A/N: This is just the prologue, so it's kind of short, but more exciting stuff is coming soon.

May's pretty cool with the whole "Spiderman" thing. At her insistence, she, Tony, and Peter all sit down and have a fairly lengthy conversation about ground rules. Peter will have a curfew. Tony will ask her permission before taking him on any "internship trips". If Peter is injured at all during his "Spidering" he is to stop immediately and seek medical attention from whoever is closer, May or Tony. Once and awhile, the three of them will get together and talk about how they all feel things are going. She tells Peter how proud she is of him (though slightly disappointed he hadn't told her earlier), and makes sure Tony knows exactly every reason he was wrong for involving Peter in Civil War.

For possibly the first time in his life, Tony does the mature thing and agrees wholeheartedly. Even more astounding, is that Peter agrees to the guidelines as well. There's a bit of negotiation regarding the time of his curfew, but all parties finally come to an agreement on 1:00 AM. Things go pretty smoothly, and after about three months, May decides she trusts Peter enough to leave him at home, while she visits a good friend in New Jersey. Tony is made aware of the situation and offers to have Peter stay with him, but May wants to give him a chance to prove he can be mature. Besides, he won't be home alone. See, May had introduced Peter to her new boyfriend two months ago. They had been sort of seeing each other for about three months before that, and, well, once Peter had given the "okay" Derek had moved in with them.

Exactly one day after May leaves, Peter stays out patrolling well past 4:00. Tony picks him up, to let him know he's grounded from the suit. The kid gives him the usual crap. He lost track of time, he's sorry, he won't let it happen again, etc. He's not in the mood for crap and relays this information to the junior superhero. Peter falls silent, and Tony is secretly pleased.. Peter doesn't get to go home that night, and if he gets in trouble for sneaking out by his babysitter (Tony's words), that's his problem to deal with.

Tony feels like he's dealt with the situation well, all things considered. He took care of things calmly and without ever raising his voice. A week without Spiderman patrolling would harm neither Peter, nor New York. He doesn't temporarily disable the suit, although he could, for two reasons. A), Peter is a big boy and should be mature enough not to use the suit when he's grounded, and B), if Peter is ever in danger, he wants (well, more needs) to know that Peter has a way of defending himself. He tells Friday to notify him if Peter activates the suit, not expecting to be notified, but having it in place just in case. Three days later, Peter surprises him.