After so long, here's the final chapter for this story and Oliver's final mission and I apologize for the wait. Now I know that canon has revealed that someone other than the Ninth Circle is responsible for the now obsolete dystopian future despite what I'd suspected, but for the sake of my story's consistency, I will have the Ninth Circle as the ones behind the plans of the culprits in canon.

And here we go.

Adela: Thank you so much.

Guest 1: I don't know if you were referring to canon but if so, that might've been interesting even though I don't know the "Infinite Crisis" storyline.

Guest 2: Thanks for the suggestion, but I can't see that working here since the reveal for this story's version as to how the city fell seems pretty straightforward to me and, for me, adding something else might complicate things too much.

As for Laurel, we definitely received the answer to both in S8. I would like to say that for me personally, I like Earth-2 Laurel more.

Bl4ckHunter: Thanks a lot and definitely in regards to Oliver.

Pink ranger 13: Here's the continuation and the conclusion.

Disclaimer: I don't own "Arrow".

Over the next three weeks, Oliver, his team, and A.R.G.U.S., with help from the C.I.A., pulled together their resources and worked together as they did research and collected intel against both the Ninth Circle and Eden Corps. They thoroughly researched everything in regards to their operations, bases, financial networks, and movements.

After scoping out their bases, Lyla sent a special A.R.G.U.S. task force consisting of her best agents, alongside Oliver, his team, and U.S. Special Forces Troops, and they launched attacks against multiple Ninth Circle bases around the globe, destroying 75% of them. Meanwhile the C.I.A., sending its own units and with help from other Special Forces Troops, targeted and also destroyed the majority of Eden Corps bases in operation.

During these respective operations, the vigilante/A.R.G.U.S, C.I.A./Special Forces coalition managed to round up and place into custody very high level operatives of the Ninth Circle and Eden Corps who were not dead. They were placed into custody and put through strong methods of interrogations. For the most part they cracked very quickly and told them everything they knew, including the locations of other bases that the heroes were unaware of.

A few of the terrorists however were tougher than some of their comrades and refused to divulge what they knew. And so Oliver, with Lyla having pulled some strings, was allowed to go in and deal with the more uncooperative and let's just say that after he was through with them, they were, as Earth-2 Laurel put it, singing like canaries, not to mention begging to be kept very far away from the terrifying Green Arrow in return for their cooperation.

With this extra information, everyone involved in the operation to eradicate the Ninth Circle and Eden Corps from the world moved quickly and, following Oliver's suggestion, they decided to cover more ground by separating themselves even further. Team Arrow and some of the strongest A.R.G.U.S. units would destroy the most prominent bases of both terrorist organizations. The Special Forces and the C.I.A. units on their part would destroy the remaining enemy bases. And finally, a slew of drone strikes would target whatever remained of said bases after the others were through with them.

What followed was a fiery blitz across the remaining 25% Ninth Circle bases as the coalition blazed through them and rained down destruction wherever they went. And the same went for all of the remaining Eden Corps bases. Out of each group within the coalition, the units led by Oliver and his team destroyed the most enemy structures.

Lyla also brought in some government sponsored hackers who worked for the best interests of the government in maintaining national security and, under her directive, they used their technological skills to sabotage all of the terrorists financial networks while draining the bank accounts of every single member. As they dismantled said networks, they happened to come across money trails that led to, and implicated, numerous high level people across the political, business, scientific, and intelligence communities worldwide.

They even uncovered pertaining documents further implicating them along with even more individuals, including in the Justice Department.

Lyla had the information distributed to the appropriate authorities worldwide, including the honest elements of her superiors, who moved swiftly and incarcerated all of these corrupt individuals. It would go on to be the greatest international corruption scandal in history while extracting a huge chunk of the corruption within the global institution, making said institution that much cleaner now.

The hackers, in addition to what they'd uncovered, would also come across a set of manuscripts whose contents were of such that they needed to be addressed promptly, especially since they had to do with the vigilantes and their city. They transferred the intel to Lyla, labeling it as urgent, and when she received it and read through it, her face paled as a feeling of horror filled her. She immediately got in touch with Oliver and insisted that he and the team meet with her as soon as possible.

Hearing her urgency, he answered promptly and quickly went to meet up with her along with the others, after which she revealed to them all what she'd learned.

"Among the intel my team of hackers collected, they uncovered a massive plot by the Ninth Circle against your city", she explained to them as she distributed the manuscripts to Oliver and then to the others. As each of them read what was on them, feelings of shock, horror, and fury came upon them.

"That's just, I, I just don't know what to say guys", Rene said as he read the contents, stunned.

"Yeah man, this is horrible", Diggle added while shaking his head, a sick feeling in his stomach.

"According to this, the Circle, as directed by Virgil on behalf of their new leader Beatrice, is going to hire a group of mercenaries to place interconnected bombs throughout the entire city, as in bombs all wired together and with a main connector that would serve as the trigger", Dinah said, her eyes wide as she continued to read what she was given.

"Not only that, but these particular mercenaries they were going to use were being led by a dangerous individual named Grant Wilson, who's apparently one of the most dangerous men in the world and wanted across Europe", Earth-2 Laurel added with slight dread.

"Grant Wilson, Slade Wilson's son. Surprise surprise. And apparently not just replicating his father's siege but on a wider scale, which means more destruction and devastation, but also intending to destroy my city, the city I, my loved ones, and this team worked so hard to protect and maintain over the years, and making all of our work for nothing and on behalf of a dangerous terrorist organization", Oliver also added with anger while shaking his head. He then looked up and addressed everyone else in the room.

"I'm not going to let this happen. I'm not going to let Beatrice, Virgil, Grant, their people, or anyone else either in the Ninth Circle, Eden Corps, or working for them destroy everything we've worked for and nor am I going to allow my children to live in such a world at any time of their lives", he said to all of them strongly. "Now we've already destroyed both terrorist organizations for the most part and shortly before this meeting, I've learned from Lyla that what's left of the Circle, consisting of Beatrice, Virgil, and their high council, have relocated themselves in our city to hide out and no doubt also oversee Grant's operation.

"With that in mind and with what we now know, we must move with haste and quickly get back to Star City and stop them. Let us ensure that the future, our future, and our city's future remains intact. Let us all not fail, our, city!"

Everyone in the room responded to Oliver's words with enthusiasm.

"You've got it hoss. I'm not letting those people destroy a city I've been fighting for or letting it go to the dump. We're gonna stop them, including for your children, for my Zoey, and for all of us", Rene said with conviction.

"Same here Oliver. I care about this city just as much as you. And I behaved like a horrible person two years ago when I was willing to let it burn just to get vengeance, allowing my rage and darkness to swallow me whole. This time however I never intend to see it burn again and for any reason. I'm with you", Dinah also said with the same conviction while filled with shame over her past actions.

"While I know I'm not your Laurel, I have come to love Star City as much as she did and even as much as Quentin did and like all of you, I don't want to see it fall for any reason. And so let's go and show those Ninth Circle clowns and Grant as well that we're not going to be messed with and that our city is never going to fall on our watch!", Earth-2 Laurel also added firmly and with a confident smile. And finally Diggle was the last one to speak.

"You know I'll always have your back man, outside of the times when I didn't because I was behaving liked a self-righteous and hypocritical jerk that is, something I'm deeply sorry for. When you recruited me to your mission I joined because I wanted to help make a difference for this city, and I'm not going to let everything all of us has worked for be dismantled. And so let's go get those people before they make what you've accomplished look like a joke", he said with finality and a smile while clasping Oliver's shoulder, a gesture which the other man smiled at.

Buoyed by his entire team's continued support, Oliver gathered them together and with Lyla, returned to Star City. During the journey back, he got in touch with his sister Thea, Roy, and Sara as well, explaining the situation, and they agreed to come help. He also called Slade, who was more than happy to help his once, and hopefully still, brother in all but blood. Not to mention that he also wanted to get ahold of his wayward son.

After they arrived, and with the C.I.A. and Special Forces standing by ready to assist if necessary, the team, Slade, and Lyla gathered in the Arrow Cave and discussed how they were going to proceed. Earlier they'd learned that Grant and the Circle had placed the main bomb connector in an abandoned building in the city and had it under heavy guard with both Ninth Circle soldiers and Grant's own men surrounding it from all sides.

Their original plan was to run the same play they did during Slade's siege, but then upon further discussion, decided it would be better to do things differently to ensure success and sooner. And so Oliver spoke to his team and said,

"Laurel, Rene, Lyla, and Diggle, you will head to where the bomb is and disarm it. Dinah, Roy, and Thea, all of you need to stand guard as SCPD in case any of Grant or Beatrice's people make a move there. Slade, Sara, and myself will go and confront Grant, Virgil, and Beatrice and will end this once and for all. Everyone here clear on what they need to do?"

The entire team, including Slade and Lyla, all answered in the affirmative and then divided themselves up with each group off to perform the tasks Oliver had given to them.

After having arrived at the SCPD station, Dinah, Thea, and Roy explained the situation to the officers who agreed to keep a look out for anything suspicious while groaning over the fact that the Ninth Circle just couldn't leave their city alone. A short while later, a prisoner was brought into the precinct to be booked and while there, asked the officer guarding him the time. After receiving his answer, he placed a bomb underneath the seat he'd been sitting on and after putting on a Deathstroke mask, revealing himself to be one of Grant's men, began attacking the other officers around him.

At the same time, he pressed a button on his watch, sending a signal to a small army of fellow mercenaries right outside who responded by storming the SCPD and firing automatic rifles and handguns. Dinah in response quickly took charge and barking orders at her officers, fought against the attack with Roy and Thea at her side, the three of them leading the SCPD together and doing all they could to repel the attackers.

As the battle raged, Dinah noticed the bomb underneath the chair the first mercenary had placed there and quickly checking and verifying as to what it was, quickly screamed out, "BOMB!" to everyone else, alerting them as to the magnitude of the situation they were in. The three vigilantes and all of the officers fought back harder than ever before, Thea and Roy continuously firing their arrows and Roy doing his famous flips and somersaults, both taking down many of the attackers, while the SCPD continued firing their weapons and Dinah used her bow staff.

Meanwhile, as the battle for the SCPD continued, Lyla, Earth-2 Laurel, Rene, and Diggle had arrived at the abandoned building where the main bomb connector was and upon entering it, saw what appeared to amount to about 20 mercenaries and 35 Ninth Circle operatives. Taking a breath, the vigilantes charged towards their opponents who met them halfway, leading to a ferocious battle between both sides.

The battle was hard and brutal, neither side willing to give ground, and one Circle soldier even managed to slash Lyla's side with a sword while a mercenary grabbed ahold of Diggle and head butted him, disorienting him a bit. However a well-placed roundhouse kick from Earth-2 Laurel and a few bullets from Rene's gun took down the Circle operative and the mercenary respectively.

Eventually however the battle turned in the heroes favor and they were able to subdue and kill all of the enemy operatives standing in their way. They then hurried and managed to reach the connector where they discussed how they were going to disarm it. Being military veterans though, Rene and Diggle had plenty of experience in disarming bombs and with Lyla and Earth-2 Laurel's help, and many tense seconds and plenty of near misses later, they managed to disarm the connector and in turn, shut down the bombs throughout the city.

That, in turn, also included the bomb at the SCPD where Roy, Thea, Dinah, and the officers had finally managed to subdue then place into custody the majority of the mercenaries after the grueling battle, except for those they had no choice but to put down since those particular attackers refused to give up.

As for Oliver, Sara, and Slade, they managed to locate another abandoned building nearby where Lyla, Earth-2 Laurel, and Diggle were, and this particular building was where A.R.G.U.S.'s intelligence had tracked the remaining terrorists. After entering, the three of them came across Beatrice, Virgil, and Grant while the Ninth Circle high council members were standing behind the 3 villains some distance away.

"Hello there Oliver, Sara, father. Are you here to see this city be blown to ashes?", Grant taunted. Oliver and Sara responded with stern expressions while Slade looked at his estranged son in shame and disappointment.

"This city is not going to be blown to ashes, not on my watch!", Oliver growled at the arrogant man before him.

"We're here to stop you. All of you!", Sara said sternly.

"Grant please, listen to me. This is wrong. You know that", Slade begged of his son, trying to get him to see reason. Grant however laughed haughtily in response.

"Don't you see father? I'm doing this for you", Grant insisted. "And yes, the Circle may have paid me, and quite handsomely I might add, but I've also wanted to be like you, the mighty Deathstroke. You once rained terror upon this city and now I only want to finish what you started."

"I was under the influence of the mirakuru son, and it caused me to do horrible things to my friends and to this city. Things I deeply regret and will have to live with for the rest of my life. You don't have that excuse and can still make the right choice. I urgently beg of you not to make the wrong choice", Slade continued to plead, hoping his son to realize the error of his ways.

"Wow, you really have grown soft in your age old man. And as far as I'm concerned, the mirakuru only unlocked your full potential and without it, it's you who can't see reason instead of joining me and my cohorts here", Grant chuckled evilly. "That is a shame but if that's your choice, then I suppose we shall be enemies."

Slade sighed sadly, and then pulled out his sword.

"In that case, I intend to do all I can to stop you for I shall not allow you and your cohorts to destroy this city", Slade replied to his son with finality. Grant on his part responded with a wicked smile, drawing his own sword while Beatrice pulled out her double bladed dagger and Virgil put his fists up, all 3 villains adapting a battle stance. The 3 heroes on their part adapted a battle stance as well and both sides immediately engaged with each other in a brutal battle to the death, Oliver vs Beatrice, Sara vs Virgil, and Slade vs Grant, though Slade held back a bit since he did not want to seriously hurt his son.

The battle was fierce and intense, swords clashing, kicks and jabs exchanged, a dazzling and brutal array of hand to hand combat and martial arts moves. Sara on her part was twirling her Bo Staff in the air as she fought and repeatedly swung it towards Virgil, striking him quite a few times, while he responded with counter strikes and punches while dodging and weaving around her Bo Staff, trying not to be hit by it.

Oliver and Beatrice meanwhile fought with an array of roundhouse kicks, intense kick boxing, strikes, and counter strikes while repeatedly clashing their bow and dagger, respectively.

And there was no giving of ground between Slade and Grant either, their own swords also loudly clashing together.

Soon the battle turned more into the heroes favor and, as Beatrice launched a flying kick into Oliver, sending him sprawling, and then lunged towards him with her dagger, he quickly leapt upwards and grabbed her arm, disarming her, and then grabbed her in a chokehold.

"Doesn't matter if you kill me now Oliver. The Ninth Circle will continue to live on and your city shall die eventually, just as your sister did", Beatrice hissed while struggling to breath.

"The Ninth Circle is no more, Beatrice, for I have seen to it. Something I'm certain you're already aware of and which in turn makes hollow the words you have just spoken", Oliver growled into her ear. "My city will never die for I will never let that happen. And even if something happened to me, I trust that my team and allies will continue my fight and ensure that my work and sacrifices are never in vain. And you, Beatrice, have failed this city and this world".

Afterwards, and without preamble, he snapped her neck, rendering her lifeless, and then allowed her body to fall to the ground with a thud.

Around the same time, Virgil, having gotten tired of the simple hand to hand, had taken out two knives and leapt towards her with a maniacal grin, intent on driving them into her body. She in turn responded by quickly grabbing her Bo Staff and stabbing it into his heart as he drove downwards and towards her. His eyes widened in shock and then glazed over as he, like his mistress, also fell to the ground dead.

As for the battle between the Wilsons, Slade finally succeeded in disarming him and then, after subduing him, grabbed him in a chokehold and maintained it until he fell unconscious. Early on, Slade had persuaded Oliver and the others into letting his son live in the hopes that someday he could cause him to see the error of his ways, and they'd agreed for his sake.

Seeing that their mistress and her right hand were now dead, the Circle's high council quickly turned and fled but were all stopped and rounded up by both A.R.G.U.S and Special Forces troops nearby, placing them in custody.

Once all of that was done, Oliver radioed his team on a shared frequency.

"Beatrice and Virgil are down and Grant is now in custody, along with the entire Ninth Circle council. How are thing on your ends?"

"Rene, Lyla, Diggle, and myself have successfully disarmed the bomb connector, leaving all of the bombs inoperable", Earth-2 Laurel answered and Oliver could hear the smile in her voice. "Rene and Diggle were currently helping Lyla and her agents with cleanup duty otherwise everything's great on our end."

"She's right Oliver, considering that the bomb placed at the SCPD is also inoperable", Roy let him know and then explained about said bomb and the attack at SCPD headquarters, informing him that he, Thea, and Dinah had helped the officers repel the attackers and reestablish control over the building. Oliver acknowledged what his team had relayed to him and congratulated them all on a job well done, profusely offering his gratitude on their help in saving both present and future, maintaining his legacy, and ensuring that his children won't have to live in a dystopian world.

Following this, Oliver, Sara, Slade, Earth-2 Laurel, Roy, Thea, Rene, Lyla, Diggle, and Dinah celebrated their victory tonight with a dinner from Big Belly Burger, consisting of grilled cheese burgers, plenty of large fries and fried onion rings, and an assortment of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla milkshakes depending upon each person's preferred flavor. And Oliver just enjoyed reconnecting with everyone as they all partook of their greasy feast.

Sometime beforehand, Lyla had let Oliver and everyone else know that her units had tracked down Veronica Dale, the leader of Eden Corps, the remaining members of her inner circle, and a good assortment of her guards, having gone into hiding following the decimation of their organization. The resulting confrontation ended with the deaths of the remaining enemy forces, including Veronica herself, since they all refused to go down without a fight. And this was another cause of celebration for the heroes.

Afterwards, and having an extra week left with his friends before needing to return to his mission with the Monitor, due to having completed securing his city and family's future a week early, he spent that week with all of his friends, teammates, and loved ones, along with his wife and baby Mia, and relished his time with them all before he had to leave again.

After rejoining the Monitor, Oliver continued to help him recruit and prepare heroes across the multiverse for the coming battle. Soon, the battle would commence, which would go down in history as the Crisis On Infinite Earths, as Oliver, Barry, and a multitude of other heroes across numerous worlds, including their doppelgangers and some villains, would join forces and fight the Monitor's villainous doppelganger, the Anti-Monitor, and his massive army of Shadow Demons. And the enemy forces were under the command of the Reverse Flash, working on behalf of the Anti-Monitor.

The heroes fought the Anti-Monitor and the Reverse Flash across many worlds and during this battle, worlds lived, worlds died, and the universe would never be the same in the aftermath. As for Oliver, and during a series of events, he would be gifted with the vast powers of a beyond immensely powerful being known as the Spectre, turning him into the new Spectre.

With these powers, and in the final battle which was set in Earth-1's Central City and as the skies burned red above, Oliver would go on to vanquish the Anti-Monitor, sacrificing his life in the process, while the other heroes finished off the Shadow Demons, though Barry disappeared with the Reverse Flash, who was also his mortal enemy, in a flash of light after a one on one battle between them, bringing them both to the past and setting in motion the events which would begin his journey.

Before he died though, Oliver used his immense abilities to first wipe out all crime in his city, further ensuring that it would never fall, resurrected all of his loved ones who'd died tragically while merging his Laurel and Earth-2 Laurel into one person and also brought back his son's mother, Samantha, and merged three of the other Earths, which survived, together and then into his Earth, creating a new world known as Earth Prime, so that all of his friends and their friends and allies could co-exist together and so that all of their worlds would be better protected.

As it would turn out, fate would have other plans and the Monitor would reach out to Oliver in the in between, where this life and the next life met, and reveal to him that because of all of his hard work and sacrifices, including this final sacrifice, he would be given a second chance at life and be allowed to live it in peace with his loved ones.

Stunned yet exceedingly grateful for this opportunity, Oliver would profusely thank the Monitor for this special gift and was then restored to his body, to the shock and delight of his loved ones.

Barry would also be given this chance by the Speed Force as well and was allowed to return to the present after rescuing his 11 year old past self from his enemy, and his loved ones also rejoiced at the change of his fate as well.

And now that the Crisis was over and his city and future were finally and completely saved for all time, Oliver and his team would go on to retire and settle down with their families, enjoying all that life had to offer them.

Samantha also took young William and moved in with Oliver, his wife, and baby Mia so that his children would not grow up separated. And together they formed a very happy family of five while Mia and William grew up together in a very close and loving household while their parents shared all of the parenting responsibilities. And they grew up to become strong, mature adults who enjoyed living in a bright, lively, sparkling, and still crime free Star City in the future.

And the city never fell, the city continued to remain crime free, and Oliver and his entire family were content and happy all of their days.

The End

A/N And that's a wrap. If you want, please let me know what you thought of this story in the reviews.

If anyone's wondering why I did not bring in Felicity except for a brief mention, it's because I'm certain there are those here who still dislike her and don't believe she's changed. And so I've avoided using her so that I won't anger and lose any of my anti Felicity readers.

I also decided to take a page from ArlyssTolero in regards to not giving Oliver's wife a name. The reason is due to the fact that fans have their own preferred ships for Oliver and because of that, I've decided to allow my readers to imagine their own preferred choices for Oliver's wife within this story, whether it'd be Sara, Felicity, Nyssa, the merged Laurel, or anyone else and it can be their head canon for this story.

I wish everyone here the best of health, please continue to practice good hygiene, including washing your hands for 30 seconds, and social distancing.

Have a very good day.