Shuri had been at Avengers compound for the last few days, and so had Peter.

Tony had noticed it a few times. The pair would be the lab sharing a table, singing something mumbled, doing a dance move [he believed called 'hitting the woah'], then giggling. He raised a brow observing the teens laugh with each other, it was endearing them acting so young.

Peter and Shuri had hung out every day so far, but their inside jokes were always too quiet to hear. So when Tony had left the pair alone, and came back to Peter half-soaked, and the pair near crying from laughter. It had been less than five minutes.

Tony had just left when Peter and Shuri burst out laughing at another joke, "Look at this graphhhh," Peter repeated louder, still laughing.

Shuri clapped her hands together as her head threw back in laughter, "I can't believe that's your favourite vine."

"It's a classic, I don't have a favourite," Peter explained wiping a tear away.

She thought for a moment, "What are some other classics?"

Peter snickered sitting beside her. He turned slowly to look at her, "Wowww," he referenced.

Shuri laughed, "The one with the girl vaping?"

Peter chortled, "Yes!"

Peter got up again and poured them some water from the lemon infused jug Pepper had left for them, "Here," he smiled pushing the drink toward her.

"Thanks," a sly grin snuck onto her face seeing him hold his glass.

"What?" Peter asked taking a sip.

"Did I really just forget that melody?" Shuri began smirking, pulling out her phone and going onto Tiktok.

Peter looked at her wide-eyed, "No, with the drink?" a smile still on his face.

She played Lalala [by Y2K] on her phone as she filmed, "Ba-na na na-na-na-na ba-na-ba-na-"

"Nuh nuh na-na-na, alright, da da da-da-da da." Peter finished.

Together they yelled, "When I POPPED OFF-" Peter woah'ed spilling his drink all over his face, on the counter and floor. Shuri shook the camera from laughing. Saving it to her drive, not posting for their privacy.

Tony walked in less than a minute later, Peter ringing out the bottom of shirt over the puddle with DUMMY mopping it up. "Oh, hey Mr Stark!" He giggled, "Sorry I'll clean this up," he confirmed.

Shuri snorted quietly re-watching the film on her phone, "I think your girlfriend will love to see this," she threatened slowly moving away from Peter.

Peter stared at her surprised, "No, no," he watched as she tried to slide away and finally began chasing her.

Tony watched the pair run away in awe. "Friday, show me what just happened."