Hello everyone! I live! I know I have other stories that NEED to be updated, but this story is a challenge issued to me from the Christmas in July Secret Santa Fic Exchange that I had to accept because of what it entails. Even though I was the odd one out since the person that was supposed to write a fic for me bailed (The site moderator let me know) I am still happy to do this.
Happy Christmas in July, NobleLion6 (Or whatever your username is this week. Seriously, Quit changing it. Every. Single. Week) I am glad I told you the title in advance. Also for letting me do my own thing with this if this sucks since it is my first foray into writing anything HP, thanks.
EDIT: I Just receive notice after posting this that I should follow the twice blessed challenge guidelines instead for the most part, but put my own spin on things. Nob liked them better. I can change up the rules a bit, to accomodate what I have had planned already. (I would have loved to have had notice two weeks ago before I already used up hours making a rough outline) So Yay!
Characters may be OOC
Also glossing over a lot of the Gringotts scenes because I can't write politics.
Also ignoring the fact that after the wars Zeus makes Apollo mortal so that whole thing is gone. I haven't finished the first PJO series yet, due to the upcoming Artemis Fowl movie. And I am currently reading the Magnus Chase books. Because Alex Fierro. And Magnus is a god dang cinnamon roll.
This is just a short prologue, BTW.
Disclaimer: I do not own HP or PJO/HoO
Plot: Every Half-blood has one god parent, this we know. However, Harry is different because of one reason: through ways of the divine, he has more than one god for a parent/guardian.
Light, Grey, or Dark Harry (Grey)
Harry's first god parent MUST be one of the twelve while others can be any of the Greek/Roman Mythological forces: gods, deities, divines etc. (Hehe)
Harry and Percy MUST have different views of right and wrong. (Harry is a more Oh great more things to fix)
Either Thalia, the Di Angelo's or Clarisse must be allied with Harry — any others are up to the writer. (I love Nico)
Whoever is Harry's first god parent MUST break the law and talk/interact/meet with Harry (So much Cereal)
If Harry is Dark, Luke MUST see Harry as the new leading force of the New Olympus and pledge to serve him instead of Kronos. (Since this is set after and Harry is Grey...)
Any pairings are welcome (YAY!)
Tom and Dumbledore must both feel wary about Harry when he comes into his godlike powers. (Poor Dumbles)
The Horcrux is destroyed — unless Harry's other god parent uses it to determine him as theirs (It gets dealt with my way)
Even though he leaves Hogwarts for CHB or his own dwellings, Harry must keep in touch with his friends. (LUNA! NEV! TWINS!)
At least one of Harry's friends — or a redeemed friend if you want to use someone like Draco or Severus — must be a demigod. (I got plans)
Sirius and Remus do not abandon him. (Duh. Doggy Dads FTW!
Harry and Percy as enemies. (Nope.)
Immortal Harry. (Maybe~.)
Master of Death Harry. (Maybe~.)
The force that determines Harry is a primordial ex. Thanatos, Erebus, Nyx, Chaos, etc. (Nah.)
Harry saves Luke before Kronos gets to him. (Again, set after luke is dead, so...)
Harry's god parent — the main one — is one of the Big Three. (Nope)
Lily/James were that particular god in human form. (Does possession count?)
Others of the HP universe are demigods. (Accepted.)
A prophecy made about Harry. (Other than the cannon one? if it strikes my fancy under this new set of rules and i change things up)
Slash. (Yes Please)
The PJ/HoO universe being diverted from canon due to Harry's involvement. (DUH!)
Kronos — somehow — is Harry's god parent, so a Titan!Harry could be allowed too. (Nope. (Not that i haven't enjoyed a few like that, just not in this story)
Harry remaining the naïve, malleable wizard/demigod people wish him to be (Oh hells yes! My boy is no fool)
Harry's main god parent being anything other that Olympian/Roman (This does give me plunnies for other stories though)
Dumbledore and Tom as allies of Harry (In this Tom is, since I am doing this as a gift fic and this was requested)
Sirius and Remus abandoning Harry (Accepted whole heartedly)
Lilly Potter had always wanted a child. It was an indisputable fact. When she found out that she was unable to bear children she was devastated. Her loving, amazing husband, James Potter, was so supporting and a great comfort to her.
She was thinking of this when said husband walked into the kitchen as she was making dinner.
"I think I found a solution, Lilly-Flower!"
Years later, after the Tri-Wizard Tournament...
Harry adjusted the cap he was wearing to cover the iconic scar on his forehead. Sirius, as Snuffles trotted happily beside him, head held high to show off the nice studded collar Remus had provided along with a leash. He was the one to remember Muggle leash laws. Harry had to stop himself from laughing at the fact that Sirius and Remus were oblivious to the fact that the two were in love with each other.
No one paid them any mind as they made their way to Gringotts. Harry would be eternally thankful that the real Moody let him know about the watch set up on him and for giving Harry and Sirius the opportunity they needed to escape to America. The Black Family actually owned a town house like Number 12 in new York City. It was warded to the nines and a secret at that. Remus was already making his own way there since that morning. The two wanted Harry to have no part in the upcoming war.
Harry thanked his lucky stars that he had sent a rented owl ahead with a letter to the bank earlier that day. The two were ushered into a private meeting room as soon as they entered the bank. He was glad the bank was free of anyone but staff at the moment, since it was around 7 pm on a Tuesday. And closing in half an hour.
Harry let Sirius do most of the talking, since as Harry explained in the letter, he had no idea what to do in this situation and Sirius is his godfather.
They found out that Harry was technically emancipated due to participating in the tournament even though the age limit had been 17, the age a witch or wizard became an adult in the wizarding world.
They ended up doing an inheritance test on Harry to see if they could do anything else to distance Harry from the war at Sirius' request.
What they found out shocked them.
Thank you all for reading.
Please Review. They give me motivation to update.