Miraculous Ladybug

Rise of the Miraculous Trio

DM Notes- Greetings readers. I'm a bit new to this side of the internet. Most of my works are under other fandoms. If you enjoy Gravity Falls or even Danny Phantom, I encourage you to check them out. Miraculous is a great show and I am rather fond of it. Just not some of the rabid pairers that are around. I will say it now, Marinette is not my favorite character. Now, don't get me wrong, Marinette is a good character, but I honestly prefer Adrien.

This will be a collection of shorts set after the grand finale of season two, so forgive me if a few details don't fit with future episodes from season three. All of these chapters will tie into each other and are non-linear, unless stated otherwise. For the most part, I want to focus on the three new Miraculous holders: Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee. But I will acknowledge any other holders that make an appearance. So, without a further ado, let's begin.

How dare she? How dare Marinette kiss her Adrien? Chloe was not happy about the fact Marinette kissed Adrien on the check after the events of Heroes' Day. Of course, she would have vocalized her thoughts, if not for the fact that she was trying to become a better person. Not to mention she knew how the others would react if she acted like Adrien was nothing more than a possession.

After the group went their separate ways, Chloe started to cool down after she thought about the situation differently. She really couldn't blame Marinette, she would probably have done the same thing. Though that doesn't mean she wasn't still agitated by the kiss.

Suddenly, Chloe was stopped by a wooden cane, snapping her out of her thoughts. She had nearly stepped right into traffic. Chloe took a gulp of air. "That was a bit close for comfort. Wouldn't you agree?" Came the voice of the man who just saved her.

Chloe turned her head to look down at an old Chinese man with a gray beard. "We wouldn't want to lose the great Queen Bee, now would we?" He asked, surprising Chloe.

Chloe snapped her head forward with a huff. "You're mistaken, old man. I'm no longer Queen Bee."

The old man chuckled at the blonde as he brought his cane back down. "Very true. Ladybug and Chat Noir were no longer in need of your services after Hawkmoth's near defeat."

Chloe huffed in annoyance as the traffic light changed. She then began to walk across only to be stopped by what the man said next. "If given the opportunity, would you like to be her again?"

Chloe turned, glaring at the stranger. "Of course I would. What kind of question is that?"

The man chuckled. "Ladybug has told me a lot about you, Chloe Bourgeois. And I must agree with her. You are spoiled and arrogant. And you have humiliated others just to raise your own ego." Chloe stiffened at his words. "However, being a holder of the Bee Miraculous has changed you for the better. And with time, you can be the hero, and the person, you want to be."

Thankfully, no-one was paying any mind to the two. The man then walked up to Chloe and handed her a piece of paper. "I will give you time to make a decision. When you are ready, come to me with your answer." He said as Chloe hesitantly took the paper.

The old man then left her with her thoughts.

[Rena Rouge/Carapace]

This was not an ideal date for Nino. Don't get him wrong, it was nice to spend time with his girlfriend. But hunting for Ladybug? "Why are we here again?" The DJ asked as they walked around a different part of town than what he was used to.

"I've gotten a handful of reports that Ladybug was spotted in this area during various Akuma attacks. Just before you, Chloe, and I were temporarily given a Miraculous in fact."

Nino was now interested. "That is odd. So this may be where Ladybug hides out then?"

"Probably, or Ladybug was given her Miraculous by someone else, and this is where she goes to meet with this said person." Alya replied.

Nino was about to respond, but was interrupted by someone else. "Very good, Rena Rouge." They said, spooking the couple.

Nino and Alya turn to see an old Chinese man standing behind them. "I was going to come look for the two of you, but it seems you have come looking for me instead." The man stated.

"You?" Nino asked before seeing the Miraculous of the Turtle on the man's wrist. "Wayzz?"

The kwami then revealed himself from behind the old man. "It is good to see you again, Nino."

"I believe we have matters to discuss." The old man stated, a tired smile still on his face.

Nino and Alya were soon lead to the old man's home, where he introduced himself as Master Fu and his role as the guardian. "So, you are the Guardian of the Miraculouses? Then how did Hawkmoth obtain his?" Alya asked, before taking a cup of tea Fu offered to her.

Master Fu gave a sigh. "My only mistake as a Guardian. I made a grave error long ago. And as a result of my error, it and the Moth Miraculouses were lost." He explained.

There was a silence as the two processed this information. "Do you know who Hawkmoth is?" Alya asked.

Master Fu shook his head. "I do not. There is book that holds all the secrets of the Miraculouses that was also lost. Ladybug told me that she had seen the book with a dear friend of yours, Adrien Agreste."

Nino and Alya gasped. "You're not saying that-" Nino asked.

Master Fu raised a hand to silence Nino as he sipped his tea. "Ladybug had her concerns as well, and only told me about this after she herself was able to prove Adrien's innocence. I can assure you, Adrien is not the holder of the Moth Miraculous." He stated, earning a sigh of relief from the two in front of him.

"So does that mean that Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth?" Alya asked.

"If he is, Gabriel was able to cover his tracks with his Akuma identity, the Collector." Master Fu stated. "And if that is the case, it begs the question of who he acquired the Miraculous from."

The two teens nodded. Nino then had a thought. "Not to be rude, my dude – I mean, Master Fu, but you said earlier that you were looking for us. Why is that?"

Master Fu chuckled. "Yes, it seems we have gotten a bit sidetracked. I have brought the two of you here for a purpose. As you may know, Hawkmoth has become an ever more increasing threat. Some of his Akuma cause more damage than any of us would like. Additionally, I am noticing an increase in Akuma attacks as of late. And Ladybug and Chat Noir cannot afford to have their concentration split. I would like to offer you the chance to become Rena Rouge and Carapace once again." He explained, surprising the two in front of him. "Ladybug put her trust in the two of you for a reason. And I must say, you two have certainly earned the trust of this old man."

Nino and Alya were practically speechless. This was a magnificent opportunity being presented to them. "I – I don't know what to say." Alya replied. "I thank you for this offer and for sharing to us this information. But this is a lot to take in."

Nino gave a nod in agreement. Fu then chuckled. "I would expect nothing less. Of course, I don't expect an answer immediately. I want you two to think about my offer." He then turned his attention to Nino. "If I may, Nino, I would like to speak with you in private."

This request shocked the couple. The two looked at each other before shrugging. Alya gave a nod before standing up and walking outside, so she would not hear what was said. As much as she would like to know what the two would be talking about, she didn't want to lose Fu's trust.

[Queen Bee]

The next morning, Chloe sat on her bed with the paper the old man had given her in hand. On this piece of paper was an address. Chloe was so sure of herself when the geezer had first asked the question. But after the small talk they had, Chloe became less sure of herself.

"You are spoiled and arrogant."

"With time, you can be the hero, and the person, you want to be."

"Ladybug has told me a lot about you, Chloe Bourgeois. And I must agree with her."

Even though Ladybug found her unfitting for the Miraculous, she gave her a second chance. And because of that, Chloe now wants to better herself. She wants to be the person Ladybug knew she could be. But was Chloe ready for such a responsibility? Even after she blew it her first time? Was she capable of becoming an actual hero?

This bothered her for the entire morning. So much so, she didn't acknowledge her butlers or her father. Even at school, she didn't pay attention to Marinette and Lulu going back and forth with whatever garbage they were spilling. Nothing else mattered. At some point, a familiar red mop caught her attention. Nathaniel Kurtzberg, the walking fashion disaster. Chloe overheard at some point he illustrated his hero and Ladybug fighting Chloe's recent failure, the Queen Wasp. And to be honest, she didn't remember seeing him at the party Marinette threw for her after the Maladictator fiasco. If he had yet to change his mind about her, Chloe knew there was a chance not many people had either. And that did not help with her confidence.

"Being a holder of the Bee Miraculous has changed you for the better." The old man's words repeated in her mind.

Has it? Has being Queen Bee really done that much? Chloe asked herself.

She was only Queen Bee three times, her first was a total flop, but her last saw the near defeat of Hawkmoth.

Chloe took out the address she was given and gave it one last look. As if to give her that last push she needed to decide. Her eyes then narrowed, her mind was now made up. There was no turning back now.

[Rena Rouge/Carapace]

"I mean, it's a fantastic offer." Alya stated, still debating whether or not to accept Master Fu's offer to become Rena Rouge and Carapace again. "We can get promoted to part-time heroes. We'll be able to help out Ladybug and Chat Noir more. But…"

Alya and Nino were seated in the Cafeteria. Marinette had left, fuming mad at the current situation with Lila. "But?" Nino asked.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir must have their plates full. Not only do they have to face Hawkmoth and his Akuma, but they also have to live their normal lives. Whatever those may be. Could we actually handle that kind of responsibility? And somehow be able to hide that kind of double-life from our friends? Our families?" Alya replied.

Nino placed a hand on Alya's. "I'm sure those two had the same questions and worries. I'm almost positive that's why Ladybug doesn't want her or Chat Noir to reveal their identities to each other. She doesn't want to endanger those they care for. And they've been doing this for over a year now." He said to assure her.

Alya gave Nino a small smile. "Well, I know what my decision is. What about you, Shelly?"

Nino laughed. "We are probably thinking the same thing." He then dropped his smile. "But, could you please not call me 'Shelly' anymore?"

Alya giggled. "No promises."

Other than the weird akuma that posed as Adrien, everything was fine for the rest of the day. After the bell rang to release the students, Alya and Nino made their way back to Master Fu's home to give him their answer. Upon walking through the door, Master Fu was there to greet them. "I see you two have come to a decision." He said with a smile.

The two nodded. "We have, Master Fu." Alya replied.

Master Fu brought out a small box from behind his back. "Alya Césaire, it is my honor to present you with the Fox Miraculous. I believe I you know the rest." He said as Alya gratefully took the box. "And to you, Nino Lahiffe," Fu added as Wayzz flew in from behind the two teenagers. "I present to you the Miraculous of the Turtle. As its former holder, I wish my former partner well in your care. And soon, I will share with you all the secrets of the Order of the Guardians." He said, causing Alya to gasp and look at Nino with shock.

(Flashback: 24 Hours)

After watching Alya leave, Nino turned back to Master Fu. "I – Is there something wrong, Master Fu, sir?" Nino asked nervously.

When it has come to figures of authority, Nino has not had the best of luck. One such example being Gabriel Agreste, when the man in question forbade Adrien from seeing Nino again, just because of his lifestyle. "Nino. Do you know why I gave Ladybug and Chat Noir their Miraculouses?" Fu asked, earning a silent head shack from the boy in front of him. "I am almost 200 years old. I am not the lively man I once was. And, unfortunately, I have no children. No legacy to pass my teachings on to. I am the last of the Order of the Guardians. When I die, so will the secrets of the Miraculouses."

"That's terrible!" Nino stated.

"However. I have faith that I can pass on my teachings to Ladybug and Chat Noir. But they may not be enough. In addition to my offer to let you continue this fight as Carapace, I would like to have you as my protégé." He said, surprising Nino.

"Ah! Master Fu, sir! I'm … I'm honored, but why me?"

Master Fu chuckled. "I see great promise in you, Nino."

"As do I," Wayzz added, offering Nino a fist bump. "Bro."

Nino chuckled. As shocked as he was, it was hard not to laugh at Wayzz trying to connect with him. Nino accepted Wayzz's fist bump. "Thanks, bro." He then turned back to Master Fu. "I will have to think this over. It's a lot to take in."

"I await your answer." Fu replied. "Dude."

(End of Flashback)

Master Fu then took off the Miraculous before handing it to Nino. Nino bowed. "Thank you, Master Fu. I am honored."

"The honor is mine." Fu stated as Nino rose and accepted the Miraculous. "Wayzz, has our final guest arrived?"

Nino and Alya, who was still trying to process what was happening, turned to Wayzz. "Yes Master. She looks like she has her mind made." The kwami replied.

"Alya, Nino, you are not the only two I asked to take up the Miraculouses once more. Although you already know her, do you wish to conceal your own identities?"

Alya and Nino turned back to Fu. "Wait, you went to Chloe?" Alya asked, not too ecstatic about the idea.

Master Fu nodded. "I know you two have a rocky history, so to speak. I even questioned Ladybug after Chloe's father was purified, if she had made the right choice. She said to me that, much like her time with her Miraculous, she has seen a change in Chloe. She believes that, in time, Chloe will be the person she knows she can be."

Alya's expression softened. "Well, I guess I can't question that logic. But, if it's all the same, I think it should be Ladybug's call."

"Same here." Nino replied with a nod. "Besides, we wouldn't want Chloe to treat us differently just because we work together."

Master Fu nodded. "Very well. If you would please."

"Trixx, Let's Pounce!"

"Wayzz, Shields Up!"

[Queen Bee]

"Trixx, Let's Pounce!"

"Wayzz, Shields Up!"

Chloe heard the transform calls of the other two heroes she had fought with during Hero's Day, Rena Rouge and Carapace. She wasn't sure what their opinions were about her, but she did think highly of them. Not as highly as Ladybug, but still pretty high.

So the old man asked them as well? Chloe thought. Guess I'm not as special as I thought.

When Chloe entered the main room the old man looked over to her. "Ah, Miss Chloe. It is good to see you again. You remember Rena Rouge and Carapace, don't you."

Rena and Carapace turned to her as well. Carapace gave a solute. "Good to finally meet you, Bee." He said with a half smile.

"You ready for the big leagues, girl?" Rena asked jokingly.

Chloe gave a playful scoff. "So you invited Shell-boy and Lady Vixen too, old man. Things must be getting pretty bad if you brought them along."

The three in front of her frowned. Rena Rouge even scowled. Chloe gulped. "S-sorry. I – I can't help myself sometimes." She said nervously. "It's a pleasure to see you two again."

The old man gave a soft smile. "As Ladybug has told me. She is a … Piece of work. But as Chloe has just demonstrated, progress is being made." Chloe blushed in embarrassment and gave a sheepish smile. "Since you are here, Chloe, I assume you have made a decision."

Chloe straightened herself and took on a more serious demeanor. "I have."

The man slowly made his way to Chloe. "I must apologize, Chloe Bourgeois. I forgot to introduce myself the other day. I am Master Fu, the last of the Order of the Guardians, protector of the Miraculouses. As I explained to Rena Rouge and Carapace, I made a mistake long ago, which caused me to lose the Miraculouses of both the Moth and Peacock. From my understanding, Hawkmoth acquired the Moth Miraculous from this individual. Who either one is, I do not know. After Hawkmoth appeared, I gave out the two Miraculouses I knew would help to Ladybug and Chat Noir. Now, I fear that even they are not enough. After your defeat as Queen Wasp, Ladybug sought you again to become Queen Bee. She soon saw how much you changed as a person and trusted you with the Miraculous." Fu then brought out the box containing the Bee Miraculous. "I do not like making the same mistake twice. Chloe Bourgeois, I bestow upon you the Miraculous of the Bee. I hope I can trust you to guard it with your life and use it only to help those who need it."

Chloe gave a nod and gently took the box. Upon opening the box, Pollen appeared before her. "Chloe?" The Kwami said.

"Hi Pollen." Chloe replied with a smile.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, my queen." Pollen stated enthusiastically.

Carapace and Rena chuckled. "Apparently, you haven't spent enough time with her." Carapace stated.

Master Fu gave a cough as Pollen turned to the shell fighter. "No. Just enough time to know her life's story. That her parents have clashing personalities, her father cares about her far more than her mother does. And how out of all the people in this city, the only three people in her life who actually show her love are her father and her only two friends." The Kwami retorted, planting a seed of guilt into the two heroes.

"Did I mention Pollen is the perfect fit for you, Chloe. You may have only known each other for so long, but the two of you are already like sisters." Master Fu stated with a chuckle.

The four then let out a laugh which lasted for a minute or two.

That night, Chloe and Pollen were getting ready to go to bed. Chloe didn't want to tell anyone that she had taken up the Queen Bee mantle again. She was waiting for the right time. She knew her mother wouldn't really care, but her father would probably have a heart attack.

Chloe sat on her bed, brushing her hair when a thought came to her. "Pollen."

The Kwami turned to her partner. "Hm?"

"What you said back there, to Rena Rouge and Carapace, why did you?" Chloe asked, causing Pollen to tilt her head in confusion. "You could have just agreed with them. I've been a terrible person. And I'm sure I'm the worst person to have used the Bee Miraculous."

Pollen scowled. "Now listen here." She said, surprising Chloe. "While it is true that you made a fair share of mistakes, you are aiming to correct them. And you are, by far, one of the best partners I have had. Hawkmoth is not the only holder to have misused a Miraculous. You had your reasons, yes, but they were in hopes of showing someone you can be more then just another face on the street. You have your flaws, Chloe, but I would not have it any other way."

Chloe smiled. "Thanks Pollen."

"Anytime, my Queen." Pollen replied. "Anytime."