Ranma woke up the next day and checked the calendar. It was the beginning of the final week before school starts once again this spring. He looked around and saw his buddy floating in the air. The green eyes were dull. The boy knew the monster was sleeping right now. He quietly climbed off his bed and went to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.

He looked around and sighed. There was no presence of his parents. He only got a note saying that they had to work for a long time today. It was the typical stuff he got.

The boy sighed and began to eat. Ranma was already planning his day with his friends. He was getting excited to show them his buddy. He felt as lucky as Yuga when a monster entered in his life.

The little thing he knew about the Dimension Dragon was that he was that and was fairly polite. He had a large appetite and devour a lot before he was full. The monster talked little about himself and to not attack him like he did yesterday, "It was just a hug," he grumbled as he ate.

"I consider this… 'hug' thing an attack," Destroyer replied as he joined him in the kitchen.

The young human prepared something for his buddy to eat. He was certain the monster was hungry. He pouted, "It's not."

"Say that when it is around your neck," the monster countered.

There was an awkward silence between them.

Destroyer punished himself from replying that.

"Anyway… Oh. I'll go see my friends after breakfast. I'll show you to Yuga and his new buddy," Ranma suggested.

"I rather not. It wasn't easy to find you and… Well…," he realised he was starting to make an excuse, "I am not shy if this is what you think."

The boy didn't really mind the excuse, "Okay."

Destroyer found something to say, "I rather get use to this world first. You can surprise your friend another time if you said nothing about me."

Ranma wasn't certain immediately but after thinking about it, he could see the face of his friend when he showed his buddy, "Yeah. You did say you know little of our world," not like Dragon World. He thought of that example,"I'll just come back early then."

The monster was left alone in the house, this kid… his thought didn't go farther than that. He had no idea how to finish that sentence. He let his body out of his skull while he was finally alone to stretch it.

Chapter 3: The Last Vacation Week

Garga was eating breakfast with Yuga and Haru, "I am thankful that you let me rest in your house Miss Paruko."

"You can just call me Paruko," the mother of the two boys replied.

She was a woman with peach skin, pink hair bright green eyes. She wore a white top with a pink pastel skirt.

"I shouldn't just call you that way. You are offering delicious meals and it would be disrespectful to call you just by your name," the white dragon countered.

"You are my son's buddy, so I have no problem. Just don't distract him too much when school starts," she replied.

Yuga and Haru sighed at the thought of their new school year beginning soon. They only had around five days before it came. With Gargantua being here for just two days and many things changed.

The older brother didn't want to think about school right away and thought of a diversion, "Maybe I should call dad. I still haven't told him about my buddy."

"He is quite busy right now in America. He is in a big case," Paruko replied.

"Case?" the dragon head twisted to the left a little, "Oh yeah. The ruler of Dragon World did say that he is a member of this Buddy Police Force."

"He is," she replied.

Yuga and his brother finished eating and said, "And done. We should go now mom. I have another game to overcome for Paltube!"

His mother turned around and said with a smile, "Don't come back too late."

"Wait big bro," Haru said as he followed his brother, "We won't mom!"


Gargantua finished eating and pat his belly, "It was delicious again Miss Paruko. I will go with them now," he climbed off the chair and followed them. He realised he was a little on the late side and race after them.

Later that day, Ranma smiled as he finished recording the game his friend made. He had a large smile while looking at his friend. Having a buddy just like Yuga really made him feel better. It was less quiet at his home now and he enjoyed it, I wish he could come with me like Gargantua. Maybe soon, he was positive about it.

"And another success," Yuga commented with a smile as he high five with his brother.

"You still keep your perfect record so far Yuga," his friend responded with a smile. He put the cameras in his bag and said, "All that is left is to update everything on my computer and edit a few pointless elements of for the video."

Gargantua had his arms crossed and asked, "And what is the point of those… videos? Are you training for something Yuga?"

The boy chuckled and replied, "No Garga. I'm playing some games and putting it online. I said that I would succeed all of them during vacation as a challenge and didn't fail so far."

"G-Garga?" the white dragon asked confused.

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his head, "It's just easier to say that then your entire name. Gargantua is a little… complicate to say all the time buddy," the boy nervously smiled.

The dragon chuckled, "Do as you want. Not the worst mini name I got in my life."

They knew he meant nickname.

"Thank you Garga," the boy said.

"Can I call you Garga too?" Haru asked.

A small smile and a nod from the monster were all the answer he needed. The younger sibling was happy about it.

Ranma said, "I wonder if we will have some other games with Gargantua," he didn't have the authorisation to use the nickname. He almost spilled the beam that he had a buddy too. It was better not to say everything and having to explain why he didn't come.

"I am not such player," the white dragon replied as he crossed his arms. He lightly pouted at the mere suggestion of those childish games; I am way too old for this. I am here for a mission anyway. He was a little uncertain if he came too soon. He didn't notice any trace of his nemesis on Earth so far.

"He is much older than us. More than the current leader of Dragon World… right?" Yuga asked a little uncertain.

"Yes. I was an adult before he was even born or his own father. I am that old and don't take shame of my age. I hold wisdom in me that I shared to some curious dragons long ago," he began to give a short exposition of his wisdom.

Ranma used that chance to get away from it, as it was some boring wisdom that couldn't be use by humans, "I got to go home now. I'll update it on Paltube and I cannot be late."

"Your parents are home?" his friend asked.

No. He put a mask to hide his true feelings as he smiled, "Yes," it was easier, knowing that his buddy was home, "Bye!"

"Bye!" Yuga said.

Gargantua nodded negatively, "It's a shame that he couldn't stay. I have other life experience I can share. Like my first battle against my father," he sounded melancholic, "While he was still around us."

"How was your father?" the siblings asked.

"He was kind but strict. I had to do everything at the right time. If I was late, he was…. A little angry. If I was too soon, that was extra training. He was that on time," he had a small smile on his face. It was obviously good old time for the dragon. He talked a little more about it as the trio returned home.

Ranma sighed as he reached his home, "Those cameras are still heavy," he grumbled. He entered inside and as expected, his parents weren't there.

His buddy came and gazed at the boy, "Hello Ranma."

"Hi Destroyer," the boy gazed at the side and asked, "Did my parents came home while I was gone?"

"Your father made a quick visit and left without noticing me," the monster had a hint of bitterness in his voice. The boy wasn't certain if it was because he was ignored or something else.

"As usual," the child concluded.

"Your mother left a message that she had extra hours at her job on this… thing," he gazed at the answering machine. The dragon commented, "They are always busy with something else."

Ranma nodded quietly and went to the kitchen, "You must be hungry," he turned around and smiled, "I'll make something for us."

The Dimensional Dragon was uncertain how he should response at that obviously fake smile. He knew nothing about the boy, yet, he could recognise when something was fake. That was how he survived on his world. He knew what solitude was like and could see that part in his buddy.

He didn't care that much about him to call it out but he was his buddy. Fate brought them together and if he didn't do something, it might hinder him the moment he would faze his enemy who dare defeat him long ago and wounded his ego. He just followed the boy for now.

"Anything you want?" the boy asked still having his fake smile.

I have to response. Think… Guess I should… try to know him, "I'll take what you want to eat," the monster answered.


As the boy prepared their diner, the monster tried to engage in a conversation. He was limited and it was annoying him. Destroyer had a question. Something he was curious about, "Where did you go today?"

"I met my friend Yuga and his brother Haru. We recorded another of our game we made for vacation and I'll have to upload it later. I wanted to tell them about you. I almost let it escape me," he nervously chuckled. His smile became a little more genuine, "I really want you to meet them and my friend's buddy."

"Maybe one day," the monster admitted, I shouldn't stall it for too long, He mentally noted.

"And vacation is soon over. It's back to school in only a few days," he sighed. He was still happy somewhat, "I hope I'll be in the same class than Yuga."

This should be my deadline, "This might be the perfect time to meet your friends."


"Yes. And don't attack me," he ordered when he saw the muscles of his buddy tensing a little.

The boy pouted, "I wasn't," he gazed at the dragon, "It isn't an attack anyway."

"Whatever," Destroyed rolled his green eyes.

A few days later, Yuga whined as he looked at the calendar, "Dammit. Today is the last day before we go back to school."

His buddy ate his breakfast with a smile, enjoying humans' food. Even after a few days, it was still as tasty as before, "Everyone must train to become a warrior."

"That's… not all what school is about," Yuga nervously replied as he scratched the back of his head.

"What is it then? Everyone kid is getting pretty sad about this school thing. I know your kind aren't as… warriors than other worlds in… our way. Still I thought you learned at least how to defend yourself at school," the white dragon said confused.

"It's all math, reading, history and stuff like that," he sighed.

"Sports are the only thing where we train," Haru added.

"What kind of horror is this school?" the dragon yelled in outrage, "I can already feel that the training of the mind and body is outbalanced."

Paruko searched for the right answer while the dragon continued ranting. When Garga calmed down, she explained, "It's because our world is one of mind. Many jobs asked more of the mind than the body."

"That's… really weird," the monster admitted. He wasn't judgemental about it. It wasn't his world and was well aware of it.

"You can come with us tomorrow and we'll show you around," the older sibling said with a smile as he pointed at him.

"It's still a fun place," Haru said.

"We make friends, play many games and there is also Buddyfights," Yuga thought of other examples that was outside of class time when he was cut.

"Buddy…fights?" the dragon asked.

Yuga explained as he finished his breakfast, "It's battle between buddy monsters. You are more warriors. There is so much more about it," the boy began to explain what it was.

Meanwhile, Ranma was also explaining at the same time what Buddyfights was, "There is an arena in Aibo Academy were monsters fight. It can be considering some training or for fun."

"Battling for… fun?" even Destroyer was perplexed by it.

"I had trouble believing that until I saw what the arena really was," the boy said, "You have to see it to understand how it can be fun," he nervously chuckled as he wondered if he could explain it.

"I'll see it then," the monster concluded.

The boy gazed at his buddy and asked, "You won't change your mind?"

He nodded negatively, "I said I would come with you at this school and I will," I cannot stay here forever. I'm getting bored out. I can destroy anything and there is nothing else to do.

The boy wanted to hug his buddy but knew how he'll see it, "It will be so much when I present you to Yuga and Haru."

"It will be interesting."

Ranma continued to talk about school and buddyfight until he grabbed his bag, "I have to go and record our final game before school restart. We got to keep our perfect record," he chuckled as he was about to leave. He stopped and said, "And thank you for being my buddy," he smiled and left the monster on his own.

Destroyer gazed at the empty space where the boy was and thought about it. He sighed, "Whatever. Sad your parents are always gone," he admitted, still better than mine.

The monster was once again left alone in the house. It was his own choice and didn't complain about it, tomorrow will be the day. He was wondering who were the friends of Ranma and where was Gargantua. He wanted the coming day to be close and defeat that dragon. He would make him regret defeating and humiliating him long ago. He could feel the blood boiling in his veins.

AC: This is the end of this chapter. I thought it would be longer but I had to make changes and reduce it. It didn't really have anything interesting but I hope you like the little background before the children go to school.

Next Chapter: The Encounter, First Day School.