Hey everyone! This isn't dead! Writer's block stopped this story from working for a while, so eventually I decided to publish what I had. Hopefully this'll get the process going again. The chapter may be short, but I hope you can enjoy it anyways!

Everything ends up being a blur, but here's how it all went down:

Todoroki Rei was never one to leave the house. Not because she wanted it to be that way, but because her husband wouldn't let her. Todoroki Enji controlled everything in their lives, her health, sanity, and children being just a few of those things. Even if she tried to fight back, he would always get his way.

But this week, Enji was out of the country. Not only was he out of the country, but just a few days ago, he had received threats on his life and the life of his family from some unknown villain, and had decided to move his wife and children out into his house out in the countryside, deep in the mountains.

And so there Rei was, with only her children for company (although she much preferred that to having Enji around), in a different house and a different location than the one she had been forced to stay in all those years she was married to Enji. It was a big house, western style, with an open floor plan and a wonderful view of the meadows and mountains right outside their door. Really, it was a shame that a place so pretty was owned by a man so ugly. At least her children were enjoying the vacation.

Touya was nine now, bursting with all of the energy that nine year olds generally possessed. He was such a sweet boy, but sometimes it hurt to look at him. Even though he didn't quite have the quirk combination Enji wanted from her, his flames were still more hot than Endeavor could ever hope to make his, and as such, he was training her oldest, just in case she couldn't produce exactly what he wanted. In the few years since the training began, Rei could only watch helplessly as her sweet boys softness and compassion was being replaced by hard edges and anger, more anger than he'd had before. Sometimes, Rei was ashamed to admit, he was starting to remind her of Enji in all the wrong ways. She made an effort to never show it, but it was still slightly there.

But when they were in the house in the countryside, he was simply were sweet child, playing with his younger siblings and acting like he'd always had before Enji started digging his claws into him.

Fuyumi had just turned seven, and was as much of a sweet and thoughtful girl as she had always been. Her freezing ice quirk meant that Enji had no time for her, and so she was exempt from training, but also neglected by the man who should have been her father. To Rei's never ending relief, her only daughter seemed not only to have gotten her quirk, but also her endless patience, and was always there to help Touya after training when Rei was unable to, due to her own injuries. It hurt so much that Fuyumi was taking on this role at such a young age, but there was nothing Rei could do that would make things better; she had already told Fuyumi that she didn't need to take care of her older brother like that.

Fuyumi had looked her in the eye. "I know I don't have to. I want to. He's my big brother." It was one of the few times Rei had cried in front of her children.

Natsuo was four, and had not yet developed his quirk, but was still her most rambunctious child even without one. He seemed to simply push off Enji's piercing eye, the one that was waiting to see if Natsuo would be his masterpiece. Sometimes he even blew a raspberry at Rei's husband. He'd stopped after finding out just why his mother and older siblings froze every time he did so, but all of his energy was still there, a bright light in their dark household.

He was playing outside with his older siblings just then, having fun kicking a ball in the large lawn on Enji's property. It warmed her heart to see all of them so happy, and having fun. If only she could release the dread of Enji's return next week.

And little Shouto of course, only one year old. It was her youngest that Rei most feared for, as she held his sleeping form gently next to her chest, breathing in the warm summer air of the mountains. Shouto had been born with hair half red and half white, an eye like hers, and a blue eye like Enji's. Rei's husband was bursting with anticipation for when Shouto was old enough to receive his quirk, and Rei was shivering with fear.

She dreaded her husband's return to Japan. She feared for Touya, ached for Fuyumi, desperately clung to the limited days before Natsuo and Shouto received their quirks, and were therefore mostly safe from their father's wrath.

But for now, Rei was enjoying the peace and quiet that came with staying in the mountains, the happiness she felt from being able to spend time with all four of her children without having to worry about Enji coming in and taking Touya away.

And then it was all shattered.

It started innocently enough, with a group of large shadows coming over the mountains. Natsuo had looked up and pointed out what seemed to be a flock of massive birds with his usual four year-old excitement. Rei had followed his gaze to see the huge shadows drawing nearer and nearer.

Perhaps it was because she was the wife of a pro hero, even if she dearly wished she wasn't. Maybe it was the fear and suspicion that had been a part of her very being for the past ten years of being married to said pro hero. Whatever it was, Rei was inclined to trust it.

She stood up, Shouto in her arms, and ordered all of her children inside the house. Fuyumi looked at her with an expression of concern that should not have been on a seven year old's face.

"What's wrong Mom?" She asked. Her boys seemed to catch on to the wariness that filled both their mother and their sister's words.

Rei hesitated, trying to figure out how exactly to explain to her children that something was wrong. She never got the chance.

A low growl rumbled from the trees right outside of Enji's property, joined by others just like it, multiplying by the seconds and spreading all around them. The throaty snarls chilled Rei down to the bone. She tried not to show her fear on her face, and called for them to come inside again.

"Right," Touya picked Natuso up, who still seemed mostly unbothered by what was going on. "Okay mom, we're coming."

"Put me down Touya!" Natsuo whined. "I can walk on my own!"

"Not a chance, Natsu." Touya bounced his younger brother lightly on his shoulders, then wincing slightly. Natsuo must've landed on his fading shoulder injury. "You can't run very fast."

Natsuo's face scrunched up. "Can too!"

"Not fast enough," Touya corrected. They and Fuyumi started towards the house.

The growling noises got louder. The shadows in the sky moved closer. Rei's hands shook, and she adjusted to hold on Shouto to keep them busy. He youngest slept soundly on.

It was as her children were nearing the house that the things that were making the noise finally revealed themselves, crawling out of the woods and into the sunlight. Touya froze. Natsuo screamed. The sound that escaped Fuyumi seemed to be in between a question and a cry. Rei nearly dropped Shouto as horror flooded through her veins.

The things were tall, taller than any regular human. It looked almost like a twisted, perverted, version of a wolf, covered in black fur, with white plates and spikes sticking out at the shoulders and knees. It's face was terror inducing, a bone-like mask covering the entire thing, and glowing orange-red eyes that stared her and her children down, hunger in its gaze.

More of the things emerged from the trees, growing in number until they were completely surrounded by the strange wolves. Rei's eyes darted around their house, desperately searching for a way around them, but the wolves were quickly moving to encircle the entire building.

"Everyone in the house! Quickly!" Shocked out of their stupor by her words, her three children ran towards her, and the wolves gave chase with a loud battle cry. Rei's heart leapt in her throat as the creatures quickly started to close the gap between them and her three kids.

There was only one thing for it. Rei ran off of the porch, feet thumping down the stairs as she dashed across the lawn to meet her children, Shouto still sleeping in her arms.

She caught up to them quickly. Fuyumi looked at her, tears forming in wide, petrified eyes. "Mom, what're we gonna do?"

Rei handed Shouto to Fuyumi. "Take him inside, okay? I'll hold them off until you get there."

"Mom-!" Rei held up a hand to silence her oldest.

"I'll be alright. Now go, quickly!" After a moment more, her children ran past her. Rei closed her eyes to block out Natsuo's desperate calls as she faced the things coming after her and her children.

She hadn't used her quirk for much more than icing over bruises in so many years, to the point where Rei wondered if she could still use it as well as she used to. There was no time for hesitation though, as the creatures were almost upon her. As much as Rei hated it, there was a reason Enji had wanted her over any other ice user to make his 'masterpiece' with.

And so, as the wolf-like creatures drew nearer, drooling mouths open in snarls, sharp teeth ready to tear her and her children apart, Rei released her ice. It shot out like a bullet, pushing the creatures backwards and away from the house. With a flick of her feet, the ice spread out in a circle, creating a massive barrier between them and the things that wanted to hurt them. She could hear the creatures, snarling and clawing at her ice from the other side, but nothing seemed to come of it.

Rei let out a shaky sigh, her vision swarming. She swayed on her feet, and barely caught herself from falling backwards. It had been so long since she had last created that much ice. In fact, she might've just made more ice than she'd ever had before in her life. Rei was positive quirk exhaustion was getting to her at that point, and they still needed to find a way to escape. But for now, they were safe.

Several things happened at once.

First, Fuyumi tripped and fell. Over what, Rei didn't know, but she could hear her daughter's yelp as she hit the ground with a thud, could hear Shouto waking up and crying loudly. Touya turned around from his position on the porch, he and Natuso screamed for their brother and sister.

Next, the shadows in the air caught up to them. Rei looked up to see giant black birds, bigger than some of the aircraft she had seen in her lifetime, with white masks on their faces and glowing red eyes, just like the creatures on the ground.

One of them flicked their wings, and massive feathers shot towards the ground, encircling Fuyumi and Shouto like a feathery cage. The creatures dove down with a screech, the closest ones sharp black claws outstretched and ready to either pierce or scoop up Rei's children.

"FUYUMI! SHOUTO!" The words echoed around the lawn, and Rei almost looked around for the sound before belatedly realizing they had come from her own mouth. She was seeing everything in what was almost slow motion. Tears ran down Fuyumi's face as she hugged the crying Shouto close to her chest, a weak burst of ice shooting upwards, a hopeless attempt to stave off what was almost certain death.

Almost certain death.

Almost certain death.

Her children were going to die-


Rei's voice tore itself hoarse as she screamed, as she ran towards her children. They were going to die, they were going to be killed, but she couldn't let that happen, she had to protect them-

Her eyes burned.

Everything went silver.

So I'll admit: This whole story idea started with me watching RWBY and BNHA at the same time, and coming to the conclusion that if the Todoroki's were in RWBY, they might count as having silver eyes. Anyways, that's it for now! Hopefully the next chapter will come out much sooner.

Answers to reviews:

Dracus6: They definitely will, although they've got a bit of a head start at the moment. Don't worry, Izuku will be showing up eventually.

Maximum Rhapsody: Unfortunately, Ruby isn't exactly in a position where she can date anyone, not as she is at the moment. Ochako and Izuku, on the other hand, is entirely possible, and if enough people want it, I don't mind writing it in at all.

Karlos1234ify: Thank you!

Trey Alexander: Most of the Cast of RWBY is long gone at this point, unfortunately. Still, things are changing, and Izuku and Katsuki's situation might just change with it. Time will tell at this point.

catastrophiqu: Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well!

Cylon One: Ohmygosh, thank you! This was one of the reviews that inspired me to keep going despite the writer's block, and I hope the rest of the story holds your intrest as much as the first chapter did.

Boloipi: Don't worry, I'm not one for writing harems. Polyamory sure, but not harems. They won't be a part of this story, and any romance written is way far off.

Thank you so much everyone! Hope you enjoyed!