Chapter 7

"The self-ordained Mr Black continues to surprise us, won't you agree, Ms Theta?"

"Indeed Mr Beta, Mr Black has proven himself to be quite an extraordinary individual, even by the Olympus' standards. Only one other has ever faced the wrath of the entire Pantheon and lived to tell the tale. And our sources have confirmed that Typhon remains trapped under Mt Etna, ever restless, but trapped."

"Which is why the emergence of this Enigma by the name of Black continues to baffle us," Mr Beta continued seamlessly, "Even the best of our reporters have not been able to find any records of this person. So, while we regret the absence of any substantial evidence, we have managed to gather several rumours about him, each one out-impossibling the other, if that is even possible."

"A source, who chose to go unnamed, has reported that Mr Black managed to capture an elusive creature that had even slipped through the capable hands of Goddess Artemis. We were lead to believe that the Mistress of Hunters herself submitted to his tutelage to learn his techniques." Theta's voice was filled with barely constrained awe.

"Due to his surprise visit into a closed doors meeting between the Pantheon, we have managed to glean yet another little titbit. As is we all know, the great doors of the Throne Room have been forged by Hephaestus based on some designs from Archimedes himself. They have further been enchanted by Hermes to be un-pickable. Only someone who was worthy of being in the Throne Room could open those doors. They could be blasted apart, yes, but not opened as easily as is suspected based on eye-witness accounts."

There was silence for a moment as the TV screen was filled by the paintings of Zeus swallowing Metis, and later with his head cracked open and Athena emerging from his head, fully grown with armour and all.

"We show these images to remind the viewers about the Prophecy that was spoken when God Zeus' reign was in its infancy."

The news channel then showed the violent encounter between Ares and Black. It clearly showed the powerful lightning strikes as they struck the helpless Ares.

"As can easily be seen, he has demonstrated having powers only Zeus himself possesses. Or rather," she smirked, "Zeus and his children. The Prophecy clearly says that the Son born of the union between Metis and Zeus shall surpass the gods, bringing with him the new age of Western Civilization. On the one hand, we have no confirmation for anything. But on the other," here she took a deep breath. "On the other, we'll be watching him very closely."

"That concludes the evening news, tune in later to find the other interesting theories that we have managed to collect. This has been Beta and Theta for Throes of the Throne, the channel you love."


"Okay Potter, calm down. No need to worry. None at all. No need to start cursing anyone who didn't tell you about the freaking Cerberus just outside the gates of the Palace," Harry muttered to himself as he watched the huge three-headed dog prowl from one edge of the gates to the other.

He was pretty sure one overpowered reducto from him was all that was needed to kill the thing, but ever since Sirius... well, he didn't want to kill another dog. That left stealth, and he was pretty sure that Professor's cloak would hide him from just about everything. Still all that the dog would need was one misstep, and, well, Harry liked not being geography. He was racking his brain when the proverbial light bulb lit in his head.

He pulled out his broom, activated his cloak, floated high enough that he was sure he could clear the walls, and zoomed away.

"Ya know... That Paul Walker guy is a real looker," one of the three Furies spoke up. "I wonder if Lord Hades would really care about one measly mortal soul. This old body has its needs, after all."

"With you there, sis. Oh his dreamy eyes..." another Fury fluttered her eyebrows.

"Have you thought of, just, stealing him?" the third gave her two drachma. "No need for the big man to know. At the rate the mortals keep dying, I wonder if we would even be found. Though..."


"The queen seemed to flutter her eyebrows a lot as she passed him in the EZ DEATH line..."

"Don't worry about it," the second one said dismissively, "I'm pretty sure that between the four of us we could reach some sort of an arrangement. Even if the mortals are known to be rather... fragile," she finished with some amusement.

The first's counter was interrupted by the barking of the Cerberus.

They were instantly on their feet.

Cerberus was barking away, at the sky. Each of the three Furies whirled around, and spotted a... broom?

They rubbed their eyes and verified that yes, a broom was flying over them, towards the castle.

Their eyes widened. They looked at each other.

"Do you think the boss will be mad at us if we left our post to investigate a..." her breath hiccuped, "a flying broom?"

"Let's just pretend we saw nothing," another suggested, "it's worked for us before."

"Yeah," the third agreed.

The broom sailed away, carrying its unseen occupant towards Hades and his home.



"Yes daddy!"

"Why are you not investigating Black? How will we maintain our cover of brilliant detectives if I can't give Madam Bones any intel?" Laetus Lovegood barked. "And no excuses about lack of funding either! I gave you pudding just last night!"

"Yes daddy," Luna giggled. "There just seems to be a problem."

"Well go on, we haven't got all day!"

"He has gone on a vacation, daddy."

"Has he now?" Laetus stroked his beard. "Your portkeys will be arranged. Be ready."

"He has gone to another world daddy."

"Oh..." his voice softened. Now how to explain this to his little innocent daughter... "well then, don't worry about more intel. I'm sure that he is in peace..."

"He's not dead, daddy." she giggled again. "He's just gone to another world."

"He was always going on about needing a vacation..." Laetus changed gears.

"Can I go with him daddy?"

"Sure honey, but how exactly will you do that?"

"Just need to snatch a wand, a cloak, and steal a stone daddy. I'll be back soon!" with that she ran away, leaving him staring at the door.

"Just don't forget the duck!"

"I will!"


Harry reached the throne room rather easily. Turns out that the dead didn't make for very good guards.

He observed Hades slumped over on his throne, and a pretty woman standing in a golden cage.

Just as Harry took the first step inside the throne room, Hades looked up, his brows furrowed.

Harry grimaced but let his cloak deactivate.

"Who are you?" Hades growled.

"Mr Black."

"And you're... alive?" His eyes narrowed. "How did you get inside?"

Harry shrugged. "I have come to free the woman." He pointed towards who he assumed was Percy's mother.

This would've been a rather simple transaction if he still had the Helm. But death herself had confirmed that the sword and the helm had merged with his core and had become a part of himself. They would materialise as needed, but he couldn't gift or loan them to anyone else.

Hades drummed his fingers on the armrest. "Why, and how do you want to accomplish that?"

"A barter if you will."

Hades's brows furrowed even further. "I don't see what you may have to offer, unless..." he clenched his fists, "Unless, you're the thief I've been searching for," he hissed.

Harry held up both of his hands in the universal sign of peace. "No, I am not," he lied easily. "I bring you something else, or rather," he smirked, "someone, who I'm sure you'd be glad to have."

"Do you have Percy Jackson? Good enough, I suppose. But I fail to see how bartering him for his mother will be of any use to you," Hades grinned rather nastily, "not when you'll never return to the world of the living, that is..."

"Oh I assure you," Harry chuckled, "I have my ways of returning. And no, I don't bring young Percy. Honestly, I don't know why you people have such a fascination with the young cretin," he shook his head. "Never mind. I have brought someone far more useful for you."

"Oh?" Hades leaned forward.

"May I present to you," Harry waited, before waving his hand dramatically, "Death!"

Hades' eyes widened comically.

Harry had asked, back in the afterlife, if Death really was going to be okay with the arrangement. Death had given him a reassuring nod. "He can be a bit of an ass," Death had admitted, "but I know how to stay out of his way, and he knows to stay out of mine. Nevertheless," Death smirked, "I'm sure that I won't have to wait long before you concur the world."

Harry had groaned.

"Wh- How?" Hades asked, bringing him back to the present.

"My magic is much beyond your understanding," Harry gave a Malfoy-worthy sneer, "Now," he inclined his head towards Mrs Jackson, "I believe we had a deal."

Hades regained his control after the momentary lapse. "I'm sure that you would both enjoy your eternity in Fields of Punishment. Indeed, I have no more use of her than I have of you." He smiled victoriously.

Harry nodded. He waved his hand and Death returned back to the afterlife. "I expected this, of course."

Hades continued grinning. "I have an eternity to force you to get him back."

"No you don't." Harry apparated away.

Hades surged on his feet, but Harry was gone. One long moment passed, during which Hades had continued pacing in the hall before a purposeful pop sound announced the arrival of Harry. "Have you reconsidered the offer?"

"YOU DARE?" pop.


"Don't run away! Stay where I can kill you DAMNI-" pop.

This time Harry let Hades stew for a little while, so when he finally arrived, he was greeted with Hades drooped over his throne. "So... I'm guessing you finally saw reason?"

"Just give Death back to me. And take the mortal. Just... just go." Hades waved his hand, and the golden cage around Sally simply disappeared.

Harry cocked his head at the abrupt change, but finally nodded.

"Do me a favour," Harry said once he had an arm around Sally, "and start paying Charon on time." Harry disappeared with a pop.

"You're going to run out on me again?" Hades asked Death in defeat. He had finally accepted the fact that Percy Jackson will not return his Helm. He would have to go searching on his own.

"No," Death inclined his head. "You're a good boss. Just start paying me on time and we're good."


"So that was rather amusing, won't you agree?" Harry asked, looking over the outskirts of Los Angeles before turning around, when he finally noticed the woman kneeling over and hitching. "Oh... oops? I... should have warned you?" Harry asked in lieu of an apology.

After dry heaving a couple of times the woman finally stood upright. "You could say that," she glared but eventually relented. "Thank... Thank you for saving me. Where's Percy? Is he okay?"

"Percy is inside the camp," Harry confirmed, "and if you'll just hold my hand, we'll pop over–"

"No," she whispered, quietly but firmly. "No, I'm not popping again."

"Well, that certainly limits our options. We could fly over there on a broom," her eyes popped comically, "Or we could just use the bike," he finished, barely hiding his grin.

"The bike," she spoke quickly.

He nodded before pulling out his bike. She stared at his bike, then at his jacket, and finally him.

"Oh bloody hell! You've dated a god! You even had a kid with him! And this is the part that surprises you?"

She blushed before replying, "That was long ago."

"We will have a long time to for you to tell that story," he waited as she got comfortable in his side-car, "After all, even by air, Los Angeles to New York takes close to 8 hours." He waited just long enough to see her eyes widen again before he revved the accelerator and shot into the sky. His grin could've been mistaken for Apollo. Finally, he was having fun.


AN: a bit shorter than the last chapter, but that's where I want to end this one. The meeting with Luna deserves its own seperate chapter after all.

Like how Hades is dealt with? I disliked the idea that Harry would forever be saddled with Death's job in 'Terminal Justice'. So, Hades keeps his job, but Harry can use his veto once before being discovered.

Also, since Hephaestus threatened to stream the entire love-ride that Percy and Annabeth were forced into, I think that Daily News reporters must be a thing in Olympus.

What did you think of this? Good? Bad? R&R!

Now that the fun stuff's outta the way, I noticed the review by Otsutsuki Naruto. I firmly state this again, Overkill and Rorschach are both geniuses, and I will not even try to diminish their work by making a worse version of it. So yeah, while the characters and the world is theirs, the story will be mine. The characterization will be different, just because we are different authors.

That said, Thanks to everyone else who has reviewed the story. Your support keeps me going, even through the awful situation of Covid-19. Stay home, folks, and stay safe.