HP fandom *gasp!*) and other such things every once in a while but writing is going to be on a little bit of a backburner for a while.

I love you all and I hope to see you when I am able to post more to True Bonds. Stay safe and be well!
